A Date?-Twenty Nine

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SORRY! I just realized how badly I messed this up. I hope this fixes it a bit. This obviously goes after the last part of Twenty Eight.

Virgil's POV

I look at the outfit Logan has on. He's wearing a long sleeved white button up with a light gray vest over it. There is a black tie under the partially buttoned up vest and he's wearing some loose black jeans.

"Perfect!" I cheer, I look at him slightly and notice something.

"One more thing." I whisper. I take off the black tie and replace it with a dark blue and light blue striped tie. I put it on him and accidentally tie it too tight. Logan makes a soft choking noise.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Logan. I didn't mean to make it to tight." I cry.

"Its quite alright." Logan says readjusting his tie, "I'm just surprised you know how to tie a tie."

"I know a lot of things. Just no one notices."


"What is one of the other many things you have knowledge over?"

"I have actually been trained in the art of tree identification and I am a nature extraordinaire."


"Yeah." I conclude.

Logan clears his throat, "Now, allow me to change and we can begin to fully plan and set up."

"Yeah." I smile and step out of the room. I lean against the door and scroll through different food items Patton would like.

Shoot! We need to get Patton out of the house. I'll text Roman.

emonightmare: yo.
DisneyHeadache: What's up babe?
emonightmare: can you get Pat out of the house for a little bit?
DisneyHeadache: No problem. Why though?
emonightmare: nothing super important as of right now
DisneyHeadache: Tell me! I want to know!
emonightmare: ill tell you later. gotta go

I put my phone away and walk into Logan's room when I hear him tell me that he's dressed.

"I have some food that we can make, and Roman is getting Pat out of the house so we can do this."

"Thank you for this."

"It's no problem at all. I'm not really doing anything. Figured I'd help out my friend." I offer a weak smile, Logan does the same. 

"So. Now, when Patton and Roman are out, if you don't mind you can cook the food while I get everything else planned out." Logan says messing with his tie.

"That's fine." I smile. We walk downstairs at different times and act like nothing happened until Ro and Pat left. I got up and walked to the kitchen and immediately sprung into action, following recipes, sifting through our kitchen, using multiple appliances at once.

A few hours later

I finish packing all the food into a small basket and throw it in the car. My clothes, hands, face, and hair are all covered in flour and sugar and a few other ingredients.

"Logan. They're gonna be here any minute. When they get here I'll go with Pat to get him dressed properly, you change during then." I turn to him, wiping my hands on a table and wiping the back of my hand on my forehead.


I begin to work on cleaning the kitchen. I made a mess, but that's fine. Foods not good if it's not messy in at least the making right?

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