A Trial by Halves

Door moosesforgooses

104K 4.7K 4.3K

What would have happened if Ye Huas plan to die in he Mermaid Wars had been Successful? What would have happe... Meer

No Regrets
A New Life
A Shimmer of Red
A New World
A Rainbow Halo
A Patch of Sky
Who Are You?
A Growing Enigma
More Questions
Are You......?
When Energy Collides
When Worlds Collide
More Questions
The Spell
The House
The visitor
The Return
A Flicker of Comprehension
Questions, Answers and Tender Eyes
Unravelling the Seal 1
Unraveling the Seal 2
A Time to Talk
The Odd One Out
Lian Song Speaks
Not so Docile
The Struggle
A Little more Understanding
Is She or Not?
First Warning.
One More Sacrifice
A Whisper in the Dark
The Voice
A Voice in The Mirror
Beyond Fear
On Borrowed Time
Another Voice in the Dark
Spiritual Connections
Change of Plans
No Looking Back
A Race Against Time.
The Awakening
Truth and Lies
Four for All
The Final Battle 1
The Final Battle 2
Days of Healing
The Truth
The Long Road to Healing.
Paying Debts
A Hidden Force
A Little Death
A Flicker of Calm
A Smile not so Bright
Just One More Sacrifice
How Much More?
One Piece at a Time
Eyes of Honey Brown
A Little Step Forward
A Moment in Time
Echoes of the Past
Her Sacrifice
100 Ways - Part 1
100 Ways - Part 2
All in One Lifetime
A Little Victory

A Stronger Hold

1K 48 16
Door moosesforgooses


Waiting in the kitchen as Ye Hua walked away with Cheng Yu, Ci Hangs mind began to slowly go over everything he had learned so far.  He too wanted a meeting with the young woman, because she was the sole reason for everything that had happened to date.  Quickly summing up everything, he began to come to his own personal conclusions and being a very thorough man who did not make any decisions lightly, especially far reaching ones that involved the lives of others, he began to itemise exactly what he had learned and what he suspected.

. Qing Cang had placed a power source within the original house they were in which he used to gather cultivation.
. Unknowingly, Ye Hua had taken the original house to his new abode while leaving behind a mirrored reflection of the house and the state in was in when they left right down to their lingering essences and even the scent of the air.
.  The house was now gathering Divine energy and more than likely transforming it into cultivation which Qing Cang could at some stage gather to himself.
.  In addition, Ye Hua left behind his title as Crown Prince with a pregnant Mortal woman.
.  A woman, who is actually High Immortal Si Yin and Mo Yuans Seventeenth Disciple.
.  A woman who was sealed by Qing Cang for a reason he suspected was to do with her kidnapping and then rescue by Mo Yuan which resulted in the deaths of too many Ghost warriors.
.  A woman who is regarded as the worlds most wanted fugitive.
.  Mo Yuans soul has been gathered and his star is back in the sky which means he is returning.

.  He himself only managed to find Ye Hua and his wife because of three incidences that occurred simultaneously.
         .That was, the birth of the child which strengthened Si Yin while weakening the Seal.  
         .His own attempt to break through Ye Huas magic to reach them.
         .Mo Yuans entry into the magical link which gave Si Yin the added strength she needed             which she needed to weaken the seal.
.  Qing Cang was able to traverse the distance between worlds because of two reasons.
         .The magical link between the worlds was opened to him when he, Mo Yuan and Si Yin               broke through.
         .The house was the connection he also needed to follow him, in order to reseal the girl.

Now that he had the entire story and the events that led him to where he was now, he then added Cheng Yu to his list.  Not only had she physically attacked the Heavenly Emperor with a potentially deadly barb, but she too would now be a wanted woman.  And seeing as Lian Song had been the one to send her to spy, then he also would be in very big trouble, though he doubted that Haode would have knowledge of that, but he would definitely know that someone had sent her, and it would be more than likely his own son.

"What a bloody mess....." he whispered as he then began to go through the options and then the decisions that he had make.


Mount Jun Ji

Falling into an agonizing heap within the bedchamber on Mount Jun Ji, Haodes screams of pain carried throughout the entire house and beyond which had his guards running.  For a split second, he had recognized the energy within the connection before they suddenly disappeared and he was thrown back.  Understanding hit along with the agonizing pain of her sting, and unable to maintain his hold on her, he had slipped back to his own world.

Curled up on the floor and writhing in agony, his head guard immediately took over.  Ordering an immeidate return to the Celestial Heavens while sending ahead their attending courier to notify the Medicine King of their arrival, he then ripped down the canopy around the bed to use as a makeshift stretcher to carry him back.

Unable to stop him from taking the canopy that Qing  Cangs power source was stored, he could only mutter and groan as his hefty frame was lifted onto the cloth before the edges were tied to two large posts, his guard had also ripped from the bed.

