Good Girl [A The Boyz Fanfic]

Von moonrisenth

222K 9.5K 7.3K

Your mom has finally had enough of your misconduct and pranks and finally decides to ship you off to live wit... Mehr

A little bit of chocolate
goodbye trouble!
Kick start
A cup of Jay
Never again
Just chiillll
Action figures
Bread crumbs & mischief
Slumber party
Hangover mornings
Chicken little
Be afraid, be very afraid
Bad Bitch
The Date
Behind the scenes
Get it?
You, me, counting sheep
The fight
The truth
Uh oh
Bird brain
The birds and the bees
Real Talk (Bonus)
For life

New enemies

6.4K 303 495
Von moonrisenth

"Yes Mr. Wuu we're starting up 'e machines right now."

Jerry spoke through the phone.

"Yes, no more delays. I promise." He rolled his eyes as the man's voice pulled on the other line. The construction workers had just arrived for work, putting on their uniforms and helmets.

"Morning Jungeun!" One of the worker's, Jinhyung greeted his co-worker. "Mornin'." Jungeun nodded as he tucked his shirt into his jeans. "How's Rose?" Jinhyung started making small talk with the other male who was walking towards the portable toilets.

"I got pissed on last night for forgetting to take out the chicken." Jungeun shouted from behind making his co-worker laugh. The male walked over to the blue toilets and clicked open the door.

"Speaking of piss- AAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

The door swung open and in front of the toilet lay a knot of slithering serpents moving along with each other. Jungeun screamed inhumanly before sprinting away from his worst nightmare, catching the attention of everyone on the site.

"What now?" Jerry sighed to himself and turned around to where Jungeun was to see a brown scaled snake peeking it's head out the portable toilet. Not only did Jerry see the animal but so did everyone else and chaos was set into the site. What everyone else but Jerry didn't get a glimpse of since they were all busy running away and climbing anything that was high above the ground, was the shiny grey tape around the serpents jaw.

¤ ¤ ✏ ¤ ¤

You were not happy today. Not only were squashed up in a car between big baffoons but your period decided to say hello and make your mood even worse. God what did women do to deserve this?

You were all on your way to Dunky Laine, a basketball court around town to see Jacob play. You didn't want to come but Juyeon insisted that it's good for everyone to be there to support Jacob. He also insisted that if you didn't go with them he'd shave off your eyebrows while you're asleep. With that motivation you had no choice and so here you were, at the first front row of seats of a minivan with Kevin typing away on his phone on your right and Younghoon dancing to the music from his earpods (Younghoon doesn't hear broke). Younghoon wasn't making your uncomfortablness any better by moving his body around and you were close to shoving his earpods up his ass if he continued.

Juyeon who was driving, hummed happily, tapping the steering wheel here and there and it made you burn with fury.

"Is Becky still coming over for dinner tonight?" Chanhee asked from behind you and your brother answered. "Yeah." You rolled your eyes so far up your head you thought you almost saw your brain. Becky was your brother's girlfriend who just like most human beings, you didn't like. To you, she just came off as a money thirsty bitch who was using your sweet idiotic brother.

"Ugghh! Do we have to eat with that hoe?" You groaned and Juyeon furrowed his eyes.
"Because she's my girlfriend and I'd appreciate it if you didn't call her that."

A little smirk grew on your face seeing how annoyed your brother was starting to look.

"What? A hoe?" You mused and Juyeon didn't answer you but Hyunjoon did. "Becky isn't a hoe, she's actually pretty nice if she gets what she wants." He shrugged and you sighed dramatically.

"Look, all I'm saying is that if you always gotta pay the bill for every meal y'all have, she's a hoe. I mean you can't even split the check? Not once? Why not just give her the money and let that hoe go shopping for hoe clothes?" You said and Kevin snorted.

"Stop calling her that." Juyeon said through clenched teeth.
"But she is a hoe!" You defended

"Trouble." Juyeon snapped and you coiled back, crossing your arms over your chest and mumbling cuss words.

"Blue and black? Are these people blind?" Kevin said to himself looking down at his phone.

"Trouble," he called to you and shifted his phone screen to face you and on it was a white and gold dress.

"What colour is this dress?" He asked and you sighed.

