
By Mariska98

403K 13.6K 3.4K

Keeping cool during the heat of the summer, Jack Frost is content "chilling out" in the constantly snowy Ice... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Defrosted Video Contest!
Chapter 29
Video Contest Results!
Chapter 30
Trailer Contest News
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Defrosted Contest
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The End
Authors special announcement!

Chapter 15

10.3K 301 60
By Mariska98

(Kristoff )

Several days past in the company of this 'Delilah' woman. It felt like miserable agony, immobilized in a bed when I knew Anna was out there. I tried to move but with little success as Delilah who was much stronger then she looked, forced me back down.

"You are so close to being healed, you will not ruin my months of work by just a few days! Now if you wish to heal properly, lay down or I will tie you down!" She cried out, pushing me back onto the bed.

So I did, then she explained how her mother was a healer and how she knew of such things.

But shortly after, that feeling of worry turned to fear. I didn't know if she was still alive, had she survived the siege? Had the country been taken? Was she now a wife to some barbarian usurper? What had happened to Arendale? I had begged these questions of my carer, but she herself simply could not answer them.

"What happened to the crown princess of Arendale?!? Is she ok? What happened to her I MUST KNOW!" I cried. "Calm down Kristoff!" She ordered, slapping a cold rag onto my face. "I cannot be calm, I have to know what happened to my Anna!" I argued, pulling the thing off my face.

She snatched the rag out out my hands and began dabbing it against my neck. "Your Anna?" She asked in puzzlement. "Yes my Anna, princess of Arendale, my courtier, my sweetheart... I must know what happened to her!"

She sucked in a breath, as if my words stung her. "Oh....your woman." She sighed. "Yes, yes! Now do you know what happened to her?" I asked frantically. "No I do not what has become of your princess, but if the knowledge troubles you, I shall ask of her when I make my delivery to the city at the end of the week." She promised.

Delivery? I had puzzled? Delivering what? And the next day, I got my answer. In the mornings she would set out, ax in hand and chop down the tall slim trees in the forest at the foot of the cabin. I was awestruck gazing out the window and watching her work in the distance. I couldn't believe it, a woman woodsmen. So that's how she was so strong. She hacked down trees swinging an ax so broad it could match a Vikings, then she would cut the trees into three smaller sections and carry them to a large cart and toss them onto the back of it.

Just the effort to watch her would cause me to drift off to sleep, waking up to the smell of her mouthwatering cooking.

Soon she said I was well enough to sit up, and helped me prop myself up against the headboard and I was 'allowed' to feed myself. She'd sit beside me and we'd talk the rest of the day, until sleep once again lulled into me.

"My father was a woodsmen, and I was the only child my parents could conceive. So naturally, without a son I learned the trade." She explained one afternoon over fried robin eggs.

"And you live up here all by yourself? Why do you not move to the village? Or find a husband?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I like it up here, it's quiet and peaceful, and Iv no time for a husband. Plus I was never one for the crowded city. All those people hustling about everywhere, the air clouded with smoke, and the noise, so much noise. You can't even hear yourself think."

"I'll second that." I replied. As much as I cared for Anna I didn't much care for her city life. "It's nice to meet someone who finally understands how fulfilling the wilderness can be." I Chuckled, But that quiet chuckle quickly turned into a loud belch.

"I'm terribly sorry!" I apologized, slapping my hand over my mouth in embarrassment. Anna and her sister simply hated when I did that. Elsa had told me on several occasions that it was "unbecoming of a gentleman."

"Anna absolutely hates..." I started to explain before being cut of by a loud long belch from Delilah. "I'm not Anna." She laughed loudly, throwing back her head. She so different to Anna. A mountain woman instead of a princess. She arm wrestled, propped her feet on the table, made dirty jokes and cooked with to much grease, because she didn't care about if it was 'bad for her waistline' and occasionally she snorted when she laughed.

I liked listening to her laugh, it was warm and seemed to fill out the entire cabin. I tried hard to make her laugh so that I could hear it as often as possible. It took my mind off the constant knot of worry that was kneading itself into my stomach. Was Anna OK? Had Sven found her? How was she dealing with the murder of Elsa? All thoughts that were on constant replay inside my mind.

We talked about all sorts of things, as we had very much in common. Both raised in the mountains. I told her tales of my ice business and the shenanigans that me and my trusty reindeer Sven would get into. She told me how people in the village think she's either insane or a witch and how she plays along just to keep them guessing. I'd tell her about my adopted rock troll family and she'd tell me the tricks she used to pull on her father.

But as the days past, our conversations grew deeper, as my body grew stronger she'd climb onto the bed beside me and we'd talk for hours into the night until I'd fall asleep. Until the third night, the night after I had managed to take several steps around the bed by myself. I managed to stay awake and she ended up falling asleep on my shoulder. I didn't wake her, or move her, she looked so peaceful. I simply tilted my head against hers and dozed off.

The next morning I awoke to find that I had shifted to laying down, and she was now sleeping on my chest, head under my chin and one arm wrapped around my torso. I inhaled, her hair smelt of pine and fresh cut timber, a wonderful scent.

She sighed in her sleep and snuggled closer to me. Should I wake her? She looks so peaceful...

Before I could think on the matter her eyes slowly began to flutter open. She sucked in a nervous breath when she realized what she was sleeping on. But instead of quickly scooting away like I expected her to, instead I felt her relaxing. "Good morning." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"Uhh...Morning." I replied hesitantly. "Today is day." She announced, standing up, stretching and yawning. "The day?" I questioned sliding myself back up into my usual seated position. "The day I take my lumber to the mill in the village." She replied, placing more wood onto the embering fire in order to cook breakfast.

