I Thought I Knew (Hosie)

By inlovewitthemoney

223K 5.9K 1K

Josie sighed in frustration seeing the girls retreating form. " Hope why are you backing away from me?" Hop... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

chapter 7

7.6K 207 21
By inlovewitthemoney

"Lily?" A man called out his voice gentle but strict, he was clad in only what appeared to be some type of  cape as far as she could see.

" Lily my love I'm afraid that we must not dally we are expected." The man spoke up again looking around for the brunette not forgetting to search the bushes he passed by.

There was rustling in a nearby Bush and a girl that looked to be about 5"7 walked out dressed in a casual fitted gown with a plain bodice, her dirt ridden dress a little washed out considering the cream color in contrast to the almost black dirt.

The girl looked down at her dirt ridden outfit then spoke " I'm sorry that I ruined my dress Seb...I know I don't look presentable....I can go change if you want?"

He looked into Lily's guilt stricken eyes and sighed " I'm sure going to the meeting like this will be just fine, I'm sure everything will be just fine love. Especially since the alpha seems quite taken with you." When speaking of Seth he grimaced but went back to his neutral expression.

Lily smiled widely showing off her perfect teeth " I'm sure your right." Lily reassured herself... after all the alpha had been quite nice to her.

And with that they set off towards the rather large cottage that was in a way the pack house. When they stepped foot inside the smell of food instantly wafted through the couple's noses.

Inside straight across from them was a big round table...many people sat at it...the only empty seats were Lily's and Seth's which showed just how late they really were considering that late London was there before them.

Handsome features that she couldn't make out looked up at her... His focus now on anything but the meeting.

" Well if it isn't the radiant Lily and..... Sebean?" Lily blushed, she was so taken with Seth that she hadn't noticed that he'd gotten her fiance's name wrong.

Sebastian cleared his throat not liking that he had to speak to a room full of people. " It's Sebastian." He corrected

Seth rolled his eyes walking to the other side of the table to be eye to eye with Lily " Right....right." Seth said to give emphasis on how much he didn't care for the boy.

Seth extended his hand for Lily to take and she happily took it. Seth bent down and placed a gentle kiss to Lily's knuckle as he always did in greeting.....it was their thing.

His kissed lingered on Lily's hand as he pulled back.... Lily sighed he was enchanting. " What a pleasure to see you again my lovely Lily." Seth spoke his eyes raking over the girls mud caked clothes....Seth didnt mind her clothes too much considering that exploring is what Lily liked to do.

However Sebastian did mind....he wanted Lily to be clean, presentable, and perfect all the time, no matter what he said he knew what he wanted and liked.

Lily looked up at the brown haired man, he was obviously inlove with her and she quite liked him as well but it just couldn't be. They were quite different and she had a image to uphold to her people.....to her coven....so she backed away from the handsome Seth and took her seat at the round table trying to forget all about him.

Josie sat up in her bed with a jolt....it was a school night Josie looked over at her alarm clock.....12:26 pm it read. On a school night to be exact...could she ever get any sleep with this sleeping problem she'd recently developed.

Josie looked over at her twin. Yep just as she'd thought, sleeping just like a baby.

Those people were who she assumed were from Freya's book.The question wasn't who they were it's why are they in her dreams now? Was Hope getting the same peculiar dreams? These days her thoughts always drifted to Hope and she could exactly pen point why.

Josie sat up and threw on one of Hope's hoodies and a pair of jeans shorts before setting off for Hope's room regardless of the late hour.

The corridors were quite and easy to walk through without much of a hassle considering it was just her.

When she stood in front of Hope's room she just stared at the door hoping that somehow it would open on it's own to save her the embarrassment of having to knock this late in the night.

Before Josie could pussy out she quickly knocked on the door. Being a tribrid Josie knocked only once knowing that Hope could hear her even if it was in sleep.

Josie heard Hope walking around briefly before the door opened. Josie gave Hope a once over and quicky found her eyes traveling to Hope's milky thighs clad in only sleep shorts and her boobs barely contained by a blue tank top...but hey Josie wasn't complaining. You couldn't be choosy at 1 in the morning and Josie probably wouldn't want to change what the older girl was wearing even if she could.

'Focus Josie ' she told herself ' Keep your eyes on her face, keep your eyes on her face ' she chanted praying it would work.

Hope almost laughed when she found where the brunette was looking. " Are you going to come in or are you gonna stare at my boobs and thighs all day?" Hope snarked and the smirk on her face was all too much like her father's. Hope quicky got out of Josie's walk way

Her movements slowed and drawn out, she was obviously amused but Josie wasn't, not in the slightest. 

The younger girl blushed and quickly apologized before walking in . Hope held back a laugh " There's no need to be sorry, it's natural for you to look, everywhere you've looked at me tonight I've touched on you so.....it's only fair I suppose." Hope reasoned before closing the door and locking it.

Hope licked her lips as she gave Josie a once over, she was wearing Hope's hoodie, one that looked incredibly good on her by the way.

Hope shook her head and cleared her throat. " Why are you in my room at 12 o'clock at night Josie?"

Josie couldn't come up with an answer without sounding absolutely ludicrous, which should have been fine since this was a school for the supernatural but she felt like dreams of memories from dead people were more than off the ' Salvatore School For The Young And Gifted's ' can do list.

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