Addicted | Yoonmin✔

By prespoverty

29.6K 1.7K 703

"I could easily get addicted to you, Park Jimin." - In which Yoongi, a recovering drug addict, finds solace i... More

|fourteen . two|
|Fifteen . two|
|nineteen . two|
|twenty one|
|twenty two|
|twenty three|
|twenty four|
|twenty five|
|twenty six|
|twenty seven|
|twenty eight|
|twenty nine|
|thirty one|
|thirty two|
|thirty two . two|
|thirty three|
|thirty four|
|thirty four. two|
|thirty five|
|thirty six|
|thirty seven|
|thirty eight|
|thirty nine|
|thirty nine . two|
| character q&a |
|forty two|
|forty two . two|
|forty three|
|forty four|
|forty five|
|welp i was tagged|
|forty six|
|future works and fun facts|
|extra : marriage texts|
|extra: lovesick|
|extra: first love|

|forty one|

514 17 8
By prespoverty

If he tastes like a rainfall,
Looks like a summer storm,
Fights for you like a forest fire,
He's a tornado of trouble
And you hold unto him
And never let him go.

Yoongi was quiet.

That usually doesn't scare Jimin. He's used to his boyfriend being quiet. Jimin's slept over enough times at Yoongi now to know that when he's thinking deeply, he gets quiet and appreciates not being interrupted. Jimin does respect that, and would usually just cuddle up with him and busy himself, or would go take a nap and then he'd wake up to find Yoongi's arms around him. However, Yoongi does have different modes of quiet. Jimin's never seen his pissed-off quiet before. He's seen his angry quiet, but this is a different quiet. He had this cold look in his eyes, this narrow in his eyebrows, this glare that caused Jimin's skin to turn clammy and cold. Jimin would never be afraid of his boyfriend, but at that moment, he was afraid of the person his boyfriend was glaring at.

Jimin's stepfather.

“So, your father invited you to him in Seoul,” his mother spoke softly, smiling tightly, as if trying to forget about the tense atmosphere. She reached forward to pour herself some more tea, but Yoongi beat her to it and got up to refill everyone's cup. Jimin noticed the stiffness in Yoongi's movements and scratched the back of his neck nervously. “How will you get there, Jimin?”

Yoongi sat back down and proudly took Jimin's hands, their fingers intertwining, and spoke up for the first time since greeting them. “I have money saved up. We're taking my friend's truck and we're driving up there. We're also going to check out the university there. They invited Jimin back for an audition.” Yoongi smiled proudly, and Jimin's chest tightened in both fear and adoration. He'd actually received the e-mail a while ago, but only read it two nights ago on the night Jin and Namjoon visited, and he'd been practising an old routine with Hoseok, but he felt out of shape.

“Jimin, Seoul is far away. I know we kicked you out, which we regret deeply, and this meeting was meant to make up, but is this choice because of us...?” Yoongi wanted to hug Jimin's mother. She wasn't the mother Jimin spoke so fondly of from his childhood. She was a woman so wounded by past lovers that she didn't know who she is anymore. Jimin understood that, but it was his stepfather he couldn't handle. The man was quiet as well, frowning at the couple's joined hands.

“No, mother, it's because of my dreams, because of Yoongi's dreams. He wants to make music, so maybe he can make it somewhere. We don't know yet-”

“Fucking hell Jimin, you can't move to Seoul on a 'we don't know yet'. Are you really that stupid?” His stepfather sighed, narrowing his gaze at the pair. “Jimin, even if you get into that school, where will you live? Who will pay for your fees and shit? The school here in Busan offered you a scholarship to study accounting! And what, you want to go dance?” He spat the word out like it tasted foul, and Yoongi saw how much that wounded Jimin. Dancing was his life. Yoongi's seen Jimin dance, and it was like he was another person. He took his dancing very seriously.

