Protect ➳ Liam Dunbar {1} ✔️

By venpiter

351K 7K 1.1K

Alyssa is Derek's little sister. But she didnt get the gift of claws, fangs, super hearing, super speed, and... More

The Dark Moon (Part 2)
117 (Part 1)
117 (Part 2)
Muted (Part 1)
Muted (Part 2)
The Benefactor (Part 1)
The Benefactor (Part 2)
I.E.D (Part 1)
I.E.D (Part 2)
I.E.D (Part 3)
Orphaned (Part 1)
Orphaned (Part 2)
Orphaned (Part 3)
Weaponized (Part 1)
Weaponized (Part 2)
Time of Death (Part 1)
Time of Death (Part 2)
Perishable (Part 1)
Perishable (Part 2)
Monstrous (Part 1)
Monstrous (Part 2)
A Promise to the Dead (Part 1)
A Promise to the Dead (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 1)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 2)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 3)
Smoke and Mirrors (Part 4)
Sequel Is Out

The Dark Moon (Part 1)

35.2K 395 130
By venpiter

The Dark Moon (Part 1)


Alyssa's POV

"This doesn't seem so bad." Stiles said. "It's not the town. It's the plan." I said. "What's wrong with the plan?" Stiles said turning to me. Lydia turned to Stiles and gave him a funny look. "Stiles, this could be the stupidest plan we've ever come up with." I said looking at all of the weird Mexican artifacts.

"Your aware of that, right?" Lydia asked.

"I am aware of that. It's not our best." said Stiles.

"We're going to die." Lydia said making my heart start to race.

"Are you saying that as a banshee or just being pessimistic?" Stiles said with starting to walk with us beside him.

"I'm saying that as a person who doesn't want to die." Lydia said looking at me then Stiles.

"Okay. Then would you mind restricting any talk of death to actual Banshee predictions?" Stiles said rubbing his sweaty hands together.

"This plan is stupid and were going to die." Lydia said giving Stiles another weird look.

"Oh, thank you." He said sarcastically.

"Mhm." She hummed.

We began walking down a little dark street were there was a barking dog and people grilling.

We came to a door guarded by two men with black jeans and black jackets that were scaring the hell out of me.

Lydia said something very confusing in Spanish  to the them. One of the men shook there head 'no'. Stiles reached into his pocket as Lydia looked at the ground.

He showed them a card with a skull on it. The man then looked at the camera above them and Stiles seen it and put the card in front of the camera.

A bell then dinged and the doors opened. Then, the men then got out of the way as we walked inside.

We walked into a hall as the door behind us closed. The lamps on the wall began to shake as we walked down it into a room with intoxicated people dancing.

We walked through the crowd over to the drink table. We were then handed a drink.

Stiles reached into his pocket for ID when a guy came up behind us. "No. On the house. Most American teenagers don't cross the border to refuse a drink."

"We didn't come for a drink." Lydia said. She then dropped a bullet with a skull carved into it inside the glass.

We were then taken in a room where a women was sewing some sorta cloth.

"Severo hates this music. Me? I've always loved the music of youth. That kind, especially. It has savage energy." She spoke. Araya was her name.

"Where here for Derek Hale." Lydia then spoke up.

"Is that so?" Araya said.

"We know you have him. We've heard, you can be bought." I said.

Stiles then set $50,000 on the table and said "it's 50,000 for Derek."

"Now," she sighed and continued, "where does a teenage boy get money like this? Japanese mafia?" She gritted her teeth.

A women setting on a couch cocked a gun beside us and caused me and Lydia to jump.

"Not smart to come alone." She said with a smirk on her face.

"What makes you think we came alone?" Stiles smirked as her smirk dropped from her face.

We brought Malia and Kira in with us. But that's not all of who we brought.

"You brought a wolf into my home?" She said with a angry expression.

Me and Lydia turned to Stiles. "No. We brought an Alpha."

Alpha as in Scott McCall.

Malia's POV

I was dancing waiting for the right time.

"Something's happening!" Kira then came towards me.

"I know!" I said almost yelling because of the loud music blaring through the room.

