Irreplaceable (BWWM - Book #1...

By Cocoa47

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Kamea Palu surprises her boyfriend, Reed, of three years on their anniversary only to find out he is cheatin... More

Chapter 1 - Caught In The Act
Chapter 2 - The Breakup
Chapter 3 - First Impressions - Part 1
Chapter 4 - First Impressions - Part 2
Chapter 5 - Who Are You?
Chapter 6 - Trouble Is Brewing
Chapter 7 - Oh My Goodness! How Could You?!
Chapter 8 - You Are A Wanted Man, Reed!
Chapter 9 - Kamea, Please Wake Up!
Chapter 10 - Big Trouble Ahead
Chapter 11 - The Road to Recovery
Chapter 12 - Trust
Chapter 13 - What Is Going On?
Chapter 14 - Getting Better
Chapter 15 - Welcome Back, Sweetheart
Chapter 16 - It's Official
Chapter 17 - First Date - Part 1
Chapter 18 - First Date - Part 2
Chapter 19 - The First Night
Chapter 20 - Rivals Meet
Chapter 21 - Not Again
Chapter 22 - Surprise
Chapter 23 - Long Time No See
Chapter 24 - Drama Drama Drama
Chapter 25 - Guess Who Is In Town
Chapter 26 - Trip to Italy
Chapter 27 - He's Here Too?
Chapter 28 - New Love & Trouble
Chapter 29 - The Rescue
Chapter 30 - The Bachelorette Party
Chapter 31- The Wedding is Here
Chapter 32 - Reception Time
Chapter 33 - Devastated
Chapter 34 - Goodbye, Jayde
Chapter 35 - Repast Trouble & The Gender Reveal
Chapter 36 - Miranda Is Back
Chapter 37 - Baby Shower #1
Chapter 38 - Wedding #2?
Chapter 39 - Trip to Milan
Chapter 40 - The Answer Is
Chapter 41 - He Is At It Again
Chapter 42 - What Happened To Layla
Chapter 43 - Layla's Bodyguard Arrives
Chapter 44 - It's Showtime
Chapter 45 - It's Reception Time
Chapter 46 - Back to Jamaica We Go
Chapter 47 - New York, New York
Chapter 48 - Baby Shower #2 Part 1
Chapter 49 - Baby Shower #2 Part 2
Chapter 50 - The Babies Are Coming
Chapter 51 -Isabella and Kekoa Are Here
Chapter 52 - Another One Bites The Dust
Chapter 53 -The Grand Openings
Chapter 54 - It's Our Anniversary
Chapter 55 - The Wedding Is Here
Chapter 56 - Going Back To Cali - Part One
Chapter 57 - Going Back To Cali Part Two
Chapter 59 - Trouble In NYC
Author's Note
Chapter 60 - Terror and Surprise
Chapter 61 - Baby On The Way
Chapter 62 - Who Was Kidnapped?!
Chapter 63 - Where Are They?
Chapter 64 - Good Riddance To Chase
Chapter 65 - Back Together Again
Author's Note
Chapter 66 - What Happened To Cris?
Chapter 67 - It's A Party!
Chapter 68 - Uh-Oh Part 1
Chapter 69 - Uh Oh Part 2

Chapter 58 - Going Back To Cali Part Three

1.1K 82 11
By Cocoa47

Kam's POV

No! No! No! This can't be happening! It is bad enough I watched my mother die last year. Now, this happens?! This poor, little boy just witnessed his mom dying. I know Courtney wasn't an angel, but she did not deserve to die.

"Excuse me, do you need me to come to the hospital with her? Courtney was her name, and this is her son Devin. I have her mom's number. Where is her body being taken?"

"That would be great if you could ride with us. She is being taken to Woodland General Hospital, the female paramedic says.

"Okay. Thank you. I need to tell my husband and I will be right back."

As soon as I stood up, I felt a tug on my dress. I looked down and saw Devin. I picked him up and carried him with me to Cris. I don't know how Cris is going to feel about it, but I need to discuss it with him. I can't leave this poor, helpless child to go through the foster care system.

"Cris, they are taking Courtney to Woodland General Hospital. I'm riding there with her. Courtney's mom's number is on my phone. Can you call her? My passcode is 0418. Courtney's mom's name is Lauren Matthews. And, there is something we need to talk about."

Cris had a puzzled look on his face when I mentioned the last part. I gave all four of my kids a kiss before I walked to the ambulance.


Cris POV

"Día and Rocco, I need you to help daddy with Isabella and Kekoa."

I put them in their strollers, then Día and Rocco pushed the babies' strollers to the truck.

After unlocking the doors, Día and Rocco buckled themselves in their seats. I checked them to make sure they buckled them correctly. And, they did. I gave them both a high-five. Then, I put Isabella and Kekoa in their seats and buckled them up.

Before I pull off, I need to call Courtney's mom. I punched in Kamea's passcode and scrolled through her contacts and I found it.


