Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 36: Claws

212 6 0
By TintedLoveXOXO

  "So, I have to get the tattoo," you ask and they all nod. "Alright... So, can I get one anywhere?" They nod again. "Okay. And, who does it?"
   "The one and only," Jug head says a little dramatically. "F.P. Jones. He's in the other room."
   "Then call him out," you say. "I know where I want it." Jughead gets up and walks down the hall.
    "You sure?" Cheryl says. "Already?"
    "Yeah, I want it here," you left your T-shirt up and gesture to your side. She nods as F.P. comes out. "Hey, Mr Jones."
   "I tell you this all the time. Stop calling me Mr Jones, makes me feel old. Call me F.P." he chuckled. "I'm no one to be given the title of 'Mr' to."
   "You're a great guy," you argue. "One of the nicest men, I know. And, a very protective father. More than what I can say about my own right now. And most of ours."
   "Thanks, now where we getting this at?" He asks sitting in front of you and you tell him. "Tender area, you sure?" You nod. "Alright well, lay on your side. Sweet Pea, I'm gonna guess you want up here?"
   "Well who else would?" He asked. "She will be fine. She's been through a lot lately." He runs his fingers through your hair. F.P. nods. "Right? You'll be alright?"
"She's not pregnant is she?" F.P. chuckled a little and Sweet Pea gives you a nervous look. "Is she?"
"No," you say. "I am not pregnant. Honestly, you are a special kind of stupid, Pea. You would know. Of all people, you would know immediately. At least I hope you would. Maybe, Cheryl or Betty would first."
"I mean, you have been kinda bitchy lately," Fangs shrugs.
"Oh stop," you groan as the buzz of the machine starts. Pea sits on the arm rest of the couch, his fingers play with your hair and face as F.P. starts working at your side.
"There," F.P. pulls away. "Finished. Pretty damn good work there. May be one of my best." He nods. "Now, you gotta clean it with non-scented soap. Lotion. Also, unscented." You nod. "Any questions. I think Sweet Pea can help you out. It's gonna be a little tender. Probably don't wanna over do it. So, you know. No horse play."
"Thanks, F.P." you say. "It looks great."
"So, Hiram Lodge," Fangs says as F.P. leaves the trailer. "We got everything? Are you sure that you wanna do this yourself?"
"Yeah," you nod. "I got all of my dad's emails in this folder and I got the pictures from V here. And, everything else here."
"That's great. But, alone," Jughead said. "I still think we should send Pea out with you. It's safer."
"I know. I've been thinking about it and I think you are right," you nod. "And, as much I think Sweet Pea is so strong. But, maybe he's not enough."
"Not enough," Pea scoffed. "I will kick everyone's ass." You roll your eyes.
"She has a point," Toni nods. "There's a lot of people out there who work for Hiram. Who else were you thinking?"
"I was thinking that it would be Pea, Fangs, Toni and I. Keep Cheryl with you guys to keep things at bay and stop any suspicion." You shrug. "I think if only the few of us go, it looks like a friends get away. The three of you rarely go anywhere without the other."
"Alright," Fangs nods. "So, where are we going then?"
"That's need to know," Jug said. "Can't risk the rest of us knowing. For all we know, you're just going to Centerville. Just go and call us if anything happens." You all nod obediently.
"So, it's your first job," Toni smiled. "It's gonna be great. I'm gonna make it extra special." You weren't sure what she meant by that, but you were scared. Toni's version of special was different from most.
"We're gonna stay here," Pea said pulling into a motel parking lot. "Low key."
"What?" You laugh. "It's miles from town. It will take hours for us to meet Uncle Gordon."
"Exactly. We can't be too close," Fangs said. "Hiram probably already knows we left and he knows your family contacts. It's better to stay farther away." You nod.
"Come on," Toni grabbed your hand pulling you from the car. "Sweet Pea and Fangs have to go do a few things. I'll show you to the room."
"Top floor?" You say as the two of you climb the stairs. "Is this part of the plan too?"
"No, last few rooms left," she says. "So, have the two of you talked about the dance or anything? What did he say after the two of you just left?" You think back to the other night. Sweet Pea having you pushed against the wall of the Wrym. The way his eyes gleamed in the fair light from the bar. The way he was tensed and breathing hoarsely. His breath on your face. The way his face sat coldly. Everything yelled anger. But, suddenly he smashed his lips to yours. And it was like passion exploded. Lust thickened the air. There was nothing between you anymore. Nothing but leather and cloth. The feeling of his cold metal wolf ring on your skin.
