ѕ w e e т p e a ONE - SHOTS...

By Lexinator04

23.7K 733 177

DO YOU WATCH RIVERDALE? DO YOU LIKE SWEET PEA? If so here's a book for you! I know you all love Riverdale! S... More

"Mate?" PART TWO
"I love... you,"
★ "Runaway," ★
"ⓜⓞⓝⓔⓨ ⓟⓡⓞⓑⓛⓔⓜⓢ,"
"Oᕼ ᗷᖇOTᕼEᖇ!"
"S H O T S F I R E D,"
"I don't want you to leave,"
"I don't want you to leave," P A R T T W O
"T h i s i s l i f e,"
"Cheater," Part Two
"thє вrєαk up,"
"ƒɑԵҽ íՏ մղՏԵօԹԹɑҍӀҽ"
"Rath of G & G,"
"The Monsters Within,"
"The Monster Within," PART TWO
"The Monsters Within," PART THREE
"The Monsters Within," FINAL PART!
"D⃠r⃠u⃠n⃠k⃠," ★ PART ONE
"D⃠r⃠u⃠n⃠k⃠" ★ PART TWO
"R o A d T r i p,"
"Unknown love,"
"тнe вreaĸ υp,"
"A r E w E tHe BaD gUyS?"
"A r E w E tHe BaD gUyS?" PART TWO!
"We might just die here,"
"We might just die here," PART TWO!
"The hits just keep on coming,"
"ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ʙᴀʀs,"
"Harms way,"
"FiGhT fOr Me,"
"FIgHt fOr Me," Part Two
"T H E D E A L,"

"Unknown love," PART TWO

197 9 4
By Lexinator04

Thx @kylie128 for the request!

His mother gasped a smile quickly spreading across her features. "Are you guys finally together?" She asked with excitement.

They both locked eyes, never seeming able to look away as gradually both of them shrugged. "We haven't really talked about it that much," Y/N mumbled looking down.

"Oh," His mother sighed looking down. "I just want the best for my little Pea!"

"Then Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" The raven-haired man suddenly asked causing both girls to squeal... Everything in Y/N's body tingled as she had been waiting for this her entire life... She was always waiting for rejection and ready for a broken heart but little did she know that a day like that would never come but her heart could still get broken another way.

"Yes," The still young adult whispered crawling into his arms with a smile spreading across her face. Slowly but surely, their lips locked.

"I know you guys would get together!" His mother exclaimed with a large smile.

"So mom where is dad?" The raven-haired man questioned looking around the room.

"Getting food," She explained sitting in the chair next to them. "I can't wait to tell him!"

Everything then was more than perfect, as Sweet Pea was back with his family... And nothing could ever top that- Well maybe his new found girlfriend could.


"You'll do fine in surgery," Y/N reassured not only him yet herself aswell.

"I know," He whispered with a sigh. "And then when I'm healed we'll do everything just like we used to," She nodded this was it... This was the time they see if Sweet Pea loses his leg or not- And everyone couldn't be more terrified... No one ever wanted to see the raven-haired man hurt.

Five hours later was when they all knew... That the hurt man would be able to heal and wouldn't have to lose his leg which was a relief for all- Now the beautiful man was back and they couldn't be any happier.

It had been months later and the poor man was still on crutches and in pain... It hurt his girlfriend so much that he was in pain and she could do nothing about it. Life just wasn't fair, he was off fighting to keep them safe- He didn't deserve to get hurt.

Now Y/N basically lived with her boyfriend, god they shared everything... A bathroom, A bed,  he even shared his shirts- Things were looking up for them... The best friend couldn't be happier that her raven-haired man was home and loved her back.

There was a loud crashing noise and a short scream, as the girlfriend quickly knocked on the bathroom door. "Sweets are you Ok?" He was getting ready for them to go visit Y/N's parents who lived now far from there.

"I fell," He exclaimed over the running water. "I need your help," A blush formed across her face as her cheeks were burning.

"O-Ok," She barely got out with a stutter.

Slowly she made way in the steamy room, as she pulled the shower curtain her eyes were closed. "I think you might need to open your eyes to help me," He mumbled with a smirk.

"You don't mind?" She questioned her face now covered in a pink tint.

"No..." He mumbled trailing off at the end.

She sighed slowly peeking open an eye and trying not to let her eyes scan his wet and scared filled body, the bruises on his ribs were slowly fading finally as she couldn't be gladder.

"My eyes are up here," He mumbled with a groan.

"S-Sorry," She stuttered as he smirked.

The girlfriend gripped his arms slowly helping him up, he was wearing a leg brace and could only stand for short periods of time. "You good now?" She asked turning her back to him.

"No," He whispered causing her to stop in her tracks. "I want you to join me,"


"Please," He begged with a wink. "This way we can get done faster!"

She sighed not able to say no to that face... But he was wrong it did end up taking them longer- But in the end, they were super clean and showed up at her parent's house soaking wet and shivering.

"Y/N!" They exclaimed with smiles hugging her. "Oh gosh, Sweet Pea you've aged so much!"

"Thanks," He whispered with a blush as it was then they noticed his arm around their daughter's shoulders.

"I knew you guys would get together!" Her mother exclaimed with a huge smile.

They made way into the nice and cozy house that Y/N couldn't deny that she missed the home where she spent most of her childhood years. They sat on the couch across from the parents in comfortable silence.

"I heard what happened to you Sweet Pea... We're sorry you deserve better," Her mother mumbled looking down.

They began to make small talk on how everything had been, and they were really proud that Y/N had finally gotten the job that she wanted as a nurse... But before she could even explain how much she loved it her sisters ran down the steps and into her arms.

"We missed you!" They exclaimed at the same time hugging her.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S SWEET PEA!" Her ten-year-old sister exclaimed hugging him as well.

Everything turned out to be perfect as they ended up having a really good dinner of roast... Things couldn't have fell into place any better.

"OH MY GOD, YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED?" Her whole family asked in unison as the couple smiled.

"Well, we've only been dating for a couple of months now... But I've known him all my life," Y/N smiled looking up at the raven-haired man through her lashes something that he loved.

Everyone cheered as they stuffed their faces full of food things couldn't have turned out any better this was better than Y/N ever expected her life to turn out... One minute she thought that he didn't love her and then next she thought he was dead and now he was all her's...


"No don't go," Y/N exclaimed trying to pull her husband back into bed but he wasn't having any of it.

"I have work," He whispered looking down with a sigh. "You're lucky you have the day off,"

She gave a small smirk as she wrapped her leg around his causing him to fall back into bed right on top of her. This is how it was almost every morning... Them waking up in each other's arms. It was perfect... Maybe almost to perfect.

It was crazy how someone so close huge in her life could be gone in seconds. A million words could not bring him back... Y/N knew because she had tried. Neither would a million tears... Because she cried and cried until there was nothing left even that didn't stop her though.

There would always be the unforgettable memories behind their goodbye... Not it was just so soon... For him to leave again. And this time there was no getting around it Y/N was broken beyond repair...

The raven-haired man was gone again... And no one knew when he would return.

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