“We talked to my father on Skype last night. He said...He said we'll make a plan,” and when Yoongi heard Jimin was on the verge of tears, he moved towards the edge of his seat, ready to jump to action as he kissed Jimin's fluffy hands. Yoongi looked at him, giving him a side-long gaze, and Jimin knew that Yoongi had decided to stop being quiet.

“Jimin, you can't trust your father. He left me for another woman...”

“And you never told me the whole story, mom. About how insane you were and how you banished him from my life. He's been trying, and you wouldn't let him. Mom, I'm eighteen, I'm going to meet my father.” Jimin stared intently, clutching Yoongi's hand so tightly, so lovingly, so desperately. “Yoongi, my boyfriend, is going with me.” As if on cue, Jimin's scarf slipped down to reveal the hickeys on his neck, freshly made by his boyfriend. His parents' eyes widened.

“Jimin...who...who have you become?” His mother whispered. “What happened to my innocent, obedient boy?”

“He became corrupted,” her husband answered, not clarifying who did the corrupting, but made it clear whom he intended. Yoongi chuckled without humour, putting his arm around Jimin's shoulder as the younger shoved his face into his shoulder, fighting his tears.

“He grew up. He discovered who he is. He's gay, he was born gay and he will remain gay until he dies. He found a man who promised to take care of him for as long as he wants me. I'm not the best, this I can promise, but he could have done a hell of a lot worse. He's learned to stand up for himself, and I'm so proud of him. I will make sure he's happy, and that he lives the life he deserves.” Yoongi finished his speech by kissing Jimin's cheek, hearing Jimin whisper 'thank you' under his breath and squeezing his lover's hands.


Jimin was awoken with a start, the truck jolting due to a small hole in the road. Yoongi's hand was on Jimin's thigh and he was mouthing along to a song on the radio. Jimin had his favourite yellow blanket around him, tucked in under his chin, and his face was pressed against a pillow. The truck was warm (Yoongi must have put on the heat when he noticed Jimin had fallen asleep), and Yoongi's jacket was also tucked under Jimin's head to make sure he doesn't sprain his neck while sleeping.

Jimin liked the sight displayed in front of him. The sun was rising behind Yoongi as cars sped by next to them. The landscape was slowly changing as they neared the city. Yoongi had a lollipop in his mouth (he had completely weaned off cigarettes and replaced the addiction with a lollipop), and his fringe was pulled up in a tiny pony tail (Jimin's handy work). Jimin smiled widely and stirred, taking Yoongi's hand in his own and bringing it to his lips to kiss his knuckles. Yoongi momentarily took his eyes from the road to look at Jimin and smiled widely.

“Morning beautiful,” Yoongi said, turning the radio down a bit and putting both hands on the steering wheel. Jimin stretched, making a small mewling sound as he felt his joints pop, smiling contently. He then kissed Yoongi's cheek before checking in the backseat for some snacks.

“Morning handsome. Are we far away?” Jimin returned to his previous position, already busy gnawing on some gummy worms.

“Just about to enter Seoul. Your dad texted us his address earlier, so while I catch up on my sleep, you guys can talk,” and on cue, Yoongi yawned widely like a lazy cat, but managed to smile afterwards, his happiness overflowing and lifting Jimin's spirits.

“What if I become awkward and I need you?” Jimin wondered out loud, and Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle. His lover, for all the confidence he could manifest in the bedroom, was still an awkward teenager at heart, and this fact turned Yoongi to mush.

“Baby, you'll do fine. I'll have a cup of coffee with all of you, and if you need me I'll stay awake, but I think you'll do fine.” Jimin turned his gaze away from Yoongi and his face lit up at the sight of Seoul. The city was so big, busy, and colourful. Jimin never ceases to be amazed by their country's capital. Yoongi has never been to Seoul himself, but Jimin has, and he found it to be the type of place where dreams came true. The billboards were flashing, showing different music groups, and Jimin wondered if he'd be able to be in one of those groups. Jimin would honestly rather prefer teaching dance than being a kpop artist, but he still wants to preform. Maybe he might even catch a break overseas.

He stopped that train of thought right there, because that train of thought led him away from Yoongi.

