The Most Likely Pair (Complet...

By ImJustReese

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You know those stories where the nerd and the bad guy hate each other, then fight, then tolerate each other... More

Love Those Lips
Why Did We Breakup Again?
You Are SO DEAD!!
That's Not Your Job
One Saturday Morning
I Need You
Welcome to My Life
You Did Good
My Knight in Shining Versace
Search Party
Awkward Moments with Ashley
This is PROM!!!
Rocky Road

Birthday Buddies

175 13 1
By ImJustReese

"Yeeeee Haaaaaw!! Up and at 'em cowboy!!" Reyke yells while inappropriately riding Jabb's back and whipping his shirt over his head.

Jabb groans in annoyance. "Can you please get your manhood off my back bro? I feel violated." Jabb says face down in his pillow, willing Reyke to get up.

"Aww, come on get up!!" Reyke says bouncing.

"I would if you got off me." Jabb dead pans.

Reyke tries to get up, but his foot is caught in the sheet and he hits the floor face first. Jabb gets up like a blind zombie not paying attention and falls over Reyke.

"Out of all of the best friends in the universe, I had to get the uncoordinated crazy one." Jabb scowls at Reyke annoyed and grouchy.

Reyke sits up and slaps Jabb on the butt. "What the heck are you doing on the floor?" Reyke looks strangely at Jabb.

Jabb opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it. He gets up, looks down at Reyke and just shakes his head. "Did you take your meds?" he says as Reyke stands.

"Yes mom, can't you tell?" Reyke gets up and begins marching in place. "Today is YOOOOOOOOOUR BIRTHDAY!!!" Reyke pulls out a small party horn from his back pocket and blows it while simultaneously throwing a pocketful of confetti, before placing a tiara on Jabb's head.

Jabb just shakes his head with a smile on his face. "...w-" 

Reyke pushes Jabb toward the bathroom. "Hurry up princess, we got things to do!" 

Jabb turns around toward Reyke. "Please tell me there isn't a party."

"Bro, I am the party. Let's face it..." Reyke starts singing. "Your life! Would suck! WITHOOOOUT ME!"

Jabb slams the door in his face and starts undressing.


Jabb comes out of the bathroom with a towel on.

"Whooo seeeexay!" Reyke says while jumping on Jabb's bed. "Took you long enough Velma." He jumps off of Jabb's disheveled king sized bed. "Get dressed. Mom made your favorite!."

"Go eat, I'll be down in 10." Jabb says trying to get Reyke out of the room.

"You better, or I'll let Jake and Max in, and we'll really get the party started." Reyke threatens Jabb with a smile on his face.

"Fine, fine, go. I'll be down I promise." He says to Reyke's back as he slowly heads toward the staircase.


Jabb enters the kitchen wearing a white/grey Bob Marley loose tank top, navy chino pants, navy and white chucks.

"Bo Bo!" yells Jabb's 2 year old brother Max. Jabb picks him up and kisses his cheek. "Boday Bo Bo." Max says giving Jabb a picture he drew him. Jabb smiles at the picture of himself as a stick figure super-saiyan with glasses.

"You drew that for me? It looks awesome little dude." He smiles while tickling him. He puts him down in his high chair. His husky, Jake then jumps him. Jabb laughs, "Good morning to you too Jake." He pets him and plays with him. He then walks over to the sink and washes his hands.

"Happy Birthday Sweet Pie!!" Jabb's mom kisses him on the cheek and hands him his plate. "How's my birthday boy? Sleep well?"

"I was until SOMEONE..." he looks at a smiling Reyke. "...decided to ride me like a prized bull." He takes a forkful of blueberry-chocolate chip Belgian waffles and drowns it in warm blueberry-maple syrup.

"Hey I didn't get a kiss when I came down Ma!" Reyke protests.

Jabb's mother walks over to Reyke gives him a kiss on the forehead and hugs his head. "Better?" she asks smiling at him.

"Yes Ma" Reyke says smiling while finishing his plate.

The doorbell rings and Jabb's mother goes to get it. "Hey Ma!!" Axe, Walez, and Maq say in unison as she opens the door.

Jake greets them all at the door, following Axe as they walk in.

"All of my kids are here!" she squeals and gives them all hugs and kisses. "Go wash your hands, breakfast is on the table." she says to them before heading back to the kitchen.