Wonderful... I thought to myself. I will finally know what has become of Anna and Arendale.

Soon after, she left, hitching her giant horse "Pompeii" to her lumber laden cart and driving off to the city at the foot of the mountain. Whilst she was gone I climbed out of bed. Suddenly feeling a rush of energy. Gripping the edge of the bed I walked around it slowly, gaining more confidence in my once broken body with each step. I could feel it, I was healed. After washing up in the basin I slipped back on the white night robe that had once belonged to Delilah's father, apparently Delilah had changed me into it when she found me. My clothes were ruined and she had to burn them is what she had told me.

I steadied myself against the wall using a hand until I reached the door. My legs were soft from disuse and I wouldn't be able to race Sven speed for a while, but at least I could walk again, and that was good enough for me. Delilah told me of how she had found me washed ashore on the riverbank at the base of the mountain one day whilst she was searching for a particular type of Norwegian Spruce. How nearly every bone in my body had been broken or dislocated.

I spent the afternoon outside the cabin, going for short walks to try and build my stamina back up. I was sitting on the porch steps and the sun was just beginning to set when I heard the whinny of Pompeii and the clanking and creaking of the lumber cart. Her eyes widened as she spotted me. "What are you doing outside? You need rest!" She insisted, jumping of the cart and tying Pompeii to a post.

"Rest smest" I shook my head defiantly. Slowly walking over to her to help her unhitch the horse from the wagon. She simply rolled her eyes at me, taking a bite out of an apple then giving the rest to Pompeii.

Once the big grey horse was back in his pen I couldn't contain myself any longer. "So tell me news of Arendale!" I cried out as we walked back into the cabin.

"You might want to sit down." She gulped. A pang of dread fell to my stomach and I began to fear the worst. So I eased myself onto the kitchen stool, awaiting the worst.

"I talked to the magistrate, his son owns the mill I sell to so it wasn't that hard for me to see him. I'm sorry Kristoff but Arendale is still under siege. This Anna of yours was quickly crowned queen at the death of the ruling monarch, but the defenses failed. The castle and the capitol city have fallen under Viking control." She explained solemnly.

"No..." I whispered as my heart dropped like a stone. "I'm so, SO sorry Kristoff." She said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"There is rumor though... I know it's not right to trouble you with what is probably nonsense, but would you like to hear it? Asked Delilah. Though my heart was heavy, I nodded yes. "There is a rumor that the castle was empty when the Vikings breeched its walls, that this queen had escaped and is in hiding. That she is hiding somewhere."

"Iv got to go, Iv got to find her!" I cried. The burden on my heart lifting with this 'rumor'.

"You can't go back there! That's just a rumor. Arendale, its Viking territory now. If they catch you, they will kill you!"

I stood up. "If there's even a sliver of hope, a chance that she's alive... Iv got to take it Delilah. Iv got to go back now. You've got to understand, I love her! I would do ANYTHING for her."

"Oh no, I.... I understand perfectly." She sighed, avoiding my eyes. Then she walked to the large, well built and intricately carved wooden closet in the corner of the cabin living room. She pulled out several things, bundling them all up together she walked back and thrust the bundle into my arms. Picking it apart I found a pair of trousers, a white woodsmen shirt, gloves, a belt, sturdy brown boots and a warm grey coat lined with fox fur.

"Those belonged to my father, but they aren't much use to him nowadays. Put them on and go rescue your princess." She gave me a sad sort of smirk before walking into the other room

Indebted in gratitude, I changed into the garments, glad to be out of that night robe. I walked back into the living room to find her filling a red sack with nuts, bread, cheese and dried meats. She handed me the sack and then reached into the satchel around her waist and pulled out a jingling leather purse. Without saying a word, she grabbed my hand and place the small leather bag into my hands.

"What's this?" I questioned staring at it. "It's the money I made today." She replied. I raised my hand in protest and was about to refuse when she said "Just take it ok, you need it."

"But what about you?!? It's your money?!" I protested but she simply shook her head."Don't argue please, just take it. In your condition you won't make the trip on foot, it will kill you. You need a horse. I'd give you Pompeii but now... He's all I've got left." Her blue eyes flashed with a mysterious pain.

"But..." I started. "I said not to argue!" She grabbed my hands and pressed them both around the satchel.

"Goodbye Delilah. Thank you for everything. I don't know how ill ever repay you, I owe you my life!" I pulled her into a hug. "No need to repay me, your company was enough." She answered squeezing me tightly.

"Remember when you asked me why I didn't have a husband?" She mumbled into my shoulder. "Yes, you said you didn't have the time." I laughed.

"The truth is..." She said stepping back and placing both of her hands on my shoulders. "I lied. I have the time, I just never met the right person. Or so I thought." She laughed sadly. "You know, something my mother once told me I just realized the truth to. My mother said that men are like wagon parking spaces. The good ones are taken and the rest are all handicapped."

Then she smiled at me and straightened out the collar on my jacket. "Go rescue your princess." She smirked, standing up on the tips of her toes and kissing me on the forehead for luck. "Goodbye Kristoff."


-Authors Note-
Hello my lovelies, GeekPower1 here! I know this isn't the usual 'Jelsa' or Anna based chapter but we all needed to know what on earth Kristoff was doing in Norway. I hope you guys enjoyed it, even though it wasn't 'mainstream' What did you guys think? Mariska98 and I LIVE to read your comments, we absolutely love feedback and can't believe this story has over 60,000 reads! Thank you all so much! If you guys like this story you should check out my superhero/supervillian teen fiction romance novel 'Frenemies'. Thank you all so much and don't forget to vote! -GeekPower1

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