Accept Me As I Am

By AggieDiva35

102K 4.2K 777

All Shanelle McGee ever wanted was to be loved and accepted by the people that were supposed to love and care... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 19

2.9K 121 8
By AggieDiva35

After Jaylin and Shanelle got back home, Jaylin refused to let her out of his sight. He didn't want to let her go out by herself and Roderick be there to hurt her, resulting in him breaking his damn neck. Shanelle had no complaints in the beginning, but as days passed that began to change.

"Jaylin baby, stop worrying. I'll be fine. I'm just going to hang out with my girls. That's all." Jaylin didn't say anything, he just kept driving. "Are you even listening to me?" Shanelle asked getting annoyed.

When Jaylin stopped at a red light, he looked over at Shanelle. "I'm listening to you, but did you listen to me?" Shanelle gave him a what do you think look. "If you had been listening, you'd know that under no circumstances am I letting you go anywhere where I can't be there to protect you. As harmless as you think Roderick is, I say otherwise."

"So you're going to go with me to a women's only spa resort? What are you going to do, get your legs waxed?"

"Don't get cute with me m, Shanelle. I'm worried about your safety. Just because you haven't seen or heard from Roderick, doesn't mean he's not plotting to do you harm. You heard what Gia and Christy said before. You need to understand that he can be dangerous."

Shanelle rolled her eyes and didn't say anything else until Jaylin dropped her off at work. When he opened her door and helped her out, she told him that she would see him later after rolling her eyes for the thousandth time that morning.

Jaylin watched Shanelle walk into the office before he drove off, headed to the public football field where him and the guys were supposed to meet up. He knew that he was getting on Shanelle's nerves by wanting to protect her, but having her pissed at him was a hell of a lot better than her laying in the hospital because of a pissed off ex.

As soon as Jaylin got out of his car and walked over to the guys plus someone that Marcus invited from his club, they knew that something was wrong with him.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?"
Stephen asked as he strapped on his knee brace. Jaylin shook his head as he did a few stretches to loosen up his muscles.

"Something's wrong, you're looking all sour in the face. What's up?" Jon said as he and Marcus threw the ball back and forth to each other.

Jaylin let out a long sigh before he looked at each of his boys. "It's this Roderick shit. It's really getting to me. Shanelle thinks that just because he hasn't resurfaced, that he's not going to come after her. I know otherwise. I don't know what else to tell her. Only thing I want to do is keep her safe but unfortunately she's making it damned hard to do. Am I overdoing it? I mean, I don't want her to feel smothered or anything, but I don't want to chance it, you know?"

Jordan was the first to speak. "Jay, we all know you love Shanelle. We do too, but I personally think you could ease up a bit. Let her breathe. You have to let that woman have some type of freedom."

"Freedom? What the hell are you talking about? I'm not holding her hostage, I'm protecting her," Jaylin said defensively.

"I didn't mean it like that, Jaylin, damn. All I'm saying is that you need to ease up a little. It's been what three weeks since that clown came looking for her?"

"Yeah, so?" Jaylin replied with a scowl.

Stephen cut Jordan off. "Jay, all he's trying to say is that Shanelle needs a little breathing room. Everywhere she goes, you're there. If and when she needs you, she'll let you know. You're going to end up running the girl off. Believe it or not, we're looking out for not only Shanelle's safety, but the others as well. We wouldn't let something happen to her. You should know that by now."

"Yeah man, just give her a little space. Let her step out on her own. Chill out and let her make her own moves until she need you. Like Steve said, we're here too. You're not by yourself," Jon spoke up shrugging.

Jaylin shook his head. "What if I take your advice by backing off and he comes after her and God forbids that he hurts her? Then what? What do I do then? Tell her I was just giving her space?"

No one said anything. They all knew if the script were flipped and it were their significant other, they would do all they could to protect her.

