Jilted Junkies :||: Kenny x R...

By Blonde_Dumb

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THE AMAZING COVER ART WAS BY @d-bois AAAAAA THANKS AGAIN Y/n comes from a broken home. All her life she had t... More

SEASON 1 :||: Prologue
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
SEASON 2 :||: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Season 3 :||: Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Four

2K 47 149
By Blonde_Dumb

I sat around, scratching lines into my notebook. I was never exactly Divinchi when it came to drawing, but I liked doing it. It was relaxing and fun. It helped me express the things going on in my head. But the pencil snapped and I didn't have a sharpener. I sighed, throwing it next to the wall. I gazed down at my little house. It wasn't anything of a house, but I knew it was mine. I brushed my hand against my blanket. A pretty boring place if I had to be honest.

I picked up the notes on man-bear-pig and started reading through them for a while, until eventually Karen bursts through the door with a giant blanket-sack.

"Look at you you little scavenger! I hopped down from the loft, "What'd you bring me, huh?" I smiled.

"Check this out." She dropped it revealing a bunch of water bottles, another blanket, and two pillows for a bed. There was also some flashlights, bug spray, a hair brush, a nice knife, and of course the stove thing. Plus a little box of matches.

"Nice, dude. This is all really cool of you." I said, picking up the knife. She smiled happily. I immediately started putting everything away. She even helped me. When we were done, and my bed was made, she laughed.

"Maybe now that we're friends I can sleep over with you in your new house." She smiled up at me, swinging around the ladder on the ground below.

"Sure, ok." I shrugged, straightening the pillows. The door started to jiggle, and I heard Kyle's voice from outside. I sighed with a smile, dangling my legs over the side of the loft.

"Better let them in." I said. She ran up to the door and unlocked it. Kyle came in and immediately stared up in surprise.

"Hey boys." I smiled as they piled in, along with four other random kids in gothic clothing.

"Y/n?!" Kenny shoved to the front of the crowd to look at me, before going completely silent as his pupils when big with hope.

"Hi there." I said.

"I though something might've... happened to you... You weren't at my house, or anywhere in town." He seemed relieved to see me.

"Nah. I'm fine," I said, "So what're you guys doing in my new crib?"

"We brought the goth kids to do some reading on the rituals performed for man-bear-pig. They're good with demons and stuff." Stan said. I looked at the four gothic teens as they stood around touching their hair, smoking cigarettes, and giving me a judgmental look back.

"Your new crib??" Kyle looked angry all of the sudden as he questioned me.

"Yeah! I helped her set up." Karen butted in.

"Karen?" Kenny looked at her in surprise.

"Hey Kenny." She waved.

"You can't just show up and- live in here!" Kyle told me.

"Why not? It's empty, it's free, and it's safe. I don't have anywhere else, Kyle." I said. 

"Wh- I know but- we need to find more shit out about man-bear-pig!" He said.

"What's stopping you? I don't care if you guys are here, I just care that you respect that I'm using it as my house, so I make the rules, okay?" I said. Kyle seemed frustrated.

"Dude just let her have it. She said we can work here, let's just do it." Stan told him, putting down his bag of supplies.

"Actually, I have your notes right here, all neat and pretty. I was reading through them. I found a lot of valuable stuff." I grabbed the binder and climbed down the ladder, lending it to him for him to read through.

"Wow... so you just took this whole place to yourself?" Kenny questioned me, looking around at the stuff I already filled it with.

"Yeah. Neat, huh?" I smiled.

"Fuck yeah..." Kenny examined the knife that I left on the desk holding the man-bear-pig books.

"So I found out with this that someone supposedly saw man-bear-pig making a deal out in the forest." Kenny looked up in alarm as I handed Kyle the news paper article.

"Really? Who was it? Who made the deal?" Kyle questioned

"I don't know. I also found that we don't have to find the Pringles to defeat him." I smiled.

"What?" He went speechless.

"Oh yes... if we can track down who sought for man-bear-pig's evil, and kill their ass, we have ourselves a broken proficy." I smiled.

"Holy shit, dude!" Stan looked at Kyle.

"But how can we know who did it for sure?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know... think about it! Who's the one person who wants control over the Pringles the most? Who wants to get ahold of those wretched chips and control the town with them?" I questioned. They both looked at each other again.

"Cartman..." They both said.

"That's right. He's the threat to us all. Even if we find the Pringles and keep them hidden, man-bear-pig will make do. And from what I've read, he won't leave without taking a few lives..." I said.

