There's Always August [Comple...

By nkf350

44.1K 1.3K 204

If you had met self-conscious, acne-attacked Kadea Gennings at the beginning of the summer you would have swo... More

To Conclude


1.2K 44 6
By nkf350

Some of it was done on the computer and some of it was done on my iPhone... Want the truth guys? I am WAYYY tooo lazy to edit the previous chapters ^.^ hahaha SORRY :P I hope I didn't fail too epically on the grammar department... :(

Hope this chapter doesnt suck too much!!! :D

School started for me.... Might explain why the updates are so wide-spaced!!! :( plus I get bored easily... Took a while to actually finish this chapter :P

This one is Dedicated to iamsam95 because of her awesome post :D


Chapter 11

"Did your parents not know how to use protection?" Sebastian stared at her coldly and cocked his eyebrow.

"I was just asking whether you liked the country, Jesus!" Rachel sounded annoyed.

He shrugged and looked the other way.

Argh! He was so fucking annoying! I literally wanted to pull his head off.

Remind you of anyone? Yah, that's right. The bitch: Jazz.

Sebastian hadn't talked once and the times Rachel even tried starting a conversation, he'd either ignore her or say something that was completely rude.

She huffed; obviously giving up. "What about you, Felipe. D'you like it here?"

He shoved his glasses up his nose for the millionth time. "It's okay."

He didn't talk much. Have any of you ever seen The Big Bang Theory? Let's just say that Felipe is a hell of a lot like Sheldon; socially awkward and extremely scientific.

"You're the chick that's dating my brother, right?" Sebastian asked me.

I was slightly taken aback by the tone of his voice and the fact that he was actually talking to me. "What about it?" I finally replied.

He didn't even bother replying; instead he pulled out a cigarette and lighter.

He was just about to light it when Rachel informed him of the rules against smoking inside the house.

He got up and flicked Rachel off; lighting the smoke anyways.

To exaggerate his point, he blew a puff of smoke in her face and then, finally, walked out the front door to resume killing himself; one cigarette at a time.

The minute the cloud of smoke died down, August stood up and grabbed my hand; pulling me away from the sitting room that may have looked normal but definitely smelled like tobacco.

We rounded a corner and walked into a random room; locking the door behind us.

"I am so sorry." He sounded sincere as his eyes scrutinized my every move.

"He's really not very nice, is he?" I asked August earnestly.

He sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Can I tell you something?"

I could tell that it was definitely something serious. "Yah, sure."

"My dad... he..." His voice cracked a bit.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Please tell me! I thought fiercely.

"I want to..." He insisted. "My dad was great... He used to take all three of us everywhere he went. He was an animator and he always insisted on taking us to his work studio. It was awesome because he sometimes took us when we had school by convincing my mom that it was educational." He chuckled at the memory. "Felipe was pretty fun back then and, believe it or not, so was Sebastian. We would plan tricks and stuff to play on our parents and they wouldn't even bother grounding us because they knew it wouldn't change anything..."

There was a pause. His eyes became slightly watery and I felt awkward. I wasn't exactly an expert when it came to crying. Especially when it was guys that cried. What the fuck should I do now?

"We were about thirteen when his health started deteriorating. He smoked now and then but I don't think that's what brought on the Lung Cancer. It took a year to kill him entirely and after that, Sebastian started getting into hard-core drugs and Felipe discovered books... We all, kind of, went our separate way, I guess."

I started tearing up. Believe me, this was a big deal because I almost never cried.

I hugged him because I knew from experience that sorry just didn't cut it.

That was when I decided to tell him about my sister....

I don't think even Rachel knows about her.

"We found out she had Leukemia when she was about eight and I was nine. She had to go through the whole Chemotherapy treatment. It sucked because she lost a majority of her hair and she was young; the best part of being a girl when you're young is messing around with your hair. She had none." I laughed cynically. "Two years later, the doctors told my mum that they couldn't do anything more for her. I was old enough to understand what was happening to her and it didn't help much that the kids in my class kept on bullying me about my weight. If there was ever a good time for me to commit suicide, it would have been right then; of course, I don't think I really knew what suicide even was back then. She died the same day I graduated from fifth grade. A month later, we moved here. My parents kept on saying it was because of their jobs but I knew that they just wanted to escape losing their daughter..."