This is gonna be a long ass ride

*  *  *

You weren't completely dissapointed about going to see the basketball game and enjoyed it actually but one of the players on the opposite team looked firmilar to you. You will give Jacob some credit, he's actually really good at the sport but unfortunately they lost the match by four points to some team called Hoodrunks. Anyone would think that name was stupid but Jacob's team name was just horrible, The Layeons, please.....

The rest of the boys were congratulating Jacob on a good game but you were in almost a trance. Jacob was dripping of sweat, his exposed collarbone glistening along with his arms that looked like they were well worked out, just right. Jacob looked like THE Jacob and it was confusing you. What took you more off guard is when he was pushing back his hair and caught your stare and something Jacob,the one you know wouldn't do. He winked at you and you embarrassingly blushed your blood out and turned your head away from the boy.


"Hey Bae!" A firmilar voice shouted catching all of your attention. You turned your head to see a boy, black hair pushed back, good looking. It was the boy from that morning you were hangover, the douchbag looking one!

"Kobe?" He said pouting mockingly, doing a in basket move before laughing along with his teammates and walking away. Jacob sighed and you wondered why he didn't say anything back.

"What's up with that kid?" Sangyeon glared at the boy and Jacob just shook his head. "He's just like that."

*   *   *

"Ughhh fuck my life!" You cried once you heard the intercom ringing. That meant Juyeon's sl-girlfriend was here and you weren't in the mood today so you hoped she wouldn't try you cause you don't know what you could say. Sometimes your mouth just says stuff and it's only after you've said that you've fucked up.

The dinning room table was set neatly, to bad it won't be that way for long, not with these pigs. You were walking down the stairs when suddenly a heavy arm landed on your shoulders.

"You know I didn't forget about you eyeing me today right? You ain't slick." Jacob said lowly to you and you felt embarrassed but didn't dare to show it, instead you gave him a sceptic look.

"I wasn't." That's the only answer you could come up with and he smiled at your answer, looking annoyingly amused. "Oh yes you were.'

"Okay let's say I was, so what? What are you gonna do shoot me? Cause that'll be easy to avoid, all I need to do is wear a basketball hoop on my head." You mocked his lost match and he laughed letting you walk off and watching you closely untill you disappeared. Jacob caught Sunwoo staring at him questioningly but brushed it off.

You made your way to the dinning room and leaned up against a chair waiting for the guest to come in with the rest of the boys. You heard mumbling and footsteps coming towards the room and you braced yourself by breathing in deeply. Chanhee who was watching you gave you a look and mouthed

"Be nice."

Rolling your eyes immensely you sighed and shut your eyes once you heard that fake annoying valley girl voice

"Oh my gosh is that Trouble?!" The brunette gasped and you smiled tightly. You were hopping she'd stop there but being the drama queen she is she took it an extra mile and went on to hug you much to your displeasure.

"Look how much you've grown!" She said holding you by the shoulders and eyeing you.
"Ha ha two months later." You said sarcastically. Becky had only been with Juyeon for four months so far yet she's speaking like she's known you since you were five years old.

"Becky brought lasgna." Juyeon smiled catching your attention. He was holding a glass container and the room filled with 'yays' that didn't sound that enthusiastic.

"Make sure to give Sunwoo a big spoonful because I know how much you love my cooking." Becky gleamed and Sunwoo who was about to sit down at the table paused in mid air for second.

"I do?" He asked looking shocked and you slipped away from the girl in front of you and went on to take a seat next to Haknyeon.

"Yes silly you said it yourself, remember?" She said and Sunwoo darted his eyes around the room as if looking for help but everyone pretended not to see him. You remember Becky's cooking and it's most definitely NOT good, it's very far from it.

"Oh uh I remember but uh maybe we shouldn't do that. You know so everyone gets to enjoy the food." Sunwoo tried digging himself out of this whole but the girl wasn't backing down, or should I say, becking dow- moving on...

"Don't even worry about it I made more than enough." She winked at him before taking a seat next to Juyeon. A minute later, Sangyeon and Eric came in with the food and layed it on the table. To say you were a bit hesitant to eat the food tonight was an understatement, especially since Sangyeon cooked and with the hatred he has for you he really could've put anything in there and the smug looks he kept sending you weren't helping.

Becky's poor lasgna sat alone and untouched in the corner of the table, the tinfoil still not removed and you were hopping she wouldn't notice as you all went on into your conversations. Well your having conversations untill little miss pretty titties decided to make the night about her. She went on and on about her past jobs and how dramatic her grandma's death was and how many followers she had on social media and blah blah blah blah blah......