  "Only that he was proud," you sigh. "He loved it. And, was not expecting it."
   "Of course he wasn't," Toni giggled. "He was sure you didn't want to join because you are true to both sides. And, I knew he would love it. You were pretty damn hot up there. Last few days, it's been the talk of the Wrym. He should be proud."
   "It was kinda traumatic. You know? I was so scared up there. Everyone's eyes on me. It was like my public speaking fear, my self consciousness, and my fear of being an idiot was all balled up into a little space. I couldn't look at anyone, not because the blinding light. I was afraid to. I stared at you all for encouragement," you say. "I can't believe I made it through all that."
   "Well you did amazing and you never have to do it again," she said. "How are you gonna tell Reggie?"
   "We had this conversation before. About, losing each other. He said it wouldn't change us," you sigh. "I hope that's still the case. He called me his sister, as weird as that is."
   The two of you get up to the room and she opens it. It's small and pretty dingy. It's kinda like the ones you see in the movies. Two beds were in the room and a little box TV sat in the middle. It had a bible on the bedside table under the lamp. Toni flipped the light switch and it only lit the room slightly. Kinda like a yellow filter was set over it. The air smelt stale and of dust. A hint of Lysol seemed to linger as well. You threw your backpack on the floor next to the A/C and ran your fingers over the beds. They were lumpy and had a strange crunch feeling. As if they hadn't been in use in a while. Or even moved. The bathroom was no better. All of the porcelain had a brownish yellow tinge in it. The bathtub was also yellow. Some of the lining had been torn out or turned dark. Rust spots lined the inside ledges. The shower head was rusted over and the inside of the handles looked molded.
  "It's no palace," Toni said. "Doubt this place ever even gets business. The other rooms are most likely out of order or something."
"Well, I guess we are all going to be staying in here?" You ask.
"You and I will be staying in here," Toni explained. "They usually don't send couples out because it gets in the way of the job. So, the best way for us to stay focused is to stay in separate rooms. And, you can either stay with me or Fangs."
"Gotta point," you laugh. "So, what are we gonna do tonight?"
"Figured we watch some shitty movie on the TV," she shrugs sitting on the bed. "They always have crappy shit on these TVs. They're pretty funny to watch." You nod. "Nights are always pretty boring. Have you told Gordon that you were in town?"
"I guess I should do that," You laugh pulling out your phone. It rings a few times before he answers. "Uncle Gordon, it's me. I'm in town now. I got here a few minutes ago."
"Great!" He bellows. "I'll see you in the morning then. I hope your trip was doable and you're safe, where are you staying?"
"The Plaza," you say quickly. "Only place with an available room."
"Well," He said. "That's not exactly ideal. But, I'll see you tomorrow at the Grille. I'm with a client."
"Okay. See you tomorrow."
"The Plaza isn't ideal?" Toni laughed. "Rich people problems, I guess."
"My outer branch family is a lot like the Lodges. They live lavish lives, believe it or not. My family is actually the normal ones," you sigh.
"Well, if that's what you call normal," she shrugged. "Let's find that movie?" You nod pushing yourself back to the head of the bed. The two of you made fun of two movies before the boys return.
"This is so awful," Toni laughs as they beat on the door. You both jolt a little until you hear Fangs' voice. "Coming." She slides from the bed and opens the door.
"It's fucking pouring," Fangs shakes himself off. "You two are really watching TV?"
"What else would we do?" Toni asked, rolling her eyes. "What have the two of you gotten yourselves into?"
"Nothing?" Sweet Pea says. "Rude of you to assume."
"Well usually, you do," Toni shrugged. "Remember when we were in Colorado and the two of you got into that fight with a couple of guys and were arrested?"
"You were arrested?" You ask. "Shit."
"That was two years ago," Fangs groaned. "Stop bringing it up."
"Never," Toni smirked. "So, I say tonight we celebrate. We've been putting off your anniversary for some time now. Sure, you celebrated the night of the initiation. But, not with us. You forget, we were the first few to find out."
"Well yeah. By snooping," Sweet Pea said. "You went through my phone. But, I am no stranger to a party with my friends."
"Great," Fangs smiled. "Good thing I got a few things while we were out." You eye him suspiciously. He pulls out a few drinks. "Got these from a old guy."
