Fake Girlfriend to Real Girlf...

By ChrisEvansLavaLamp

165K 4.4K 4.1K

You go to a One Direction signing and Harry sees you from afar. He asks you to play along and be his fake gir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

8.2K 237 287
By ChrisEvansLavaLamp

(Y/N) P.O.V.

The taxi pulled up to my drive way and I payed him. I ran to my door and fumbled for my keys. When I finally unlocked my door I went in side and slammed it behind me. I ran all the way up to my room and made a giant leap for my bed and began to cry. But it was only a couple of seconds of crying before I threw up all over my floor. I stumbled from my bed to my bathroom and proceeded to throw up in the toilet. I'm never drinking again. It magnified my emotions by a thousand and I hated being sick to my stomach.

After a while of that I began to cry again. When I ran out of tears I got up to my shower and turned it on. It felt so good to be under hot water. I rested my head against the wall and just let the water run down my body. It was nice and quiet for once. (BFF/N) wasn't here so I had the place to myself. I know Harry will take care of her. Harry...

I can't think of him now. What was I thinking? That he would like me back. I'm just a random fan. That happened to be his fake girlfriend. It was all a sick joke. I think the world needed to know that it was all fake. But what if they hated him for that. No. I couldn't do that to him. Never.

I walked back to my bed and checked my phone. What was I expecting... A text? A voicemail? Maybe a call? I don't think he'll ever text me again...

*You're Insecure. Don't Know What For. You're Turning Head's When You Walk Through The Do-oo-oor*

My phone began to sing. I looked at the caller and it was (BFF/N). Maybe she needed a ride. I sure as hell wasn't driving maybe I would call a cab for her.

I picked up my phone and answered.

(Y/N): Hello?

Random Person: (Y/N)

(Y/N): Hello?! (BFF/N)

Random Person: It's me.

(Y/N): Look if you're some random guy that slept with (BFF/N). Text me your address and I'll pick her up in the morning.

Random Person: No. It's me Harry.

I just stared at my phone in disbelief.

(Y/N): Why do you have (BFF/N)'s phone? Is she okay?!

H: Yeah she's asleep with... Um... Liam. In fact everyone's asleep. Looks like I was the sober one tonight. 

He laughed a little. God I loved that laugh. I couldn't help but smile. But then I remembered tonight.

(Y/N): Look I have to go. I'm still not sober and I can't deal with this fake relationship.

H: That's why I called. I don't want to continue this with you anymore. We're done with this fake relationship.


Silence.  My head became clouded, my chest became heavy, my breath was short, and I suddenly felt like I was on the verge of passing out, or collapsing. I looked at the phone in my hands and pressed the end button. 

I dropped to my knees and then sat on my butt. My lips began to quiver and my eyes brimmed with tears. I began to cry. No I began to sob. They racked my chest and I gasped for air. I screamed and I didn't care if the neighbors called the cops. I was never going to talk to him again. I was so mean. I was so stupid. If I hadn't drank or maybe listened to drunk Louis, maybe it would be ok! I ran away from him.

I looked at my calendar. He went on tour in three days. So now it was over. Whatever we had. But it was nothing to him. Like it'll be nothing to me. Or at least that's what I'll tell myself. I cried a little more and then wiped my face. I decided to go to sleep. I had work in the morning.

*Beep Beep Beep*

My alarm went off. I got up and groaned. Oh my head. Damn I had a hang over. Not to bad since I cried and threw it up. But I still took 2 aspirin and got a cup of coffee. It was time to start my first day as second in command.

I drove up and got there on time. Today had to take my mind off Harry and life in general. As I got to my new office my boss came in and put a hand on my shoulder. He looked me in the eyes and said, "(Y/N) You're fired. Here's a check of one thousand dollars and you'll get three more of these checks later on. Good luck." and he left the room. 

I looked at the door where he had gone and then looked at the check in my hand. I sighed. My chest feeling heavier. I got my bag and left the office. As I got to where my car was supposed to be I noticed it had been 

"TOWED! Why was my car towed?" I asked the police officer.
"It was in the red zone."
"No it wasn't! I never park in red zones!"
"Lady. I have a picture right here. It's in the red zone."

I was in the red zone by two inches.

"Are you serious? That's like two inches!!!" 
"Still in there. Here's your ticket cost. You can pick your car up in an hour at the Tow Place."

He handed me a six hundred dollar ticket. Today was not my day. The second time today a bad slip of news was placed in my hand.

I took a taxi to the Tow Place and when I got there, I had to wait ten minutes until I got my car back. So while I was waiting, a worker slipped and dumped oil on my shirt. 

