Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

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You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail

164 6 0
By TintedLoveXOXO

    You were shopping for Christmas presents for everyone. It was the first time you've actually been alone in a while, it was weird. You weren't sure if you liked it or not. You've kinda just got used to everyone always being around you, and it didn't bother you. You had no idea what to get anyone, as you walked around the store. Fangs was probably the easiest. Everything made him happy, so you got him a miniature hockey table. It wasn't small, but it wasn't the size of a normal table. He will love beating everyone at the game. You got Cheryl a red pin that was snake. For Toni you got her a new set of film for her camera. You got Betty a new pack of flash drives because she used all of hers for the cases. For Jug, you got him a new jean jacket. He wore those a lot. You got Reggie and Archie new watches. You got Veronica a new purse. She was always so stylish and this purse would go with everything. And, you had no idea what to get Sweet Pea. You couldn't even tell why this was so hard. You spent most of your time with him. What do you get the boy who doesn't want anything? He shows no interest in anything but you and fighting. After a while, you got him a few things, a ring, a new wallet, a new flannel, and a set of gloves. He always complains about his hands getting cold on his bike. And, the gloves you got can be worn in the snow and even when he decides to go punching things. You get a new set of panties and bra for yourself, but him as well. You figured that he would like it, because he always wants sex.
  You brought the presents to your house, making sure your mother didn't see as you snuck upstairs to your room to wrap them. You tried to wrap them as carefully as possible, but they still looked a little wonky. You look at the ring for a few moments. It was a regular black ring, but on the inside it had the date the two of you got together engraved in it. You close the box and wrap it.
   "You cut too much paper," Kyle's voice rang from behind you. "You know, if you're going to continue to go after bad guys, you should start locking your window."
   "What are you doing here?" You ask. "Mom will see you."
    "She won't care," he shrugged. "She's too busy popping pills."
   "Started after you 'died'," you rolled your eyes. "You look like shit."
   "Thanks," He chuckled. "Hoping it makes you feel at least a little bad for me."
   "It doesn't," you shrug. "So, did you come to taunt my wrapping skills?"
   "No. I came just to see you," he said. "Snuck our to see you, be a little appreciative. I can get in real trouble for this."
   "Then why do it? And trouble from who? Hiram? You seem to know a lot about him," you say, you were still sitting on your floor.
   "I cannot tell you who my boss is. But, I got you something," he pulled out a box. "Not much. Merry Christmas."
   "You got me a Christmas present?" You ask standing up to take the box. 'Twinkle' was scrawled across the top. "Why?"
"Just wanted to," he said softly. His hair fell over his eyes. The same color as your own. "You can open it now. I won't shun you." You chuckle before peeling the paper off. You pulled out a little necklace that had a star locket. You opened it to see a picture of the two of you as kids. Well, you as a baby and him as a kid.
"Kyle," You sigh. "This is beautiful. I love it."
"I'm glad," he smiled. "I'm proud of you. You have great friends, and a great boyfriend. Even if he is part of a gang. They take care of you, they love you. You made yourself a new family. And, even made a whole feast for them. You are so independent and strong. I'm sorry that I wasn't there, but I wish I was."
"I'm not angry," you say. "Sure, I don't understand why you did it... But, I'm not angry at you. I promise. I've already got passed the anger stage anyways."
"Thanks," He rolls on his feet. "If Dad and Mom ask if you want to go to Vermont. Say no. Just do it. No questions. Don't go."
"Alright?" You look at him confused. "So this is what you do? You come when you want to tell me not to do something?"
   "I come when I don't want you getting hurt," Kyle said. "Also, you know that whatever you buy for him, he will love anyways. Even if it was a pink unicorn onesie."
   "I know, but that's not the point," you sigh. "I want him to actually want it. Not because I bought it for him, but because he needs it or something."
   "I know," he nods as there was a knock on your door.
   "Yeah?" You ask as your mom came in. "What's up?"
   "Just checking on you. I thought I heard someone's voice in here," she said. "Do you know who's car is out front? It's real nice."
    "No?" You turn to see Kyle was gone. "What kind of car?" You get up and go to the window. The car was nice, but you didn't see much of it because it was driving away. "Looks like it is leaving."
