Chonis child :)

By choniriverdalelove

114K 2.7K 341

After high school Cheryl and Toni decide to adopt an 8 year old from Canada, through twists and turns their f... More

Fiancees and Footballs
Dont be dumb
Wedding Day
Kathryn Taylor Topaz Blossom
Cant do it without you
New Enimies of Old Quebec
It's Not Your fault KT
Lodge Leave
Parts of our Past
Sheriff Kevin Keller & the Lodge Family
Back at It
Canadian Culture
What is this?
Telling KT
Mrs. Mergers Lodge Andrews
Begining of Hell
Press and Pressure
Only You
Coming Home
Back to School
Day 2
Hospital Again
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Serious Talk

903 28 5
By choniriverdalelove

1 month later

Toni's POV
I wake up in my bed for the first time in a while. after a month they finally released me from the hospital. They still havent found the man who shot me so we have a police escort everywhere we go. I smile as Cheryl moves closer to me in her sleep. It's crazy, isn't it? That she stayed with me all these years?
"Antoinette I don't care," Cheryl screams
"Cheryl I wasn't even that drunk,"
"But you still drove Toni," she says "you don't understand the consequences,"
"Cheryl I was in control I don't know why this is such a big deal,"
"Because you could've killed someone or yourself very easily Antoinette and that's fucked that you don't care,"
"But I didn't," I defend
"But you very well could have. And I would not survive that phone call Toni, I wouldn't,"
"Cheryl it's not a big deal," I whine
"IT IS TONI," she says "You're Uncle was killer by a drunk driver I don't see why this isn't a bigger deal to you,"
"I wasn't even drunk,"
"Toni you were slurring and stumbling and could barely even remember your own name,"
I roll my eyes.
"You know what Toni, this is your problem! You don't see the consequences of anything," she yells
I just laugh
"You're unbelievable Antoniette," She says
"You're over reacting,"
"Oh am I? We are done for now Toni," she spits
"What?" I ask shocked
"You heard me! I need a break from this nonsense Toni! Having to worry every single night about if you're ok, because you never call or text me back and then you don't call for a ride and almost crash. I love you Toni! Do you ever think about how this makes me feel?"
"I'm sorry Cheryl," I choke
"Get out," She demands
"GET OUT TONI, I NEED TO BE ALONE," she yells "and when and if I call you to come back, you better not be fucking drunk,"
And I walked out
After a few hours my phone rings from Cheryl's number but when I pick up it Veronica
"Hey Toni," she says
"Ronnie?" I say panicked "is Cher ok?"
"Ya she said she's ready to talk to you but wants to do it in person,"
"Where?" I ask
"I'm not sure if this means anything to you but she said starlight in 20,"
"Ok thanks Ronnie,"
"No problem Toni,"
She hangs up and I drive to the abandoned building we used to star gaze off,
"Cher?" I say getting up to the rooftop
"Tones," she says relieved "I thought you weren't going to show up,"
"Sorry, traffic was horrendous,"
"No problem," she says
"Why did you want to meet up here?"
"Some of our best memories are up here Toni,"
"Ya, where did you even find this place," I laugh
"It used to be in the family, well still is. 5 stories of blossom empire, but it's in my name now," she sighs
Looking around it there is forest and with no light pollution, you can see almost every star. The roof is illuminated by flood lights everywhere, it's really secluded, really beautiful.
"I'm sorry Toni," she sighs
"Cher, you have nothing to apologize for I was being careless and didn't care about your feelings," I say
"True, and we will talk about that. But I was too hard on you, I got scared Tones," she confesses "I cant lose another person I love,"
"You're not getting rid of me that easy blossom," I say
She hugs me
"You're the love of my life Antoinette,"
"And yore mine Cher," I say hugging her back

