Alright In the End- Thirty Four

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Trigger Warnings: Near death, talk of suicide, lots of tears/crying, angst bitch, swearing most likely, talk of overdose

Remy's POV

I trow myself of the ledge after him. Once I grasp his arm, my wings rip from my back. We drift to the ground and I burst into tears.

Beep, beep, beep

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi. My friend overdosed and fainted off the ledge of the building."

"Is he still breathing?"


"Is his pulse there?"

"It's uneven and weak." I admit, my fingers pressed to his wrist.

"Alright. The ambulance is on it's way."

"Thank you." I don't have the others' number, so I set my phone on speaker next to me and call Logan on Virgil's phone. Almost immediately I hear a voice on the other end.

"Hello? Anxiety?" Logan answers, his voice hopeful. Patton and Roman behind heard behind him, "Are you alright?"

"No. He's not." I simply say, choking back a sob.

"Sir, the ambulance is five minutes away." The operator speaks from my phone.

I look towards it, "Alright. Thank you. I'm currently talking to his friends."

"Alright Sir."

"Was that the police?" Logan asks, "Who is this? You're on speaker."

I take a deep breath, "It's Remy. That was 911, I'm talking to them right now?"

"Why?" Patton asks worriedly, his voice shaky and watery.

"Anxiety was going to jump from a roof. I talked him out of it, but he passed out and fell off the ledge." I hear everyone sob.

"So he's dead?" I'm not sure who asks.

"No. I managed to save him. The ambulance is on it's way. He overdosed on anxiety pills and fainted." I silently sob. Suddenly, ambulance sirens ring in my ears.

"I have to go." I say, hanging up on Logan, Patton, and Roman. Then I'm told to hang up on the operator, so I do. Virgil gets loaded into the ambulance and I hop in behind him. The nurses on hand sterilize him, make sure his blood flow is steady, and they give him a few drug tests and a few other things. 

I didn't get to see anything else, because I passed out.

When I woke back up, I was being told where Virgil's room was and helped out of the ambulance. The nurses said that he was being tested, meaning I can't go in straight away. Instead, I call up Markus and Leo.

They answer, "Hey Rem. What's up?" Leo's cool voice asks.

"Uhm. You might want to come to the Sander's Hospital right now."

"Why?" Markus asks.

"Uhm. Virgil may be on the verge of death here."

"What?!" They both shout, hurting my ears, "What happened?"

"Virgil fainted off the ledge after overdosing on anxiety pills right as I talked him out of it." I sigh, "The angels are on their way as well."

Leo's voice quickly speaks, "We'll be there in a minute. What room?"

"They'll tell you. Just say I sent you."

"Got it." Then the call is ended. Within a few minutes, Leo and Markus rush down the hall, looking at me. Leo speaks up.

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