I Thought I Knew (Hosie)

By inlovewitthemoney

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Josie sighed in frustration seeing the girls retreating form. " Hope why are you backing away from me?" Hop... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

chapter 4

9.2K 246 68
By inlovewitthemoney

Hope pressed the speaker button so Lizzie could hear too. Hope's Aunt cleared her throat before speaking again.

" I made a trip to the Bayou, I made sure to bring Keelin along just incase anything were to go down."

"I asked them if they knew anything similar to what you were going through and they said yes, but they said that I could read about it on my own."

" And then they gave me one really big book." Hope listened attentively

Freya sighed on the other end of the phone " The book seemed pretty useless but then I got to a very interesting chapter that told a very intriguing story. You might want to get comfortable and sit down for this part." Freya informed her her tone changing slightly.

" Apparently there were 2 people 500 years ago their names were Sebastian Tram and Lily Black, they were a bonded pair...otherwise known as a mated pair...the first mated pair." At this point Hope wasn't really understanding what this had to do with her and Josie.

" They were the first mated pair of werewolves that werewolf history has ever seen, apparently the first and last."

"Sebastian and Lily belonged to a pack called the shadows, primarily because they were mostly just a rumor and no one had ever met a member of that pack...no none was sure they existed."

" Their alpha's name was Seth Carson he was quite taken with Lily, he developed deep affections for her.  When he found out she had planned to marry Sebastian her told her of his feelings."

"Lily informed him that she was in love with Sebastian which only deepened Seth's hatred for the man. When Seth found out that he couldn't persuade Lily to wed him instead he had them killed."

"What nobody knew was that Lily Black was actually a witch and the spirits of the dead witches didn't take so kindly to one of their own kind being brutally murdered. Especially since when she died she was with child. So they created a spell. A spell that ensured that Sebastian and Lily's love story would be told and their life story finished." After all of that Hope didn't know what to say but she still didn't understand what all of that had to do with her and Josie.

" This is where you and Josie come in... the book says that Sebastian and Lily's story would be completed by slight reincarnation. A witch and a werewolf would be mated 500 years later and were supposed to be the first mated pair in 500 years. Only just now realizing Josie was your mate makes sense because you needed to trigger your transformation first. The reincarnation part is the part of you and Josie's souls that call out to each other, so apparently a part of your soul is Sebastian's and a part of Josie's is Lily's....but you aren't them...the souls make you find each other but any impulses or urges you feel are purely of your own free will. Along with a part of their souls both of you will face Sebastian and Lily's enemy's." Freya finished.

" So basically we don't have a choice?" Josie asked yawning slightly but not showing any signs of wanting to move from her position on top of the auburn haired girl.

Hope had looked down at the girl. When had she woken up? Had she been awake the whole time? Had she heard the whole conversation?

" You have a choice... eventually though you will come back to each other. The book didn't say you couldn't be with other people, it just said that you guys are meant for each other." Freya tried to reassure.

Hope took her phone off of speaker and put it up to her ear. " What about that other thing I asked you about?" Hope whispered

" Oh...about that apparently her blood and smell is supposed to call to you enticing you to bite her. Your smell will call to her and comfort her but keep in mind that even though she's a witch its been made so she can bite you too."

" If she willingly chooses to be your mate, when she's ready she developes canines only meant for mating. The bite completes the bond because its a werewolf mating trait but whatever you do don't bite her. "

" I'm not sure if the vampire part of you will turn her into a Tribrid like you or a Heritic. According to the book when a supernatural creature claims its mate, or bites in your case. It creates a physical, emotional, and spiritual bond, ensuring that you cant be unfaithful and that you can sense when your mate is in trouble or pain."

Hope didn't know how to take that news. Finding out that you were mated to someone was one thing, but finding out that you were always going to have to fight the urge to sink your canines into their neck was another.

What if she accidentally hurt Josie? What if she slipped up and killed her? 

Her and Josie needed to stay away from each other because the urge to bite her was strong already. Hope didn't know how long it would be until something bad happened.

" Thanks for telling me Aunt Freya but I've got to go." Freya had said that it was okay, and to call her if she had any further questions.

Hope sat up on the bed being extra careful to be gentle untangling Josie from her body. Hope took one last look at Josie before speaking.

" My Aunt said that my smell should comfort her so I will bring some of my clothes. Its not good for me and her to be around each other so you wont see us together again." Hope spoke directly to Lizzie not sparing Josie a glance. It had been for the best.

And with that Hope took off towards her room, gathered about five of her shirts, and headed back to the twins room. When she'd gotten there Josie was sitting up on the bed with a look of sheer defiance on her face. She was obviously going to argue with her.

Hope sat her shirts on the bed and headed towards the door before she was stopped. " Don't I get a say in this?" Josie had gotten off the bed and  ran up to block Hope's way out.

Hope needed to get out of here before Josie persuaded her to change her mind about what's best. " No. We need to stay away from each other Josie I could hurt you. and I don't want to hurt you." Hope was basically pleading, the younger girl needed to steer clear of her.

" We can figure it out together just....don't push me away. You gave me that necklace so I could be heard right? But you cant hear if your not listening Hope, just please listen to me." Josie was begging at this point, a part of her strongly wanted Hope to say.

Hope glanced at the open window. " I am listening to you, but your not understanding, Josie. I want you to date Penelope and do whatever you were going to do before all the mess started. I want you to be happy with someone who wouldn't hurt you." And with that Hope ran towards the open window and jumped.

she landed on her feet and headed for the woods...she needed a run to clear her head.

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