Good Girl [A The Boyz Fanfic]

By moonrisenth

224K 9.6K 7.3K

Your mom has finally had enough of your misconduct and pranks and finally decides to ship you off to live wit... More

A little bit of chocolate
goodbye trouble!
Kick start
A cup of Jay
Never again
Just chiillll
Action figures
Bread crumbs & mischief
Hangover mornings
Chicken little
New enemies
Be afraid, be very afraid
Bad Bitch
The Date
Behind the scenes
Get it?
You, me, counting sheep
The fight
The truth
Uh oh
Bird brain
The birds and the bees
Real Talk (Bonus)
For life

Slumber party

7.2K 324 233
By moonrisenth

Jerry groans in frustration as he watches his workers stare at the flattened tires.

"What do you think happened?" One of them asks, lightly kicking at the tire. "Isn't it obvious? Someone is obviously sabotaging us!" Another exclaims and Jerry tries rubbing away the headache that's starting to build up in his head. Some stupid kids thought it would be funny to do this? Well he wasn't having it.

His cellphone rang in his back pocket and he sighed heavily before accepting the call and placing the speaker on his ear.

"Mr. Wuu!" He faked his enthusiasm for the man on the other line. The workers were looking around at the machine trucks when one of them heard a moving inside it.

"How far are you in the site?" Mr Wuu went straight to the point in his cold voice and Jerry rolled his eyes. "Ahh..." He laughed nervously turning around to face the trucks. "Ther' seems to be a delay..." he says scratching the back of his neck, getting ready to get a scolding and he does.

"D'you hear that Chang?" One of the workers, Penny asks his coworoker, directing to the squeaky noises and pit-pats they keep hearing and he nods his head. "I think it's coming from in there." Penny points at the truck engine and the two men approach the noise.

"Mr Wuu it ain't my fault! We just found the dang tires stabbed ta death lookin' like pancakes!" Jerry argues over the phone but the Korean man on the other end isn't hearing it.

Penny and Chang flip open the engine and scream in fear when they find almost ten rats moving around and some jumping off to the ground and scrambling around. The rest of the men see the creatures by their feet and all hell breaks loose as the place that was once a construction site is now a screaming contest.

"Get your men and start working Jerry." Mr Wuu cuts the line and Jerry stares stunned at the grown men who were squirming around running from rodents.

"My MEN..........right."


You were in your room, scrolling through instagram when you got a text message from Felix. You'd told him about the whole situation with the silias birds and like the best friend he is, he had insisted on helping.

FiLexin💪 is online.

FiLexin💪: Human! I have some news.

Ligma⚽⚾ is online


FiLexin💪: I did some research on where your blue birds are

FiLexin💪: Seems like no one knows they even exist

Ligma⚽⚾: okay?

FiLexin💪: Which means that the people working there possibly don't know about them.

FiLexin💪: Which means animal welfare doesn't know

FiLexin💪: Which means it MIGHT be illegal


FiLexin💪: You can give me head👀

Ligma⚽⚾: 😷😷

FiLexin💪: Please! I'm so frustrated😭😭

Ligma⚽⚾: No. Anyway can't you hack into their computers or smth? To see if they have the right paperwork?

Ligma⚽⚾: You're smart.

FeLixin💪: That I am but unfortunately doll, I don't have the equipment

FeLixin💪: But if you take me to the person running the construction's computer, I might

Ligma⚽⚾: Seems impossible but heck

Ligma⚽⚾: I like a good challenge. I'll call when I come up with something

FiLexin💪: Ok

FiLexin💪: So it really is a no on that head?😳

Ligma⚽⚾: Go to bed Lexy😝

You turned your phone off and threw it on top of your bed. Now you had to find a way to get the person who was running that stupid construction site to get you to his or her office, piece of cake right?

Just at that moment your door flew open.

"What's up fucker?' Hyunjae yelled as he walked in your room, holding a six pack of beer. Just as you were about to argue with the boy who was now comfortable on your bed, someone else walked into your room, then two, then three, then four, WHAT THE FUCK?!!

"Yo, get the fuck outta my room!" You demanded as all the twelve boys scrambled around your room, some carrying sleeping bags, others blankets and engaged in their own conversations. You really lost it when Kevin and Juyeon started moving your wardrobe.

"What is going on?!" You yelled and the room fell silent.
"Slumber party genius." Someone said from the bag of the room making the rest of the boys chuckle and go back to their conversations. You stomped over to Juyeon who was too busy moving the wardrobe to notice you. You tugged on his shoulder hard, making him stumble to face you.

"What is going?" You hissed and he rubbed his shoulder. "We're having a sleep over in your room. Didn't Chanhee tell you?" He said and the pale haired fairy looking boy answered.

"Sorry I forgot." He yelled from across the room and Juyeon glared at him before turning to you, a smile on his face. "Well then, every new person in the house has to share not only their room, but their secrets with the rest of the housemates for a night. And you my sister from another father, are new." He smiled, patting your head like child and you shook it off. "Can't I get a pass since I'm your sister?" You practically begged but Kevin was quick to dismiss the idea.

"Nope!" He said pulling you away from Juyeon and to the centre of the room, in front of your bed to be more clear.

"Gentlemen! And Chanhee." He announced getting attention from all the males in the room and an intense glare from Chanhee. It made you mad how quick it was for Kevin to get the attention of the men yet when you're speaking they all pretend not to hear you untill you bust your lungs out screaming. Tuh! Sexists.

"Gather around boys, let's play some games." Kevin said and the men immediately came closer and sat on the floor, forming a circle. Jacob, Sunwoo and Kevin decided to sit on your bed and you joined them and Kevin sat crossed legged on the floor at the end of the bed, facing the rest of the males.