"So... that's it then..." Kyle stared at the floor. Stan looked back at the surprised goth kids in disarray.

"That's right..." I told them, "We gotta kill the fatass."

I turned around to look at Kenny, who had gone very quiet.

"And you're going to be the one to do it." I said.

"Me??" He questioned.

"Yeah! You're the only one with the power, remember?" I smiled at him. He looked at the ground sadly.

"I don't know if I can..." He said. I frowned.

"I don't know if any of us can. Even if I do think Cartman is going to hell... We can't be the ones to send him there." Kyle said.

"So it's settled... We keep looking for the Pringles." Stan said. I couldn't help feel kind of angry. I had done these goons a huge favor.

"What? You guys actually like that dick?" I questioned them, making them look back at me, "He's done nothing but betray you! He's toxic- he's ignorant! He's totally dangerous,  I mean- God sakes! He's Hitler Jr., what the hell is wrong with you guys??"

Kyle furrowed his brows and walked over to me.

"Cartman is still our friend! He may be a pain in the ass to deal with, but we aren't going to kill him!" He said.

"God- whatever, go gave fun searching for those dumb chips with your boyfriend Cartman. You'll never find them anyway!" I said.

"Fine! Maybe Cartman was right about you." Kyle took Stan and goth kids to storm out the door with him, "Come on, Kenny!" He yelled when he realized Kenny wasn't even following him.

"Uh... yeah, one second..." Kenny told him. Kyle huffed and left. Kenny looked at me.

"You think he should be dead, don't you??" I turned to him angirly.

"Uh, yeah, yeah," He nodded, before slowly shaking his head, "uh... no..."

"Whatever..." I said, climbing up the ladder as him and Karen watched me.

"Maybe it would be easier if you found more proof against him. It's difficult to understand your side when there isn't anything to back up your accusations." He said.

"What proof do I need? The kid's a sociopath!" I said.

"Well, whatever man... come on, Karen." Kenny said, leading his little sister out of my home.

"Bye Y/n." She smiled at me.

"Bye..." I sighed. And there I was again. Alone. I needed to do something about this. I needed to find the fat kid. Figure out all of his plans. It was the only way to gain their trust again.

But there was something else. And suddenly I started thinking about my parents again. And my little sister. That dark feeling. That yearn.  The devastation and anger swirling in my guts. And Cartman wanted to fuck everyone over, just like my parents did to me. I couldn't let anyone get hurt by him. Maybe that fat ass really was right about me. I'd kill him myself if I had to.

In fact... I was going to.

I got up and picked up the knife Karen brought me. I didn't plan on using it yet... But it might come in handy. I just needed to figure some things out first. I went through Al Gore's drawers and found a lock and key. Perfect. I used it to keep my new home locked securely from intruders, and I tucked the key in my coat pocket, along with the knife.

The walk into town was a lot easier without the weight of my bag. I felt free and in control of my surroundings for once, which was a good feeling. I wandered around until I noticed the familiar blonde boy, and chubby brunette next to him standing at the door of some bright green house.

"Please! I just want to talk to Craig!!" Tweek yelled, knocking rapidly on the door.

"Ah, just forget it, Tweek, they aren't going to let us in." Clyde said.

"Eerrhhnn!!" Tweek wilted helplessly against the door, shaking like there was an earth quake.

"Hey guys. Need some help?" I smiled, walking over to them.

"Y-yeah!! Help us pick the lock so we can go get Craig!!" Tweek ran up to me in desperation, grabbing onto my shirt.

"Tweek, we already tried picking the lock, but Cartman's mom yelled at us, remember?" Clyde said, eating old jelly beans from his pocket.

"That's okay. Show me to Cartman's window." I said. They lead me around into his back yard. I started throwing rocks at his window, not even caring if they shattered the glass. Soon I saw him pear past the curtain.

"Get out here, fatass! I heard you have a bone to pick with me!" I yelled. He had an angry look cross over his face, and soon he was outside.

"Well whoopty fucking doo, look who finally decided to face me. Don't you have some homeless men to be beating off, skank?" Cartman asked me. I watch two other kids walk out the door. One of them in a blue hat had a broken arm, and the black kid with the purple shirt stood next to him.

"Agh!! Craig! W-wh-what happened??" Tweek asked in surprise, extremely concerned over the sling holding up his broken limb. Craig just looked to the ground with a bitter face.

