Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki...

By ChloeGonzales9

260K 4.7K 2.3K

When a young girl gains a stalker , Prince Yuki Sohma, her world gets turned upside down for the worst. No on... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 ( 18+)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (+18)
( A/N)
Chapter Eighteen (18+)
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three ( 18+)
Attention all readers!
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
I'm sorry
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Filler # 1
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
I need help

Chapter Thirty-Two

2.9K 62 8
By ChloeGonzales9

"Ha'riiii!! You will not believe what I'm about to sayyy!!!" Ayame said in sing-song voice into the phone.

Hatori was sitting as his desk trying to do...you know doctor stuff and was holding the phone a good five inches away from his ear. He was barely listening to Ayame's screaming voice as he filled out some papers.

"Yuki has a girlfriend! Can you beleive it?! You should come see her! Soooo cute...Yuki could barely contain himself when she's around! And she..."

He dragged on and on about the girl. Hatori was mildly interested only becuase he would have to tell Akito about this new development and probably have a talk with Yuki's new girlfriend. He wished Ayame would get to the point as well...and tell him her name too. He needs to tell this girl what she's getting into when you get into a relationship with a member of Zodiac. Especially if this would turn into a long-term relationship.

First though he would have to talk with Akito. Although he was sure the young man would not be pleased.

"Yuki told her about the Zodiac." Ayame's hushed down his voice tone.

Hatori pulled the phone to his ear. "I imagined so. Yuki would not have done so if this would not be a long-term realtionship. I will have to speak with Akito about this. Then I want to speak with the girl."

Ayame twisted the phone cord around his fingers. He was getting tired of being serious. "Do you want to speak to her now? She's in the kitchen with Tohru."

"Why not? Just to get this over and done with."

"Okay!! Just wait while I go and get the princess!!" Ayame reverted back to his loud, expressive self.

Hatori was already holding the phone away five inches away again to continue his work. A couple of minutes passed and he was sure Ayame was wasting time with his babbling. Him and Shigure probably traumatized the girl already with their ridiculous antics. Although he was about to do worse...

You wiped your hands on your apron and took the phone Ayame outstrecthed to with his hand. He winked as you hesitantly held the phone to your ear. Apparently another one of Yuki's cousins wanted to talk to you. You were a little a nervous...but the others were friendly(a little too friendly)so what was there to fear?

Taking a deep breath you speak into the phone. "H-hello?"

"Hello. You are Yuki's girlfriend correct? I apologize but Ayame did not mention your name."

Your eyes narrow for a split second. Wait...you recognized this calm, collected tone anywhere.

Hatori wasn't surprised at the silence. "I understand your apprehension but I must speak with you."

Dear god...this wasn't...no it couldn't be! Never! NO! Only one way to find out...


Hatori blinked for a second. He recognized your voice as well. "(Name)?"

"NO! Wait I mean yes! Yes it's me!"

It was official, God hated your guts.

He chuckled. Well, well he never thought you'd be dating Yuki. In fact he didn't even know you went to the same school. "Well this is unexpected. So your Yuki's girlfriend, huh? I guess theres nothing to worry about then."

"You're related to Yuki, Ha'ri?!" Maybe you did something to seriously offend God. Why must he toture so? All these men were so darn hot...it was simply unbeliveable.

"Yes and there's no reason to yell."

"Oh I'm sorry Ha'ri. So how have you been?" You blushed lightly. God you loved the sound of that man's voice.

"Good and you?"

"I've been fine but I was wondering if...if I could...ummm..." You weren't sure how to ask this.

"I see you haven't forsaken this crush of yours. I think thats unfair to Yuki, (name)."

You inwardly cursed Seth and hoped he was having oodles of 'fun' on his date. "It's not like that Hatori I just...Seth is an idiot."

"I agree. I take it you've met Ayame and Shigure. I hope they didn't do anything inappropiate."

"Yes, they're very...colorful people. They were very respectful."

Well except for the excessive touching and cooing they were pretty awesome. They were like the two halves of your brother.

"You were right. Shigure does remind me of Seth. Ayame too."


You giggled. "Is there something wrong?"

"Are you sure (name)?"

"About what Hatori?" You scratched the back of your head in confusion.

"Are you sure about this relationship with Yuki, (name). You know what you're getting into. Especially if this turns out to be long-term."

Your eyes widen. Did Hatori know about Yuki's unstableness? His crazed obession with you?! Hmm...he was a doctor. They could tell about that kind of stuff. Just to be on the safe side you should question him some more. Just to be clear that you were talking about the same thing.

"What do you mean by that?"

Hatori sighed. "We've been over this (name). The Zodiac curse and the effects it has on relationships like these. Although you and your grandmother are special cases, this thing you have with Yuki might end terribly. I don't want you to end up like the others."

Woah...hold up. This is totally not what you thought it was. What was he talking about? Zodiac curse? Did you miss something?

You were about to ask but Hatori continued on. "If this does turn into a long-term relationship, what of marriage and children?"

"C-c-children?! Hatori wait we're not...I'm not-"

"Can you handle giving birth to child born with the curse? And this irrational fear of mice you have, does Yuki know about it?"

"Of course he knows! For God's sake, he knows everything! I still can't beleive...dear god...c-c-children?!"

He seem to not catch on to that comment. "It makes me wonder why you chose to date him of all people."


"Yes?" His voice was as cold though you could detect a hint of warmness there. You smiled...Ha'ri was worried about you! You would've went off into fantasy world....if you weren't so confused right now.

"What's the Zodiac c-"

"What going on here? I heard screaming. Are you alright?" Yuki placed a hand on your shoulder.

You jumped in surprised and backed away with the phone still in your ear. "Hold on." You lowered it after taking a death breath and covered the bottom half with your hand.

"I'm on the phone, Yuki."

"Who are you talking to?" He took a step forward to close the bit of distance you had created.

You rolled your eyes. "You're rude, do you know that? I'm talking to your cousin...Hatori."

His eyes widened for the second then they narrowed in contempt. "What did he say to you? I don't want you talking to him. Give me the phone (name)."

Hereached out to take it but you moved it way. You raised your eyebrow. "What?"

"Give me the phone (name). Hatori is bad news. I don't want you near that guy. He'll erase your memories...I don't want you talking to him. Did he invite you over Sohma house? If he did then don't go!"

Okay...so you were now officially lost in the sauce. Hmm you wonder if Tohru was done cooking...wait you're getting sidetracked. Now what's this about Hatori erasing your memories?

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