Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting

182 8 0
By TintedLoveXOXO

Healing is hard, especially when you still have to go to school. You ended up skipping Monday and Tuesday because you couldn't move. Wednesday you left early because the nurse wouldn't let you stay, not that you blamed her you were still in a lot of pain and looked awful. She wouldn't let Sweet Pea leave with you, so you had to go to his place alone. He had sent FP over to check on you multiple times during the day. Which got old because you were trying to sleep.
   "Knock knock," he said as he came in. "Sweet Pea wants you to try eating and taking another pain pill."
   "Tell him that I know what I'm supposed to do," you groan into the pillow. He chuckles as he goes into the kitchen.
   "Well I brought you some food from Pop's," he said. "Know you love that BLT so, I ordered you one with a strawberry milkshake."
   "Thanks FP," You say sitting up slowly. "Honestly, you don't have to keep coming over here. I'm fine really."
   "I'm sure you are," He said. "But, I know what it's like to be beaten to basically pulp and be alone. It's sucks. You know, I knew this lady who killed herself because she was alone and terrified of being hurt again."
   "Well, I am not going to kill myself," you promise. "Not purposely, at least. I'm pretty clumsy though, so I guess we'll see where that gets me." He laughs again and brings your food to you.
   "You're funny like your dad," FP said. "He was always making sarcastic comments and mouthing off. I heard you knocked that girl out. That's all your mom. Your dad was never really a fighter."
   "You know my parents too?" You ask, you didn't realize that many people knew them.
   "Of course I did, I went to Riverdale High with them. I was a football player for a while," he seemed to be thinking back to those days. "That was a long time ago though. And I was really only close with your mother. Your father didn't like me all that much."
   "Turns out he has bad taste in people," you shrug. "He's friends with Hiram Lodge."
   "Of course he is," FP said. "He and Hiram used to be real close. They sold drugs together back in High School."
   "My dad sold drugs?" You couldn't believe that. "He is always spouting how I shouldn't do them."
   "Yeah. He was a big dealer. Not saying he is now, I'm glad he found his way out of the mess," FP nods. "Eat up."
    You do as told, sure FP was a nice man but you were afraid of his temper. He leaves you again after you finish eating and you get to lay back down. Your phone buzzes just as you close your eyes making you groan in annoyance. Were you this clingy when Sweet Pea was hurt? You'd like to think no, but that was a lie. You grab your phone seeing it was him and open it. It was three so he was bound to be on his way home. Which is what the message said. You sit up and decide that you wanted to move. You were tired of laying around, so you stood and put a movie in the player and turned the tv on. You threw away your empty containers and got yourself a drink. You could hear the play menu start on the movie.
   "What are you doing?" Sweet Pea asked coming in and throwing his things on the ground with Fangs following. "You should be laying down."
   "I'm tired of laying down," you groan. "It's boring. Sure I'm in pain but I don't care anymore."
   "Well I do," he said. "Go sit and watch your movie."
   "Fine," You sigh and take your drink into the living room. He rolls his eyes as you walk by. "Don't you roll your eye at me! You know when you're sick, you don't listen for shit."
   "Calm down," he laughed. "No need for a tantrum."
   "This is no where close to a tantrum. You should've seen me when I was eight years old and wanted to go to the water park with Reggie and my parents said no," you say. "That was a tantrum."
   "I don't want to see that," he laughed. "Fangs is going to play the movie if you don't get in there."
   "Maybe he should," you say. "You know, I'm feeling a lot better." He nods, though you could tell he wasn't believing it. "Come on, I can show you."
   "How?" He laughed and you give him a small smile. You push yourself on to the counter in front of him. "Don't do that. Go lay down and relax."
   "Come on Pea," you whine as you grab his arm. "I'm bored. And, I really want you."
   "Well I'm not going anywhere," he chuckled.
   "How about, you take a bath with me," you say. "It's relaxing and we can have fun in the water."
    "Dude just take her away!" Fangs groaned from the kitchen. "I can't listen to this."
    "Even Fangs wants it," you raise your eyebrows.
    "Just go to the bathroom," he said and you smile. "I'm not getting in. I'm almost seven feet tall, but I'll bathe you." You sigh but go to the bathroom running the water finding the right temperature. You take a few essential oils that you brought from home, from the cabinet and add a few drops. He comes in holding a towel and clothes. "It smells girly."
   "That's the oils," you laugh.
   "Are you going to get in the bathtub?" He asked setting the things on the sink. You nod and pull your shirt off then your jeans. You get in the bath slowly, letting your body get used to the water. You lay against the side, as your muscles relax. He runs a hand over your shoulder and into the water. He pulls a cup from the things he brought and wets your hair. Careful not to get anything in your face. He grabs your shampoo and slowly runs it through your hair. Running his long fingers down your scalp and massaging just under your ears. You let out a little content moan as he did this. Massaging your whole head as you closed your eyes. Ever so often he would run his hands down to your shoulders and breasts for just a moment. Then he cleaned the soap from your hair, one hand blocking your eyes from the shampoo. Then he runs his hands through your hair with the conditioner. It was the best feeling ever. He massaged your scalp and shoulders. Kneading his fingers into your tense back as he let the conditioner sit. Ever so often he would mutter a few things in your ear. Telling you that you were beautiful. He grabbed a sponge and cleaned your back and your legs. "You're so spoiled." He laughed as you let out another little happy moan.