   "Oh well never mind then. Your father got a trip to Vermont for the spring," she said. "Courtesy of his new boss. Seen how much works he's put in, it's for all three of us."
   "Did he?" You continued to look out the window. "When?"
   "I believe it's March twenty first through the twenty eighth. Or the twentieth." She said and you turn to her.
    "Oh, I have plans that week already. Betty is taking us to Florida again for a graduation get away," you say. "Everyone is going. I was going to ask if it was okay."
   "Oh okay."
    "You and dad can have a romantic get away. You rarely get to really see each other anymore. You deserve it," you sigh, knowing something bad was going to happen. That is why Kyle did not want you to go. "Who is the new boss?"
   "Hiram Lodge actually bought the company," she smiled. "I remember him from school, always been a charmer. Cute too. He helped us through your brother's death as well. He and your dad were pretty close."
    "He knew Kyle?" You ask yourself more than her.
    "Oh yeah. You don't remember him? We went to Nee York a few times to see his family," Your mother explains. "You called him Uncle Hirim because you couldn't pronounce it correctly."
   "I don't remember that," you sigh. "Guess it was too long ago... So, do you talk to him a lot?"
   "Of course. We are practically family," she smiled. "What's with the twenty questions?"
    "Just piecing together some information. I think I'm gonna go see Veronica," you say kinda quickly. "I'll see you later." She mumbled something as you push passed her and practically speed to Pop's Chock-lit-Shoppe.
   "Y/N," She smiles warmly. "Whats so urgent?"
   "My parents know your dad! They are friends and he had something to do with Kyle's disappearance. My mom just told me that we used to visit you guys all the time. I called him Uncle," you explain. "My mom says they're practically family."
   "I don't remember that," Veronica frowned. "And, family... I would have to know them. Daddy believes in family and trust. So, if I don't know them then I don't think it's real. He's trying to use your parents."
   "I've already got to that conclusion," you sigh. "But, Kyle told me not to go to Vermont with them. Which is paid for by your dad."
   "Why did he tell you not to go?"
    "He didn't actually say, but he did say he comes when he doesn't want me to get hurt," you explain. "So it has be that Hiram is planning something. I told mom that I wasn't gonna go already."
   "Okay... Obviously that's good that you're not going. I'm trying to figure all of this out, but make sure you try to pry some real info out of your family," she sighed. "It's getting too weird now."
   "I know," you sigh. "I got your Christmas gift today." You change the subject.
    "Ooh," she smiled. "I am shopping today as well. It's my favorite time of the year."
    "Well, I will let you get to it," you smile. "Thanks V." She nods as you leave. You didn't want to go home yet, because your mother will try to make you go on the trip. Sweet Pea was busy today. Being alone is weird.
   You decide to go for a run, you were feeling tired and needed the energy boost. You used to run with Cheryl, but stopped when she and Toni started going out. You loved the trail in Riverdale. It followed the river and was surrounded by trees. It was gorgeous in the fall/winter. Luckily, you had put on a comfortable sports outfit to go shopping in. So, you drove to the trail parking lot and put your headphones in. Running was gross, but it made you forget about all of the other problems going on at home. You forget that your brother is faking dead and Hiram is trying to hurt you and your family. You just run and stare at the trees and sky that was clouded over. Passing the ladies who walked the trail every day and some football players who couldn't lose their shape. You knew their faces from school, but not their names. You never really wanted to know Reggie's friends, they were dicks most of the time. You run over the bridge where Archie and Betty went against the fake black hood. And where Betty buried Archie alive. Where they sent Chic away. But, you didn't mind. It seemed strangely normal now. You were no longer scared of the people that lived in Riverdale. The only person who scared you now was Hiram. He was the only one who really got under your skin. But, even he wasn't on your mind as you continued your run. He could t get anyone all the way out here, and no one knew where you were. At least that is what you hoped.
   You slowed down because you couldn't breathe. Leaning against a tree, you pull your phone out. Pausing the music and taking out the headphones. You close your eyes and held your self up with your hands on your knees.
   "What are you doing way out here alone?" A girl runs up to you.
   "Hopefully the same thing you are," you laugh.
   "Doubt it," she laughed a little. "You know there's some crazy people out here."
    "Yeah," you nod. "Encountered a few myself."