"If you came here to stop me from finding those Pringles, you'll have to try a lot harder than bringing baby tits and spaz attack." He said.

"Stop you?" I scoffed at him, "You think I'm stupid enough to believe I could stop you? Come on, Cartman. I know what you're capable of." I started to smirk as I inched closer, making his face twist into a hesitant distrust.

Tweek and Clyde stared at me in complete shock.

"No, compadre... I'm here to join you." I said. His eyes widened.

"Traitor!!" Clyde yelled. I turned around and grabbed the two of them.

"Guys..." I whispered, "I'm just trying to trick him to get info out of him, YOU DUMB FUCKS!"

"U-uh, right...  Stan and Kyle aren't getting anywhere... w-w-we need those p-pringles!!" Tweek was trembling again, staring right at Craig.

"Uh, yeah!" Clyde said.

"Face it, Cartman. Who's your biggest opponent here?" I questioned.

"Well... Kahl's my-"

"Wrong! Kyle doesn't even know where the Pringles are!" I said, before smiling again, "But I do."

"You would be willing to betray Kahl and give me my sweet, suculant Pringles? But at what cost?" He questioned.

"Well, it's simple. You let me in on your plans... allow me to be apart of them... and I'll start giving you answers." I said.

"What's the pro quo?" He asked me.

"We'll see. What do you say?" I crossed my fingers behind my back as I leant him my hand. He looked at me in the eyes as I smiled devilishly.

"How do I know your not lying?" He asked me.

"Your options are running low, Cartman. Do you really want to pass up an opportunity this good?" I giggled. He still looked suspicious. I didn't blame him.

"Ah... what the hell...?" He shook my hand, and I grinned at him. Tweek and Clyde glanced at each other after spotting my crossed fingers.

"So. Why don't we jump head first into the details?" I excitedly put my hands together.

"Alright... follow me." He said, leading me into his home. The other four followed us too. We all stood around in his room together. Cartman jumped into his computer.

Tweek was twitching and Spazzing as he stood next to Craig. He was constantly glancing at him and clearing his throat, which was really annoying Craig.

"Tweek. Calm down." He said.

"Gahh!! Errh- Craig- Craig tell me what's going on!" Tweek desperately pulled on his sleeve.

"I'm not on your side, Tweek. Stop talking to me." Craig looked away from him.

"C-Craig!! Ahaha- I'm on your side now, see! Look, y-you can- Errh! T-t-t-talk to me!!" He clutched onto his arm.

"Tweek!-" Craig jumped.

"These are my studies on the effects of the new Pringles flavor. And from my conclusions... it's like an infection..." Cartman said. I stared at him in shock as he pulled up ancient images of the Pringles effecting people like a zombie mob on his computer.

"The Pringles's savory, delicious, indescribable flavor is incredible. Once one person takes a bite in front of the crowd and says how good it is, then suddenly everyone wants a bite. The thirst for the flavor consumes you... Soon everyone wants to try it, and soon they will do anything to get it. Whoever has the Pringles... Will have power over them all..." Cartman turned to me.

"There. You know my plans, now tell me where the Pringles are." He said.

"Ah ah ah... first... I need you to answer one question for me." I told him.

"What- what is it??" He demanded, slamming his fist against the desk.

"Who summoned man-bear-pig?" I asked him. He scoffed, and shook his head at me.

"You think it was me?" He asked.

"No. I know it was you," I said "You're the one that wants power. You asked for it from him, that night in the forest, didn't you? That's how you know so much about the Pringles."

"That's not true," He said, "Al Gore was the one who told me about the power of man-bear-pig. Before that, I had no idea about it. He told me about the Pringles, too. I told him that he needed to give them to me, but he stabbed me in the mother fuckin back. So I dealt with him."

He stood up, facing me with challenging eyes.

"Are you going to stab me in the back, too?" He asked. I smiled at him, and started giggling.

"Phh, Cartman... I know you're hiding something. And whoever you had summon man-bear-pig... I'll find them, don't worry," I said, "And they'll be the one to get the Pringles. It's only fair, after all."

"So you are a back stabber! A filthy fucking liar!!" He pointed at me.

"Oh no... I have have your Pringles, love. I just have them hidden somewhere you'll never find them... somewhere you'd never think to look. And if you don't give me the answers I need on the man-bear-pig's summoning... you'll never find those Pringles." I told him.

"Oh, I'll find them, you filthy skank." He said.