"That woman is going to be my wife and I refuse to let something happen to her. She's my heart. If something was to happen to her and I could have prevented it, it would kill me."

"Jay, we know you love her. No one here doubts that. We're just trying to help, man," Marcus said.

"Did we come here to talk or play ball?" Marcus' friend asked impatiently.

Jon gave the man a hard look. "Shut the hell up and hold your whining ass up. Marcus, put a muzzle on that loud mouth pup you brought with you," he said before he turned to Jaylin. "Bro, we understand where you're coming from, really we do. We aren't telling you not to protect her we're just simply telling you to ease up a little. Shan is always around someone. This clown that's threatening her would be stupid if he tried to attack her while she's anywhere near her girls, you should know that, especially around Gia and Gabrielle. Hell, my wife wouldn't hesitate to cut a whole out that man's ass."

"Most definitely. Those girls are worse than Special Forces when they're pissed off. Shanelle is protected every minute she's not with you," Travis said. "Relax. Shan will be just fine."

Jaylin lowered his head and took a few deep breathes and let them out slowly. He knew the guys were right. He didn't like it, but they were right. He looked back up at them and nodded his head

"If anything happens to her, I swear I'm going to kill that nigga. I swear I will tear him apart if he lays one finger on her," Jaylin said with a dead serious look on his face.

"There's no doubt about it. I'll help," Jon said.

Stephen walked over to Jaylin and squeezed his shoulder. "Dude, it's going to be okay, alright?"

Jaylin nodded his head. "Yeah."

"Alright then. How about we get some of that pent up frustration off your chest?" Stephen asked. "We need to break in the newbie. He just can't close his damn mouth. I'd say a good hit will tighten that jaw up a bit."

"Sounds good to me," Jaylin said as he gave Stephen a man hug. Just as he released him, Marcus' friend decided to speak out of turn yet again.

"If y'all are done holding hands, I'm ready to play," he said as he threw the ball to Jaylin.

Jaylin laughed evilly as he looked over at Stephen before he gave the younger man a crooked grin. "Be ready young buck, I'm about to light your ass up brighter than a Christmas tree," he said as he tossed the ball to Travis so that he could tie his dreads back with a band.

"Ohhh I'm so scared," the man said sarcastically. "Whatever man, let's play."

"Oh we're going to play alright," Stephen laughed giving Jaylin a grin. "Let's put in work, bro."

"You ain't said nothing but a word," Jaylin grinned, giving Stephen a fist bump.

Once everyone was warmed up and teams were picked, they all lined up ready to play. As soon as Marcus threw the ball to the young kid Jaylin plowed into him full force knocking the breath out of him. When Jaylin stood up, he grinned down at the kid who lay still on the ground looking up at Jaylin damn near cross eyed.

"Welcome to my world. Next time, put up or shut up. Or in your case, just shut up," Jaylin said before he walked off.

Everybody was laughing their asses off at the young man's expense. Travis walked over and helped him up, looking him over, making sure Jaylin didn't break anything.  Seeing that everything was fine, he asked the kid what his name was.

"William," he replied weakly.

"Welcome to the club, man." With that Travis slapped him on his back and walked off shaking his head laughing.


After his early morning game of football Jaylin went home took a shower and headed up to Shanelle's office with a bouquet of flowers and an apology.
As soon as he walked into the office, Jai gave him a bright smile.

"Messed up, huh?"

Jaylin smiled back at her. "Something like that. Is she still here?"

"Yea, she's been sitting in her office all day. All you hear is her clicking away at that damn keyboard."

Jaylin nodded his head okay and headed towards Shanelle's office. When he made it to her office, Shanelle was indeed typing away. He knocked lightly on the door. When Shanelle looked up, she saw Jaylin standing there looking handsome as ever. She didn't want to be attracted to him at the moment, she still wanted to be mad but boy was he making it hard.


"Hey back. I brought you these," Jaylin said pointing to the beautiful assortment of flowers.