Cris: "Mrs. Matthews, my name is Cris Fiore. My wife, Kamea, was friends with Courtney."

Lauren: "Hi, Mr. Fiore. How is Kamea doing? I miss her a lot. I was not happy at Courtney for what she did."

Cris: "Kamea is doing great. I have some sad news to share. Did you know Courtney was taking her son, Devin, to Chuck E. Cheese?"

Lauren: "She did mention it. I remember kissing Devin and told them to have fun."

Cris: "There is no easy way to say this. While Courtney and Devin were entering Chuck E. Cheese, we saw a blue Suburban pull up and a very angry man marched up to her. The next thing we know, everyone inside saw the man take out a gun. He shot Courtney three times, then fled the scene. Before he shot her, he screamed, 'I told you that you can never run away from me!!' Sadly, Courtney passed away. Kamea rode with her body to the hospital. She was taken to Woodland General Hospital."

The line went silent. Then, I heard Courtney's mom crying.

Lauren: "I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you for calling."


I think we all are going to need some kind of therapy. This is the second time this has happened within a year and several months. I need to call Salvatore to meet me at the hospital because I have a feeling we are going to need one of Kamea's trucks too.

Salvatore is the only one I trust to go in and out of our house. I shot him a text to see if he could bring one of Kamea's trucks with a child's car seat to Woodland General Hospital.

He sent a text back that he will be there shortly.

So, then I drove off to the hospital.


As I pulled into the hospital parking lot, I saw Salvatore standing at the entrance. I put the truck in park and rolled down the window. "Salvatore, can you help me with the kids?"

After opening the trunk, Salvatore grabbed Isabella and Kekoa's strollers. Then he took them out of their seats and put them in the strollers.

"I'll be right back." I went to find a parking space close to the hospital and I did. After parking the Escalade, Día, Rocco and I got out to meet up with Salvatore.

"Let's go inside." We walked into the hospital to the waiting room to look for Kamea and Devin. She saw us enter and waved us over.

I saw that she had tears fallen from her eyes. I sighed because I wondered when will my family finally have peace? And, let's not forget that Chase is extra quiet at the moment. That is frightening me. I know he is somewhere plotting his next move.

I sat right next to Kamea and Devin and wrapped my arms around her. "I'm sorry, sweetheart you had to see that. I'm here for you if you need to talk. And, I called Courtney's mom. She is on the way."

"Cris, before Courtney died, she apologized again. But, she asked me to take care of Devin. This poor baby lost Reed and now, Courtney. He has already become attached to me. I wanted to ask you first. He has been through enough at three years old. I can't leave him in California to go through foster care. I just can't."

"Are you sure, Kamea? We would need to let Lauren know."

"I'm sure. My heart aches for him. And, he would be surrounded by the kids. He would never be hurt, neglected, or alone. I am so sure. I don't care that his parents are Reed and Courtney. He needs a mommy and daddy," Kamea said through the tears that continuously fell from her eyes.

"Then, I don't have a problem with it. We can see about adopting him before we leave."

"Thank you, Cris. I love you so much. Devin sweetie, I promise to never leave you. You are mine now. Courtney's mom just entered."

She saw Kamea and came over. "Is it true? She's gone?"

"Yes, Mrs. Lauren. The guy just walked up to Courtney and shot her with not a care in the world. Courtney and I may not have been friends anymore, but she did not deserve to die. I'm sorry."

"And, you said it was a blue Suburban you saw?"

"Yes ma'am," I answered this time because Kamea was having a hard time speaking.

"I know who it was. The boy she was dating started becoming obsessed and possessive. Then, she told me he would abuse her. We thought we finally got her away from him, but I guess not. I had my son go to the police station. He's on his way there now. Kamea honey, Courtney, and I had a long chat about what happened. She said she was sorry, but I told her don't expect forgiveness because that was a hurtful thing she did. The sad thing about this ordeal is who is going to take care of Devin? I won't be able to because I am already taking care of Courtney's very sick father."

Kam's POV

"Mrs. Lauren, before Courtney died, she asked me if I could take care of Devin for her. I talked it over with Cris and it was okay with him. But the only thing is we no longer live in California. We moved to Florida last year."

"I can believe she said that. During our chat, that was one of the things she mentioned. She always said that you have the biggest heart. And, if something did happen to her, you are the one she trusts to take care of Devin."

"I would love to adopt him. I have only known him for a short time, but I love him already. And, Cris and I already have four kids, so Devin will never be alone. He will always have someone to play with him and to love him. I promise to bring him for regular visits every year to see his family."

"That is all I ask of you, honey. If you need me to go to the adoption agency, let me know. I will never have to worry about Devin because you are a sweet, loving person, Kamea."

"Excuse me, I am looking for the family of Courtney Matthews," a doctor came into the waiting room and asked.

"I'll be right back." Courtney's mom followed the doctor.


