Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family

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By TintedLoveXOXO

"Merry Christmas Eve," Sweet Pea turned to you with a tired smile, which you return.
   "Merry Christmas Eve," you sigh and place a hand on his face. "And good morning."
    "That too," he said as he kissed you. "What are our plans for the day?"
    "Just prep for tomorrow," you shrug. "But that can so wait for a little while."
    "And what will we do in the mean time?" He asked with a little smirk.
    "I'm sure we can figure something out," You laugh as he climbs on top of you. "I wish we didn't have to get out of bed today."
   "We don't," he murmured against your neck right under your ear. "Fangs can do everything."
   "I'm sure he could," You giggle as his breath tickles you. "But, that wouldn't be fair. And, besides I have an early Christmas present for you. You can't open it until tonight though."
   "Hm? What kind of present?" He hummed.
   "A secret present," you bite back a smile. "So, I guess we better get the day moving."
    "You're a tease," he sighed and laid on top of you wrapping his arms around your back. You laugh as he buries his face in your neck like a child. "Let's stay here a little longer."
   "I wish I could, but I can't breathe," You laugh and he grumbled something you couldn't make out.
   "Stop making babies you hooligans," Cheryl barged into the room. "We have things we need to do today."
   "Yes, come in Cheryl," Sweet Pea muttered and rolled off of you.
   "Thanks," she smiled. "Get up, Y/N/N, we have to do last minute shopping."
   "We do?" You didn't remember her saying anything.
   "Yes!" She clapped. "Come on."
   "Okay! Okay, I'm coming," You sigh. "Can you give me a few minutes to get ready?" She gives you a look. "Just a few minutes."
   "Fine," She said leaving the room.
   "The door!" Sweet Pea yelled, but she didn't shut it. "I'm gonna change the locks today. And put a lock on our door."
   "For Christmas?" You ask with a laugh. "There's already a lock on the door."
   "Why don't we use it?" He asked.
    "Because we love our friends and you're in a gang so people come whenever to get you," you shrug.
   "Stupid," he grumbles and turns on his stomach.
    "Hey... I have something for you think about until tonight," you say rubbing his back. He doesn't turn, but you feel him become interested. "Get your face out of the pillow." He turns to his back and you grab his face kissing him roughly. He seemed surprised by the action as you slid on top of him. But, finally his hands slid to grip your hips. You pull away, but your hands still held his face. "I'll see you later."
   He laughs as you slide off of him and to the floor and buried his head back in the pillow, "Tease!" You grab clothes and run to the bathroom before he can throw a pillow at you.
   "What did he call you?" Fangs asked from the kitchen.
   "Nothing," You laugh. "Cheryl, what is it we have to do?"
   "You, Fangs, and I are going shopping for T-T. I don't think what I got her is enough," Cheryl sighed. "I mean nothing is enough for someone as great as her."
   "Okay," you say as you go to the bathroom to get ready. The bruise on your side had shrunk and become only a light purple now. It didn't hurt to lift your arms or when it was touched anymore. Everything else had healed completely leaving a small scab on your forehead and arm. Hopefully your arm wouldn't scar. You pull a hoodie over your head and leave the bathroom.
  "Finally," Cheryl said. "Let's go!"
  You laugh and open the bedroom door, "Let me get shoes and say bye to Pea." She mutters something about you being slower than a snail and good for nothing as you shut the door behind you. Sweet Pea was still face down in the pillow asleep. "Hey, we are leaving. You get the place to yourself today." You run your hand down his back. His skin was always warm. "Bye, love." You placed a small kiss on his back and he only shuffled a bit.
  "Love you," His voice cracked a little.
   "Love you too," you smile and kiss his forehead. "Try not to have too much fun alone."
   "No promises," he chuckled and watched you out on your shoes. "Can't wait for your present."
   "I know," you smirk standing up. "Alright, I have to go before Cheryl rips my head off."
   "Stupid redhead," he sighed as you kissed him one last time.