He hugged me tighter.

Silence clouded the room as we stood there, embracing each other.

"We're pretty fucked up, aren't we?" I laughed sarcastically.

"No shit."

That was when I finally took in my surroundings and then cursed.

"What?" August asked; sounding curious.

"We're in Pete's room. Rachel's older brother."

"What about it? I mean, it's not like he's in here or anything."

"He's a complete douche and I'd rather not be in any place concerning him."

As if on cue, I heard Rachel's voice tear through the door. I could tell that she was still in the Family room though because the yell was quite distant.

I had a feeling Sebastian had something to do with it.

August cursed; he must have thought so too.

What the hell happened? Rachel rarely ever got angry, like really angry.

Angry enough to shout at somone like she was right now.

I found my answer the minute we left the bedroom and walked in on Rachel gesturing dramatically with her arms while letting a long line of swear words escape her lips.

Her parents were beside her; obviously trying to calm her down. She fought them off and then suddenly stopped shouting.

She ran a hand down her face and left the room.

August marched up to his brother. "What the hell did you do, Sebastian?" I'm not quite sure I've ever heard him sound this ticked off.

His brother smiled snidely. "Doesn't concern you."

Mrs Woods was the next to talk. She apologised to Rachel's parents and said that they were leaving before forcing all of the brothers through Rachel's front door.

August sent me an apologetic look just before he was pulled away.

I left the tension-filled area and walked up to Rachel's room.

She was lying on her bed and didn't bother turning when I walked in.

"He just pissed me off so much! I couldn't take it anymore." She was still pissed off but her voice sounded resigned.

I lay down next to her.

"Did he say anything in particular?"


"You know you can tell me, right?"

There was a pause as she debated telling me or not. "He talked about you, Kadea. It pissed me off. He asked why his brother would ever date such a fat piece of shit when he could have anyone and it got to me. I snapped. I just..."

I smiled limply. "It's okay, Rachel. I've had to take that kind of shit for a while now. You didn't have to fight back."

She finally faced me."It's really not okay. It's not normal for you to even THINK it's okay, because it's not."

She was right. I knew she was right.

"Let's go get ice cream. I really want ice cream and brownies right now." I changed the subject; knowing fully well that her attention span was worse that a fly's.

"Oh my God, yah!" She exclaimed.

Worked like a charm.

We walked down to the kitchen where we found her older brother, Pete, sitting at the island.

I scowled. He was her one sibling that always managed to get on my nerves.

"You really stuck it to him," He praised Rachel.

"Thanks." She replied dryly.

He stood up from the island and turned to me.

Oh shit, I thought. Already knowing he would say something annoying.

"You're dating the normal one, yah?" He asked me; sounding genuinely curios.

"Doesn't concern you." I replied monotonously.

He smirked. "Whatever." Then he left.

"That was so fucking weird." Rachel said; staring at me with a confused look.

"Hell yah, it was! He didn't even try saying anything that was remotely... offensive."


She opened the freezer door and pulled out a tub of Blueberry-cheese-cake ice-cream; placing it on the island.

I sat down on the stool that Pete had last occupied.

It was still warm. Eww, I thought; using a Stewie from Family Guy accent.

Yes, I am indeed crazy.

"Where the hell are the brownies?" I demanded.

Rachel opened the fridge again and dropped the tray of brownies in front of me. She sat down on the stool beside me and handed me a spoon.

God, I love her fridge! It always has food. Like, literally. I used to compare it to a magicians hat and conclude that her fridge was better. Food will forever top bunnies. Sorry to all the bunny lovers of the world.

My fridge? I'd be lucky to find the left-overs.

I pressed my spoon into the ice-cream and it stopped about one milimeter in. Let's just say that real life isn't like the movies and my spoon didn't sink into the ice-cream because the ice-cream was frozen.

Reality sucks balls.

"We have to wait for it to un-freeze." I sighed.

Rachel pouted at me. "But I wanted ice-cweem."

"Ice-cweem? Are you serious?" Her gothic sister, Kim, asked Rachel using her usual, bored voice.

Rachel glared at Kim before turning to me.