That was our first big fight, and one of our last, it's not too often I find a person I get along with but Cher and I almost always agree (except maybe on my motorcycle riding).
Cheryl stirs and I kiss her cheek.
"How long have you been awake for Tones?" She asks snuggling into my side
"Not long," I hum "but I have been thinking of our wedding," I say
"Mm?" She asks
"Ya, I think I found the perfect place," I say
"Where?" She asks "California?"
"No, I was thinking somewhere closer,"
She raises an eyebrow confused, we were talking about a destination wedding earlier.
"Starlight?" She asks "like the building?"
"The roof," I correct
"Why?" She asks
"Some of our best memories are there Cher, it was just a thought though, if you still want to go to California, then we can," I say kissing her forehead
"I like it," she says
"Mhm," she confirms
"Ok, now let's pick a date," I suggest
"July 16th," She says
"That's like a month  away,"
"Yep but I like the date," she smiles
"Why?" I ask
"I just like it, there is no memory already associated with it so it'll be like starting new, starting fresh,"
"Like a new chapter," I muse
"Not a new chapter, a  new book, a happier one," she says
"You're cute,"
"You're cuter,"
"What colours are we doing this time?" I ask
"Same as last time, pick your own colours," she says
"Day or night?" I ask
"Sunset? And then the after party can be in the ballroom downstairs,"
"Ok sounds good,"
She turns kisses me.
"This is going to be perfect," she says
"Ya it is," I say "Because everyday I spend with you is perfect,"
"You're a flirt Topaz," she laughs
"So... what about the honeymoon," I ask kissing her neck "where are we going?"
"Well we did tell the girls they could come," she sighs
"Ugh," I say
"What if we go to California with them, come back and then go to Vegas without them,"
"I love that," I say pulling her closer
"Where are you going for your bachelorette party though?" She asks
"The boys said New Orleans, maybe Florida," I say "they're paying so I left it up to them, you?"
"Well I'm going to New York City with Betty, Kevin, and Fangs,"
"Ya I cant believe he's ditching mine," I say
"I'm just nicer babe," she teases
I grunt and she kisses my cheek
"You have Pea and Jughead and Reggie,"
"I know I know," I sigh "but Fangs kinda keeps us in check,"
"We better get up," I say hearing the boys cry from the other room.
They're 6 months old (they were born January 5th) and they're starting to crawl now.
"Can you get the boys?" She pouts
"Of course princess, wanna start breakfast for us?"
I peck her lips and go to the boys room.
"Hey boyos," I say picking them up "how are we today?"
TJ giggles and Owen claps his hands.
"We're going to have a good day boys,"
I go downstairs and Cheryl is already making eggs and waffles.
"There's my boys," she smiles "how are you?" She asks them kissing their cheeks
"They're in a good mood today,"
She makes the breakfast for us and the girls while I feed the boys their baby food.
"Hey moms," Madi and Alex say sitting down
"Hey girls, how was your sleep?" I ask
After a few minutes Kait and Tayleigh come downstairs and sit down.
"Now that we're all here, we set a date for the wedding!" Cheryl says
"When?" Alex asks excitedly
"July 16th," I say
"Cool," madi says
Everyone eats and the little girls go upstairs to change so they can go out with Betty.
"So Alex, I was wondering if you wanted to be a bridesmaid for me?" Cheryl asks
"SERIOUSLY?" She screams "AH I would love to!"
"Mads do you want to be the bridesmaid of the cooler mom?" I ask
"Ya I do!" She says giving me a high five
"Not cool Topaz," Cheryl says glaring at me
"Cool it bombshell," I wink
She rolls her eyes and smiles
"Why don't you take the girls out for a while because I need to clean the house," she says
"We will help clean," I say
"No we will not," Madi groans
"Madi is right, you just end up distracting me," Cheryl's says "I will keep the boys, you girls go have fun,"
I pout
"But I'll miss you," I whine
"Babe, 2 hours isn't gunna kill you,"
"It might," I groan
"You big baby," she says "plus Betty said she'll take the little ones shopping so drop them off at her house,"
"We're bossy today aren't we Ms. Blossom?" I say
"Well Ms. Topaz I would listen because the quicker you leave the quicker you come home,"
"Ok," I say pecking her on the lips
"Ok," she replies "bye I love you,"
"Love you too babe,"
I pile the girls in the car and then drop the younger ones off.
"Where to mom?" Madi asks
"It's a surprise," I say pulling off and driving towards the forest
