Misunderstood love {a Drarry...

By reggy717

264K 7.7K 6.3K

"Everything we say stays in this room no matter what. That means you have to tell me some stuff too." "Alrigh... More

2~ A Treacherous Train Ride Part 2
3~ The Threat
4~ The Re-Sorting
5~ The Beginning
6~ Slamming The Door
7~ The Article
8~ One Last Peaceful Night
9~ The Blond Blokes Bed
10~ They Forgot
11~ Issues
12~ Operation Save Pansy
13~ Theo
14~ Stars
15~ Trust
16~ Very Messy
17~ Far From Over
18~ We on this shit again (yes this is a chapter, no its not an authors note)
19~ I'm Sorry
20~ Weasly
21~ Cluuuues
22~ A Letter To Blaise
23~ Horny Eighteen Year Olds
24~ Butter Beer
25~ The Prophecy
26~ Split Up
27~ Wheres Harry?
28~ Odd
29~ Out Of The Window
30~ Red Liquid
31~ I've Got You
32~ Reset

1~ A Treacherous Train Ride Part 1

18.3K 466 382
By reggy717

Harry's POV:
It's 10:55 am and I am currently sitting with Ron and Hermonie in an otherwise empty compartment. We decided that it would be best to go back to Hogwarts to complete our 7th year to... you know, get our mind off things.

If the past few mouths have taught me anything, it's that people grieve in different ways. Ron didn't respond well to the death of his brother, and it has started to take a toll on his physical appearance. The once broad and confident man is now sitting in front on me with lanky limbs and a sunken face. If it wasn't for his bright red hair, he would probably be mistaken for a skeleton on a daily basis.

You can tell Hermione's heart breaks a little every time she looks at him. It's probably why she suggested returning to Hogwarts for our last year in the first place.

We all sit in silence for the next couple minutes until I look at my watch again.


"Only one minute till eleven" I croak out, not expecting my voice to be as raspy as it came out.
"Mmm" acknowledged Hermonie as Ron just nodded his head. We sit in a slightly uncomfortable silence until the train starts moving. Eventually Ron falls asleep with his head against the window.

"Thank Merlin he's sleeping. It's probably the first time this week" Hermione whispers, putting her hand on his thigh and brushing the hair away from his eyes.
"Yeah, I can imagine" I say, looking at the couple as I subconsciously pick at my fingernails. Once again the cabin falls silent as Hermonie drifts off to sleep, her head leaning on Rons shoulder.

Being the restless person I am, I decide to leave our cabin to walk around and attempt to clear my mind. As I walk down the small hallway between compartments all packed full of students, I notice one that is almost empty, except for a figure in the corner seat, staring out a window. The figure already had its robes on, using the big black one to drape over their head. After standing there for a couple seconds curiosity got the best of me, so I open the door.

"Hey, mind if I crash here for a bit" I ask the figure as I step into the compartment. It turns around, and looks at me with its piercing gray eyes.

"Malfoy!?!" I say, my voice cracking due to the shock of seeing the boy in fronting me.
How dare he come back here. He's one of the main reasons everything turned out the way it did! I think to myself as I stare at the little git.
"Yes?" He asks in a low beat up voice.
"What the fuck?!? Why are you here? HOW are you here?" I ask as pure anger started to override my shock.
"I didn't think you would need instructions on how got get on a train Potter" Malfoy spits out, focusing his hostile smirk on me. Him looking at me alone makes my blood boil under my skin.
"You know what I mean you git" I say through my teeth, my voice slightly raising

All of a sudden the train comes to a stop, causing me to fall into the seat, right next to Malfoy. I look up to see him staring down at me, but for a split second there was something replacing the normal mockery in his eyes. The suddenly comforting grey eyes where filled with.... worry? Grief? No that can't be.

"Can I help you?" The blond suddenly said, knocking me out of my trance and bringing me back into reality.
"Uhh, um I have to go" I say, stumbling to my feet and backing into the door. I turn around to open it, only to find it locked.
What the fuck this can't be happening right now I think to myself as I fiddle with the handle some more.

"I thought you said you had to go" Malfoy said from behind me, oblivious to the fact that the damn door won't open.
"Yeah um well the doors jammed or something" I shoot back at the Slytherin, trying desperately to open the door. I hear him come up behind me.
"The only thing your going to do is pull the handle off if you keep tugging on it like that. Let me see." Malfoy says as he steps into the spot I was just in.
"Alohamora" he murdered under his breath as he pointed a wand at the door handle. Nothing happened.

"Well, looks like we're locked in here Potter" The blond says as he slips the wand back into his robe.

❤️Hey thank you! I'll publish the next chapter by the 10th at the latest. School isn't my favorite thing in the world, yet here we are.
Reggy out!❤️

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