   "I heard that you slob," Cheryl said from the other side of the door. You laugh opening it and meeting the two in the hall.
  Shopping with Cheryl was like trying to go out to eat with the worlds pickiest eater. She didn't think anything was good enough for Toni. You and Fangs were growing restless following her around. Everyone was shopping for last minute gifts which meant every store was crowded with people. Which made it all the more fun, as you had to chase the girl throughout the entire mall. Finally, you stop at a Best Buy, one of the last stores to look at.
   "Get her this," Fangs said holding up a camera. "She needs a new one."
   "I already bought her a camera," Cheryl said. "And, a old film one."
   "You bought her two cameras?" You and Fangs gawk. "What else could she need?"
   "What if I got her a ring!" Cheryl said eyeing the store. "Like a promise ring sort of thing. That's cute right?"
   "Yeah," you nod. "But, it's a lot of money."
   "Yeah, shes gonna feel real bad when you give her all of these expensive gifts and she only got you one thing," Fangs said.
    "She knows that I do not need gifts. I only want her. She's a gift enough," Cheryl said. "Now lets go get her a ring." You follow her into the store. "I've already chosen the engagement ring I want to get her. It's that sapphire one." She points into the glass. "But promise ring... I didn't think it got that sappy."
   "Then don't get her one!" Fangs shouts. "You're crazy."
    "He's right," you shrug. "You are going way overboard. Dare I say, obsessive."
    "Well I only want what's best for Toni," she sighed. "And, I want her to happier than the people when Jesus came back to life."
    "She's happy," you reassured the redhead. "You've been shopping all day, maybe the best thing comes from inside you."
    "Yeah," Fangs nods. "The best gift comes from the heart. Not from the wallet."
    "You guys are bumper stickers." You and Fangs roll your eyes as she laughs. "Fine. I won't buy her a ring... Let's go home."
   "Thank god," Fangs sighed in relief and you hit him. "I mean great! You finally found something good enough for her." Cheryl just rolled her eyes and walked out of the jewelry store. "Does this mean she's not taking us home now?"
"She wouldn't leave us here," You say with a scared laugh. Cheryl might leave you. She has that way of thinking sometimes. "Cher, I cannot wait for you to open my gift."
"You always know the right things," she smiled. "Sorry for bringing you on this chase. You guys are right, I just have to give Toni something from my heart. She will love whatever I give."
"You guys were gone all day," Sweet Pea said from the table. "What did you do?"
"Cheryl couldn't find anything else. Yes, I said else," Fangs explained. "That was good enough for Toni. The fucking gremlin!"
"So, what happened?" Pea asked taking a drink of his beer.
"We told her she was crazy," Fangs shrugged and you just shake your head.
"Sounds interesting," Pea laughed. "I got some of the things ready for tomorrow." He grabbed you and pulled you to his lap. You wrapped your arm around his neck. "I wasn't sure what all you were going to do though."
"I'm sure it's fine," you say as he kisses your cheek. "So, remember that present?" He hums. "Well I have to get it and you have to go to the room."
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Fangs is out," Fangs groaned walking down the hall.
"Go now," you laugh and grab the present from under the tree. He chuckles as he walks by you. You go to the bathroom and change into the bra and underwear set. You pull your hair out of the ponytail and grab the robe you had in the cabinet. To top the ensemble off, you put a bow on yourself. After looking at yourself in the mirror you creep down the hall and knock on the door.
"Is this part of the present?" Pea laughed as he opened the door. He eyed you up and down stopping at the little bow on your chest. "Come in then." He smirked opening the door some more and closed it behind you.
"You gotta open your gift," you say sitting on the bed. He rose an eyebrow and you pulled open the robe a little. He grabbed your hand pulling you back up and then wrapped his fingers around the belt, tugging on it. He is quick with untying it and pulling it off. You bite your lip as he pulled the bow off of you and let it fall to the floor. He eyes you again, fully. You see his tongue cross his lips as he took in your body. "Merry Christmas, babe."
