Smile With Your Eyes (Niall H...

By Ohmycarrotsitskevin

227K 4.3K 288

Niall hasn't seen his best friend in years...and never confessed his love for her to her. When he meets her a... More

Smile With Your Eyes (Niall Horan Fanfic)
Chapter 1: Remember When...?
Chapter 3: 1D-erful Wizards of Song
Chapter 4: Cheesy Line Day, or something.
Chapter 5: Reunions :)
Chapter 6: She'd have it so much better with me
Chapter 7: It's Sapphire.
Chapter 8: Daydreaming, Nialler?
Chapter 9: I wish she felt the same...
Chapter 10: McDonalds.
Chapter 11: More Than This....
Chapter 12: Finally!
Chapter 12: Louis, ya shower of cunts!
Chapter 13: Nialler's Got a Girl!!!
Chapter 14: Shes a Keeper
Chapter 15: Quickfire!!!
Chapter 16: It's all Worth It :)
Chapter 17: We tend to blush a lot :p
Chapter 18: R.I.P. Poor Toast...XD
Chapter 20: Utterly RidicuLOUIS!
Chapter 21: Ms. Awesome Pants!
Chapter 22: And here comes the DRAMA...
Chapter 23: Impatient
Chapter 24: Room 1D
Chapter 26: Good Music Taste
Chapter 27: Cry Me A River
Chapter 28: Lovebirds, Packing and Hair Products
Chapter 30: Snogging on the Beach
Chapter 31: I Just Wanted Some Towels
Chapter 32: Cry Me A River...
Chapter 33: 'Hello, you've reached Niall Horannn!'
Chapter 34: Forced
Chapter 35: THE END

Chapter 25: Hawaii or bust!

4.9K 101 16
By Ohmycarrotsitskevin

🎶Trying hard to fight these tears, and crazy worries. Messing with my head this fear...I'm so sorry🎶

⬆Above song is from Disney channel. Don't judge me 😝⬆

Chapter 25


the chaos had died down. Me and the rest of the lads were no longer ripping out our hair in worry (not seriously, it's a joke. And zayn would never do that anyway), and Saph seemed her normal, funny and sarcastic self. You can't believe how relieved I was. Well I guess the lads were too.

"How long have I been out for?" she asked.

"Umm, about two days." I told her. Her eyes grew wide as saucers.

"Oh my god. You guys are leaving tonight. For Hawaii, yeah?" she asked. I nodded, reluctant to face the fact. Yes, we were all excited to be going to Hawaii, but I didn't want to leave Saph.

"maybe, you could come with us?" Louis asked in excitement.

"What?" she cried, looking surprised. Everyone seemed keen on the idea.

"Yeah, PLEEEASE come sapphire!" Harry pleaded.

"Nialls gonna moan about you not being around If you don't!" Zayn informed Saph, making me go a bit red in the cheeks. Sapphire giggled and kissed my red cheek, not helping me to stop blushing. Liam was about to protest, being the sensible one, but after a moment he agreed that it was a good idea. Now we only needed to convince Saph.

"Id have to give up my job though..." she said. I shrugged.

"It'll be fine, I'll pay for everything you need. And you can get a new job when we get back to London. Hawaii is the last place on our tour before we get a three week break." I suggested. She thought for a second before nodding slowly.

"ok..." she agreed, sending me and the lads into a chorus of cheers.

"Can I leave this hospital? I have like three hours to pack." The nurse beside her nodded, and we all matched out of the hospital to Louis' car. We were going to Hawaii, and I had my beautiful girlfriend coming along too.

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