"Thank you. Let me get a vase."

Jaylin watched Shanelle get out of her seat and walk over to the cabinet by her window and bent down to grab a large vase out of the bottom. He couldn't help but notice that her dress pants fit her ass nicely. Just looking at her had his shaft standing at attention.

When Shanelle stood up, Jaylin admired her ass once more as she walked over to the sink and put water into the large crystal vase.
Shanelle knew Jaylin was watching her. Hell she was getting wet just thinking of the things she wanted him to do to her and the very naughty things she wanted to do to him. She looked over her shoulder and caught Jaylin still staring at her ass before she turned back around to turn the facet off before she walked back over to her desk. Jaylin walked over and handed her the flowers and took a seat in one of the seats in front of her desk.

They both were silent as Shanelle situated the flowers in the vase. Once they were arranged like she wanted, she placed them on her large windowsill. Not wanting to say anything to Jaylin just yet, she stood at her window looking out, watching people rush this way and that. Without making a sound, Jaylin got up and walked over to Shanelle and wrapped his strong arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry."

Shanelle leaned into him as she looked out the window at the busy street. "Sorry for what?"

"For being an overprotective jerk. I didn't mean to be irritating I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

"I know, and I love that about you," Shanelle said as she turned around in Jaylin's arms. "Your actions let me know you really do love and care about what happens to me. I appreciate it more than you know but baby you gotta re-"

"Relax. Yeah I know," Jaylin said with a sigh as he kissed Shanelle lovingly on her forehead. When he leaned back, he looked down at Shanelle and smiled down at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Shanelle said back smiling brightly.

Jaylin slowly lowered his head and gently kissed Shanelle's lips. Shanelle opened her mouth and let Jaylin slide his tongue into her mouth. As they kissed, Jaylin ran his hands down Shanelle's back slowly till he gripped her bottom in his large hands.

Shanelle moaned her excitement into Jaylin's mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Jaylin could feel his manhood get harder by the second. Before he ended up making love to Shanelle on her desk, he pulled away from her.

"Damn baby, do you think you can leave early? We have some making up to do. What do you think?" Jaylin groaned.

Shanelle laughed. "I'm sure you can wait until I get off work."

"So you're telling me no?"

"No. You know what your problem is?"

"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me."

Shanelle grinned. "You're greedy, that's your problem."

Jaylin cocked a brow as a grin pulled at his lips. "Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

"That's mighty funny. Weren't you the one that was just begging me last night to give it to you? Oh and the day before that when you tried to take it in this very office? Looks to me like you're the greedy one."

Shanelle burst out laughing. "That's not fair."

Jaylin shrugged as he chuckled. "Nothing's ever fair with you, Ms. McGee. You just want to get your way."

"You make me sound like a brat," Shanelle laughed.

"You are a brat."

"So if I were to close my door right now and give you a quickie, would that still make me a brat?"

Jaylin couldn't help but laugh out loud at Shanelle's words.

"Woman, how many times do I have to tell you that quickies don't count? I like to take my time."

Shanelle looked up at him with a sexy grin plastered on her face. "Are you standing here telling me that if I closed my door right now, you wouldn't want to give me a quickie?" she asked as she ran one hand down Jaylin's chest and down to his rock hard erection, where she gripped it firmly in her hand and began to stroke the hard length up and down.

Jaylin suck in a breath, cutting his amusement off as he watched Shanelle grip his hardness through his dress pants even tighter. "Sha-"

"Answer me, Jay. A simple yes or no would suffice," Shanelle said cockily as she continued her teasing strokes.

Jaylin ran a hand down his face as he held in a groan. He was more than ready to bend Shanelle over her desk and handle that ass the way he wanted but thought better of it. This just wasn't the ideal time. "Bab- babe you got to stop before somebody comes in here," he whispered, as he looked towards the door then back at Shanelle. "Let's just go home and we'll do whatever you want," Jaylin added with a groan.