About an hour later (ten minutes of that hour was spent struggling with Yoongi's phone's GPS system), they were driving up into the neighbourhood where Jimin's father lived. Jimin was visibly nervous. His leg kept bouncing, and his eyes were downcast, and Yoongi could tell that a million different things were racing through his head at that moment.

“Hey, baby,” Yoongi held Jimin's hand, and Jimin's gaze drifted towards his lover's face. “Calm down. Your dad's going to love you. It's impossible not to love you.” Jimin responded with a sigh, reaching over and undoing Yoongi's man-pony and neatening his hair.

“My own mother can't love me, neither can my stepfather,” he mumbled, and Yoongi chuckled softly.

“Your mother does love you, and that's why she let you go, and your stepfather is incapable of love at all. Do we need that kind of shit in our lives?” Jimin didn't answer as Yoongi pulled up into the driveway of their destined house. “Little one, do we need that kind of shit in our lives?” Yoongi pulled Jimin closer, unto his lap, and the younger boy giggled.

“No, we don't.”

“Then why are you worrying? Let go of the shit we don't need, and focus on what makes us happy. Like kissing,” Yoongi pressed his lips to Jimin's, and he swears that he would never ever get tired of that sensation. Jimin's soft plump lips melting against his own, the warmth and the love that the gesture holds, the fact that they would breathe each other's air, the whole ordeal causes Yoongi to get tingles every time it happens. They didn't kiss long, knowing that they really wouldn't make the best impression if they ended up getting carried away and climbed out of the truck each with a hard-on. So, Yoongi patted Jimin's butt and Jimin got the message, opening the door of the truck and stepping out, Yoongi following him.

“How do I look?” Jimin asks, and Yoongi steps closer and neatens the boy's soft dark hair.

“Like a full course meal,” the elder kissed Jimin sweetly before taking his hand. “Ready?”

Jimin nods, and together they walk towards the front door, both of them holding their breaths. Jimin's heart was hammering unpleasantly in his chest, and it felt like there was a tsunami in his stomach, and his legs felt so weak after the long drive. He stood staring at the door for a few moments, unable to move, and frankly too scared to knock. Yoongi noticed this and knocked instead, and Jimin squeezed his hand. They heard faint talking inside, and when the door opened up, Jimin stood up straight.

The man that opened the door was the spitting image of Jimin. A very kind face, the same bright smile, same soft eyes, even the same height. They looked at each other for a while before Jimin's hand went limp in Yoongi's and his face contracted, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes.

“D-dad...” Jimin said, immediately hugging his father, and his father wasted no time in hugging him back, his strong arms holding his son closer as if his life depended on it. Jimin was clearly holding back tears, sobbing silently, swaying side to side in his father's embrace. Yoongi couldn't help but bite back a few tears himself, his heart bubbling over with adoration and happiness for his little one. The father and son finally let go of each other after forever, Jimin's father holding him at arm's length by his shoulders, inspecting his son.

“Good God, you're such a handsome boy. No, you're basically a man now! Ah, Jiminie, your appa has missed you so much...” The man sniffled, and Jimin chuckled, wiping the tears from his cheeks. His eyes then widened in realisation and he stepped back, taking Yoongi's hand.

“Dad, I want you to meet my boyfriend Yoongi. He's a musician!” Jimin said proudly, holding unto Yoongi's arm, and Yoongi smiled awkwardly and held his hand out to Jimin's father, who shook his hand with much enthusiasm.

“It's nice to meet you, sir. You and Jimin look so much alike,” Yoongi's cheeks grew hot when Jimin kissed his cheek, and Mr Park responded with a chuckle.

“You and Jimin look very much in love. Ah, come in! We can worry about your luggage later. You two must be ravenous.” The three of them stepped inside the house, and the boys were immediately greeted by the smell of fresh breakfast. Hot bacon frying in the pan, fluffy pancakes drenched in maple syrup and butter, freshly squeezed orange juice, strong brewed coffee, everything that made the boys' mouths water. They immediately looked at each other and both chuckled when their stomachs made the same ear-deafening growling sound. “You two boys sure sound hungry. Don't worry, my wife always makes more than enough for everyone. Honey! Come meet your sons!”