"Then what do we do?" She asked

"Blend in!" I said stating the obvious.

She looked around not knowing what I meant.

"Dance with me dumb ass!" I said stating the obvious.

"Oh." Then she started dancing. I then grabbed her hips and and showed her what I meant. She put her hands around my neck as we danced.

People that that were dancing started to watch us and joined in.

Lydia's POV

The women started walking around. "My friends.... I don't think you're aware of your poor timing. Do you know what the dark moon is?" She said.

I knew what's she was talking about. "The part of a lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky."

"But do you know it's meaning?" She said, half turning to me.

"Some people say its a time of reflection. Or grief." I said

"Grief and loss, mija. I wonder why when you and your friends have suffered so much loss, you would risk it again for someone like Derek Hale."

Stiles budged into the conversation. "Cause we don't like to lose."

"And he's my brother." Alyssa butted in.

The women's radio then went of saying something that was in Spanish, but I couldn't understand it because it was to fuzzy to understand.

"Front door clear. South clear" is what the radio said the second time. The other guy said "North?" There was no answer. He then was speaking Spanish again.

Stiles POV

"Stiles, take 10 off the table." Scott instructed through the radio.

I did as told and took 10 off the table.

"Maybe you should take the deal." Lydia said.

"While I'm keen to follow the warning of a Banshee, I'm going to have to decline." She turned down our offer.

Alyssa's POV

"Just give us Derek. You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is?" I reasoned. Obviously telling the truth.

"No sense of humor, poor conversationalist. Just come on take the money." Stiles said.

She then took the radio. "Severo? Show them how the Calaveras negotiate."

Scott's POV

We were walking down the hall. I turned and looked at Kira and then behind them. They did the same.

I turned back around to see a white puffy cloud of smoke running across the floor of the of the hall. I put my hand on Kira for her to stay back. Malia did the same.

Then it blew down on us from the ceiling. I then knew exactly what it was. "Wolfsbane. It's wolfs bane! Kira... Kira get out of here! Kira.. Look out! Look"

I started coughing because of the stupid wolfsbane while a man was coming after Kira. "Look out!" I then blacked out.

I woke up with Kira standing above me. "He's awake. Guys he's awake." Is what she said.

Malia, Alyssa, and Stiles ran over to me. Stiles asked "Scott, you okay?"

"Yeah." The helped me get to my feet. I continued my sentence "They don't have him. They don't have Derek."

We know. But right know they've got Lydia." I widen my eyes. "Lydia. What do they want with Lydia?"

Alyssa's POV

Scott ran over to the door and tried to open it.

"We already looked for a way out." I said. "I think a lot of people have." Kira said gesturing to the claw marks by and on the metal door.

"When that door opens again, we take anyone in our way and make a run for it." Malia suggested.

"What about Lydia?" Kira asked.

"What about her?" Malia asked.

"Were not leaving without her." Scott told Malia.

"Why not?" Malia asked.

"Because we don't leave without people. Remember we talked about this. Rules of the wild kingdom don't apply to friends." Stiles walked over to her.

"Is that what you do as a coyote, leave her for dead?" Kira asked.

If she was weak and injured, yeah. If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat her." Malia explained and Kira nodded. "Then I'd leave."

"Mmm. Believe it or not, that's progress." Stiles defended Malia.

"All right, guys, were not dead yet. And that means Araua wants something." Scott budged in.

"But if the Calaveras don't know where Derek is, that means they didn't take him from the loft. Right?" I said.

"Maybe he left on his own." Stiles said as we grouped into a circle.

"Maybe someone else got to him." Scott thought out loud.

Lydia's POV

Araya was peeling an orange as she spoke. "How does it work? Do you need to touch them? Maybe I give you something they own? Or is it just a... a feeling?"

"I told you I don't know." I told her truthfully.

She smirked. "Just how close to death do they have to be?" I turned and looked at the men while she tapped her finger and the knife that she peeled a orange with.

She picked it up and threw it at the one the was almost bald. I hopped up and screamed. "What did you do that for?"

"He stole from me." She explained.

"What do you want?" I whispered.