"Take it he was drunk enough to give a minor these?" Toni chuckled. "Or just an idiot."
"Maybe," Fangs shrugged. "Who cares. Here." He hands each of you a drink. "Cheers to the happy couple." The drink tasted like grape cough syrup and you gagged a little after swallowing. "Don't be a baby."
"I'm not. It's gross," you laugh. "But, thanks for the gesture."
"Can we get back to the movie," Toni said. "And, you two remember to get over to your room. You know the rules."
"They're outdated." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "And rules are made to be broken."
"Some are," you correct. "I'm sure this one is one of them." He kissed you softly, something he started doing after you got hurt. Like a way of promising you wouldn't get hurt. It was merely the most he would do in front of others. "Sit."
"I will," he said, a little smile on his lips. "But, first. I too brought a little something for you. For the box actually." He hands you a small little paper. The name of the town scrawled in bold box letters. "First job as a Serpent."
"To many more," Fangs and Toni say in unison and hold up their drinks.
"To many more," You smile holding up your drink as well. You take a sip of the sweet yet sour liquid. Ignoring the false taste and trying to find the alcohol hidden in it.
The next morning, Toni shakes you awake. She speaks slowly, yet softly telling you it was time to go. You are sure that the displeasure was shown on your face, but she didn't seem to care. You slide out of bed and change into clothes that you know fit Gordon's style. He never went out without style. Toni dressed accordingly as well. Fangs and Sweet Pea did not look themselves coming into the room. Each dressed in button ups and black pants. It was odd. They hated dressing this way. You could see a little glint of Pea's dog tags under the button up and his wolf ring was still on his finger.
"Put a coat on," you say to him. "The one that I got from Kyle's closet. It will cover your tattoo." He pulls a jacket from behind him. "Alright. Well the two of you look nice and uncomfortable."
"Would you expect anything else?" Fangs sighed. "But, we do look pretty damn good, huh?"
"Let's go," You sigh. "Uncle Gordon doesn't like to be kept waiting."
"Your family is great," Toni says sarcastically and you roll your eyes. She shrugs. "Just saying."
"Morning," Sweet Pea says in your ear. "How did you sleep?"
"Awfully," You sigh. "I can't wait for this to be over. I am really starting to like your old bed." He laughs and grabs your hand. "He will help. He's never trusted anyone, but family. And barely even then. He always told me that he and I are a lot alike."
"So you're close? That takes a little edge off," Fangs says from the back of the car. Your phone brings you all to silence.
"Uncle Gordon," you say. "Wasn't expecting to hear from you this early."
"Well you know," he says. "I've arranged a car to pick you and friends up at the Plaza. It will be there at nine."
"Oh!" You feel your heart drop. "Great. Well, we will see you then."
"See you then," he says.
"What's wrong?" Pea asked grabbing your hand.
"We have to go to the Plaza. Gordon sent a car and it will be there by nine," you sigh. "Don't worry, I can a room set up in a few moments. I think the three of you learn what it's like to really have a rich life. I have friends, here in New York. Family all over. We never use my contacts. I think we should now."
"How do you suppose we pay?" Fangs chuckled and you reach into your bag to pull out a credit card. "What is that?"
"My mother and father gave this to me," you shrug. "Thought it would ease tensions lately. I think it's time we use it. Especially with the recent findings."
"I agree," Fangs shrugs and Toni and Pea give him a look. "What?"
"I don't think that is a good idea," Toni says. "You still do not know what will happen while your parents are away, they haven't called."
"Maybe this is my way of coping," you say.
"Knowing that there is still something I can use to feel like maybe they are alright. Although I would haven't heard from them in days. But, I don't have to think that when I'm here. No one knows but us. No one knows. I am different here. Please, let me use it. Even if just for the room," you practically beg. It was a strange feeling that washed over you. Like a wave of panic and sadness. Anger as well. You only pray that Gordon will help, now. So at least if anything happened to them, there will still be justice.
"Alright," Sweet Pea says. "We will get a room. But, that is all." He brings your hand to his lips. "Calm down, Princess."
"We are getting a room?" Fangs' excitement evident in his voice.
"Yes," Sweet Pea sighs. "We are getting a room."
All three of them look around at the busy streets and lights. The people rush by you as you begin the walk to the hotel. You've only been here once as a child, for your Aunts wedding, but it was still like the first time. Beautiful. You open the glass doors each of the other following, still in awe. "Hi, can I get two deluxe king suites?" You say quickly to the lady.
