Sweet for You (Sweet Pea Imag...

By TintedLoveXOXO

18.1K 410 11

You're a northsider. He's a Serpent. You aren't supposed to get along. Really you're supposed to be sworn ene... More

Chapter 1: The snakes are coming
Chapter 3: Shopping and Kev
Chapter 4: No Mister Nice Guy
Chapter 5: We're friends now
Chapter 6: Rearranging
Chapter 7: Road Trip
Chapter 8: Florida
Chapter 9: Run Away
Chapter 10: Fangs finds out
Chapter 11: Love
Chapter 12: Oh my Sex?
Chapter 13: F.R.I.E.N.D.S
Chapter 14: Destiny?
Chapter 15: La Bonne Nuit
Chapter 16: Reconcile
Chapter 17: Bruised
Chapter 18: Hours
Chapter 19: Game Over
Chapter 20: Summer Vacay
Chapter 21: Home
Chapter 22: Candy Love
Chapter 23: Last Hoorah
Chapter 24: New Year, New Jealousy, and New Apologies
Chapter 25: Showers
Chapter 26: Limits
Chapter 27: Homecoming and Flights
Chalter 28: Lodge and Apologizing
Chapter 29: Twinkle
Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Chapter 31: Shopping in the Trail
Chapter 32: Heavy Lifting
Chapter 33: Christmas with the Family
Chapter 34: New year, New Arguments, and New Choices
Chapter 35: To Be, or Not To Be
Chapter 36: Claws
Chapter 37: Falling Apart
Chapter 38: Over and Over Again
Chapter 39: Weeks and Weeks and Weeks and Weeks
Chapter 40: Baby Shower
Chapter 41: Keeping it Together
Chapter 42: Welcome
Chapter 43: Firsts
Chapter 44: Bite Back

