Discovering the Disguised

By Definately_maybe

19.2K 526 71

Kelly Street is a stereotypical nerd. She acts like ones, talks like one and even looks like one. At school... More

Discovering the Disguised
Peaceful Walk
That Person In The Shadows
Self Portraits
Those Pesky Birds
Just A Week Away
The Pop Tart Incident
Ash And Ash
Feeling The Fame
The Pranks Continue...
Guess Who
The 12 Commandments
Awkward Bus Ride
The One And Only
Today Is The Day
Late Arrival

The Results

477 18 11
By Definately_maybe

This chapter is dedicated to K1ttyCat5097 thank you for being a great commenter. :)

I'm extremely sorry for the long wait! Thank you to those who are still here xx

I waited and waited for about an hour, everyone looked a little nervous and were fidgeting or fiddling with their hair, hands or clothes. We all stared at the clock, watching the seconds tick by. Getting a little impatient I stood up to stretch my legs a little when they finally announced that the votes had been counted and they now had the results. They said that all contestants were to go onstage now for the final showing. I flattened my ruffled hair and prepared myself to go back onstage.

In alphabetical order we all scurried on, anxious to hear how everyone did. There was to be a first, second and third award.

"Alright, well done girls every single one of you out there today looked absolutely amazing and everyone deserves a prize but of course there can only be one winner. Here are the results: so in third place we have.... Anna Reaters!"

There was a loud applaud, which meant that she we obviously a popular choice.

As she collected her prize she gave a huge smile to everyone, thanked the principle graciously and walked off the stage waving to the crowd.

"In second place we have..... Amber Singleton!"

An applause burst out and she looked appalled, as if she couldn't believe that she didn't come first. But she went up to accept her prize. Snatching it out of the principle's hand and trudged back to her spot looking beyond mad. Her face was a nearer shade to purple than to her usual orange.

"And in first place and the overall winner we have...... Kelly Street! Well done and come and collect your prize!"

As I glanced at Amber as I went up to collect it with a little smirk, I gulped at the harsh glare she had set on her face. My smirk faltered as I realised what a huge mistake I had made by showing her up. This was way worse than I had thought, it wasn't some great prize to beat her. She was going to beat me up for it and I knew she would not let this off lightly. She was completely humiliated by being beaten by the school's nerd. She was going to make me pay.

I realised the huge roar of the crowd, glad that I had won. Almost as if I was popular, I couldn't believe it. It was like they had completely forgotten that I was a nerd. And I loved it.


When I managed to get back stage through the crowds of people clapping me on the back and cheering me as they parted before me, I was greeted by a not so happy Amber.

She immediately saw me and pounced. Teeth bared and everything, she almost reminded me of an angry buffalo I saw on holiday in Africa - nostrils flared, eyes glaring and face twitching. But that was quickly swiped from my mind as she grabbed my shoulder, pushed me against the wall and glared into my now slightly frightened face.

"How did you win?! Your the girl that sits in the library every evening, your the girl that has only a few friends that can bare to stay around her, your the girl that wears glasses and always has a spot on the end of her nose! How did you win?! I'm a gorgeous popular girl who has hundreds of boys falling at her feet!" She whispered in a crazed voice. "I'm way cooler than you!"

"Your cooler than me? I guess that makes me hotter than you!" I blurt. I mentally face palm. What a crappy come back. I am temporarily ashamed of my lame response but she slaps me so hard that my brain fizzles for a moment. Wow. She sure knows how to slap.

My hand whips up to my already reddening cheek and I groan. Ow.

"What did you just say?"

I don't answer but silently shake my head, which makes the whole room spin. Is it even possible to have a concussion without knocking your head? It sure feels like it.

After she realises I'm not going to reply she sneers down at me and the twists around, whipping me with her hair and struts off to her team.

I'm so glad that I beat her, I'm going to have a great rest of the year now. Not.

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