Shanelle reached up and kissed Jaylin on the corner of his lips teasingly. "Just admit that you like quickies just as much as I do and I'll stop, we can do whatever you want afterwards."

Jaylin let out a growl as he looked down at Shanelle, giving her a warning look. She laughed and kissed Jaylin fully on the lips before she let his erection slip from her grasp. When she went to walk away, Jaylin grabbed her so quick from behind it made her dizzy. Bending her over the edge of her desk with his hand pressing firmly against the small of her back, he began to grind his hardness against her ass repeatedly until moans were flowing from her mouth like music.

"Don't tease me unless you know you can finish the game," Jaylin growled as he reached around to caress her leaking center through the fabric of her pants.

"Ohhhh shit," Shanelle moaned softly, trying to keep her voice down.

Jaylin leaned down and sucked Shanelle's earlobe into his mouth and nibbled at the sensitive flesh before he released it only to whisper naughty things into her ear as he continued to grind his hardness against her. When he felt her body tremble with that all too familiar sensation, he took a step back and smacked her hard across her shapely ass.

"Just know when I get you home tonight this lovely game you decided to play will commence. You wanted to play this game, let's see if you win," Jaylin said grinning as he headed for the door. When he made it to the door he turned around and saw Shanelle glaring at him. "Hope your appetite is as big as mine. See you in a little while. Love you."

With that Jaylin walked out Shanelle's office door and headed out the building.

"Ugh!" Shanelle yelled as she plopped down in her chair pouting. She couldn't believe she let him turn the tables on her. "Dammit!"


"Oh my goodness, really?" Gia laughed until she was falling off her lounging chair.

"I can't believe you let Jaylin flip the script on you," Nicole said as she tried not to laugh at Shanelle but couldn't help it.

"It's not funny. How would y'all feel if you were left hanging?" Shanelle said as she sipped her champagne grudgingly.

All the girls looked at each other and came up with the same conclusion. "Take the dick," they all said laughing.

"Shan, you should know you can't start nothing and not intend to finish. You better up your game, boo," Gabrielle said as she got up and headed towards the sauna.

Shanelle rolled her eyes at Gabrielle and wrapped the soft robe around her body.

"So Shan, when are you going to officially move out of the house?" Gia wondered as she picked at the mud mask on her face. "I mean, you and Jaylin will be married soon. What's stopping you?"

"First off, stop messing with your mask. Second, I'm not sure what's happening. We haven't really talked about it. Jaylin's main concern is this Roderick thing."

"Are you ready to move in with him is the question."

Shanelle shrugged. "I'm practically living with him now. I barely have anything at the house as it is."

"That's true. The way Jaylin talks, you're already staying with him," Christy said smiling. "That man is walking on cloud nine."

Jai laughed. "Did you see him walk out that office though? Boy was he feeling himself today. Shit, he was strutting hard as hell. Shanelle, you got that man's nose wide open."

Shanelle laughed. "That's my baby with his big head self. But on aserious note, I wish this whole thing with Roderick blows over soon. Jay's not like himself most days."

"Can you blame him? He's trying to protect you. That's what a man does for the woman he loves. Would you rather he not protect you from that psycho? You've been giving him a lot of grief about it and to be honest, you need to stop," Nicole said pointedly.

"I know Jaylin loves me, I don't doubt that. But I just want him to just relax. Roderick hasn't tried to come after me, nor has he tried to contact me. I want my old Jaylin back. I'm sick of him acting like he's in the secret service, ready to attack anyone that he thinks is a threat. It's too much and all for one insignificant man."

"Well the way I see it, he's still the same Jaylin. That man loves you enough to put his work on hold to make sure that your stubborn ass is safe. If you really and truly understood that then you wouldn't be sitting here sounding stupid."

"Gia, that's not what I meant."

"Regardless of what you meant or how you meant it, one fact remains the same. He loves you. If you're feeling a certain type of way, open your mouth and say something."