It would have taken an enormous amount of strength to have managed that feat, and silently Haode thought to reward for his efforts once he was better.  He did not feel as if death was near, but the pain was close to it.  In and out of consciousness he flitted from that moment on and as a cloud was called forward, he was then carried onto it and sped back to the Palace where the Medicine King, Yang Cuo and Lian Song were already waiting.

Lian Song had literally run the entire way to the entrance to await their arrival while also scanning the skies for Cheng Yu.  She had been gone for hours and desperately hoping that whatever had them waiting with the Medicine King didn't involve her, he could do nothing but anxiously bounce on the balls of his feet until eventually a they came into view.

Only the moment they descended on the entrance, not only was Cheng Yu not with them, but his father was delirious.  

"What beast caused this?" The Medicine King asked after just one look at the swelling around his neck in which a large sting was still protruding from him.

"We did not see what caused it, we only heard the scream and raced him back immediately." Haodes head guard informed him as they quickly raced his fitting form through the corridors to the Infirmary with Lian Songs head whipping about in all directions for the little bee which was nowhere in sight.

Too afraid to ask the guard if he had seen her, he kept his mouth shut as he watched the Medicine King swiftly enter behind Haode and as the doors slammed shut, Lian Song and Yang Cuo immediately took to interrogating the guards who had all been sworn to secrecy as to the reason why they were even there.

Refusing point blank to divulge any information, the sons had no choice but to accept that he was under the direct order of their Skylord to maintain silence.  However, with the arrival of Di Jun, having also been notified of Haodes predicament, he not only ordered this particular guard back to his Palace, he overruled Haode and interrogated him.

Unable to enter the Infirmary and unable to follow the guard, Lian Song was at a loss.  He had no idea what to do.  If he left the Palace to search for her, he might miss important news regarding his fathers health, but if he didn't leave, she might be hurt somewhere, because he knew for a fact, that that sting belonged to her.

His heart and mind were conflicted.  He knew he should stay.  His father would be battling an agony that very few would ever have to face, and he knew first hand because he himself had been stung by her.  It was her retribution for betraying her love and he had suffered a week of agony because of it.  His father on the other hand would certainly suffer, but he did not think it would be for that long, because being a High God, he was far more powerful than most men.

And that only increased his nervousness and distress at her absence.  Deciding in the end to leave, he informed Yang Cuo that he would leave to make enquiries into a beast that might be injured while suggesting that he remain to watch over their father and to await his return.

Then leaving, Lian Song headed straight for Mount Jun Ji, while in the infirmary, Haodes body was lifted onto the bed using the canopy he was lying on, seeing as it was far easier to keep it under him rather than try to move him off it.

But as the Medicine King began the process of removing the sting, Haodes fitting mind began to see images of a woman lying face down on a bridge not far from the house on Mount Junji.  He saw several things which he did not understand, but what he did see had his fitting body and unstable mind, understanding one thing.  She had been sealed.  In a brief moment of clarity, he was shown a truth about her, but from who and why, he did not know.   But what he did know, was not only was she Immortal but Qing Cang himself had sealed her. Who she was and for what reason, he had no idea, but he instinctively felt it was important.

Flitting in and out of consciousness, Haode tried to maintain the vision which he kept losing, but as the sting was removed, all thoughts and visions left him as the most horrifying pain seared from his neck and up through his head before sending him into full coma.



Entering the room behind Ye Hua, Cheng Yu began to feel very nervous.  She knew there was something about this woman that they were keeping from her, and that was because of the pointed questions Ci Hang had asked and one of those revolved around Qing Cang, which she had no idea about or how that man was even relevant, but the look on his face said he was very much involved and being a woman who also loved to solve mysteries, she kept her suspicions to herself as the woman came into view.

Still breast feeding, her eyes looked to be closed, but the soft sound of their entrance, soon had them opening and not only was she now looking at a more relaxed woman than when she had first arrived but she was also looking at a very pretty one.  Her smile was sugar sweet and her eyes sparkled the moment her eyes landed on Ye Hua who was also smiling.

This was a side of him that she had never seen before and for a few seconds, she took the time to admire the softer side of him, one she had not realized he even possessed.  Though in her romantic mind, she definitely saw a man in love.

"Su Su.  I brought my Uncles woman to meet you." he said leaning down to stroke his sons face.  "Her name is Cheng Yu. And this is my wife Su Su." he said glancing back at her.

Moving forward to get a closer look at her, the smile remained on her face, but she could sense her unease, so putting an even bigger smile on her own face, she nodded her head at her.

"I don't know why I am still considered his Uncles woman, we have been separated for years." she said smiling which to her surprise, earned her an eye roll from Ye Hua.