Chapter 2: Losing Your Balance

1K 17 0
By TintedLoveXOXO

You were starting second semester which means that classes were changing. It didn't bother you much, you've been going to this school your whole life. As you entered your biology class you noticed that Sweet Pea was there. You prayed that you didn't sit with him. Your prayers were not answered.
"Y/N sits here and... Sweet Pea next to her," Mr Dean said going over his clipboard. You sighed and sat in your given seat.
"Don't look so upset northsider. I'm not as dumb as you may think," Sweet Pea threw his bag on the floor and sat next to you."
"I- What?" You asked startled and a blush rose to your cheeks. "I always look like this."
"Well that's annoying," He mumbled. You rolled your eyes kinda annoyed with him now. "You northsiders are just..."
"What?" You asked looking him in the eyes. "I swear... You call us all names and whatever, but if you expect us to treat you well, then you should start treating us well! You know I always stand up for you whenever anyone says a disgusting comment about you guys. I'm tired of everyone not getting along!" His eyes widened a little then laughed. "Are you seriously laughing at me?"
"Yes. You think you are all tough now because your buddies are here to back ya up?" He laughed.
"No!" You almost shouted. "I don't think I am tough. I'm probably one of the weakest kids here." You were mentally face palming. He chuckled again. "Stop laughing at me."
"Why? Do you hear yourself?" He continued laughing. You laughed too now. You did sound stupid. "See. And I didn't think you had a sense of humor. All you do is mope."
"I do not mope. I'm quiet and conservative," you defended. You eyed him. His hair was messy yet somehow put together. His tattoo was on his neck. You took in every detail of him as fast as you could. His eyes. The way his neck moved when he swallowed. His muscles. His hair. He was like perfect. Literally an angel in a leather jacket.
Sitting next to him was so hard. You wanted to stare. You wanted to do more than stare actually. Obviously that was off the table. He would think you were even weirder if you just stared at him everyday for a whole semester. This was such a dilemma. The desk was a fine place to stare. There were papers and notebooks to look at. The desk is your new best friend. Your hands are your object of concentration. This was so stupid. A Serpent making you lose focus.
"Y/N? Class is over? What are you doing?" Toni waved a hand in your face.
"I got lost in thought... Can't believe it's over that fast," you laughed lightly. "So, hows Cheryl? I heard her mom is working with Veronica's father?"
"She's fine. Taking everything a step at a time. Right now she is trying to get emancipated. We are pretty much sure it will play in our favor, especially after the whole sisters of quiet mercy fiasco and then the play. But you never know right? How about you? You seemed pretty lost in thought all day... I also heard you yelled at Sweet Pea! Good for you. He really needs to be taken down a few notches anyways." You listened to Toni ramble on about Sweet Pea all the way to the field for cheerleading practice. All of the river vixens were huddled in a group watching some dance that Cheryl wanted to get.
"Perfect! T-T and Y/N/N are here! I want you guys doing stunts for sure. You both have rocking bods. Only the best for my show," Cheryl clapped her hands together. "Come now. Watch what I have in plan."
Cheryl has you doing multiple things that you cannot even think of the names for. But, they were all in the air. That made practice especially brutal for. Your head wasn't in the right place either. Which didn't help. Then Sweet Pea and Fangs show up. They always come to pick Toni and Cheryl up after practice on Thursdays. You lost balance after noticing them watching.
"Omg! Are you alright?" Cheryl ran over to you Toni and the boys not far behind. "What the hell happened?"
"Lost my footing," you quickly replied trying to get up but failing. "Super tired." Your head and ankle were killing you. "I'm okay. Really. Just walk it off right?"
"Slow down, Chica, you can't walk off a broken ankle. And, you probably have a concussion," Fangs stopped you from getting up again. "This isn't something that Toni can just patch you up with some gauze."
"He's right, Y/N/N, you can be really hurt. Let us take you to the doctor," Cheryl have you her puppy dog eyes and made her crimson lips pout. You sighed giving up. There was no way you can possibly talk anyone out of this. And you can't run. "Boys. What are you doing? Give her a hand! What ever happened to chivalry. River vixens! Practice is concluded don't forget to practice. Especially you Julie. You looked like a toad with two feet."
"Geez Blossom," Sweet Pea mumbled. "Bossy. Are you sure you're a bottom?" You almost choked on the air you were breathing in.
"Careful Pea, I will pierce that tongue with an arrow next," The spicy read head threatened. Toni and Fangs gave small laughs.
"I hate Riverdale General. Honestly. It reminds me of some apocalyptic horror movie," you said from the back of Cheryl's car. "And where is everyone? I only see like five people for hours." A few chuckles rolled throughout the car.
As you neared the hospital, your anxiety rolls over you. The last time you had been here, you were six. Your brother had been sick for a while. You weren't sure exactly what was wrong with him. But he had been in some coma for a while. One day he was fine, the next he was foaming some weird green blue stuff from his mouth. Then, your parents tel you that they have to go see him, but you are not allowed to go. And they come home later to say that he had died. Case closed. Never spoke about again. They decided to get him cremated and you got a picture of him.