"How the hell are we even related?" Rachel sounded incredulous.

It's true though.

I can remember the day Kim turned emo. It was quite funny actually. I was about her age at the time, maybe a year younger. Rachel and I were building a fort - I know, why the hell were two thirteen-year-olds building a fort? Your answer: forts are fucking awesome.

Arnold had joined in as we role played; let's just say that all of us matured pretty slowly.

At the time, I was Arnold's wife and we owned the 'castle' but Rachel was an evil witch that wanted to steal it from us. I was just about to send all of my horsemen after her when Kim sauntered into the room.

"Like the piecings, nerds?" Kim asked us defiantly. Why the hell is this eleven year old talking to me like this? I had thought.

We just stared at her. Then we stared at her nose piercing, eyebrow piercing, lip piercing and many ear piercings.

"You dyed your hair black?" Rachel screamed. "Mom is going to kill you!"

Kim shrugged and left the room.

The end.


Okay, maybe it wasn't that funny.

"Don't blame me for being the fastest, smartest and strongest sperm. Blame dad." Kim told Rachel.

I stared at her open-mouthed.

That was the longest sentence I had heard her say in almost three years.

Kim stared at me blankly, walked up to the island, grabbed a brownie and exited the room again.

Rachel and I just stared at the door for a while. She was obviously also surprised.

"Microwave it?" Rachel asked me a second later. Trust Rachel to focus on something else that fast.

I nodded.

She carried the tub and stuffed it into the microwave. It came to life just as Hannah entered the kitchen.

"Hannah! What's up kiddo?" Rachel cooed. Hannah was her favourite; remember?

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm okay, Rach. Can you get me some ice-cream too?" Hannah asked in her baby voice.

News travelled fast in this house.

Ice- cream... Shit! "Rachel! Take the goddamn ice-cream out of the microwave!" I yelled at her.

She ran to the microwave and threw the door open.

She placed the, now soft, tub down on the island again.

I stuck my spoon into the more creamy and less icy ice-cream. It appeared to be harder towards the bottom.

"Fuck yeah!" I high-fived Rachel. "Like a boss."

I drained the liquid portion of the ice-cream into the sink and grabbed three bowls.

Rachel divided the sickly looking dessert and gave one of the bowls to Hannah. She picked up a brownie and placed it on the side of her sisters bowl along with a dessert spoon.

Hannah looked happy. Then she frowned.

"I can't get on the chair, Rachel." Hannah whined.

Rachel placed the bowl down on the island and lifted her sister up into one of the stools.

Her family had a tendency to produce short-ish females and, so far, none of them were lucky enough to escape this trait.

I stuck a brownie into my ice cream and took a bite. It tasted a little nasty because the ice-cream was kind of warm and cold at the same time but the brownie helped even it out a bit. It was still pretty disgusting though.

"Can we watch a movie on your laptop, Rachel?" Hannah asked in a sweet voice once we had all ingested that horrifying ice-cream.

I swear to God, this little, cute girl sometimes took advantage of Rachel's love; big time. "Sure!" Rachel beamed at her younger sister.

I rolled my eyes.

Hannah was adorable though. I'll give her that much. She was like a mini Rachel except her eyes were impossibly wide and she couldn't tan. The explosion of freckles surrounding her small button-nose were enough evidence of her inability to 'soak in the sun'.

"We, so, have to watch 'I, Robot'! I haven't seen that movie in ages!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Hell yah!" I shouted back.

"But I wanted to watch Barbie as Rapunzel." Hannah pouted.

"Sorry, Chica. Barbie can't compete with anything robot-related." Rachel explained; she pinched Hannah's cheek playfully and left the kitchen.

Then she came back in. "I want soda." She opened her fridge door and pulled out a huge, one-litre bottle of Sprite. "You're gonna have to get your own, guys. I don't do sharing." She left the room again.

I laughed; grabbing a 500ml bottle of Mountain Dew and following a disappointed Hannah out of the room.

I, honestly, never thought I would see the day when Rachel said no to her sister.


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Anyone wanna hear a Cole joke?

"What did one elevator say to the other elevator?"

"I think I'm coming down with something!"

Idiot, out!! :D <3

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