Lord Motte's Vampire Bride...

By Teah09

71.2K 3.1K 95

Cynthia, a travelling photographer has been plagued with obsessive visions of an alluring vampire since she w... More

Prologue - Childhood
Part 1 - Meeting Jasmine
The Mansion
The Monster
The Cell
Lord Motte
Dinner Begins
Sick Destiny
The Father
Are You Capable?
Snapped Heart
They'll Never Know
You Got Me
Another one
Bye Bye
Insatiable Curiousity
The Gift
Jasmine's Father
Lots Of Thoughts
Don't Doubt A Thing
New Arrival
Second Chance
Secrets Spilled
The Choice
The Witch
Finally Together

Mystery Visitor

1K 56 0
By Teah09

The air rushes past me at an overpowering speed. I can't even hear my own screams, though I am sure that they are there, pleasing Edward's ears.

Oh, have I been steered wrong.

And I don't know what happens next. Do I flash my life before my eyes? Do I finally die once and for all now that the cycle has been altered? Will I still come back again regardless until I finally find a way to survive? Or will I reincarnate once again only to find Lord Motte dead at the hands of his brother - if that becomes the case what choice would I have but believe Edward and finally go with him? I wouldn't even remember my dearly departed husband.

Or...maybe I won't ever know, and I've wondered all these thoughts before.

Soon everything may just turn to darkness and I'll be born again, doomed to live another twenty, tedious years that will only lead me to the exact same demise no matter the different circumstances I am brought up.

Oh, how I am so sorry that I have failed once again. I'll never see my mother again, and I am surprised at how terrible that makes me feel in just this split second.

I suppose one second of thinking can be surprisingly deep.

I want my mother.

And I have failed Vince.

I will die once again.

I close my eyes tight, bracing for impact.

And it comes, but not as I expected.

The wind is knocked out of me as the impact of a pair of arms catches me, dipping gently to soften the blow. My breath abruptly leaves me and I gasp desperately to recover as Vince grumbles something unintelligible.

He gruffly sets me down, first by attempting to set me on my feet, and then on my back when it becomes obvious that I cannot stand. My wits just haven't returned to me.

Dizzily, I stare up at Vince as he looks back up to the balcony and faces his menacing brother.

"Kill him. Vince, kill him." I call to him as clearly as I can between my dragged breaths.

He briefly looks down to acknowledge that he's heard me. He knows I believe him, thank God...and for another split moment, I feel a warmth resembling hope.

"Get down on your knees!" The officers shout warningly. "Step away from the girl and get down!"

Vince's jaw tenses as he slightly turns towards the threatening cops. I catch a millisecond of his defensive eyes before the explosive sound fills the air.

Edward's laughter is only slightly heard over the belting bullets puncturing Vince.

My first instinct is to cover my ears and scream in terror and grief - but there is no time to react.

Edward leaps down from the balcony, his eyes directly targetting mine. I scramble to my feet as the cops now aim their guns at him in my defence.

"Halt! Get down on your knees too! You heard me!" The cops holler angrily.

Edward only grins from ear to ear and leaps over the guard railing. Speeding faster than human eyes can even see, he grips the neck of the chief of police, pushing him in front of him to block a clear shot.

I scream in frustration and race to Vince's collapsed body. "Vince!" I pull him into my lap, his weakened body basically falling limply on top of me. "I'm so sorry." I whimper to him quietly, brushing back his black hair. With my eyes peering down on him, I watch Edward in my peripheral vision.

He's going to kill them all.

Vince stirs in my arms. "I won't die. Don't worry yourself." He mumbles, struggling to right himself and apparently get away from me.

"I regret doubting you, Vincent." I murmur sadly to him before he stands on his feet away from me.

"That's something we'll deal with later, Cynthia." He says darkly without looking down at me. I can still see the clear bullet wounds spread across his body, small speckles of blood dripping down the slowly healing damaged areas.

I watch in anticipation as Vince stumbles with determination towards his betraying brother. "Set the man free and face me like a man yourself, brother - though I question if I even bother to call you that any longer."

"You're best not to." Edward only retorts. "And I'm not letting this little bastard go. This will end just as wonderfully tragic as it always does. You can mark my words on that as long as that idiot wife of yours keeps running back into your pathetic arms!"

"You're nothing but a jealous brother, continuously barging your way into my marriage." Vince says through gritted teeth.

"Your marriage ended a long time ago. Face it. It'll never return to how it was again." Edward promises while I watch in awe.

What do I do from here? Watch them battle it out until one turns up dead? Pray that Vince defeats Edward or else Edward will slaughter me?

I stand slowly, my knees knocking together despite my best efforts.

"I don't know what's going on here! But I'm here to investigate the missing case of Cynthia-" The cop is knocked on the head by Edward before he is able to finish.

They're here for me? Not Jasmine? I-I had assumed Jasmine's father sent the cops here since I contacted him...but someone sent them to find me? How? Who did?

Both Vince and Edward pause in their altercation when another car pulls into the long driveway. Not a cop car, only a huge black SUV with tinted windows so dark it can't be legal.

I watch with butterflies ripping through my stomach as the drivers side door opens.

However, the butterflies are nothing compared to the surprise that flushes through me when I see who walks out.

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