"Or you could make another deal with me. A more tempting offer? Maybe I'll still give them up to you. All I need are answers, Eric Cartman. A simple truth...  that's all." I lied to his face. But it seemed to convince him, as he finally eased his features a bit.

"Come on, Tweek. Clyde." I turned to the other boys, who looked at me.

"Okay." Clyde sighed, walking out the door.

"W-wait... b-but... Craig...?"  Tweek looked at his boyfriemd, who sighed and walked away from him.

"Craig!!" Tweek said before I started pushing him out of the room.

"Come on, Tweek... he was never on our side..." I whispered in his ear. We left the house and I felt like I was only left with more problems to solve. Now Cartman would be after me hardcore for those Pringles, not only that, but the guys will probably lose the last bit of their trust for me over this. Tweek was whimpering as he twitched. He was upset.

"Tweek... talk." I looked at him.

"Why is Craig being like this? Does he hate me?? Oh god- he does, doesn't he?? Why am I like this- Why can't I just be normal for him??" Tweek cried into his hands.

"Yeesh..." Clyde sighed.

"It's ok. Craig's just confused. Give him time to think about the situation he's in..." I told him. We all stopped when we saw some scronny blonde kid struggling to carry a wagon of police stuff. Probably stolen police stuff.

"Who's that?" I asked them quietly.

"That's Butters. He's the stupid weird kid that follows Eric around all the time." Clyde explained.

"Hey Butters!" I walked up to him.

"Whuh-oh..." I heard him say when he looked at me, "Uhh- wh-what do you want mysterious lady?" His voice was high pitched and kind of cute.

"Awe... Well what do you have all this stuff for?" I asked him, kicking his wagon slightly.

"Urh, nothin." He told me with his hand behind his back.

"Say uh, aren't you that boy who always hangs out with Eric Cartman?" I smiled at him.

"Uh, yeah. Eric tells me not to talk to you though... uh- He says you're a danger to our operation." He explained.

"Awe... that's not very nice..." I got closer to him, intimidating him immensely, "I bet he's not very nice to you, either..."

"Well uh... sometimes he can be uh... kinda mean, I guess..." He told me, looking at the ground.

"Poor baby." I said, kissing his cheek. He went bright red, and his legs shook like jelly, "Why don't you forget about him and... come hang out with me insead?" I smiled.

"Uhh.. wh-okay..." He stared at me in awe. I offered him my hand, and he took it, so I lead him away with Tweek and Clyde, who also just followed my lead.

"So tell me, cutie pie. What do you know about Eric's plans with the Pringles?" I asked him as we held hands across the street.

"Well, pretty lady... Eric wants make people do all sorts of stuff for him. Like make him their King, and build him a castle. He also wants to kill Kyle." He said.

"Go figure. And what does he plan to do with me?" I asked.

"Wh- I don't know. Eric doesn't really talk about you much." He said.
Very interesting...

"Oh, look. An ice cream shop!" I smiled. We walked in and I bought us all an ice cream with a random hundred dollar bill.

"This is fun, right?" I smiled at Butters as the four of us awkwardly sat around the table eating ice cream. Clyde dug in, while Tweek was constantly clinking his spoon against the glass cup, trying to get a bite.

"Yeah, this is fun!" Butter's smiled, eating his ice cream right up.

"So now that I've bribed you... Tell me Butters... who's the one that summoned man-bear-pig?" I questioned him, knowing he had a good answer. But he didn't give me one.

"Whuh- I don't know." He smiled, taking a big bite of vanilla. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you sure you don't know? I asked again, tickling his chin. He giggled like a little kid.

"Yeah... I'm sure." He beamed at me. I sighed. So much for hitting the jackpot with this one. Still, it didn't hurt to have him wrapped around my finger.

"Well then, sweet Butters... How would you like to stay on my side, instead of that meanie weenie, Cartman? You can fill me in on everything about him, though, since he's still your best friend and all." I placed my hand on Butter's knee, just for good measure. He went cherry red and smiled at me.

"Uhh- whhuhh- wo- kay..." He went dumb as he looked up at my face, showing me his goofy smile.

Got him.

"Good, good. You and me are gonna be real close, I can tell." I smiled as I played with his hair. Tweek and Clyde looked at each other in confusion.

I glanced out the window and saw something that caught my eye. It was Kyle. He was talking to that guy from the paper. The one who had seen man-bear-pig making his deal. Kenny and Stan were right next to him. I guess Karen and the goth kids were long gone.

"Look who's here." I nudged Clyde, who looked out the window.