"Name?" She says not looking at you.
"Y/F/N," you state and she looks up from the screen.
"Miss Y/L/N," she says lightly. "Yes. Of course. Sorry." She quickly types something into the computer. "We have two suites available for you. Though, your father prefers the Vanderbilt for larger parties. He has credit here, ma'am."
"Oh?" You say confused. You didn't know your father came here. "Then, allow us to get that room. And use the credit." She nods.
"The remaining total comes to one thousand seven hundred and sixty three dollars and five cents. How do you wish to pay?" She asks and you hand the card to her. "Very well. Here are your keys. Enjoy your stay."
"Well?" Toni asks.
"We got the Vanderbilt suite. Fathers orders," you shrug. "Lets get up there then. Never been here."
"How do we know?" Fangs asked.
"This way, Miss Y/L/N," a man says pointing the way with his hand. You follow him to the elevator and he presses the seventeenth floor." He walks you to the room and opens the door for you. You go to tip but he refused. "Your father tipped enough last time. He has done more than enough. Now, enjoy your stay." You nod and enter the room.
"Oh my god," Fangs and Toni say. "This place is sick."
"Very," You nod. "I cannot believe that we are here."
"Well," Sweet Pea sighs. "I guess we get to choose rooms."
"Well," Toni laughs. "I guess we wait until Gordon's ride gets here. I wanna take a look around." She walks off and you and Pea find your room.
"This place is something," he says and you nod sitting on the bed. "You been here before?"
"Once that I can remember. As a kid for my aunts wedding," you say. "Not this room though."
"So you ever think that being with me, you would lose the chance to have all these expensive experiences?" He asks looking out the window now.
"What are you getting at?" You ask. "I don't live like this, you know that."
"But, you can," he says. "With Reggie and your family."
"Reggie. Again? I don't want to be with Reggie."
"I know, you don't. But he is ideal for you," Sweet Pea sighed. "He is the best person for you."
"No. Because, I wouldn't be happy with him, like I am with you. I would not feel the same way with him. Please, understand that," you plead.
"Alright," he nods and looks at you. "I guess this where I become self conscious. Knowing that I cannot give you this."
"I don't want this. I want you and our friends. I want Riverdale and all of the shit it has to offer. I don't want the Veronica life. I want what I have now," you say.
"Alright," He nods again. "You may not want it. But, you deserve it. There is no argument for that." Just as you were going to rebuttal the phone rings, making you jump.
"Your car is here."
"Well lets get this over with," you say, letting your chest fall.
"Some case you got yourself," Gordon says as he goes over your notes and evidence. "Should get yourself into police work or become a lawyer."
"It would keep me away from Hiram Lodge," you chuckle. "Do you think you can help us?"
"I am sure I can. But, this man seems dangerous. He can hurt you and your friends," Gordon says. "I've heard of Mr Lodge. He's quite the man, if I do say so. Though, never trusted him with my company. Never will. Only a fool trusts a business man."
"That's how business men get their money," you recite. "I know. That's why we need to get him out of there."
"What do your parents think of this?" He asked and the rest of the group tenses.
"They are why I am doing this," you say. "Here are the emails that I got from Dad's computer. And, Hiram sent them to Greece. I think something bad is about to happen."
"You think or know?" Gordon said.
"We know, sir," Sweet Pea intervenes. "Hiram wants us out of the picture. We are the only ones who can stop him."
"You're just a bunch of kids," he laughed. "Why would he want you out so bad?"
"Because, we have the power to take him down," Toni said. "He's got bounties on all of us."
"Yeah? What kind of bounties?" He asked eyeing you specifically. You hand him another envelope. "You're worth that much to him?"
"Yeah," you say. "I've got the most outside help."
"Resources," he nods. "Well, I will do what I can. But, if I see this getting out of hand. I'm pulling you out."
"Alright," you agree. "I understand."
"Good. Now, how do the four of you know each other?" He smiles. "And how's Reggie?"
"Erm, this is my boyfriend," you gesture to Pea.
"Jordan," he introduces and you gawk.
"This is Toni," you say.
"Drew," Fangs introduces. "We met in school."
"Very nice," Gordon nods. "Nice lot of friends here."
"Reggie is in Riverdale," you nod. "He and I are still quite close. He wants out too."
"Well, he was always smart," Gordon said. "It's just hidden behind a thick barrier of dumbass." Sweet Pea laughs. "I guess you agree?"