"Merry Christmas," he said softly as he put a hand on your back pulling you close. He moves your hair to the side as he kisses your neck and your collarbone. His teeth graze your shoulder and then go to your ear. You lean your head to the side for more access. He kisses your lips and placed his other hand under your chin. His dark hair fell down his forehead and hit yours. "When did you find the time to put this together?"
"When I went shopping," you say pulling him back to the bed. You sit and pull his shirt off of him. "Now, are you going to keep asking questions or are you going touch me?"
"So direct," he chuckled lowly. "I'm just gonna take it in. You're beautiful, babe."
"Can you just kiss me?" You say pulling him into the bed with you. He climbs on top of you and you wrap your legs around him. He kissed your nose then your lips. Then he kisses the middle of your neck and moves to your chest. You run a hand down his arm and side. "I love you."
"I know. It's hard not to love me," he smirked above you. You flip over so you were on top. "Damn." He chuckled and looked up at you through his growing hair. You were straddling him and running your hands down his chest. You kiss his neck and his chest, grinding your hips against his. He groans as you leave a little bite on his neck. "What's this new sense of dominance?"
"Why? Think it's sexy?" You smirk.
"Everything you do is sexy," he said. "But, you know that outfit is pretty damn hot too."
"Glad you like it," you smile. He hums in response and you can feel him growing underneath you. "Like it a lot don't ya?"
"Yeah," he groaned as you ground your hips again. You undo his jeans while you connect your lips again. He slid his hands over your bra and pulls the strap down your shoulder.
He sits up with you and kisses your shoulder. His hand sweeps down between your thighs and you moan as his fingers dance across your underwear, into your already wet lips. His fingers moved leisurely against you and you moved with him. You scrape your nails against his back as he inserted a finger. He worked his fingers rapidly and buried his face in your neck. Your legs tighten around his torso as he added a second finger and sucked on your left nipple. He moved your underwear completely to the side and pulled his member out. His fingers left you and were replaced by his penis. Somehow he managed to get a condom on in the mess. You grind yourself on him and his breathing quickly becomes labored. Sweat beads runs down both of your bodies as you move your hips with him. You lean your forehead against his and let your arms hang slack around his neck.
  "Fuck, Pea!" You say as he hits your spot and you push him down on the bed, bracing yourself on his chest. He continued hitting the spot as you rode him.  
   "Fuck," he said and grabbed your hips. You moan at the tightness of his grip. It was bound to leave a mark. You were in a nirvana state, unaware of anything you were saying or even doing. You just knew that it was great. Your vision even seemed to waiver in and out. You scream out, as you come around him. Riding it out until he does the same. "Merry Christmas, babe."
   You wake up with someone shaking you. You couldn't make him out yet. You shove him away, but he continued to shake you, "Come on, Santa came!"
   "Fangs get the hell out," you groan.
   "We gotta get ready for dinner! I've started the turkey and put the pie in the oven, but you have to do that other crap," he said. You sigh and go to get up. "Alright! You're like basically naked!" He covered his eyes.
   "Sorry," You laugh a little as you pull the blanket back over you.
   "I'm going to go back out there... Please get dressed," Fangs said backing out. You stand up and pull on a shirt and sweats. Stopping to look at the new marks on your hips.
   "Sorry about that," Pea came into the room.
   "It's fine," you sigh and wrap your arms around him. "Merry Christmas, love."
   "Merry Christmas," he smiled and kissed your nose. "You better get out there and help Fangs. He's freaking out."
   "Alright," you giggle and find Fangs in the kitchen. "Sorry about that. Let's get stuffing on the stove and I will start peeling and cutting the potatoes. You can start the noodles for the macaroni." He nods. "Were using paper plates because I'm not cleaning up after everyone." He nods.
   "Hey!" Toni and Cheryl come in. "Never came in here and it smell so good."