    "I know," she said and you look up at her. She seemed oddly familiar, like someone from school. "I'm one of em'."
   "Well, I hope you have some help," you laugh. "Or is it just you?"
    "I don't need help," she shook her head. "I can take care of a lousy norther myself. Drop you off to Hiram myself. He's got a great, big bounty on your head. Just as big as the two paper boys." Jughead and Betty you think, Why is your bounty as big? "I'm gonna take you out here call him out."
   "Yeah? And what makes you think you can?" You ask. "You follow me here?"
   "Of course, I'm not stupid," she laughed. "Can't get you while the gang is out. But, your boy is busy today. I was gonna get you in the store, but you moved too much. Then that guy climbed through your bedroom window. Couldn't get you in front of the Lodge girl, so this is the best place. You're quite the runner."
   "Thanks," You nod. "I used to run track when I was in middle school." She pulls a knife from her side. "Oh, so you're gonna do that." She shakes her head laughing. "You know, it's unfair. I don't have anything to protect myself. How am I supposed to fight back?"
   "You aren't," she rolled her eyes.
   "You know, there is one thing you may not know about me," you say slowly. "I spend a lot of time with Serpents and Bulldogs. Sure, I don't get into big fights or almost shot. But, I know some things. You a ghoulie?"
    "No," she scoffed. "Those freaks can burn in hell. No shut up." She lunged towards you and you jump away. She stumbles into the tree and drops her knife. You throw a punch at her face, leaving a good one on her eye. She lets a weird growl noise escape her lips and tackles you. Your head hits the ground and you feel your lip split open as she continuously punches you. You groan and push her off of you.
   "Seriously? You're a fucking dick," you wipe your lip that was already swelling. She laughs standing up. "Why do you want to work for that prick anyways?"
    "I don't, I just want the money," she said as she kicked your side. You groan and grab the pepper spray from your keys. She grabs her knife. She screams as you get her eyes. You groan as her knife slashed your arm. "Fucking bitch!"
    You slowly get to stand and hit her in the temple like Fangs taught you. She fell to the ground, knocked out, "Merry fucking Christmas, fucking psycho."
   You pull out your phone dialing Pea's number first, but he doesn't answer so you call Fangs, "Whats up, Sis?"
    "I- I need you to come to the trail," your voice shakes a little as you fight off tears.
   "What's wrong?" You heard door slam from the other end. "Y/N?" You run to your car and hide inside. Laying your head in your knees and dropping the phone. "Y/N? You gotta say something... Please. I'm on my way." Your whole body hurt and was shaking. You couldn't get your voice out so you made a little groaning noise. "Are you hurt?"
   "Yes," you finally let out a groan.
   "Okay, where at the trail?" He pauses waiting for you to answer. "Sis, where are you on the trail? Are you at the beginning?"
   "Yeah." It hurt to breath.
    "Okay, I am going to pause you for a few minutes," he said. "Lock your car." The line goes silent and you lay on your backseat. Tears had started falling from your eyes. Everything hurt. You could feel blood dripping from your nose and lip into the seats, but you couldn't see through the tears. "Y/N I'm close. Are you in your car?"
  "Okay, I see it," the line goes dead and a few moments later there's a knock on your window scaring you. "It's just me." You unlock the door and he opens the door. "Oh god. Who did this?" You shake your head. "Are they still out there?" You shake your head again. "Okay... Come here." He pulls you up and into him. Wrapping his arms around you like a protective barrier. You are still shaking and crying. He runs his hand up down your back to comfort you. "Pea will be here. I called him." You nod a little. "It's okay."
   "I did... what you taught me," you say slowly. "Knocked her out. Temple."
   "Good job," he says softly still running his hand on your back. "I'm proud of you."
   "Hey," you hear Sweet Pea from behind Fangs. "What happened?" Fangs slowly lets you go and moves so he can see. "Princess." You swallow back a sob, trying to calm down. He grabs your face and inspects it. "Who?"
   "She doesn't know," Fangs said.
   "Alright," He nods and slowly lets go of your face and grabs your arm. You hiss as he lifts it. "Sorry..." You closed your eyes and tried to bite your lip, but it didn't go well. A stinging pain hit you as your teeth connected. "I'm sorry princess. I didn't answer. I'm so sorry."