Jimin gulped when a very pretty lady came out of the kitchen, wearing an apron and still in her pyjamas. Her hair was cut short, and she looked younger than Mr Park, but she had such a kind face. Jimin smiled awkwardly, and she did as well, stepping forward to stand beside her husband. “Nice to meet you two, especially you Jimin. Your father wouldn't shut up about how excited he was to meet you.” Mr Park gasped and pinched his wife's thigh, and she giggled and hit him softly with a cloth.

Both Yoongi and Jimin bowed. “It's nice to meet you too, ma'm. Is there anything Yoongi and I can help with?”

“Yes, you both can sit your asses down and enjoy your breakfast. Must've been such a long ride!”


After breakfast, Jimin had assured Yoongi that he could go sleep and that he'd be okay with his dad and stepmother, and Yoongi had complied with little argument. Jimin spent the day with his dad, filling him in on everything from the past few months (well, not everything, since some things your father just shouldn't know about), especially focusing on the part where his mother kicked him out. His father clearly got mad at that, and his wife had to calm him down quite a few times.

“That son of a whore! I never liked your mother's new husband, and I swear to God, if he had dared laid a hand on you, I would've been on my way to Busan right now!” He huffed, sitting back, arms crossed over his chest, spouting the same angry-pout that Jimin would have.

“Honey, I don't think we have to worry about that. Yoongi seems more than capable of protecting Jimin,” his wife wiggled her eyebrows at Jimin, and he groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

“You're right, sweets. Jiminie, that boy seems to love you a lot. And, frankly, I think I like him. He has a resting bitch face,” at this his wife slapped his arm, but Mr Park just grinned, “But he seems very kind-hearted, especially from what you've told me. He treats you well.”

Jimin looks up and actually smiles softly, the thought of his dad accepting him and Yoongi making his mood do a 360 degree swing. “Yeah? You like him? So, me being gay isn't a problem?” He asked timidly, nervously rubbing his thumbs together, and Mr Park just waved it off.

“Please, your mother left me because I came out to her as bisexual,” Jimin gasped, and his father replied with a hearty laugh. “My Lord, I told her that I wouldn't leave her for a man since I loved her, I just wanted her to know, and she said that she didn't want you to grow up around someone like me, so...” His face saddened, and Jimin knew what came next, the part of his father being chased off. “But anyways! Looks like it couldn't be helped! You caught the gay, son.”

Jimin giggled behind his hands. “I did, I caught it bad. But Yoongi has done so much for me...I really hope that we last.”

“Welp,” Mrs Park stood up, gathering the coffee cups from the other two Parks. “I do believe that you two will last. I haven't seen a love that real since your father had my lasagne for the first time.”

“Jimin, I swear, you could make love to her lasagne!”

Jimin laughed loudly at his dad, and his stepmother just rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless as she walked to the kitchen. His dad waited until she left and sat forward a bit, eyes narrowing at Jimin. Jimin caught on and sat closer as well.

“Jimin, if he ever dares to hurt you, you come straight to me, okay? I have something I want to ask of you, but not quite yet, since I want you two to enjoy your stay here. Oh, and if you two have sex, please be quiet. I have condoms, but I'm sure he carries as well.”

Jimin's face turned beet red and his eyes widened, unable to comprehend what his dad just said. “Dad, really?”

“What? I'm just reminding you to be responsible! I know how horny young men can be! Those hickeys on your neck reveal that you have a healthy sex life!” Jimin pulled his jersey over his head, laughing shyly, and Mrs Park walked in to playfully slap her husband upside his head.

“The last thing your son wants to talk about now with you is his sex life! Sorry, Jimin, your father has no boundaries.”