"Right now? I want to know about Scott McCall. I want to know what kind of alpha he really is."

Stiles POV

Three men with guns opened the door and walked in with guns. They tool a cattle prod and shock Scott. They dragged him out and we tried to stop it but they battled prodded us. Damn. 

Lydia's POV

I walked into a room and saw Scott tied to a chair. "Oh, god" I whispered.

"Let her go. Look... You've got me. Just let the others go." Scott tried to reason with them.

They chained me to a chair that was next to Scott. One guy then walked in with Kira.

Kira's POV

"Your hand goes here. So, let me explain what's about to happen. This one, the fox, is an immunity to electricity. So she is going to turn the dial on the Alpha. If she doesn't, I turn the dial on the Banshee." The man that was holding me said.

"No. I'm not going to do this." I explained. "I see. Are you sure? One of your friends has the power to heal. The other? Not so much." He chuckled.

"What are you doing? Is this some sort of game to you?" Scott questioned.

"This is a test, lobito. Lets see if you pass. We're going to ask some questions. You answer them, nobody gets hurt. You don't answer, we turn on the dial." She explained.

"Do what they say. Okay? Whatever they want. I can take it." Scott looked into my eyes.

Scott's POV

"Do what they say. Okay? Whatever they want I can take it." I knew what the wanted. Derek. They wanted to know where he was. Well I don't know. So this isn't gonna end well. I knew Kira didn't want to do this but I can heal, Lydia can't.

"So... We don't know where Derek is. We want to find him as well. You know who took him." Araya said.

This is ridiculous. "What? How would I know that?"

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me."

"We don't know. Why do you think we came here?" Lydia said.

"Kira, turn the dial." I knew she wouldn't be able to. "Turn the dial." She demanded.

She shook he head. "No. No."

"Should we turn the dial on Lydia instead?" No she wouldn't.

I stepped in. "No, no! Do it, Kira. Do it." I know this is gonna hurt. Kira put her hand fingers on the dial. "Let's start at one." Kira hesitated then turned it. For one its pretty strong. I felt electrical bolts run through me.

But it didn't hurt that bad. But I know worse is gonna come.

Malia's POV

I sat against the sink in the room waiting for them to bring back Lydia, Scott, and Kira.

Stiles broke the silence. "Do you hear them? Do you hear Scott?" I shook my head no. Alyssa sat beside me. I tried to hear them but there's to many sounds and voices.

"Can you hear Kira, Lydia, anybody? What are they saying?" Stiles began to panic. "I... I can't. I can't concentrate. I... There to many sounds and voices."

Stiles kneeled down so he was face to face with me. "Okay. It's okay. Well, just breathe. Breathe with me, all right? You practiced this with Scott before, remember?"

Alyssa's POV

"I'm trying."

Poor girl. I feel bad. She has to much going on.

Stiles said "It's okay, it's okay. Just focus on something. Here look at my eyes. Very good. Just focus on the sound of my voice. All you have to do is try to concentrate. Concentrate..." She connected there lips together. I stared at them in awe.

Kira's POV

"Tell me. Who actually has Derek? Who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales?"

"I said I don't know. " Scott said loudly.

"Ah, you don't know because you haven't figured it out yet. So think! Who could have taken him?" Araya yelled still questioning Scott.

"Tres." The man said.

"It's okay." Scott said.

I turned up a notch and watched as he was being electrocuted.

"Who had the power? The power of a shapeshifter?" She asked.

"I don't know." He said in pain.

"Ah someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned, but not by a bite!" Araya asked.

"I don't know!" Scott said.

"Diez. Diez!" She yelled, obviously frustrated.

Malia's POV

They were shocking him.

"They're killing him."

Lydia's POV

Araya pushed Kira out of the way and turned the dial all the way up. Scott was now screaming. His eyes glowed red and his fangs showed. He then broke out of the chains.

"Say the name, Scott." She demanded.

"Kate." He breathes heavily.

Alyssa's POV

"No. That's impossible. It's impossible. That can't be what he said." Kate's dead.

"Why? Who... who's Kate?" Malia asked.

"She's a hunter. An Argent."

Word Count: 2295

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