Meaning of Life Β» B.R.F & Rom...

By ThelovelyAngels

48.9K 1.4K 59

A British Royal Family Fanfiction As you travel solo, being totally responsible for yourself, it's inevitable... More

Meaning Of Life ➻ Cast
Meaning of Life ➻ Photos
Meaning of Life ➻ Prologue
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 1. Breaking News
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 2. Hello, Baby!
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 3. Rewrite The Stars
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 4. Creep On Me
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 5. Suga Suga
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 7. Tabs On You
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 8. Like A Hound
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 9. First Date
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 10. Sweet Chariot
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 11. Swing Low
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 12. Kingdom Come
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 13. Royal Weddings
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 14. Sing To You
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 15. Marry Me!
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 16. Royal Engagement
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 17. December 2019
Meaning of Life ➻ CH 18. Wedding Day
Meaning of Life ➻ Epilogue

Meaning of Life ➻ CH 6. Duke Of Escambia

2.2K 62 1
By ThelovelyAngels

Chapter Six | Duke Of Escambia

March 2016

I was awakened by someone knocking on my bedroom door. What is it with people knocking while I sleep?Buried under my duvet, I opened one eye looking at the door before yelling, "Who is it?" to whoever is persistently knocking on my door.

The knocking ceased for a second, before the door was pushed open by one of my aides, Kimberly.

"Good Morning Your Royal Highness. It's seven in the morning, your glam team will be here at quarter to eight and the car will be waiting downstairs at quarter to nine for you, your highness.-"

I interrupted Kimberly before she could continue.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Your Highness, you are welcoming His Royal Highness, The Duke of Escambia at Buckingham Palace. Breakfast will be served at half past eight." Kimberly said with a cursty before leaving the room and shutting her door.

With a groan, I pushed myself off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I took a look in the mirror before groaning and started my morning routine.

Once I was done with my shower, I quickly put on a my silk robe as I knows to put on proper clothes when I have to change later. Walking into my dining room of my apartment, I saw that my breakfast has been set up so I walked to the head of the table and took my seat. April was also sitting there with Adela, who was drinking her bottle.

"Good morning, April. Good morning, angel." I said, digging into her breakfast.

"Good morning, Eirene." April said.

Once I was done with breakfast, the servers took away the dishes and starts cleaning up the table. Still seated in my seat, April handed Adela to me after she burped her. I smiled as I held my baby girl. She smiled and held my hand as I cooed at her.

Melody entered the room and handed me the background paper on the Duke of Escambia. I needed to know the basics on him and how to adress and deal with him.

"How do I pronounce his name?" I asked.

"Lee-ah-tea." Melody answered.

"Leati?" I asked.

"It's Samoan." Melody answered.

"How is he royal?" I asked.

"His father is Prince Erik of Samavia, second in line to the Samavian throne which makes The Duke of Escambia, third in line." Melody replied.

Halfway through reading the paper, my phone rang. Checking the caller id, Trinity was calling me.

"Why are you up?" I answered the phone.

"Good morning to you too. How was your sleep? I slept wonderfully last night." Trinity said sarcastically on the line.

"Yes, good morning Trinity." She said.

"So, hmm I heard you're welcoming the Duke of Escambia. He's hot and I think you two could be a beautiful couple." Trinity said.

"Oh God! Trinity, for your information, I am getting myself ready and that's not happening." I said.

"Hmm, hey I was just making a suggestion." She said.

"I'm sure you were." I said.

"Tell my pumpkin, I said hi." She said.

"She's here, staring." I said.

"Well, I'll let you go but I'm coming over later." She said.

"Okay, Trin, you see later." I said, hanging up the phone.


Two men clad in crisp red uniforms stood at each sides of the main entrance and I nodded at them politely when they opened the doors. I stepped outside.

Soon a car pulled infront of us. A guard quickly went over and opened the door to reveal the Duke of Escambia.

The Duke of Escambia beamed as I approached, "Hello!" he said in deep voice. He walked up to me.

Curtseying respectfully. "Your Royal Highness." I said.

"Your Royal Highness. Welcome to Buckingham Palace. I assume that your trip went without issue?" I asked.

"Of course." The Duke of Escambia says with a mischievous smile, glancing at me for a fraction of a second. "I'm more than glad to be here, especially now that I'm finally here with a beautiful woman as my host." He said.

"Very smooth." I said.

"I try." He said.

We walked over to the guest suite where all visiting royals would stay. We stood in the chief reception room of the Belgian Suite on the ground floor of the front garden.

The three principal rooms of the suite is furnished in a style that gives the visiting head of State an idea of how British Royalty lived in previous centuries. Yellow is the predominant colour in the main 18th Century Room, and among the Royal portraits are three-quarter-length paintings of King George III and Queen Charlotte, while works by Canaletto stand alongside one of Gainsborough's most famous paintings, Diana And Actaeon.

"Well, Your Royal Highness, this is your suite and I hope you find everything to your liking." I said.

"Eirene, please call me, Leati." He said.

"Okay, Leati, we have a few things to do today." I said.

"Yes, I've been prepared." He said.

"Good." I said.


Princess Eirene in Navy Blue Erdem Coat & Hat for Commonwealth Service

Princess Eirene, The Duke of Escambia, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry and The Duke of York joined the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to celebrate Commonwealth Day by attending the Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey.

The Commonwealth Service the is the largest annual inter-faith gathering in Britain. Held on the second Monday of March it is a unique opportunity for people from all over the world to come together to promote shared Commonwealth values of peace, equality and the association's rich diversity.

The royals were welcomed by Rev. John Hall.

Each year a specific theme is chosen to help guide plans and activities for Commonwealth organisations. The theme for 2016 is 'An Inclusive Commonwealth', emphasising a vast community which embraces 2.3 billion people, of which 60 per cent are under 30 years old.

Her Majesty shared the importance of being open to new ideas and encouraging those around us in her Commonwealth Day message for 2016:

'Each of us can also make a positive difference in the lives of others by being willing to contribute and offer support.

This is an essential ingredient of belonging to the Commonwealth: the willingness to share, to exchange and to act for the common good. By including others, drawing on collective insights, knowledge and resources, and thinking and working together, we lay the foundations of a harmonious and progressive society. The greater the diversity of those included in such a shared enterprise, the greater the gains. Each of us has cause to celebrate the sense of belonging expressed in our 2016 theme: 'An Inclusive Commonwealth'.

Our recognition of this value, and the wisdom of mutual respect for each other, is set out in the Commonwealth Charter. Its opening words, "We the people of the Commonwealth" convey the conviction that individuals, as well as governments, build and shape our success.

Being inclusive and accepting diversity goes far deeper than accepting differences at face value and being tolerant. True celebration of the dignity of each person, and the value of their uniqueness and contribution, involves reaching out, recognising and embracing their individual identity.'

The fifty-three flags of the Commonwealth nations in Parliament Square.

Young people across member countries were asked to explain what 'an inclusive Commonwealth' means to them. For some, it is about being part of a community of nations where each and every citizen enjoys freedom, success and can live a dignified life, while for others the theme represents a call to action to tackle some of the world's greatest challenges such as climate change and human rights.

The 2,000 strong congregation included over 1,000 school children, the Commonwealth Secretary General, H. E. Mr Kamalesh Sharma, and the new Commonwealth Chair-in-Office, Prime Minister of Malta, The Hon. Dr Joseph Muscat, alongside High Commissioners and Commonwealth dignitaries.

Eirene and Leati chatting.

The royals listening to readings.

Following the service, Eirene, Leati, William, Kate and Harry walked through the Dean's Yard to attend a reception.

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