"Okay so-"

"Before we begin," Sangyeon interrupted Kevin and stood up from the pillow he was seating on, his hand up like a school child. "I'd like to say that I don't approve of you guys drinking since most of you aren't twenty-one yet but since we're at home-"

"No one cares." You rolled your eyes and surprisingly the rest of the people in the room agreed. "Shut up!"
"Seat down dad!"
"Boooo!" Sunwoo and Jacob each threw a pillow at the older man making him seat back down. After the playfully laughs and banter quieted down, Kevin continued.

"Okay we're first gonna play something simple-" Yet again, poor Kevin was interrupted.
"And then we play a drinking game." Changmin chimed. "Yahhh!" Younghoon sang, the biggest smile on his face (You know when he does that cute thing where his eyes squint and then he looks like 😃, yeah anyway)

"But there's only enough alcohol for half the people here." Hyunjoon commented making most of everyone in the room look confused. "Hyunjae only brought a six pack." Haknyeon answered their unasked question making everyone turn to look at Hyunjae who had the packet in between his crossed legs, and a horrified look on his face. Silence filled the room as we looked at the youngest boy for an explanation but he just bolted his wide eyes at everyone.

"It's not my fault!" He blurted and everyone groaned in agony and started complaining and you could see Kevin was getting frustrated. In this house, order is nothing but a word that half of these idiots can't even spell. There was never a time everyone just stayed on track with the topic. No, everyone wants to set the track on fire while some take a dirt road and others swing from vines.

"Hyunjae you idiot!"

"It's the only thing I could find!"

"This is why I suggested you guys give me money to go buy alcohol."

"Shut up Sunwoo, you probably would've drank it all on the way back home."

You watched as all the man agrued back and forth. You were used to it now and found it actually amusing. Juyeon finally stood up and silenced everyone, again with just one word.

"Guys! Relax I brought extra beverages in my sleeping bag." Juyeon said making everyone calm down and Kevin who was flattening the lines on his forehead looked up.

"Can we get started now?" He asked and everyone nodded.
"Okay we're gonna play, two truths and one lie so Trouble Can get to know us all a little more okay?" He said and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Alright Trouble, you go first since it's your room. Tell us three things about yourself, two must be true and one must be a lie, we'll have to try guess." Kevin explained looking up at you from the edge of the bed.

"Okay uhmm, I have a friend who's from Australia, I can play piano and I want a daughter named Governor." You say and the boys stiffle laughs.
"The last one is definitely a lie." Jacob laughs next to you and you shake yoyr head. "Nope, I don't know shit about piano." You shrug and everyone laughs. "Wait so you want to name your daughter G-Governor?" Chanhee laughs and you nod like it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Okay my turn!" Jacob says, laying on his stomach and a pillow under his elbows. "I'm captain of my school's basketball team, I despise cereal and I can imitate Elmo." He said and the boys sighed rolling their eyes making you confused.

"So the first one is a lie." You snorted and Jacob looked at you with a knowing smile. "He's actually being serious." Sangyeon says taking you by surprise. It explains his freakish strength, dudes an athlete but how??
"He's even better at basketball than me." Juyeon chimes in and Jacob swells with pride. You look at him both shocked and impressed. "Enough about Baecop, we all know he's great blah blah blah." Sunwoo rolls his eyes and you snort.

"B-Baecop?" You bit your lower lip to keep from laughing and Jacob glares at you while Sunwoo smiles proudly. "As in..bellybutton?" You burst into a laughter and Jacob throws a pillow over your face to shut you up but you pry it off, still laughing. You don't know why but you found that nickname ridiculously funny.

"Okay okay, it's my turn." Sunwoo says distracting everyone from your laughing form.

The game goes on untill you all finally get bored and play a drinking game which you honestly wish you hadn't because you were already lossing.

"Okay wait," Sangyeon slurred.

"I dare Y/n to kiss anyone in the room." He said making the rest of the drunk boys 'oooo' in amusement. "Anyone except her brother of course." He finished off making you all laugh. Currently, at your drunken state you were barely thinking, plus the penalty for not doing a dare wasn't fun. There was a jug in the middle of the room mixed with all the alcohol you guys could find in the house and if you didn't do a dare, you'd have to take a shot of it. Currently you'd taken two shots, the first for not licking Juyeon's foot and the second for not twercking. Why did you have to play with a bunch of idiots?

"Okay fine." You said and Sangyeon looked at you surprised. "I didn't think you'd say yes." He said and you rolled your sleepy eyes. "Choose who gets the smooch!" Haknyeon yelled enthusiastically and your eyes scanned around the room. Obviously your eyes landed on the boy sitting next to you, Jacob who, unlike most of the boys wasn't drunk, maybe a little tipsy. You'd taken his alcohol tolerance for granted because despite the amount of drinks he's had he seems to be almost fine. His hair was a little messy and his cheeks blushing from the alcohol and his lips, they looked so damn soft. He kindda

You hadn't even realized that the boy was staring right back at you darting his eyes at everyone in the room who was watching, awkwardly. With all your thoughts drowned by some beer, different brands of wine and whisky, you leaned in, your lips pouted and Jacob tried holding back a laugh. The boy leaned back and your head fell on his shoulder, your head was now blank and your eyes shut.

"Looks like the game's over guys." Jacob said, holding you by the shoulders and pulling your jelly body up. "Well she's no fun." Sangyeon pouted while Jacob slumped your head on a pillow and put a blanket over your body.

"Oh she's plenty of fun."

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