   "Haha," Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Put your gifts under the tree."
    "I am," Toni chuckled. "Why are we having dinner so early?"
   "I have a family dinner," you say. "My parents said I had to come."
   "Is Sweets going?" Cheryl asked.
   "Yeah," you nod.
   "Thank god. Your cousins are such asshats," Cheryl said, the three Serpents give her a look. "They are. They all make fun of her for not having a date."
   "I didn't know this," Pea chuckled. "Is that why I'm going?"
   "Of course," You laugh. "Gotta show you off to all those stingy bitches with their kids and engagements."
   "Calm down, this might turn into a movie," Fangs chuckled.
   "Betty and Jughead will be here in a few," You say looking at your phone. "Reggie is here... And, Veronica and Archie will be here any second too."
   "Are we having dinner or gift exchange first?" Pea asked and you shrug. "We should eat then do the exchange."
   "Alright," You say fixing your hair. "Food is all done now."
   "Calm down. It smells great and looks good too," Pea laughed grabbing your hand. "It was great on Thanksgiving, so I'm sure this will be even better."
   "Okay," you nod. "You're right."
   "I know. I'm rarely wrong," he said shrugging. "Kidding. Not really... Love you."
   "Alright," You chuckle. "Hi!" The core four come in covered in snow. "Snowing out?"
   "Yeah," Jughead shook off his coat. "I also might've threw a snowball at Archie."
   "Of course you did," you laugh. "Well food is done. Just waiting on Reg."
   "Late as always," Veronica said.
    "Talking about me?" Reggie chuckled.
   "You look nice," Archie eyed him. "Like really dressed up for this."
    "Well," he sighed. "I got invited to the Y/L/N Christmas get together with my parents."
    "Oh no!" You give a pity laugh. "Ava will be all over you."
    "Yeah if she can get past Selly," Reggie laughed. "Or is she engaged now?"
   "They both are," you say. "Don't think it will stop them though... Food is done, come eat."
   "Do I have to dress like that?" Pea asked in your ear.
    "Erm," you pause and he gives you a look. "Sorry. I love you."
   "Alright," he shook his head. Everyone sat around the living room eating. It was good, which made you relax. "Alright gift exchange."
   Everyone grabbed presents with their names on it and Cheryl of course went first. Leading with Toni and then Veronica. Betty and Jug following them with Archie and Reggie already opening theirs. It finally get to you. You can tell which is from who based on the wrapping.
  "Well," You laugh picking up the red one. "I wonder who this is from... Cher." She shrugs as you tear the paper. It was a bottle of pepper spray. "Waiting for me to get attacked again?"
   "Well it's happened a lot. Wanted to make sure you were prepared," she shrugged. "Toni got you a switch blade!"
    "Well," You laugh picking up Toni's. "Thanks T." You tear the paper and see the small silver plated switch blade. "Did you all get me something for being attacked?"
   "No," Reggie shrugged. You open the other gifts, getting a book from Fangs, a expensive perfume from Veronica and Archie, Reggie got you a bracelet, a new journal from Betty, and Jughead gave you a Serpent patch.
    "What's this?" You ask fiddling with the stitches.
    "For your box," Jughead said. "I heard Pea gave you box of things for your relationship. This kinda signifies it. I'm not asking you to join the Serpents. Unless you want."
   "I haven't given it much thought, but thanks Jug," you say placing the patch next you. You grab Pea's gift. "Worse wrapping skills ever." He shakes his head. You open it slowly, not sure what to expect. You pull out a jewelry box and open it to a ring that says 'my princess' on the inside.
   "It's not an engagement ring," he said. "But, a promise ring." You look at him, unsure of what to say. "It's no camera or anything big, but.."
   "It's beautiful," you say and put it on your finger. "Pea, really. I love it. And it goes great with your grandmas."
   "You gave her Gram's ring?" Fangs asked, genuinely surprised. "How did I not know?"
