You're Like Dango [Midoriya I...

By brandy_soul

123K 4.6K 2.7K

Becoming a hero, someone who helps those in need, one who is brave and never gives up. Despite your fears, f... More

Everything Stays With You
A Quick Word From Brandy
Meddling Peers and Cigarettes
The Boy With The Green Hair
Cowards Vs. True Heroes
Day 1: Introductions
Nerds and Names Aren't So Bad
Smiles & Grins of Fakeness & Determination
Mixed, As Always
Sorry, I Can't Seem to Grasp This
Training with An Unexpectedly Scary Turn of Events
An Angry Boy Accompanied with Villains
Hand Villain, A Bird Man, and the Symbol of Peace
In Which The Boy is Hurt and the Woods are Scary
Mushy Peas and a Totally Normal School Event
You'd Think A Sports Festival Would Be Great
A Crab Will Fight As Much As The Boy and the Girl
It's A Lot More Than A Simple Race
There's Quite A Few Explosions In This One
This Crazy New Girl
Cavalry Battles are Terrifying
A Wrong Headband, And Another That Saves Us
Just a quick note
He's Got Purple Eyes
Didn't Know Anger Made Ice
Lasers and Wind Storms
Maybe Three Idiots Were In The Right

Of a Twisting Stomach

2.2K 101 30
By brandy_soul

I feel all jittery, and my nerves won't calm down. I heave a long, tired sigh full of anxiety, then cup my hands together and allow the cold water to pile up. I use it to splash my face and hopefully look a bit better, because I know I look like a pale mess.

And then it hits my like a bus.

"How could I be so stupid! That's Todoroki's father!"

No wonder. They don't look exactly the same, but they do have their similarities, and you can tell that was his father!

Not to mention he ranks number two for the top heroes.

I feel like smacking myself, how much more oblivious can I get?

I resist the urge to let out another sigh, the millionth in just a few hours. I take a few paper towels and dry off my face, praying I look fine and not like I've been worrying and crying in the bathroom, again.

Why'd I have to have such a weak state of mind?

I make my way down the long corridor, and past the waiting rooms, I realize the round has already begun.
Who's round was this again?

I give a shaky breath and force myself to go back out there and suck it up.

When I make it back, I think the round is over. Well, that was quick.

"Um, Iida?" I ask, almost hesitantly.

"What was that, [Last Name]?" He turns around almost immediately, which doesn't really surprise me at this point.

"W-who's match was this? And wasn't it over kind"

"It was Kaminari and Shiozaki, but Kaminari lost the round, unfortunately. Her quirk is immensely powerful, and it wasn't mixing well with Kaminari's quirk." Iida explains.

"Oh, wait, Shiozaki is the girl with vines, right? No wonder, it's a big barrier against electricity."

I do feel bad Kaminari lost in such little time.

"And I've got to go now, my round is up next." Iida says.

"Oh, that's right. Good luck, Iida."

And then I'm left with a rambling Izuku who's a bit preoccupied with writing down information on how Shiozaki's quirk works, and it's taking a toll on Bakugou's patience.

I slump in my seat, still all jumbled up because I don't know what to do. My round is close, and how in the world am supposed to dodge lasers? Is it even possible? I highly doubt that wind can even be used as a barrier, especially because I don't know how to make my winds on a huge scale--like Todoroki--I just don't have the skill.

I sigh.

I just hope I can outlast Aoyama.

There's a weight on my shoulders, which adds to the one I kind of already had and it won't leave me, maybe not ever.

Bummer. Why do I have to be so weak? Izuku isn't the "weak" one, as dubbed by Bakugou.

It's me.

"[Last Name], it's started!" Uraraka nudges me, and I try oh-so hard to not recoil because there's a bruise there that still hasn't healed.

I grimace, almost unconsciously, then breathe out slowly. I give her a half smile and nod, focusing my eyes on the stadium.

How can I outlast Aoyama? How? What abilities do I really have, other than being able to keep people away from me a couple of feet. Then what? I don't have the power in me in order to bring out some full scale attack, and I don't have the stamina to use my quirk long enough in order to actually keep my opponent far away from me, and maybe even further into the out of bounds marker.

I shift in my seat, rubbing my hands together. I twist my fingers together, as much as I can without breaking them or bending them in some sort of unnatural state. How does he do it? He's as nervous as me, maybe even more, but just how? How do I learn from myself?

I bite my lip as the elephant in the room inevitably stares me down.

How do I tell everybody about my father, my good-for-nothing, piss-poor, either-high-or-drunk, father?

It's scary. It really is. As much as I tell myself if I say something, it'll all be over, this nightmare, but then there's the other side. There have been many close calls, where Dad was almost exposed, but you know, he plays it off as if nothing were happening. And Mom would have to smile and nod through it all, even though I know she's just as sick of as I am and Haru too, and she know as soon as those people leave, we're going to get it worse.

[Name], stupid. You really are a stupid girl, huh?

That stung, because even my own conscious tells me that. States the obvious to the oblivious.

I'm too deep into thought that I don't even notice Uraraka has silently left without a word, and when I do, her back is to me, her shoulders slumped, and I can tell her gaze is cast downwards, by the angle of her head.

I open my mouth, but then I close it. I guess she may need time alone too.

I also don't even notice that nothing is actually happening during the match, it's only until I watch Hastume walk of the the arena, and I have to admit, I a gasp did escape my lips.

Why on Earth would ever do that?

It doesn't even strike me that it's me who's match it next, and when I do, my stomach churns, and I'm afraid

I know, I know. I've been gone for roughly four months, and I sincerely apologize. It's my fault, really, because my health started acting up again, school is getting harder as it reaches its final exams, and I haven't done well in managing my own time, which you'd think I'd be a pro at it. I apologize, for being so inactive, and I hope to be more in the future.

Excuse any typos please!

One last thing: I've been thinking of a Tokyo Ghoul fic lately, I'd like to hear your thoughts!

And one more time: I'm so sorry. I don't have much excuses other than my poor time management.

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