
By Nightzz00

92.3K 5.6K 3.6K

The Stone brothers are reckless, obnoxious, spoil brats. These bad boys are well known around Sunset Falls, f... More

Hot Jerk
Hide and seek
Drive Home
Baby Lambo
Smoking Hot
Mirror Mirror
The Ex
Dream Lover
James Bond
Sleeping Beauty
Annoying Guest
Gate Out!
My Angel
Tag Love

Blake's Lover

2.9K 176 94
By Nightzz00

I always liked Isla. I remember when I first met her in detention. She was a little troublemaker back then. She wasn't popular or a loner, but a rebel and I liked that. I guess she reminded of me, but less subtle version. My little Rebel.

I smile inside, just thinking about last night. It was fun teasing her, plus it felt good to have her in my arms like she always belonged there. I feel like now I know she hates that, I am definitely  going to do it more, just to piss her off. I grab my duffel bag and get dressed in my dark hoodie and dark jeans. I grab my leather gloves and my mask and I drop it into the duffel bag. Then I take my my Glock pistol out from the safe.

Today we are going to break into Mr. Anderson's mansion. That fucker has no idea we are coming. He actually doesn't to be honest, because he's on a long holiday on his yacht, with his 20-year-old playboy girlfriend. That bastard has got something of ours, which is worth more than gold. I want it back! Once I have got everything, I leave the room and I head downstairs with my duffel bag. I see Ash is already here dressed like me.

"Where's Nash?" I look around.

"In the shower with Sophie," he laughs.

"Great!" I roll my eyes, almost laughing as well.

"After this, I want to go and grab some KFC, okay?" I nudge him.

"Sure, bro! But I will wait in the car though;" his smile fades away and is replaced by a scowl.

"Hey, if you don't want me to go in there, I won't." I place my hand on his shoulder, assuring him.

"Nah, you love your KFC. I can't stop you, because of that fucking chicken fillet!" He shakes his head, getting mad now.

I feel sorry for him. He was so in love with Emma. But that bitch cheated on him, with her best friend, who is a manager at KFC. When Ash found out, all he saw was red. He beat the crap out of Ben, and named him chicken fillet, because of where he works. So that's his name, for the rest of his damn life now.

"How long is he going to take?" I wonder. We both wait for 10 more minutes, sitting on the steps,  waiting for his horny ass to come downstairs.

"Hey guys!" He runs down the steps wearing similar clothes to mine and Ash. He's got his phone on one hand and his mask in the other.

"Where's your girl?" I get up and face him with Ash.

"Bro," he scoffs a laugh. "She's not my girl," he shakes his head laughing.

"I AM NOT YOUR GIRL!!!" Sophie slams her hand on the railing, making Nash's eyes bulge out of his socket. I and Ash burst out laughing. 

"Baby," he turns quickly around, calling her sweetly.

"Don't you baby me, Nash!" She stomps all the way down the stairs. I grab Nash's mask and back away. I place  it in the duffel bag and hide it, next to the plant pot.

"What did I say, huh?" He grabs her by the waist and pulls her closer to his torso.

"Don't touch me, you jerk!" She punches him wildly with her tight fists.

"Argh! Babe, com'on!" He tries to hold her, but she pushes him off and leaves through the front opened door, slamming it violently shut.

"OH SHIT!" Ash slaps Nash's back, laughing so hard.

"You think that's funny, eh?" Nash head locks him, and they both start wrestling in the foyer.

"Guys, com'on," I step in between them.

" I'm ready, let's go!" Josh comes over dressed like us.

"Josh, you're not going," I look over at him, as I separate Nash and Ash.

"But why not?" He whines.

"You need to watch,Isla." I insist.

"But she was my mum as well," he protests.

"I know, but we need to this. You know why? Stay here with Isla and keep an eye on her."

"Okay, fine," he groans not liking it one bit.

"Where is she anyway?" Ash looks around, holding his gun now in his hand.

"I don't know," I take my gun out of the bag when I hear footsteps from above. We all look up and she's standing there, I can see fear and disgust in her eyes.

"Where are you guys going?" She looks down at all four of us, suspiciously.