   "I'm pretty sure everyone knew," Betty laughed. "You live with them." Fangs shrugged. "Well, we see how much you pay attention."
"I can't believe you bought her a ring," Toni said grabbing your hand. "That's like a pre engagement ring."
"It is?" All of the boys seemed confused.
"Yeah, for young couples," Veronica rolled her eyes. "Who can't exactly get married or have the funds to get married."
"It doesn't matter... I feel like shit for getting you that shit," you laugh.
"You got him a ring too," Archie pointed out.
"Yeah," Pea chuckled. "And a pair of gloves and a flannel and a wallet. Which I needed." You roll your eyes. "I'm being serious. I love the gifts."
    "I am gonna go home and get ready for the party," Reggie said standing. "Need a ride?"
   "Sure," You nod. "Pea, please be there by five. I know it sucks, but please." He nods. "Thank you!" You kiss him and grab your gifts to put them in the room. You give a quick goodbye and merry Christmas to the rest of them as you leave. "Thanks Reg."
   "No problem," he shrugged. "Why did your mom invite us?"
   "Who knows," you sigh. "Wonder who else she invited."
   "I hear it's strictly family," he said. "And, Sweet Pea."
   "Yeah. Dad wasn't fond on the idea," you laugh. "Said that bringing a guy from the south side would be inappropriate."
   "Screw him," Reggie said as he stopped at a stop sign. "Sweet Pea is twice the man your dad is."
   "You actually said something nice about him!" You smile. "That's the first time!"
   "Yeah, well he's not around. And, this is the only time," He said turning into your driveway. "I mean it."
   "Whatever. You like him," You laugh opening the door. "See you at five." He nods as you shut the door. Getting ready for the party was easy until family started actually arriving. Your cousins were up your ass as soon as they found out you had a date this year. Of course, they also had to show off their engagement rings, wedding bands, and baby pictures. Even though their babies were in the other room. You tried your best not to let it bother you, but when five came around and Pea was no where to be found, they started saying that you made it up or that it wasn't meant to be.
   "Some boy you got yourself, late to a first family gathering," Ava tsked and grabbed her husband's hand. "Greg was never late to anything."
   "Neither was Hayden," Selly said. "Never late. Ever."
   "Guess not everyone gets a guy like us," Hanna laughed and picked up her little boy.
   "Hey now," Laura said. "Give little Y/N a chance... Maybe he forgot. Or she made him up." A knock on the door interrupted their comments and you jumped to get it.
   "Hey," Pea stood at the door. He had an apologetic smile on his face and flowers. "Sorry I am late. Had to stop at the store to get these for you."
   "Flowers?" You say taking them. "It's fine. Everyone is here and dying to meet you." You take his hand. "Ladies, this is my boyfriend. Call him Sweet Pea."
   "Oh wow," Laura choked on her wine. "This is your boyfriend?" You nod. "Well, I am Laura, Y/N's oldest cousin. And favorite."
   "Selena, But you can call me Sel or Selly," she said taking his hand. "A firm grip you have. Strong."
   "Hi, I'm Ava," Ava smiled. "The most talented in the bunch."
   "Well it's nice to meet you all," Pea gave a smile. "I am going to take Y/N to get a vase for her flowers."
   "He brought her flowers," Laura whispered.
   "My aunts and uncles are in here," you pull him to the hall. "You are so over selling it."
   "What? No, thanks for the flowers? Or a kiss hello?" He chuckled.
   "Pea!" You whine. "You know I love the flowers, that you didn't have to get."
   "Sounds like it," he chuckled and put his thumb on your chin. "Just relax. Everything is fine." He kissed you softly. "Breathe, Princess."
   You let out a a little bubble of air and smile at him. He always could relax you, "Thanks. And, thank you for the flowers and coming. And, just you know being you. I love you."
   "I know," he smirked. "Let's go meet the rest of your family." He grabbed your open hand and you led him into the kitchen.