We drive for 45 minutes before I see the Starlight
"We're here,"
"You're going to murder us in the woods? Great!" Madi says
"No dumbass, I'm showing you a place very special to me and your mom,"
"I'm going to tell Cheryl you called me a dumbass,"
"Oooo I'm scared," I say
"You should be, have you met her?" Alex asks
We walk to the door that still has its padlock on it.
"This place looks like it has been abandoned since the 70's,"
"You're hilarious, Cheryl and I came here in high school,"
"Sorry I was wrong the 60's," madi laughs
"You little shit," I laugh "I'm not that old,"
They laugh and I open the lock to walk inside. It's the exact same as we left it, a little dustier but that's about it.
"Dusty old furniture, great," Alex says
"Follow me," I laugh as I walk up the stairs
5 flights later we are at the top.
"Jesus Christ, I thought you guys were rich... you could t have installed an elevator?"madi says
I laugh and open the door of the roof.
"This is where we are getting married,"
"OMG it's beautiful," Alex says
They look around for a while before sitting beside me on the ground.
"Why is this place important to you guys?"
"Cher brought me here on our 4th date, we had a picnic and looked at the stars and fell asleep," I laugh "I got sick because she took my jacket and she took care of me for like five days. Then a few weeks later we came back and talked for hours and hours about life, it was the first time I ever cried in front of your mom, actually anyone for that matter and it was one of the rare times In high school I heard a genuine laugh from her." I say Then 3 months later we got in a huge argument, and she kicked me out; basically like 6 hours later Veronica called me and said Cheryl wanted me to meet her at starlight if I still wanted a relationship," I finish the last part with a sigh "I thought I fucked it up for good that time, it was our first big fight and I thought it would be the last time I saw her,"
"Can I ask what you did?" Madi says
"I was dumb, really dumb," I sigh "junior year, I went to the wyrme with Sweets and got drunk, Cher was sleeping so I didn't want to wake her up so I drove home, I didn't crash or anything but I very well could've and I was a really chill person in high school so I didn't understand why she was so angry at me," I sigh "I've never done anything like that again, and I don't really know what I was thinking but it taught me a hard lesson,"
"She kicked you out?" Madi asks
"Oh ya, I woke up with a killer hangover and Cheryl at the kitchen table with her angry face on, you guys know the one,"
"Oh ya," Alex says
"And she said to leave, that she needed to be alone but if she called me and I was drunk- she would never speak to me again,"
"Why was Veronica there?" Madi asks
"Her and Cheryl were best friends and Veronica saved her from drowning a year or so before," I sigh
"Mom can swim though," madi says confused
"Shit you two do not know that story," I say
"What happened?"
"We need to have 2 very long talks," I sigh
"Okay?" Madi says
"Before I met Cheryl she tried to kill herself," I say quietly "her brother just died and her dad was convicted of the murder and killed himself and her mother told her that nobody lived her and that she should just do it, do everyone a favour," I sigh "so she tried to drown herself in a frozen river, broke the ice and Archie and Veronica saved her,"
"Me and her are very alike y'know, we both had rough childhoods and didn't have the best mental health in high school. We really really try to make sure all you girls are healthy and happy, but with everything going on it's been tough, I know you go to your therapist but if you girls ever feel like you need to talk to us you can, I want you to know that our doors are always open Ok? I don't want you guys to feel alone. The worst feeling in the world is having no one to go to, so even if I'm pissed of, even if you do something dumb, come talk to me or Cheryl if you ever feel like hurting yourself ok?"
They both nod.
"Thanks mom," madi says with a soft smile
"No problem kiddo,"
"What was the second talk?" Alex asks
"Alcohol and drugs. Drugs Cheryl and I have a ZERO tolerance policy for, including marijuana and tobacco and the heavy stuff. not in our house, not at school. But, there are extenuating circumstances, if someone tricks you into something or someone drugs you at a party please come talk to us ok? Both of us know what it feels like and we know the signs of withdrawl and cravings, Uncle Kevin worked in a rehab facility for a long time so he knows how to help as well ok?" I say