   "Not my fault," you sigh as he runs a hand over your chest. He laughs a little and pulls the plug of the tub.
   "Come on," he said grabbing the towel. You sigh getting up and he wrapped the towel around you then his arms. He was warm and comfortable. His hands ran up and down your back. "I love you." His voice was soft and almost a whisper.
    "I love you too," you say leaning your head against his chest and close your eyes. "Thanks for babying me through this."
   "What else would I do?" He chuckled. "Gotta return the favor."
   "I guess," you laugh too and he kissed your forehead then your lips. You wrap one arm around him. "You know, I could return the favor too."
   "Stop," he shook his head. "You're still hurt."
   "Fine," You sigh. "Kiss me again, we haven't been able to do this in a few days." He kisses you again and you wrap your other arm around him. Leaning into him, as he lets his hands rest at your hips. "I'm getting you all wet."
   He looks down at his clothes and shrugs, "oh well. I don't care right now." You laugh a little as he kisses your neck. You moan a little at the new contact.
   He seemed to forget about your injuries as he lifted you and set you on the sink counter. Your towel was barely on you anymore as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You couldn't get enough of his touch as his hands were on your thigh and knee. You pulled on his shirt as his teeth ran over your ear. You leaned against the mirror as he went down your neck and to your chest leaving a trail of small love bites in tracks. You bite your newly healed lip as he ran his teeth over the top of your right boob. Your hair was still dripping and leaving little drops in his own hair. You get little chills as it runs down your back. The towel finally give out and falls your your waist as you pull his shirt off. He stopped letting a little huff out and leaned against your neck shaking his head.
   "What?" You ask.
   "We can't do this," he sighed. "You're hurt." Your shoulder fall. "I'm sorry, Princess. I forgot."
   "Not for long enough," you groan.
   "Let's get dressed," he chuckled and pulled a shirt over your head. You pull on your underwear and go to his room laying in the bed. He comes in after you, your back turned to the door. You hear him laugh again. "Don't be like that. You know that you said something pretty similar the last time I was like this."
   "I know," you say still not looking at him.
   "Baby," he sighed climbing into the bed and leaning over you. He ran a finger down your neck and hold back a laugh. Then down your side and you can't help but let a little laugh out. You were ticklish. "I know it sucks, but at least you're feeling better and we don't have to get up for school until next month."
   "I was barely getting up for school now," You sigh. "But, you don't have to leave anymore?"
    "Nope," he shook his head. "All your through New Years."
"Oh! I got your gifts!" You say turning to him. "I got them the day I got beat up. They're at my house."
"Okay. We can go get them tomorrow," he said. "Still need a tree though."
"Can we do that too?" You ask. "We don't use real trees at my house. Makes too much of a mess for my mom to handle."
"Yeah we can do that too," he nods and pulls a piece of hair from your face. "And, I will help decorate it."
"Okay," you say happily. "What about right now though?"
"What about right now?"
"What are we gonna do now? I've been here all day," you explain. "Except for the brief visits of FP all day." You give him an annoyed look. "I've been alone and bored. But, I couldn't sleep because every few hours there's a knock on the door."
"Do you want to sleep?" He seemed confused.
"I want to do something," you say. "Can't do what we were doing earlier. So, I guess sleep is all there is."
"You're not luring me to sleep with you," he laughed. "That's perverted."
"Shut up," you sigh. "We should get a TV for in here."
"Okay," He nods. "How will we watch anything on it? Only one DVD player."
"I have one in my attic," you say. "We can use that one."
"Then I will find a TV for in here," he said. "You know what else would be nice?"
"What?" You turn to look him completely in the eyes.
"If you had more things here. You stay here a lot. Move some of your stuff in already," he said. "I'll make space in that closet and can put a dresser over there."
"You know that doesn't sound bad," you smile. "Sounds great."
"Good," He said. "We will get some of your stuff tomorrow too."
"What about your grandmas room?" You ask. "Isn't that bigger? And we can move Fangs in here."
"I haven't been in there in a while," he said. "Over two years actually."
"We don't have to," you say. "If you're not ready."
"We should do that now," he said, you noticed that he swallowed as he said it. "Come on. Give you something to do and Fangs off the fucking couch."
"That's not the 'fucking' couch," you say. "At least not with me."
"You're stupid," he shook his head. "Come on." He pulled you from the bed. "Here." He tossed pants at you. "Fangs doesn't get to see all that." You shake your head but pull on the pants.
"I can't lift anything real heavy," you remind them as Pea unlocked the door. "So, I'm gonna just clean."
"We know," they both said as you went in. The room was real pretty. It didn't look anything like you expected. It was pretty well organized and the bed was huge. There was an old dresser that didn't look bad and a walk in closet. Pictures of Pea's grandparents were in the dresser and wall. He looked like his grandpa.
"What are we doing?" Fangs asked. "With the stuff?"