"Oh. Sorry Ms."
"Really. That's all you have to say. Sorry?"
And he whistled a tune while he walked off.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I screamed. I turned around and I kicked the wall. Bad idea.
Suddenly I heard a snap. And then it followed with me screaming and falling to the floor. I kept screaming as I looked at my ankle. I looked at it and saw white stuff sticking out of my foot. I touched it and I winced. Then threw up. Suddenly my head became dizzy and I passed out.

When I woke up I heard a consistent beeping that was going to drive me mad if it didn't stop. I looked around and saw I was in a hospital. HOSPITAL! What? Why was I in the oh... My ankle. I looked at it and it was wrapped up in a sling. 
The door opened and in came a doctor.

"Ah you're awake. That's good. You did a number on your ankle (Y/N). I can release you tomorrow. We need you one more night to make sure you're okay." the doctor said.

"How long have I been here for?"
"Two days. The owner of the Tow Place called 911 and you were brought here. When you kicked the wall you popped your bone out of place. As in out of your skin. You lost a bit of blood. You fainted. Also you have depression." he read off his chart.

"What? Depression? No I don't. Depression isn't just a one day thing of sadness. It's a constant thing that stays with you. For a long time. " I explained

"Well we've prescribed you pills for your ankle and for your depression. Also you have two visitors. A boy and a girl. I'll send them in." 

"No! Just send the girl. I don't have depression!"

" You will after you see the video that is a hit on Youtube. Harry's girl flips out after he breaks up with her." he says as he left the room.

Then (BFF/N) rushed in.

"Oh My God! (Y/N). Are you ok? I won't touch the ankle. I want to hug you so badly. I was so worried! OMG. I fucked Liam. 10 inch Payne Train is the real deal. Best sex ever. Oh wait this is your time. OMG the video. You haven't seen the video." she was ranting.

"Just show me." i whispered. She got out her phone and went on Youtube. 

The video consisted of the surveillance camera at the Tow Place. From the guy spilling oil on me to me kicking the wall and passing out. Yep it was a hit. There were many comments. 

I just sighed at the screen and asked her to play the video again.

"I heard that you got fired. I'm so sorry girly. Then I'll feel really bad for asking this." she said nervously.

"What. You pregnant?" I asked.

"No. I wish. Our babies would be beautiful. But Liam did ask me to go on tour with him. I said Yes. But then remembered you needed me. I'm here for  you (Y/N). Always will be." 

"You can go with Liam. Have fun. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I said.

"Really? Love you girly. Kay bye!" she called as she ran out the door. As the door flew open I looked out and saw a curly haired boy. He had his head in his hands and when he looked up. His eyes looked puffy. Either from crying or lack of sleep I didn't know. But we made eye contact and he stood up and continued to look at me as the door closed. 

What was Harry doing here? He had to go on tour tomorrow. Why was he here?

I closed my eyes and a couple of tears poured out of me. I couldn't do this. I was just so sad and heartbroken and done with everything. I kept all the mean things the "fans" had said to me. They were true I made myself believe. I believed I was fat and ugly and worthless and not good enough. Not good enough for him. 

Suddenly there was a warm, big hand on my cheek. I didn't dare open my eyes. For fear of who it was. I then heard singing from the person whose hand was on my cheek.


Little Things. He was singing me Little Things. That was going to make me cry again. But I didn't want him to know that I was awake.

I let him sing me Little Things all the way to the last verse. It was beautiful. Hearing it from him.

"I know you didn't want to see me today. In fact you probably don't want to see me again. But that might be hard since it's me. You didn't let me finish my phone call with you. I said I didn't want a fake relationship." Harry said to me. "You told me you didn't care about what they said to you. I read your twitter, facebook, instagram, whatever you had. Every word they said against you. Everyone who put you down and told you that you weren't good enough for me. You were and you are. But..." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "But it doesn't matter. I think I've lost you (Y/N)." He then buried his face in my neck and took a deep breath. It was more like a shudder with maybe a tear.

"I have to go now. But I will call you everyday and send you good morning texts and send you gifts. Anything for you to not be mad at me or hate me. I'll be back in 6months. Maybe then it won't be fake anymore." He kissed my cheek, put a note in my hand and left the room.

As soon as I heard the door close I sat up and opened the note. It was in his beautiful handwriting. 
It read: 

(Y/N) ,
I know you may hate me and be glad that I'm gone.

That was it? I turned the card over. 

Scribbled on it were instructions. 

Please save this note as there are more to come. xoxo Harry

I wasn't going to throw it away. I smiled a little and fell asleep.

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