They both nod.
"As for alcohol, you two get to go drinking with Sweetpea tomorrow night, congrats! I might be there or Cheryl, haven't decided yet but Sweetpea and Fangs will be there for sure, the wyrme is closed so you're going there and this is just to see your alcohol tolerance, so you know your limits," I say "that's how Cheryl started drinking and it made her feel wayyyyy safer,"
"How did you start drinking?" Madi asks
"I started in 8th grade because i was kicked out half the time and ran with the wrong friends," I sigh "Pea helped me out of that phase,"
"And Cheryl went drinking with Fans and Sweetpea?"
"No, she was never comfortable with alcohol but after we started dating she decided to try it but she was scared she would embarrass herself so I locked our phones in the bathroom and we sat in the wyrme as she drank and she said it helped and we figured we would t want to get drunk with our moms but Pea will be drunk off his ass and Fangs is dumb so we figured it's better for you two that way,"
"I mean our moms are pretty cool, probably better than yours," Alex says
"You've met my mother she is the devil incarnate and Cheryl's mother is..." I stutter "evil,"
"True," madi laughs
I hear a crunch of a twig from the ground and immediately stand up.
"Girls stay quiet," I whisper leaning to the edge.
Below I see a mess of forest before catching a glimpse of a person in all black. They don't seem to notice me at all but stare in the direct of Riverdale. Usually you would think this is a normal thing but like I said it's a 45 minute drive to get here from Riverdale and there is no town for hours after that, very secluded it's all blossom private property too so it's weird seeing someone out here.
"Mom," madi says from behind me
This causes the man to look directly at the building scanning floor by floor- he seems to be looking for someone, like he tracked people out here. I immediately lay down and the girls do the same thing- thank god the wall goes about a two feet higher than the roof. I crawl towards the door and lock it. No one can get in here now.
I peer over the ledge and the man is still standing there, fixated on a spot to his left of the building- our car. He starts walking that way. I crouch beside the girls.
"Mom what's going on?" Madi whispers
"I'm not sure, stay down, don't move, Alex text your mom, Madi text your uncles," I whisper
They nod and take their phones out and sit in the corner with me. I look over the the side of the building that our car is on and peer over just as it explodes. Great. I scan the woods for the man and see him on the first line scanning the building again for any signs of life- thank god I locked the door behind us. I catch a glimpse of his face and recognize him immediately-the man who shot me. Alex and Madi's dad, a psychopath.
I duck down before he sees me and ima tear goes down my face
"Mom what's wrong?" Madi asks
"Nothing nothing," I say wiping my tear
She hugs me
"Everything is going to be fine, we'll see Cheryl and the girls really soon and the boys will pull your hair tonight at dinner like always," she whispers "we will be fine,"
"When did you turn forty?" I ask after I calm down
"I had to do the same thing with Cheryl when they told us you were going to die," she whispers
"I'll totally be bringing that up later," I half giggle
"Cheryl responded!" Alex says
"Bless your mothers soul,"
"Bombshell?" Alex asks
"She knows it's serious and not a gag," I say
"Girls lie down," I say peering over the side
They do it and I cover their heads with my jacket, this will protect you from any debris if anything else goes down.
"Ok," madi whispers
I peer over the edge and the man is sitting on the charred remains of our mini van looking up at the building
"Shit," I mutter
He looks up and I swear we make eye contact but he didn't see me but he did yell.
Red hair?
He's not looking for me, he thinks Cheryl is out here. He thinks Cheryl is in the woods,

he's trying to murder Cheryl.

The next bit of the book will be family drama and some really fu. Things like vacations and family time and school chapters... Madi might get a love interest . This is a really interesting part of the book and expect an update tomorrow!!

A/N: I've had a concussion and was I the hospital so I've been just posting pre made one shots, sorry to keep y'all waiting I'll try my best to get back to this book ;) -KHM

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