"Y/N?" Cheryl was now the only one in the car. Her red hair was pulled out of the ponytail and sitting in waves at her shoulders. "It's okay." Cheryl and Betty were the only two who knew you had a brother. "I know what it's like to lose a dear brother, believe me. But you cannot live your whole life in fear."
"I'm not. I'm... just trying to figure out which hurts more. My head or my ankle," you sighed. "I can't believe I fell. That's so humiliating. And in front of the whole squad and the football team."
"Oh honey," Cheryl gave a sly smile. "Get out of my car." You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself out of the car. Fangs wrapped his arm under yours and helped you hop into the hospital.
"You know... This is the first time I've been here and not hurt," Fangs joked. You gave him a weird look. "Last time I was here, I was stabbed... Don't worry. The other guy was worse." you looked at him again wanted to get away from him now. "I'm joking. God, don't be such a northsider." You laughed a little.
"I guess I'm just uptight. Which should be fine considering I fell from however far," you sighed. "Honestly. I don't understand why you guys are so... Mean to us." Your head started to spin. Probably because of the medication.
"Mean? Is the little northsider cranky?" Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.
"Pea stop," Toni warned.
"Dr. Ramirez," Cheryl chimed.
"It seems that Miss Y/L/N has a sprained ankle and a mild concussion. You are going to need to keep your foot elevated and I am going to give you a brace. I want to keep you here for at least another hour. I want time for the medication to kick in so I can see your reaction," he went over his notes as he spoke to you. "The nurse will bring in a brace for you. Any questions?" You shook your head. "Alright. I will see you in an hour."
"This is dumb. An hour!" Sweet Pea groaned. "Honestly, we have much better things to be doing."
"Well, Mr Pea, I am sorry to put a damper on your plans," you giggled. "I promise that I will be... Perfectly... Unclumsy from now on."
"Unclumsy? That is not a word," Cheryl and Toni laughed.
"You guys are so cute!" You held your hands out to the girls. "You make me happy when I see you. My favorite power couple. But don't tell Betty and Jughead. They might get jealous." You whispered. They laughed again and Toni ruffled your hair slightly.
"Those drugs are really hitting you, huh?" Fangs laughed. "You're a light weight aren't you?" You shook your head furiously and got dizzy.
"Oh my little vixen yes you are," Cheryl grabbed your hand. "Toni and I are gonna go to the food court. Want anything?"
"Pie!" You yelled.
"I'll come with," Fangs hopped from his seat. "Now don't do anything funny while I'm gone. Don't wanna miss it." You nodded.
"You're leaving me with her?" Sweet Pea was tense as usual.
Toni said something to him and he groaned in response as they walked away. You were thinking of pie now. And how your mouth was so dry. You smacked your lips together sadly almost. The raven haired boy gave you a strange look.
"I'm thirsty," you whined. "I forgot to tell them I want a drink."
"Poor princess," He sat in Fangs' seat. His leather jacket rubbed against the leather chair making a strange noise.
"You have a lot of names for me," You grumbled and pouted. "And I only have one for you. It's not fair." He laughed mockingly.
"What's my name?" He asked looking at you daringly. "Serpent? Criminal?"
"No... Sweety Pie," you looked at your hands giggling. You couldn't feel the pain of your head and ankle anymore. "That's what I thought your name was at first. So sometimes I call you that in my head."
"Sweety Pie? That's the most disturbing name yet," he sat forwards resting his arms on his legs. "What are you staring at?"
"Hm? Nothing. I'm trying to think but I can't..." as you said this the nurse came in with your brace. She had said something to you, but you weren't paying any attention. All of sudden there was a sharp pain in your ankle as she touched it. You jolted up from the bed wide eyed. She almost dropped the brace.
"Calm down," she held her hands up. "I'm just putting the brace on. Why doesn't this nice man hold your hand huh?" She looked to Sweet Pea who rolled his eyes getting up, taking your hand.
"I've never been hurt before," you said biting your lip feeling pressure on your ankle.
"It's definitely not all candy and soda," Sweet Pea mumbled placing his other hand on your shoulder holding you down. You closed your eyes for moment. "Erm. Look at me. I will distract you." You opened your eyes. Your Y/E/C meeting his brown. "Do you remember when we all stood together against Weatherbee? How strong you felt? I seen the confidence in your eyes as you stood behind Andrews. That was one of the first times I had any respect for a northsider. Then when you yelled at me in Biology. I laughed because I was actually surprised you said anything to me. Then you told me off. Which didn't piss me off as much as you would think. Your actually a pretty cool girl, Y/N." You furrowed your eyebrows. "I don't do this often. Take the compliment." You nodded as he let go of your hand and took his seat again.
    "What's going on here?" Toni bounced in her pink hair flowing behind her. "Here ya go Sweets. Fangs had to use the John and he gotchu these." She handed him a bag of chips. "When are y'all gonna just hookup huh?"