"Oh, it's them," He shoved some more chocolate ice cream into his mouth, "Think we should tell them about Cartman?"

I got up from my seat to go outside. Clyde began to frantically scoop the rest of his ice cream in his mouth as Butters and Tweek began to follow me.

"Eh, I'm telling you, kid. It was just a bad trip- nothing real important!" The old guy told Kyle.

"Please, sir, just tell us what you know! It's important to us, we need to know who was talking to man-bear-pig." Kyle asked him for what I'd assume to be the millionth time.

"Go away, kid." The guy grumbled.

"Hey guys." I greeted them for the second time that day.

"Ugh... curse this tiny town." Kyle sighed at the sight of me, "What do you want?"

"Look. I just wanted to say sorry." I told him.

"Well save it! I'm in the middle of something!" Kyle said, following after the homeless tweeker.

"Kid, will you please leave me the hell alone now? I've seen some crazy things while I was high, ok?" He told him.

"Wow really? High on what?" I asked him.

"Uh... nothing." He said.

"Man, that's too bad! I love having crazy trips. This one time I snorted these pills that my sick grandma was taking, and man did it get me fucked up! I started trying to dig out the corners of my eyes with a razor blade, because I started seeing alligators in them." I laughed. He looked at me in surprise before he laughed too.

"Shit, no way, really?" He smiled.

"Wait, you said you saw man-bear-pig in the woods?? Talking to who now?" I laughed.

"Oh, I don't know. It looked like some midget in a jumpsuit. Pretty weird if you ask me. I think I saw him shake his paw and everything." He laughed.

"Wow, that's awesome. Anyway, see ya, dude." I waved at him.

"See ya." He walked away smiling. I looked at Kyle with a smug grin.

"So what's the deal on Cartman?" Kyle asked me with an annoyed look.

"I'm glad you asked. I got him to let me into his room." I smiled. They all went wonder-struck again.

"You did?" Stan questioned.

"Did you offer to suck his tiny dick?" Kenny started to laugh.

"Yeah. He told me some things. Like how the need for Pringles spreads like a disease. Everyone will be entranced by it once they see another person get to try it. Cartman will use that power to his best advantage, if he gets the chance. But he sure wouldn't admit to being the bringer of man-bear-pig." I said.

"Still, how'd you get that out of him?" Kyle asked.

"It took some bribing, I'll admit." I said.

"And now you just have Butters following you?" Stan pointed at him.

"Yeah!" I wrapped my arm around Butters's shoulders, making him do that funny face again.

"Butters and I are great pals. Right, bud?" I smiled, purposely getting very close to his face. He giggled.

"Wow... well... that's a score for us, right?" Kyle looked at Stan and Kenny.

"Yeah dude!" Stan said, "Butters is full of insight on Cartman's plans!"

"Yeah... whatever." Kenny sighed. I turned and grabbed Butters' rosy cheeks.

"You're gonna be Mama's little spy dog, aren't you?" I smiled at him. He made a noise, still smiling up at me.

"Anything for another one of those sweet kisses..." He giggled. This was going just perfect! Kenny crossed his arms, and rolled his eyes at Butters' words.

"I still feel like we're not getting anywhere. If Cartman isn't the one who did it, then who could it be?" Kyle questioned.

"Maybe he's paying someone." I suggested.

"Or maybe we're still just missing something!" Tweek said.

"You guys, remember... as long as those Pringles are still hidden, there's nothing to worry about except for man-bear-pig coming here... And hopefully that won't happen... yet." Stan told us.

"Urhh- ahhh! I'm freaking out!!" Tweek started pulling at his hair again.

"Calm down, Tweek." Clyde said.

"DON'T tell me to calmdown!!" Tweek shouted at him.

"Alright, listen... right now all we can do is sit and wait until we think of something. So let's just sit around and hang out for a while. Get our mind off of things." I told them, walking away.

"Y/n! This is not the time for relaxing! Cartman could be finding the Pringles at any second-" Kyle said.

"Cartman doesn't know where they are." I said.

"You don't know that!" Kyle said. I turned and looked at him.

"Yes I do," I said, "Now who's in?"

"I am!" Butters happily ran after me. Kenny glared and grumbled at the blonde boy and his willingness to follow me.

"Me too!" He said, quickly catching up to us.

"Kenny!" Kyle stared in appal.

"Face it dude... We don't have anymore ideas... let's just chill out for a while." Stan put a hand on his shoulder, finally making him sigh.