"Pea," you say. "It's up to you... But, I think we should put this one up in the living room. It's cute." You point to the one of the grandparents together smiling. It was black and white and they were real close. "You look like him."
"Yeah," he nods. "I hear that a lot. He was my dad's dad."
"What was his name?" You ask pulling the picture from the wall to get a better look.
"Micheal," He said. "And her name was Georgia."
"Beautiful names," you say placing the picture on the bed. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"
"I think it's about time," he nods again. "I guess we are gonna take the clothes and donate them so let's bag them. Then, we can box the pictures up."
"Why don't we keep a few for around the place," you suggest. "Put this one in the hall." You point to a family picture of the three of them.
You help them fold and bag clothes going through the drawers. You pull out a wad of envelopes that were tied up. They seemed to be labeled to Georgia. But, under said Sweet Pea. You put them to the side and pull the rest of the clothes out and put them in a bag. After doing that, you start boxing up the pictures. While they throw bags in the back of the truck. Looking at all the pictures made you happy. Seeing the two as teenagers grow old together. It gave you hope for your own relationship.
"You know they got married at eighteen," Sweet Pea said looking at the picture. "They knee they wanted to be together. No matter their backgrounds. So, they ran off to Vegas I think and got married with their friends. They used to talk about that was the best decision they ever made and how they could never be happier with anyone else."
"That's beautiful," you say handing him the picture.
"Yeah. I never believed in that. Why would I? My parents ditched when I was young and I lived on the bad side of town," he said. "I thought all of the love stories I heard were shit. Didn't think that I, of all people, deserved love."
"Of course you do," you say. "Everyone does."
"You changed my perspective," he chuckled. "You're the one in a million, huh?"
"Guess so," you shrug. "You think we're your grandparents? Like, do you think we are gonna have that relationship?"
"Yeah," he nods. "We already have our own."
"Gag," Fangs said. "Let's go guys. Got work to do."
"Grab the boxes," you say. "I'm gonna take the sheets and stuff off. I don't think we should sleep with your grandparents bed set." They both laugh as they carry boxes from the room. You pull everything off the bed leaving it bare. You look around the empty room now. It has a clean wood all around it and you could see the marks from the picture frames on the walls. There was only one window in this room, right behind the bed. You pulled the curtain rods off and take the curtains down and threw them with the bed stuff.
"Want to keep these?" Pea asked.
"Do you?" You ask and he shrugged. "Pea, this is your stuff!" You laugh. "I'm not throwing away your things."
"Then I will," he laughed. "Calm down."
"I think I have a bed set for this bed. Once I bought the wrong size for my bed. I am positive it will fit," you say looking at the bed. "And curtains that will look nice in here."
"Alright," He nods. "Have anything else? Like your name for the door." You threw a pillow at him and he dodged it laughing. "I'm joking. You know, I think this would be a good place for that picture of us."
   "Which one?" You laugh and he pulls a frame from behind him. "Where did that come from?" You ask taking it. It was the two of you laughing together at the pit. Obviously, Toni took it.
   "Toni and Cheryl's house warming gift," he said looking over your shoulder. It had both of your initials in it. "They made it together."
   "Well, I guess that means we have to do something for them," you giggle. "It's gorgeous though. And, it would look great there." He hangs it there. "We have to move the other stuff from room to room now." He sighed and you sat on the bed. "Can't lift."
   "I know," he sighed and left the room. "You need to come and help a little though." You sigh now and follow after him. You get the rooms switched in an hour and Fangs is more than delighted to sleep in a bed.
   The next morning you and Pea go to your house to get the DVD player and the bed set. You also grab a few things like clothes and pictures. It easier to get everything because your parents weren't home. You grab the presents and throw them in a bag along with the necklace that Kyle got you. By the time you left, you had grabbed about half of your things. After bringing them to Pea's and putting them away, you decide it's time to get the tree.
   "We should get a big one," you bounce looking at all of them.
    "They won't fit," Pea reminds you with a laugh.
    "Let's get that one!" You and Fangs shout running to the same tree. "It's perfect! Not too wide and not too long. It's great color!"
    "Alright," Pea shook his head. "We will get this one." You both smile in victory at each other and cut the tree down. After taking it home, you send the boys out to get the rest of supplies for the tree. But, end up getting tangled in the lights. "What are you doing?"
   "Bringing Christmas cheer," Fangs chuckled as he brought things into the kitchen.
   "Are you tangled in there?" He asked dropping things on the couch.
    "Help?" You say and both boys laugh. They untangle you faster than you got yourself tangled up. Which wasn't fair, but you didn't say anything. The three of you decorate the tree and you throw the presents under it.
   "Why are there so many for me?" Pea asked eyeing them.
    "Because you need the most love and Christmas spirit," you shrug. "And, I didn't know what to get you."
   "So you got five different things?" He chuckled and you nod. "Well, Alright then. Did you put the stuff on the bed?"
   "Yeah, it's all clean in there, why?" You look up from the presents to him.
   "Found a TV," he said. "It's in the truck."
   "I'll get those if you get the TV," you say.
    "You can't even lift the TV," Fangs laughed.
    "Exactly," You smile. "Get to it boys."

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