    "Now T," Fangs came behind her making her jump. "I'm not one to kiss and tell."
     "But, I am," Sweet Pea smirked. "But, you aren't my type."
      "You sure?" Fangs said. "I'm hot." Toni and Sweet Pea laughed. "What? I am! Right, Y/N?"
    "Hm? Umm. Sure?" You mumbled but giggling while you said it. He shook his head. "You aren't my type... But, Kevin... You are definitely Kevin's type. You should go out with him! Omg! Go out with Kevin! You would be so cute, and he really needs someone to spend time with. Moose is hiding in the closet and Joaquin is god knows where. Oh Fangs..." You sighed, but your voice was still loud and it sounded like a moan.
   "Gee, Y/L/N," Fangs smirked looking you up and down. "You sure you don't want me?"
    "I can't let you cheat on Kevin," you gasped. "Mr Fogarty and Mr Keller. Who's name would you take?" Fangs gave you an incredulous look. "Sorry..."
     "God if she's like this on drugs, what would she be like drunk?" Sweet Pea laughed.
     "She's really about the same," Cheryl smiled at you as you laid down.
     "My head is spinning," You whined. Cheryl laughed as she played with your hair. It was strange seeing her like this. She was only like this with you and Toni. Everyone else. She was like the cold hearted friend who would turn on you so fast. "Thanks cherry... I'm so thirsty.... My mom!"
     "What?" Fangs and Sweet Pea looked disgusted and confused. "How does being thirsty and your mom come up?"
     "I didn't text her! She's probably flipping right now. I was supposed to be home so long ago," you said searching for your phone. You realized that you were still in your practice outfit and did not have pockets. "Did anyone grab my bag?"
    "I did. It's in the car," Toni nodded at you reassuringly. "Do you want to use mine?" You nodded thankfully and took it from her quickly dialing the number.
    "Mom!" You sighed as she answered the phone. "Sorry I didn't call or text you. My phone is in my bag... I will be home here in like half an hour maybe. I got in a little accident at practice. I'm alright though. Just a little sprained ankle and concussion." Your mother uttered a few words of relief and then hung up the phone. You handed it back to Toni. "Thank you. She's probably going to kill me when I get home. She never wanted me to join the cheerleading squad."
    "So you did it anyways?" Fangs asked. "I kinda like you."
     "Thanks... I think?" You laughed. "You aren't bad yourself. I'm also sorry for calling you mean earlier. You really aren't. I was just in pain and annoyed."
    "Believe me. I understand. I spend most of my time with Pea," Fangs chuckles to himself as he hits pea's shoulder. "So where's the doctor at?"
     "I told you this place sucks," you mumbled. "Five people work here. I swear. Why don't we just leave?"
     "Leave? Without the doctors approval? You just get better and better don't ya?" Fangs smirked.
    "Back off snake," Cheryl held a hand up. "She's not going anywhere. There are much easier ways to get a doctor to come. She held the remote and pressed the emergency button. "Dr Ramirez, we would like to get out of this post apocalyptic hell hole some time soon, preferably without catching mad cow disease." 
   "Miss Blossom, always a pleasure to see you. Miss Y/L/N how are feeling?"
    "My head is spinning and I think I'm starting to feel my body again," You sighed. "But other than that great."
    "Good. Let me take your temperature and heart rate," he said pulling a few instruments out from behind you and Cheryl. He marked some stuff on his clipboard and hummed while doing it. You were anxious. "Well everything seems fine. I think that you are free to go home. Remember to keep your ankle elevated and ice it. You wear that brace for six weeks and come back so I can make sure that it is healing properly. Here is a prescription for Tylenol for the swelling and pain. Take this three times for two days and twice for the rest. I also have crutches for you. It will help take the pressure off your ankle. Keep it easy."  You nodded and grabbed the crutches. You felt dumb. As you walked towards the door, you noticed it was raining. This keeps getting better and better. Your life is like a tv show.
   "Great," you groaned. Your bags were in Cheryl's car and you didn't wear a jacket today. You felt warmth set on your shoulders as someone set a jacket on you. You looked to see Sweet Pea without his now. He wasn't looking at you though. You slid your arms through it taking in the warmth and the sweet scent.
   When getting home you wait for Sweet Pea to get out of the car. As you slid out you tried taking his jacket off to return it.
    "No. Just keep it till tomorrow," he shrugged. "You'll freeze before you get to the door. Just don't get your northside germs all over it." You rolled your eyes. "I'd offer to give you hand, but I don't feel like getting sick."
   "I don't need your help anyways, thank you," You have a small smile before crunching to your door. "Mom? Dad?"
    "We are in the kitchen," your mother called. "You have dinner on the stove."
    "Alright! I just gotta put my stuff in my room," you shouted and hopped up the stairs. You dropped your bags in your room and looked at yourself in the mirror. The jacket was large, but you liked how it felt. And it smelt so good. It was musky and had a tang of something you couldn't quite think of. You slid the jacket off and changed into warm pajamas and pulled your wet hair into a ponytail.

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