A while later Axe, Walez, and Maq enter the kitchen and they all, including Reyke, sing a version of "happy birthday" that they made up the day before. Walez puts a blue feather boa on Jabb, Maq puts bunny ears on him, and Axe gives him a kiss on the cheek, and puts a blue "Miss Universe of Awesome" sash on him. His mom starts to take a picture of them all.

"Wait, your tiara!" Reyke runs up to Jabb's room. He appears seconds later and places the tiara on Jabb's head around the bunny ears. He stands behind Axe with an arm around her and Maq.

They eat and joke around for about an hour and then start to head out.

"Bye cookie monster." Axe says to Max handing him to his mother, which Max is not happy about.

"No go Nax." Max reaches for her pouting.

Axe smiles at him, kissing his head. "But I have to cookie monster. Who else is going to go buy you more cookies?"

Max smiles. "Ol' wite" he lies his head on his mother's shoulder, still a little sad. "Du comeen bat?" He looks at her with big puppy brown eyes.

She sighs. "Yes cutie, I'll be back. See you Ma." she says kissing his cheek, hugging Jabb's mom and walking away.

"Dude!" Walez says to Max. "Where's my hug, kiss, and fist bump?"

They do their little shake. Walez tickles Max making him erupt in laughter. "Du go too, Wayz?" Max asks Walez.

"Yea, bud. I have to make sure Nax gets the right cookies. See you soon little rampage. Later Ma." He ruffles up Max's curly brown hair.

"Nake!" Max calls Reyke.

Rekye turns and runs toward him smiling. "Max attack!" he says making Max giggle.

"Du neevin?" Max asks concerned for his adopted big brother.


"O wite, thee nu naydo?" He says giving Reyke a high five.

Reyke chuckles at his pronunciation. "Yes, later. Later Ma." Reyke kisses them both on the cheek and heads toward the door.

"Walez, you take care of my sugar cookie, he's 18 now. Don't let him do anything stupid." Jabb's mom says

"Will do Ma!" Walez says smiling at her from the door.

"Maq!" Jabb's mother says

"Yes, Ma." Maq says coming over to her.

"Be careful." She leans up, kissing his forehead.

"I will. Later little trucker." He says ruffling Max's hair.

"Dane." Jabb's mother says disapprovingly.

"What? I said trucker." Maq smiles at her infectiously.

Jabb's mother smiles and shakes her head at him. "Don't get my puddin' pie into trouble. And try not to start any fires." she says pointing at him.

Maq starts walking toward the door and then turns to her and says, "No promises Ma!" He says smirking.

Jabb walks up to his mother and his little brother and gives them both kisses. "See you later Ma!"

"You be careful, you hear me?" she says looking him in the eyes, while cupping his cheek with her free hand.

"Yea, Ma I hear you. Later Mad Max." He kisses his little brother on the forehead once more.

"Naydo Bo Bo! Nuh Vu." He hugs his big brother.

"I love you too Max. Love you Ma." He turns and heads out of the door to meet the rest of "the pack".


"I thought you said there wasn't a party?!" Jabb yells over the loud thumping music.

"No, I said that I was the party. And I am." He says dancing terribly around Jabb. "Loosen up Miss Bunny Universe. This is your party, HAVE FUN!" He sees two girls approaching. "Looks like fun is on the way."

Jabb turns around just as the girls reach them.

"Hello there ladies! This here is my best friend, and this is his birthday party." he puts an arm around each of them. "Sadly though, he seems to have forgotten how to have fun. Can you ladies help with that?" He looks at them pouting.

The girls move from Reyke to Jabb and each loop an arm around his waist. "Yea, I think we can do that. Right Sam?" one of the girls asks the other.

"Definitely Nicki" she says eying Jabb.

"Thank you ladies" Reyke says turning and leaving Jabb there with the two. "Now to find my baby momma." He says scanning the party looking for Axe. "There she ..." his face drops when he sees her being flirted with by four guys. He goes looking for Walez and finds him on the way up some steps, hand in hand with some random girl. "umm...hello! WHAT do you think, YOU are DOING?!"

"...w-" Walez goes to answer but is cut off by Reyke.

"Axe is over there all innocent and beautiful getting flirted with by four college guys, aren't you going to get your harpoon or something?!" he gestures toward them flailing his arms wildly.

"No." Walez says plainly.