   "Oh," you mother smiled. "You made it! Everyone this is Y/N's new boyfriend, Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea, this is Robert and his wife Haylie. This is Nathan and his wife Karen. This is Natalie and her wife Ashley. And this is Dylan, divorced." Sweet Pea shook hands with everyone. "He is just so sweet to Y/N. Always taking care of her no matter what. And so protective. I've never seen anyone so in love."
  "Mom," you blush and Pea laughs wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
   "Oh stop," she smiled. "I'm just telling them how great of a guy you got. And look, good looking too. Are those flowers? See, what did I tell you." She takes the flowers to put them in a vase. "I swear they are gonna stick. Your Grandparents should be here any minute. Now, go sit with your cousins. They missed you."
   "Doubt it," you mumble while pulling Pea from the kitchen. He chuckled a little as you got to the edge of the hall. "We don't have to sit in there. Their kids are all hellions. We can go upstairs to my room."
   "Here? With your family just below. I thought you had standards," he joked.
   "Not funny," You laugh. "If you wanna sit in there, we can."
   "Sure I do. I wanna get to know your family," he said. "I would introduce you to mine, but they're either dead or deadbeats."
   "I know your family. Toni, Fangs, and the rest of the gang," you say. "Who else do you need?"
   He smiled and you knew he was gonna say something cheesy, "You." You smile, you would always love his cheesy, sappy remarks. Even if they were only in the company of the two of you. "Come on, I promise I will behave." You knew he wouldn't, but went with him back to the living room. He actually was able to hold up a conversation with your cousins and the husbands. Reggie and his parents showed and of course the kids loved him, because they knew him.
  "So how did you two meet?" Ava asked.
  "At school," You say. "He was transferred over to Riverdale High, and I had a mutual friend."
   "Did you know? Like when you first saw her that you wanted to be with her?" Laura questioned.
   "We didn't start off on the best terms," you laugh a little.
   "I knew I liked her though," Pea interrupted you. "She was so fierce and scared of nothing. Even a big southsider. But, we didn't get along very well. I was an ass."
   "So, how did the two of you get together then?" Greg asked taking a drink of his lite beer. "If you didn't like each other?"
   "Well we became friends," Pea said. "And, the two of us and a group of our friends went on a trip to Florida together. We got together there. I took her out to the beach, because she never seen it. And, she kissed me in the water under the moonlight."
   "Okay. You kissed me," you laughed.
   "No," he shook his head. "You made the first move. We were walking along the water line."
"And you threw water at me! So I splashed you back," you say. "I tried running away and you grabbed me pulling me back."
"And we were hit by a big wave," he looked like he was lost in thought. "Then you kissed me."
"We were hit by the big wave and I was trying my best not to get in the face. You had your arms tightly wrapped around me and when the water fell, I stopped struggling and you definitely kissed me," you said looking at him, letting the memory of that night flood your thoughts. Your cousins watched in what seemed like awe.
"Maybe you just kissed each other," Selly said. "It was the right moment." You look at Pea and he nods. "So, was that when you first realized you like... Liked him?"
"She still doesn't like me," Pea chuckled and you hit him. "See."
"No that wasn't when," you sigh. "I think when I first saw him, I had a crush on him. I mean look at him. But, I didn't really realize that I really liked him until I found out he was with someone else. I got so jealous and I went shopping for an outfit I knew would drive like every guy crazy. And I went to a party he was at... Then, he beat up this guy for me and carried me to our friends place. He was like a knight. Also, I fell once, at practice and he called me a princess."
"I wasn't saying that nicely," Pea corrected you. "It was supposed to be an insult."
"Well, why do you still call me that then?" You ask with a smirk.
"Because you're my princess now," he said with his cheesy smile.
"Wow," all three girl sighed. "That's so sweet... Now, how are you friends with Reggie? Since the two of you were together for a while."
"Y/N and I will always be friends," Reggie said. "Since elementary school and until one of us dies."