"Then I went on to work on a suicide hotline, I got to help depressed people and listen to their problems and try to help as much as I could you know?" She went on and everyone at the table was getting tired of hearing her speak. You don't for how long you were at that table for but you were starting to get hungry again.

"Do you still have that number?" Sunwoo sighed making you snort and you both laughed, earning a glare from Juyeon.

"Oh my gosh, I'm blabbering aren't I? I'm so sorry." Becky giggled and you had to bite back your tongue from saying something sarcastic.

"You guys!" The only other girl in the room whined catching all of your attention and even waking up Sangyeon who had fallen asleep.
"No ones eaten the lasgna?" Oh no....

"C'mon guys." She stood up from her seat and grabbed a dishing spoon, ignoring the cries of protest from everyone else and the fake stomach ache gestures. She placed at least a spoon on each plate and when she came to yours, your mouth did what it did best without you consent.

"Ewwww!" You recoiled, pushing the plate away. Haknyeon nudged you to shut up but you couldn't. The yellow and brown smudge that was on your plate was NOT lasgna.

"What's wrong?" Becky asked but Juyeon didn't let you answer.

"Trouble." He warned but you ignored it.

"Juyeon I don't care what you say I'm not eating that, look at it!" You whined and some of the boys tried holding back their laughter while the other's looked back from you to Juyeon to Becky knowing well what was about to go down.

"E-excuse me-"

"Becky don't worry about," Juyeon stopped his girlfriend who was looking pretty well offended from saying anything else. "Y/n, that wasn't very nice I think you should apologize to Becky." Juyeon said, more of commanded and you looked at him sympathetically and that's when you'd had at.

"Fine." You said and turned around to face the said female.

"Becky, I'm sorry your lasgna looks like vomit." You said and the room filled with stifled laughs but the girl was not amused.


"And I'm sorry but I'd rather eat my leg then that crap. " You finished off standing up from your seat and the girl stepped in front of you, her arms crossed over her chest defensively.

"Well yeah, since we're being honest, I don't like you."

'No shit.'

"I think I'll live." You said sarcastically pushing past her towards the exit and stopped in your tracks to turn around and shoot the last bullet.

"And since we're being honest, I don't like you either because you're faker than the Barbie doll you portray yourself to be-"

"Y/n-" This time it was Jacob who was trying to stop you but your emotions and the stabbing at your abdomen was telling you "No no, continue, let em have it!"

"No matter how much charity work you do you still work at a nail salon and to the best of my knowledge you shouldn't be able to afford a Gucci jacket but here you are today, wearing one. Why?"

Position gun.

"Because my brother paid for it. Why?"

3, 2

"Because you're a hoe."


¤ ¤ ✏ ¤ ¤

"I just about had it!" Jerry exclaimed making his workers jump in fear. "Whatever kids star'ed this thinkin iss funny, well it ain't! Never was, never will be!" He vented as the animal infestation workers took the last snake filled coolerbox into their van.

"That's the last of them." One of the men said. "I'm telling you, whatever guy brought these in here has got serious balls." He laughed as he took his payment from Jerry who didn't find the situation amusing.

"He even went as far as ducktapping their mouths, sick!" The shorter man next to him gleamed and Jerry glared at him.

"Why don't you all stop building? Obviously someone doesn't want you here." The man said shoving the money into the pocket of his dirty blue jumpsuit.

"Why don't you get off my property? You've done your job and you've been paid, now leave." Jerry spat and the two men exchanged looks before shrugging and walking away.

"Penny! Chang!" Jerry called and the two young men straightened up. "You two'll be keeping watch on the site tonight."

"What?!" The two squeaked in synchronization but their boss ignored them. "Chang you have car so y'all stay in it for the night and if you see anyone who's  messing around, ya immediately take em to the police understand?"

"Yes sir." Chang nodded but his partner disagreed. "Sir, why not just ask the police to patrol the area instead?" But what they didn't know was that Jerry had asked for help from the authorities and all they told him was that it was probably just some kids messing around and that they had more pressing matters to attend to.

"I'm telling you to do it. I'm paying you aren't I? Now get to work." Jerry sneered before walking away.


A/n: long overdue but do y'all realize how busy I've been?!!! The fucking fact that I got school on Saturdays too now and  I also have a job is stressing


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