   "Pea," you sob a little. He wraps his arms around you and you take in his scent. The feeling of his arms already helping you relax. Blood was staring to slow down from your arm and face. Fangs had walked down the trail to try and find her. "Everything hurts."
   "I know," he nods. "I'm sorry." He pulls you closer to him, but not enough to hurt you. "Fangs went to go find her."
   "Okay," you say. "I want to go. I want to go, home."
   "Okay, I will take you home. Is your mom there?" He asked.
   "No, I want to go home with you," you sounded almost like a toddler. "Please. I don't wanna go there. I don't want you to leave."
   "Okay, okay," He shushed you. "I will take you home. I won't leave." He kissed the top of your head. "I promise, Princess, I won't leave you."
   "They're not there anymore," Fangs ran back. "There's a few little spots of blood on the ground and a knife. But, I kicked that off and into the river."
   "She's gone?" You ask and he nods.
   "We will get her," Pea promised. "We will get her."
   "I'm sorry that she got away," Fangs said sadly. "I'm proud of you though, you must've got her pretty damn good, because she wasn't walking straight. Are we taking you home?"
   "Taking her to my place," Pea said. "Tell Toni to meet us there." Fangs nods. "Put the bike in the back of the truck and drive it back." He lays you in the back seat and throws your car blanket over you. "Its okay, I am just getting in the drivers seat. Taking you home." You only nod and cover your head.
    Every bump hurts, but you hold back the groans. Every stop Pea would reach back and place a hand on your shoulder. You hear the gravel of the trailer park and sigh in relief. You barely walk in, Pea holds you up and brings you to the bed.
   "What happened?" Toni let's a gasp escape her lips. "Cheryl is going to freak."
   "She was attacked on the trail," Sweet Pea sighed. "Can you patch up her arm and look at her?" You could hear a pleading in his voice.
   "Of course, Sweets, maybe you should go to the living room," Toni said softly. "I am here with her. She's okay right now."
   "I don't want to leave her," He sighed again.
   "It's okay," Toni said again. "I will take care of her and you can come in as soon as I am done." You hear him give up and leave. "Alright, let's sit you up a little." She helps you into a sitting position. "Wow... I'm gonna wash your face off. It might hurt a little, is that okay?" You nod and she grabs a wash cloth. It did hurt and she gives you a apologetic smile. "Your nose isn't broken. But, it looks like it's gonna be bruised. Your lip is gashed. You might have a concussion, so I wouldn't sleep. I'm going to clean up your arm and bandage it." Her hands lift your left arm and you hiss again. "Can you take your shirt off?"
   "I might need help," you say and she nods helps you slide off the long sleeved shirt.
   "Damn... I hope she's in worse condition," she said looking at your side. "You have a hematoma." She runs her fingers over it. "Not broken though. Ice that frequently for swelling. And take some pain meds for pain and swelling. I'm sure you know that though. Let me clean up your arm." You nod and and she pours alcohol on the cut and then wipes it away and bandages it. "I wouldn't wear tight fitting clothes for a while. You should be pretty healed up by Christmas though."
   "Thanks Toni," you sigh and lay back down, not caring you didn't have a shirt on. You felt exhausted.
   "Don't sleep," Toni instructed. "Wait an hour at least and have someone wake you up every two hours." You nod. "I'm gonna get ice for you." You close your eyes for a moment.
   "Hey," Pea said softly. "You're not supposed to be sleeping."
    "I'm tired," you whine. "I can hold a conversation now. Just wake me up every few hours."
   "You gotta be up for an hour," Pea said. "Here take this." He hands you Tylenol. "For the pain." You take it and he hands you a water. You lean into him as his hand plays with your hair. Toni brings a ice pack and hands it to Pea.
   "Take care of her," Toni said. "She's pretty beat up."
   "I will," Pea murmured as he continued to play with your hair. "Thanks Toni."
   "I'm kinda cold," You laugh. "Can you lay with me."
   "Yeah," he says as he slowly lays next to you and you turn to him as he wraps his arms softly around you. "I love you, babe."
    "I love you too," you say. "Thanks for taking care of me."
   "Always will," he said and kissed your forehead then your cut on your lip. He kissed every little bruise and cut you had. "Just rest. I'm not going anywhere."

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