"Probably her," Pea points at you. "She is clumsier then a egg. And, her mouth is bound to get her in trouble."
"That it is," Reggie chuckled.
"Way to gain up," you sigh.
"What did the two of you get each other for Christmas?" Hayden asked.
"I am the worst at buying gifts, so I got him gloves, a new wallet, and a ring," you said. "And a flannel because he loves them."
"What kind of ring?" Hanna asked.
"This one," Pea showed them the black and silver band on his finger.
"What did you get her?" Greg asked. He was the protective cousin.
"He gave me this promise ring," you say and show them the ring. "It says 'My Princess' on the inside."
"That is too cute," Ava said. "You basically got each other the same thing. And did he give you that ring around your neck?"
"Yeah, it was his grandmas," You nod taking the ring between your fingers.
"You two are just the cutest. You are so going to get married one day," Laura smiled. "When you gonna ask?"
"Erm." He gave a nervous laugh.
"I think it's early for that," you laugh. "Were still in high school."
"So," Your Aunt Natalie laughed. "When you know. You know. I mean your mother was telling us that you're never home. You stay with him."
"Isn't that Uncle Dylan's philosophy?" You laugh. "He's been divorced twice now."
"Don't base your life off of Dylan's life," Karen said.
"He doesn't make the best role model," Natalie said. "Look at your parents. They got married right out of high school. So did Robert and Haylie."
"You're making him nervous," Robert said. "Leave the boy alone, now. I think you should take him for a walk. He needs some air." You nod and pull the log out the door.
"Pea," you wave a hand in his face after a few moments of him not talking. "Sweet Pea?"
"Hm?" He looked down at you.
"You good? I know they can be really overwhelming," you laugh nervously. "At least Ashley and Dylan didn't threaten to kill you."
"That would've been easier," he said rubbing his neck. "I mean, I know we talk about all of that. But, like..."
"I know," you laugh. "It's fine. I definitely feel really weird about it too."
"Okay good," He laughs. "Not that I don't want to, um, marry you. I do. Not like today though. Or in the next few months."
"I know," you say again.
"Okay... It's just everyone is talking about getting married today," he said. "Then that comes with kids and whatever else... I don't want kids yet either. I'm not ready to share you. Not yet."
"Oh Sweet Pea," you laugh. "Having kids doesn't mean sharing. It just means that we have something beautiful that we made together. A child who we would love differently from each other..." He looks up at the sky again. "I don't want kids. You know that. Not now. Or any time soon. Believe me. Kids are too much work for me right now. Especially with everyone trying to kill me."
"Good thing you got a switchblade and pepper spray," he chuckled.
"I know," you say. "And, I also got this big tree that's always there."
"You know, it hurts when you call me a tree," he said.
"Then think about it like it's you who gives me oxygen," you shrug. "Because, you're a tree. Fucking huge." He laughed. Snow was falling from the sky again as the two of you crunched down the sidewalk. "Keep going. I'm gonna tie my shoe." He nods and walks a few paces and you ball up some snow in your hand. You throw it, hitting his back. He stops and turns, a amused look on his face. He grabs his own ball and you run the other way, but he was faster. He hits you with the snow and you scream. You end up tripping over something and falling backwards, taking him with you.
"Wow," He said looking up at the sky now. "You're so dead. I got snow down my shirt." He takes some and sprinkles it over your face and you cover yourself.
"Stop!" You laugh and he tickles your side so you turn, planting your face in the snow. "You win! My face is cold!" You couldn't hold back the laughs. "Stop!"
"What do you say?" He asked, still tickling your sides.
"I can't beat you! You're the best at everything!" You shout.
"Close enough," he chuckled and he helped you out of the snow. "Do I have snow in my hair?"
"How would I know? The only person who can see that high is God. But, you got some here," you say and rub some on his face.
"Really?" He wiped his face off.
"Feel better?" You ask as he grabbed both of your hands.
"Yeah," he said and kissed you.

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