"WHY NOT?!" Reyke says panicking

"Because, Axe and I have come to an agreement. I won't get involved in her love life unless I have to." Walez shrugs.

"SERIOUSLY! ARE YOU N-!" Reyke stops as he realizes what this means. "Alright, if you're sure man." Reyke smiles inwardly.

"Yea, I'm sure. Keep an eye on her though would you?" He looks back in Axe's direction.

"Yea, no problem. Go have fun." Reyke says smiling and nodding at the random girl attached to Walez. Reyke walks off and heads toward Axe.

"Hey Axe!" Reyke wraps an arm around her shoulders.

"Hey Reyke! This is Josh, Daniel, Kayden, and Logan. She points to each of them as she introduces them.

He gives them a menacing nod that Axe misses completely. "So, somebody is off the Walemen hook?" He says grinning as the guys retreat.

"Yea, right! Has he found his entertainment for the night yet?" she asks

"Oh yea. Just met her. Not bad. She's definitely in her second year of college, at least." Reyke nods.

"Wow, upgrade! Way to go Walez. And Jabbawokee?"

"Oh, he's well taken care of. I made sure of it." he smiles "I didn't tell you earlier, but you look nice with your hair straightened."

"Thanks, where's Maq?"

He goes to answer, but realizes he has no clue. "I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since we arrived."

"That can't be good." she scans the room for him.

"He should be alright. There's plenty to keep him entertained without having to involve the fire department...hopefully." he begins to re-think his previous statement.

"And you?" she looks at him with her head cocked to the side.

"...ummm...good." He says not knowing what to say.

"Well?" Axe steps closer to him.

"I umm, I came to to check y-you out. I mean che-check on you." he stammers nervously.

"And how am I?" She steps even closer to him and looks him straight in the eyes, knowing he's up to something.

"Perfect. do you feel about Maq?"

She smirks at him. "Why does everyone keep asking me that question?"

"Curiosity." He shrugs.

"Reyke?" She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Axe." He imitates her.

"What are you and Walez up to?" She eyes him suspiciously.

"Us, Ptsch! N-nothing at all. It's just a question." He waves his hand at her.

"Really?" she arches her eyebrow. She shrugs and takes a step away from him. "Oh well, in that case...I'll be going." She begins to walk off.

"Wait." Reyke gently grasps her wrist. "Axe..." He runs a hand over his head.

"Yes." She turns back toward him.

 "Axe, look you clearly like Maq and Maq clearly still has feelings for you." He huffs.


"Don't deny it." 

She frowns. "Okay so maybe...I do."

He takes a deep breath and looks at her straight in the eyes. "So, go tell him." 

Axe just stands there a little shocked. "..." She starts to speak, but can't find her words.

"Don't stand there gaping like a fish!" he throws his hands up in the air. "Go!" He starts to leave, but Axe catches his arm.

"What do I say?" she asks

He sits back on the bar stool in front of her. "Tell him the truth." He looks into her eyes.


"Like now." 

"Why doesn't he say something?" She says slightly angry with him.

"Because...he isn't sure how you feel about him."

They are silent for what seems like hours, but was actually closer to a minute.

"Look Axe, I get it. You're nervous and unsure. But you won't know what could be until you go and find out for yourself. Don't be a wuss!"

She grabs his hand. "Help me find him?"

He slips his hand out of hers and takes hold of her shoulders. "No. You can do this Axe. Plus, what am I supposed to say if I find him? My future baby momma is looking for you?"

"Reyke!? We already discussed this. I am not having your spawns. Plus! You're supposed to help me! Just say that I'm looking for him, sans baby momma." She searches his eyes.

He shakes his head. "Nope, go."

Axe runs her hands nervously down her pants. She turns to look for Maq, but stops and looks back at Reyke.

He smiles in support and mouths 'go'.

She nods and walks away. She spends a good amount of time searching through the seemingly endless sea of dancing bodies.

A hand wraps gently around her wrist. "Hey" Maq smirks when she turns and sees him.

"Hey." She smiles up at him.

"Uh...can we talk?" He looks at her unsure.

She nods.

He takes her hand and leads her outside, past his pool, into his secluded garden. They stop at a stone bench and take a seat.  "So, I don't know how you're going to take this..."

"I miss you..." Axe blurts out.

He looks up at her in surprise. "I was going to say the same thing."

Maq and Axe...I know. 

Maxe (Maq-xe) ship sailing?

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