"More than I have agreed with anything in my life," he chuckled.
"Stop," You sigh. "Thanks Uncle Gordon for helping."
   "Always," He nods pointing his glass towards you. "Now, tell me. Which room of the Plaza are you in?"
   "The Vanderbilt," you shrug. "Never been. I guess dad comes often."
    "Probably with the Carmichael's," he says. "Always had a soft spot for Mariah and her children." You nod along, though you had no idea who he was talking about. "I won't keep you from having fun in the city. I know a few newbies when I see them. Show them the city. Use my driver."
   "No need," you say. "We are just going to go back to the hotel. We are extremely tired."
   "Whatever you wish, just don't let your friends leave this city without getting to know it," he sighed. "It's really a horrible, beautiful place."
    "I don't understand how they can be same," Toni says. "It can be beautiful with the whole set up and the people. Or it can be horrible full of crime like Riverdale. I don't see many places as bad as Riverdale though. And, I see the beauty in this city."
   "You will understand," Gordon says. "Soon enough. I have work to do." He stands. "Enjoy your visit. I will call with any updates or questions." He leaves abruptly after, pushing through incoming customers.
   "Does everyone just talk in riddles? No one ever fucking makes any sense," Fangs groaned. "Why can't anyone talk like normal god damn people?"
   "What fun would that be?" Toni chuckled. "I guess we go to the hotel then. Spend the night in and keep out of eye shot of anyone working for Hiram."
   "Alright," Sweet Pea nods in agreement. "We should go now. No one will notice us, dressed like this. Maybe you." He looks at you. "And, we are using your name. Hopefully, the hotel is loyal to their privacy policies."
   "You're right," you say. "Let's go then." The walk back to the hotel was long. Pushing through the people stopping at the small shops that lined each side of the street. Every person who bumped into Pea, pissed him off little by little. Some more than others as they would spout rude slurs.
   You pull him to your room when you enter the suite. Toni and Fangs disperse to their own as well. You shut and lock the door behind you sitting him in the bed. He says nothing the entire time. Anger was practically radiating off him now. "Well, you look positively radiant," you joke and he looks up now. "I think someone needs a nap."
   "I think you should stop that," he says.
   "Well then wash that face away," you say. "You look like a three year old who didn't get what he wanted at the store." He chuckles lightly. "You're such a pout. I think you should come to the bathroom with me. That bathtub is definitely big enough for the both of us. We can just relax in there. Bubbles and all."
   "Who's the child?" He asks now as you grab his hands.
    "Do you not want to have a little relaxation with your naked girlfriend?" You ask, eyebrows fully raised. "I mean suit yourself."
   "Alright," he sighs getting up and following you. "You drive a hard bargain. I guess, I fold." You shake your head and go to the bathroom. Filling the tub with hot water and pouring soap in. He grabs the two robes setting them aside and towels with them.
    "You are real easy to persuade lately," you laugh. "You used to be so hard. Never showing anything but anger. You never gave in to anything."
   "That's not true," he chuckled. "Usually, I gave in to Fangs. But, I grew out of that when I was fifteen. He grew annoying."
   "Well, I wouldn't tell him that. He thinks he's still got you wrapped around his tan, calloused finger. It would break his little heart," You laugh. "If things go bad and Gordon pulls out. He's gonna pull me out too. By force if needed."
   "It will be," he chuckled. "What are you getting at?"
   "If I am pulled out, what will happen between us?" You ask. "I know you cannot leave your friends and the others. I also know that I should not, but..."
   "It doesn't matter to me. I know that you will go. I will make you go, if I have to. I won't let you get hurt. But, you are right. I won't leave Riverdale if other Serpents are in trouble," he said. "So, I do not know what might happen. But, I know you will not be alone."
   "That makes no sense," you sigh watching the water fill in the tub. The light from the window shines through. He kissed the top of your head and placed his hand on your cheek, holding your head in place. You lean into it, closing your eyes. Listening to the water run.
   "Sometimes it's not meant to make sense, until it does," he said.
   "Well who's the bumper sticker now," you laugh. "Lets just get in, yeah?"
Over in Riverdale things are starting to heat up. Hiram has called all of his forces in and Veronica nails everything she has into it. The Sheriff is out, but Hiram has more friends in enforcement. Including both the Juvenile detention center's warden and the governor. His clutch grows stronger.

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