Yoongi was woken up by soft breathing in his neck. His eyes fluttered open, a small yawn escaping his lips as he noticed that he was holding unto Jimin. At Yoongi's stirring, Jimin woke up as well, having had climbed into bed to take a nap when his dad and stepmom went to go shop. Jimin wriggled around playfully, giggling gently, and Yoongi chuckled, flipping Jimin over and climbing unto his lap, straddling him.

“Mmhh, did my little one enjoy his nap?” Yoongi asked, his voice raspy with sleep as Jimin ran his hands up his lover's pale and lean body, lifting his shirt up a bit. There were some pretty bruises adorning his body, a bouquet of purple flowers on his v-line, all complimentary of Jimin. Jimin rubbed his thumbs over them, smiling fondly.

“I did, did you enjoy your sleep?” Jimin unbuttoned Yoongi's shirt, shrugging it off his body before sitting up straight, leaning forward to trace his lips along Yoongi's collarbone. Yoongi rolled his head back, sighing in delight, his natural morning erection feeling painful.

“I did, thank you. Little one, does your ass still hurt from last night?” Yoongi enquired, getting chills when he felt Jimin's tongue snake around the inside of Yoongi's ear, nibbling on the earring in his lobe. The elder ran his fingers up Jimin's back, feeling the bare skin beneath his fingers, loving the feeling of Jimin's dick hardening beneath his ass.

“Yes, sorry oppa,” and when Jimin called Yoongi oppa, that's when Yoongi knew that he was still getting laid. Jimin must have had a very nice dream, or been horny, but when Jimin calls Yoongi oppa, then Yoongi knows he's going to have a good time.

“I can bottom again. I showed you how to prep me last time, so this time you can do it,” Yoongi whispered, gulping when Jimin lifted his hips against Yoongi. Truth be told, Yoongi was very surprised when he let Jimin top a few nights ago. The boy had a rhythm that his lack of experience made up for, and he knew just how to roll his hips to make Yoongi see stars. And it had taken a lot of trust for Yoongi to let Jimin top, since Yoongi hadn't been on the receiving end since Jihoon, but the elder could honestly say that he was not disappointed.

Jimin nodded, his lips finding Yoongi's and their tongues dancing between their lips as they started shedding clothing, taking their time, not caring about anybody else in the world at that moment. Their tongues and lips traced pathways on the other's body, up and down their necks and chests, their fingers leaving red marks on the other's back.

When both of them were undressed, Jimin instructed Yoongi to get on his hands and knees, which the elder complied to as Jimin got the lube from their bag. Jimin settled down behind Yoongi, his heart warming at the thought of how much Yoongi trusts him. He slowly caressed his behind, liking the way the elder laid his head down in his arms, his breathing already heavy. “You ready, oppa?” Jimin asked, squirting the lube unto Yoongi's entrance, the elder gasping at the sudden cold.

“Yes little one. Go ahead,” he purred, and quieted down when Jimin started massaging his entrance. Yoongi wasn't very vocal when he bottomed last time, but Jimin didn't mind, knowing that his lover wasn't a natural bottom like himself. Unlike Yoongi, Jimin was very vocal, which was a major turn on to Yoongi, because every whine and moan and groan Jimin would make would push Yoongi on, or cause him to thrust harder, chasing that sound like it made him high.

Jimin then leaned forward, experimentally licking at the entrance, and Yoongi gasped at this, his toes curling in pleasure. “Oh, fuck, that felt good,” Yoongi groaned, his breath hitching as Jimin repeated the action, his serpent tongue slowly coating Yoongi with his saliva, the pleasure causing Yoongi's heart to hammer in his throat. “Jesus, Jimin, where'd you, ah, learn t-to do that?”

Jimin grinned evily and pulled away for a second. “From all the times you did this to me, idiot,” he wriggled his tongue back inside Yoongi, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the sensation, his dick becoming harder with every little whine Yoongi would release. It tasted like the strawberry lube they used. His tongue dragged around inside, knowing exactly which spot made Yoongi almost cry out, but he teasingly kept his distance from that spot. Yoongi knew Jimin would grin everytime the elder moved his hips back or made a small noise.