"We are going fishing!" Nash laughs under his breath, as he stares at his gun. That just makes us laugh. She glares at him, and then her eyes fall on each of us. "YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING MONSTERS!" She slams her hand on the railing, getting mad. "You're going to kill someone and you think it's funny?"

"Yep!" Josh smiles at her creepily. Her eyes nearly come out of her sockets, that shut her up I am thinking. When she notices me, I amusingly point my gun at her, ordering her. "Get your ass, back in that room, now!" I click the gun and she gasps. It makes me laugh seeing her reaction, that just makes her more angrier.

"GO TO HELL!!" She shouts at us. "All of you!!"

"Hell? Oh Angel, hell doesn't even want me," I say in cold calming smooth tone, with my eyes intensely on her. Her body trembles by my words, while I can hear my brothers laugh around me.

"It's not funny, you Assholes!!" She snaps back, you guys are fucking evil." She says disgustingly.

Fucking evil, huh?

My devilish side kicks in and now I want to play. I glance to my brothers, who wink at me, knowing well what we should do. We going to have some fun now. She thinks we are evil, let's fucking act evil.

"Yeah, we think it's funny," I reply coldly to her question. "Why wouldn't we? We are stone cold killers, and we love it." I give her a hard blank stare, which makes her gulp.

"Yeah, we enjoy killing, MUAHAHAHA!" Ash laughs evilly, making her jump.

"You're so right, bro." Nash nods. "The sound of a screaming cry in pain is music to our ears," Nash moans, making us almost laugh and break our composure. Her eyes go wide in horror and her breathing becomes rapid.

"YES! We love feeding on fear, it's just pure ecstasy." Josh hitches a breath, as he brings the gun to his face and kisses it. Her mouth drops, and her face turns pale. I even see a bead of sweat on her forehead.



We all laugh evilly at her, with our guns on our side and killer looks in our eyes. Her color drains from her face, and she's shivering uncontrollably."You better run, Isla, or we are coming for you." I click my gun again, and I flick my eyes open wide, scaring her to death. Nash sees my face and he's trying to suppress his laugh."Buhahahaha!" I hear him burst out laughing, I guess he couldn't hold it in. He's always the first one to crack. His contagious laugh makes us all laugh hysterically. I can see her watching us, laughing outrageously. The fear in her dies, and now she looks beyond livid.

"You know what?" She asks crossly, with a face like thunder

"What Angel?" I chuckle.

"FUCK OFF!! All of you!" She flips her middle finger at us, before storming off.


We are all laughing, knowing well we pissed her off. I can't breathe. Once we cached our breath. We make a run for the stairs, and head down the hallway.

"Oye! Blake's lover, get your ass back here!" I taunt her, as I see her get into her room and slam the door shut.

"That's a good one, bro!" Ash, high fives me with a laugh. The door slams open and she glares at me, with a red face

"Say it one more time?" She dares me, clenching her jaw tight in anger.

"I will," I challenge her with a hard stare.

"Blake's' lover..." I say in slow seductive motion, taking my tongue out.

"Grrrrr," she grunts angrily as she charges for me like an angry bull. I back off laughing, we all do, as she chases us around the lit hallway. We all are laughing at her, as she can't grab us.

"Look, she's getting sensitive about her lover boy!" Nash chuckles.

"Shut up! He's not my lover!" She protests, finally stopping to take a breath.

"Yeah, he is!" Ash teases her.

"No, he isn't," she clenches her fist getting madder.

"He is! Don't lie to me, Angel." I taunt her." We know about the free drinks he gave you," I nudge Josh who laughs with a nod and so do the rest. She goes awfully quiet. Does she think we don't see anything? I have seen her come into the country club, flirt with that jerk and get free drinks out of him.

"It's all on camera, baby!" I smile at her, she gasps shockingly, gawking at us.

"Yeah, you freeloader," Josh adds with a chuckle, making us snicker.

Her face goes red and she can't even look at us, totally embarrassed that she got caught. She bolts back into the room, slamming it shut.Her reaction is hilarious, we laugh even more on purpose. After we finally cached our breaths, we leave to do our mission. 

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