"I'm so tired of this shit..." Kyle finally let in, walking with Stan to follow his friends.

"Me too, dude." Stan said as Tweek and Clyde walked beside them. We ended up at the basket ball court and we all started dribbling the ball. We passed it to each other and took turns shooting hoops. Tweek held the ball and shakily threw it into the air. It bounced off the rim and flew back to hit him in the head.

"AGH!!" He screamed on impact, stumbling back in a daze. The ball rolled towards Butters, and he picked it up, throwing it and getting it in in one toss.

"Yeah!" He jumped up and down. I smiled at him. Kenny caught the ball and dribbled it between his legs before shooting it backwards,  and getting it in.

"Woah!" I smiled at him in surprise, and that made Butters pissy.

"Alright, show off." Kyle smiled, backing up across the court and throwing it over. It didn't quite make it, falling to the ground and hitting the fence.

"Awe man..." Kyle stared in dissapointment.

"Let me try, dude!" Stan caught the ball and ran over to his position. He threw it, and it smacked against the back of the hoop and bounced back towards me.

"Damn." He sighed. I scooped up the ball and backed up.

"Please, Jesus... it would be so cool to get this shot." I said, before tossing the ball into the air. I saw it glide threw the cold wind and plop straight through the hoop on the other side of the court. My jaw dropped as I laughed at the irony.

"Hey look, I did it! Thank you, Jesus! My man!!" I fist pumped towards the cloudy sky. Suddenly the boys started to cheer for me.

"She did it!! She did it!" Butters was a little too enthusiatic.

"Whoo hoo!" Kenny put his hands up for me.

"Wow. Good job." Stan said, totally impressed.

"Lucky shot." Kyle rolled his eyes. I laughed and punched him in the shoulder.

"Come on. That was a good throw." I smiled at him. He finally smiled back at me.

"Alright... it was pretty good." He laughed. I handed him the ball.

"Just keep trying, I'm sure you'll get lucky too." I told him. He laughed at me.

"Fine." He said. Soon we were tossing the ball from all over the court, playing Horse, and practicing our techniques. Overall we were just having a good time after a while. I think it was good that I got them to get their minds off of things.

Butter's developed a real crush on me after a while. I might've gone a little too far with the fake flirting. But what made me laugh was the fact that it drove Kenny nuts for some reason. I guess he was really weirded out by it. I didn't blame him. Butters was kind of a screw loose.

"What would you like me to do for you, m'lady?" Butter's would ask me at random after following me around for an hour.

"Oh, I don't know... What about some wild flowers?" I smiled around at the white snow covering up any sight if plant life.

"Okay!" He said, turing to go find some anyway.

"Why are you talking to him like that?" Kenny finally asked, walking up to me with the ball at his side.

"Whatever do you mean, Kenneth?" I asked him with my hands behind my back.

"You sound like Cartman when you use him like that." Kenny told me.

"Exactly. It's the only way he'll truely listen to me. Plus... if Cartman's personality is hard to beat, then we have to think the same way he's thinking." I explained. Kenny looked at me with those eyes of his. His unreadable expression was sometimes aggravating. It gave him an untouchable dominance and complete control over the way people saw him.

"Fucking Cartman... it all boils down to Cartman!" Kyle groaned.

"Dude, he's always going to be fucking with us. There's only so much we can even do after a while." Stan said.

"I know! That's the problem! Why can't he just stop? He makes our lives so complicated!" Kyle ranted.

"He took Craig away..." Tweek sighed, sitting down on the bench.

"He's going to destroy the town..." Kyle said hopelessly with his stressed hands over his eyes.

"There's nothing we can do anymore, fellers..." Butter's said.

"Shut up, Butters." Everyone told him. He handed me a scraggly bouquet of weeds.

"Uh... thanks..." I sighed, immediatly dropping them on the ground after their little needles poked into my hand.

"So... can I have another kiss now?" He asked.

"Sure." I shrugged, leaning in and pecking him on the forehead. He melted like Butter. Kenny glared at the both of us with an evil, angry stare.

"What are we gonna do now?" Clyde asked.

"Lets go get something to eat. I'm starving." I said. They watched me as I left court, and eventually followed me again.

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You are a fairly popular girl at SPH, (south park high) you are friendly to everyone and given the chance, are open to making new friends. Problem is...
3.4K 44 33
[Book 8] You do not need to read any book before this for it to make sense. "Your parents are ok with this?" "Of course hon. They won't judge. promis...