When Yoongi was a proper writhing mess, Jimin took his tongue out and pushed his finger in, liking the way Yoongi sighed in satisfaction. “More, Jimin, please,” Yoongi asked quietly, grinning when Jimin pushed another finger in, pumping them out, stretching Yoongi properly. “Fuck yes, just like that, kitten,” Yoongi sat up on his knees, Jimin wrapping his other arm around the elder, and Yoongi turned his head to the side and Jimin met him halfway, head on his shoulder, to kiss him passionately. “More,” Yoongi said into his mouth, a trail of saliva dribbling off his chin. Jimin pushed a third finger in, and Yoongi groaned in pleasure, loving the mix of pain and pleasure. Jimin kissed up Yoongi's neck and back down, over his shoulder.

“You ready?” Jimin whispered, and Yoongi nodded. “No condom?” Jimin made sure, and Yoongi nodded again. Ever since Jimin has gotten used to the stretch, and revealed that he liked it when it hurt a bit, they decided to not use condoms sometimes. Jimin then proceeded to push his member into Yoongi, the elder throwing his head back unto Jimin's shoulder, his eyes closed and his pretty pink mouth slightly parted as he gasped in pleasure. Jimin had both arms wrapped around Yoongi, holding him close, his eyes closing as the warmth made his whole body tingle. “Jesus Christ,” Jimin swore under his breath.

Jimin stayed still when his whole length was in, both of them breathing hard, until Yoongi impatiently starting moving, causing Jimin to chuckle and rock his hips, his rhythm and movement leaving Yoongi breathless. Yoongi was very tight, and his ass was well defined, so Jimin was also lost in the high that the pleasure provided them both with.

“I love you so fucking much,” Jimin whispered into Yoongi's ear, the elder groaning and holding unto Jimin's arms that were wrapped around him.

“I love you more, my little one,” Yoongi moaned when Jimin hit that spot inside Yoongi, “O-or rather, my not-so-little one,” the elder chuckled, matching the movement of his body to Jimin's, his hard member bouncing with each thrust. “Prep yourself so long, I want to finish inside of you,” Yoongi ordered, not letting Jimin forget who was in charge once they were in bed. Jimin knew that Yoongi knew that he had lied about his ass hurting earlier, he just wanted to top again, but Jimin would be lying again if he said the idea wasn't enticing. Jimin stopped his thrusts for a second, so deep inside of Yoongi that it hurt, to coat his fingers with lube and push the first finger inside himself. Once his second finger was in, he was satisfied, and started thrusting, the double penetration causing the knot in his stomach to become even bigger.

Jimin was still able to hold out impressively long, finishing inside Yoongi with four fingers inside himself, moaning loudly as his body almost went limp. He removed his fingers and his member, holding tightly unto his boyfriend, only loosening his grip when Yoongi turned around. Yoongi helped Jimin lay down, kissing the boy gently. “Are you sure you can take me?” Yoongi asked, and Jimin nodded, making grabby hands towards the elder.

Yoongi got between Jimin's legs, slowly pushing himself in, Jimin mewling in over-stimulation, but loving it still. He wrapped his arms around Yoongi, securing his legs around Yoongi's waist, allowing Yoongi the best possible position to thrust into his lover. It didn't take Yoongi long to finish, emptying himself inside of Jimin, groaning his name as his mind turned blank.

Yoongi rested his forehead against Jimin, both of them breathing heavily, wide smiles on both of their faces as they fought to catch their breaths. “Jesus, Jimin, you're amazing,” Yoongi praised, peppering Jimin's face with kisses, the younger giggling. “You're a great top, I taught you well.”

Jimin smiled brightly, his eyes twinkling in delight and love alike. “You're the best, though. I love you so much, Min Yoongi, but I really want to shower now,” Yoongi chuckled, slipping his member out and slowly helping Jimin sit up. They kissed gently again, before Jimin jumped up (with some wincing) and giggled. “Race ya to the bathroom!”

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