We waited until Mrs. Lauren came back from speaking with the medical examiner for Courtney. Once she came back, we went with her to search for a funeral parlor for Courtney's service.

We found one and went to help Mrs. Lauren with the arrangements. Cris offered to pay for the funeral expenses. I love him so much for doing that. And, he is willing to adopt another man's child in his life - and not just any man, Reed's son. I married the best man on the planet.

We called my father and told him that we are going to stay another week and explained why. He understood.

Courtney's memorial service has been set for Friday. And, we are going to have a repast for her at our house.

Cris and I went to the adoption agency so we can begin the process of becoming Devin's parents. We explained how Devin lost his mom. They said it could take up to six months. So, the social worker told us we could become Devin's emergency foster parents. So, that is what we did. We told her that we live in Florida and we have 4 children, so Devin will always be surrounded by the kids.

She said that she can make visits or have someone come to our home in Florida. We signed the paperwork so we can get started. Then, we went to Courtney's apartment to pack Devin's things and move them to our house. He is going to be just as spoiled as Día, Rocco, Kekoa, and Isabella.

The support for Courtney's funeral was sad. Not many people came. Courtney and I may have no longer been friends, but I had to come.

Devin still sticks to me like glue, but he let Cris hold him during the funeral service. I even went up to say a few words about when Courtney and I were friends.

We had so much fun together, constantly getting in trouble with my dad. We snuck out to parties when my dad told us no. We had a sleepover after sleepover. She was like another sister to me. Courtney was there for Noeli and I when my brother passed away. Mrs. Lauren and her family thanked us for paying for the funeral and hosting the repast. She told me to always keep in touch. I told her that I would bring Devin back to California before the year is over.


Friday, August 16, 2019

Kam's POV

Courtney was serious when she said she wanted me to take care of Devin. The Monday after her funeral service, Mrs. Lauren's lawyer read Courtney's will. She put it in her will for me to adopt her son into my family.

I am excited and nervous about raising him because I will have to tell him about his parents one day. Marco already started spoiling Devin. He has a few surprises for him when we get home.

All of the kids fell asleep in their chairs on the plane. Cris and I had a talk with Día and Rocco about their new brother. Surprisingly, they were happy. Especially Rocco because now he has a little brother to play with until Kekoa is older. Devin is still shy, but that's okay. Big brother Rocco will look out for him.

We are going to take Devin with us when we travel to Milan next week. I told Layla and Bliss about our California trip. They are excited to meet Devin as well.

The plane just landed in Miami. Jake and my dad are meeting us at the airport. I peeked out the window and saw my Escalade and Range Rover approaching.

Cris's flight attendant opened the door for the stairs to be let down. The kids were still asleep. Jake and my dad came on the plane.

"Hi, daddy and Jake. Thank you for coming and helping us."

"You're welcome, Kam."

I carried Devin, Jake carried Isabella, my dad picked up Día and Rocco, and Cris carried Kekoa. Then, we all made our way off the plane, into the trucks. After that, we made our way home.


We put Devin in Rocco's room for a few days while Cris and I went shopping for bedroom furniture, clothes, and many other things for him.

While Isabela and I watched the kids, Jake, Antonio, Marco, Cris, and my dad got Devin's room together. And, might I say they did a fantastic job.

Devin even has become attached to my dad. He will come over and read Devin's stories. We all vowed to do all we can to protect Devin and make him smile.

Now we have to get as much rest as we can. We have to leave Friday morning to fly to New York. Then, Saturday we leave for Milan to support Layla's newest location.


Friday, August 23rd, 2019

"Thanks for letting us stay with you, Bliss."

"You're welcome, Kam. And, Devin is the cutest little boy. It is so sad that his mom passed. But, he is in good hands with you and Cris. I also changed the bed in Rocco's room. It is now bunk beds in there for them to sleep in."

"Thanks, girl."

We took the kids to Central Park. And, Bliss even took them to the M & M store. All five kids were knocked out by the time we got home. Yes! So, we should not have a problem getting them up in the morning.


Saturday, August 24th, 2019

Shane and Bliss' brother, Julian drove us to the airport.

"Thank you guys for driving us over to the airport. And, we promise to bring Bliss back in one piece. And guess what? Shane, your little girlfriend said her first word in California. She said 'mommy.'"

"You're welcome, Kam. She did? Isabella is a smart, little one. Have a safe flight everyone. I'll see you all when you come back."

"Thanks, Shane." He carried Isabella on the plane and sat her in her seat. She started crying a little bit, but she will be okay.

Once everyone was on the plane, Cris' flight attendant closed the door. Shane and Julian backed both SUVs safely. We all waved out the window.

The engine had started, so the plane taxied to the runway - off to Milan.


Thank you for reading chapter 58.

1. Opening picture portrayal of Devin is courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can Stock Photo / sam74100

2. Devin's bedroom picture is courtesy of Can Stock Photos - © Can Stock Photo / krsmanovic

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