"Cheng Yu.  The entire world knows that you two are still together.  You can gripe and throw all the insults in the world, but we all know, you can never belong to anyone else." Ye Hua said with so much humour in his eyes, she thought she might actually faint.

Staring goggle eyed at him, she clamped her mouth shut.  This was not the Ye Hua that she knew.  This was a man she didn't think anyone else knew, because not only had he teased her, but his eyes were bright with mirth which was even more astounding.  And not only was he relaxed and his face full of expression, but she began to sense exactly why he had chosen this woman.  She had obviously broken through his tough, no nonsense demeanor and freed him from his strict and suffocating life he had left behind.

Choosing to ignore his remark, she turned her attention back to the woman.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Su Su.  Ye Hua has asked that I assist you which of course, I would be more than happy to do." she said looking at the child whimsically.

She had always wanted a child, but after her break up with Lian Song, she not only gave up on love for herself, she also gave up all thoughts of children of her own.  But seeing the baby in Su Sus arms, suddenly and without warning, brought back a desire she thought she had given up on long ago.

Not understanding the strange look on the womans face, Su Su looked back at Ye Hua and then back at the woman again.

"Are you familiar with children.  Is this the kind of assistance you are going to give me?" she asked in her soft voice, one that Cheng Yu was to learn was her natural tone and what she was also fast learning, was Su Sus face was an open book  Whatever she was feeling, her face betrayed it, and at that moment she clearly saw confusion, nervousness and even a little jealousy there.

"No.  Ye Hua feels that being a new mother, it might be easier for you to have another female present.  You can see me as a friend and one who will help you when you need to rest." she replied taking a seat on the bed to look back at them both.

Also sensing her unease, Ye Hua gently drew her attention back to him.

"Su Su.  My uncle Lian Song sent Cheng Yu to scout for us, that is why she is here.  But as I mentioned before, we will not be able to stay here, we are going to have to leave and that is why I have asked Cheng Yu to stay with us for a while.  There will come a time very soon, when I am going to have to leave you in order to search for a safe haven, that is why I want Cheng Yu to stay.  She will be able to help you in my stead." he explained which almost instantly had the frown leaving her face.

Feeling a little more settled with his explanation, Su Su nodded her gratitude at the woman while wondering about the man whom she was still to meet.

But no sooner had the thought hit to ask about him, then Ci Hang himself entered the chamber without warning and sending Cheng Yu flying across the room to block him from seeing the young mother feeding her child.  She may have been a lesser deity, but there were some etiquette that even he had to abide by.

"Lord Ci Hang.  This is not an appropriate time to enter a feeding mothers chamber." she said forcefully placing herself into his direct line of vision.

"Forgive the intrusion." he said stiffly at her before addressing Ye Hua directly while also keeping his eyes down.

"We leave now.  If you want my help, then we cannot remain any longer." he said before turning on his heels with the expectation that they would all immediately obey.

Su Sus eyes widened in fear of the man who left her feeling very small and insignificant, but also in awe of the woman who had turned back around to smile at her.  Cheng Yu did not need to read her face too deeply, because what she saw, was a woman who was not only frightened for her future and the safety of her child, but she had also just gained the girls respect and perhaps even her friendship.

Without a word, Cheng Yu set about packing their belongings which she would help them to transfer back to Mount Jun Ji which Ye Hua was explaining to Su Su who was now removing her child from her breast and re-swaddling him.  She could see the pain in Ye Huas eyes but Su Su really was a realist at heart.  Such things as Immortals, magic and Heavenly Rulers who didn't like Mortals like her, did not seem all that real to her, even with all the magic she had seen already.  It was just too hard to comprehend, but fear in his eyes, had her hand gently cupping his face.

The soft look in her eyes, the gentle way that she held him, suddenly changed in a heartbeat as that familiar ice cold feeling began to creep up his spine.  Her eyes slowly began to glaze over and his son suddenly jerked in her arms.  Even Cheng Yu noticed the chilling change in the atmosphere, but the look of horror on Ye Huas face, soon had her dropping the babys clothing to stare at the woman who no longer looked so sweet nor innocent.

"Ye Hua.  When you can see through all fear, only then will you know safety.  Do not fear what your mind has created, fear only what your mind refuses to accept.  For neither false thoughts nor our reality can control our destiny." she said softly before lowering her head as a dizziness she had felt before began to take hold.

Horrified, Ye Hua stared at her.  This was a direct Taoist quote and one he realized was coming from Si Yin rather than Su Su.  But knowing that Mo Yuans soul piece had gone, he did not understand why she was still releasing old memories.  

"Cheng Yu.  Pack faster, we need to leave.  NOW!" he ordered as the tears began to roll down Su Sus face and Ye Huas mind flustered at why she was still being controlled and by whom.


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