"But nothing," Gia cut in. "Just let the man know how you feel, he can't read your mind. If you're not ready to move in permanently, tell him. If you want him to stop trying to protect you, give him back his damn ring and bring your ass back to the house. You're second guessing his actions when you shouldn't. He's doing everything in his power to help you and you're throwing it back in his face. Woman up and stop acting like a lost puppy," Gia said rolling her eyes as she put her ear buds in and lay back in her chair.

Nicole let out a low whistle at Gia's words. She couldn't fault the woman for speaking her mind. Everything that she'd said was all true and Shanelle needed to hear it.

"Jaylin may not be the same Jaylin to you, but he still loves you. His actions are speaking volumes. Talk to your man, honey," Christy added gently as she got up and headed towards the sauna where Gabrielle sat relaxing.

When Christy was out of the room, Nicole and Jai came over and sat down on Shanelle's chair with her.

"Honey, everything is going to be fine. He's just looking out for you. Sometimes men take it overboard with being concerned and wanting to protect us but it comes from good intentions. Sometimes the Cunningham men tend to overreact, so if he gets to acting outrageous don't be scared to give his ass attitude. He can take it, believe me. I've been his sister in law for years. I should know," Nicole said.

"Exactly. You have a wonderful fiancé that loves everything about you. Just because he loves you don't mean he'll love you any less if you voice your opinion. If you have to keep the cookie away from him, then do it. Jon already knows the deal," Jai giggled. "But seriously though, let him know what's up. Even though I don't know Jaylin as well as you do, I have a feeling that he wants your hardheaded ass to be with him whether it's to protect you or not. Get it in, ma" she replied grinning.

Nicole got up and pat Shanelle on her shoulder. "You'll be okay, Shan. Talk to him," she replied smiling. "Now if y'all would excuse me, I'm about to go have me a massage."

Jai got up and pulled her iPod out of her robe and winked at Shanelle. "Remember what I said," she said before she put her buds in her ears and walked off.

Shanelle sat in her seat and thought about everything that her girls had told her. When she really thought about it, with him was where she really wanted to be. Together they made his house a home. He'd told her more times than she could count that what was his was hers as well. She loved that man more than anything and it was about damn time she started acting like it and stopped fighting him for doing what his heart was compelling him to do.


The girls were all piled up in Nicole's truck when Shanelle got a call from Jaylin. She pressed the answer button and placed the phone up to her ear.

"Yes my love?"

"Where are you and the girls right now?"

"We just left from eating. We'll be at the house in a few minutes. What's up, are you and the guys going out?"

"No, but I need you to get here as fast as you can."

"Ok.. What's going on?"

"You have some visitors."

Shanelle frowned. "Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Alright, be careful," Jaylin said before hanging up.

Gia saw how Shanelle was looking. "What's up, Shan? What did Jaylin want?"

"Some people are waiting at the house for me. Jaylin has no idea who they are. All he knows is that they want to speak with me."

Gabrielle looked over at her with a questioning look on her face and asked if she was expecting company, to which she said no.

"Well I guess we'll find out soon," Shanelle said as she sat back in her seat and looked out the window wondering who would want to visit with her.

A few minutes later, Nicole pulled up to the girls' house and parked behind a nice BMW. "Whoever that is got it good, that's for sure," she said as she killed the engine.

As soon as the girls got out the car, they headed inside the house. As soon as Jaylin spotted her, he walked over and kissed her on her cheek.

"So where are these guests?" she asked.

"Their waiting for you in the dinning room, come on," Jaylin said as he grabbed her hand.

Shanelle took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she let Jaylin lead her towards the dinning room. As soon as Shanelle stepped foot into the dining room she was greeted by not only a handsome man but a very unwelcomed familiar face.

"Hello, Ms. McGee, it's good seeing you again."

Shanelle's face darkened with anger. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?"

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