A Darker Shade of Light

By belajamison

4.7K 250 133

She brings a whole new meaning to this small world we live in. Naiomi a gangster at heart whos life are more... More

Heads Up
I'm Late
This Moment
That Same Night
We've Been Discovered
I Dont Know What I Did
It Was You
A Long Way To The Top
Party Till You Drop
The Day Off part.1
A Day off Part 2
Im Trying To Be Nice.
I Know
Who's In Control
Blocked Number
Victory For Now
Say Yess
Who was it pt.1
Who was it Part.2
So It Was You.
Jimin v. Yoongi The fight for Dom.
Gun Violence
Beale Street
At The Family Reunion
Sorry Love
It Will Kill Me Too
Shawn and Quay
It Will Kill Me Too pt.2
Nasty Fucks and Wake and Bakes
He's Gay?
I Fuckin Love You
Forever Rain
To Naiomi!
Nai Nai Land
Q&A Questions
Lo and Behold
Where Am I
I Gotta get Outta Here
I Want....
I Bet The Neighbors Know My Name
Im Sowwy
Hold Me
Hiding It
Its out there Now
I Want You
Come Back Home
Hey There
Nick and Naila.
X Rated
Im So Sorry
Husband and Husband pt.1
Im making Yet Another Banger
Husband & Husband pt.2
Husband and Wife
New Book

Come With Me

49 5 2
By belajamison

"Come with me" Shawn said with his hand extended.

Jin was hanging out on the porch of his shared house the boys when Shawn pulled up in a brand new car and hopped out to gesture him to come.

It was a little chill outside but it was still a nice day.

"Come on." Shawn said gently reaching for Jin's hand.

Jin gave in letting the guy take him by the hand and and lead him into the car.

The drive was long. And silent.

Jin sat there in wonder of what's to come. Shawn stayed focused on the road which gave time to actually take a look at the chocolate man before him.

His face.....narrow. His lips....thick. His is eyes.....Auburn. His teeth....pearly white.

He was beautiful.

When the car came to a sudden halt it knocked Jin right out of his fantasy when he came in view of a beautiful hillside. A single tree in the field. A fire place and two chairs set up.

Shawn hopped out the car to open Jin's door.

Jin walked to one of the seats and got situated in one of the seats as Shawn eagerly started setting up a picnic. Jin still lost in thought as to why he was here.

"Why did you take me here?" Jin asked monotonously.

"Because......I want to see you smile." Shawn said sitting in the seat next to Jin.

"What are you trying to say.... You think im unhappy or something?" Jin says agrily

" Truthfully. Yes."

"Who gave you permission to analyze me and try to fix me......IM FINE!" Jin yelled becoming more uncomfortable.

(Jin POV) 

I am unhappy. But.....That is not for him to know.

"Ever since I got here. You have been acting differently. First i thought that maybe i just made you shy and things but then the argument happened and then the incident with my sister. Ive watched you turn into this corpse stuck in constant thought. I watched you all the way here. I may not know you completely but i know your not okay." Shawn says in attempt to grab Jin's hands but Jin pushes away.

Who gave him permission to just come into my life and try to make me happy. Who does he think he is.

"Im not for you to worry about." Jin says abruptly. He gets up and begans walking back to the car. "You should be worried about your sister! Not me!"

Shawn runs to Jin and grabs his wrist stopping the angry boy in his tracks. Jin refused to face the determined man.

" Naiomi has someone to worry about her. She is grown now. I am her big brother, but I know its time for her to handle her own life. She has someone to worry about her, but who will worry about you?" Shawn said with a soft voice.

"Who will make sure your okay? Who will hold you?Who will make sure your happy?" Shawn questioned.

With that Jin fell in tears.

Who gave him permission to come to me and dissect my thought. Infiltrate my broken heart. And attempt to make me whole. 

"Give me a chance to make you happy." Shawn says. 

Who gave you permission to make me feel this way.



Watching all our business being put out there on the news had became a tedious thing to do. Literally the only thing the didn't know yet was the fact that we were all in serious ass relationships with people of the same sex who just so happen to be in the group with us. You would think that now they know we know how to carry a fucking gun they would atleast figure that shit out too.

" God this is annoying." Jimin says reading the headlines of the news channel.


"Like bitch we have been police many times. Have she not seen our BTS RUN episodes or even that freakin fan meet." Jimin asked out of pure frustration.

(Suga's pov)(author's note: (what the dialect is meaning) )

Jimin isnt in his little cutesy comfortable self today i seen. I has been using a lot of Busan satoori (or dialect ig) to express himself even to me. I dont mind much since I do the same but he has been a tad harsher lately. Last time he was like this i had to put him in his freaking place.

"Yah. Whats wrong with you." Yoongi asked placing some snacks in front of the pouting boy who was still watching the news. Then plopping next to him on the couch.

" I wanna get the fuck out the house. On my boyfriends arm in peace." Jimin said bluntly.

"Jimin-ah, your so loud.(Aweee your so cute.)" Yoongi says teasing the boy playfully punching him on the side.

" Yah. Im Serious. Your so annoying.(Dont you care?)" Jimin says opening a pack of chips abruptly as begins to stuff his mouth.

"Your the one being a dimwit.(Of course i care babes.)" Yoongi replied.

"I would totally give all the bitches something to talk about.( I wanna go out and show you off.)" Jimin says angrily.

"Thats stupid. (Me too. but lets wait till things die down.)"

"What are you gonna do about it huh?(So. I wanna go out anyway.)"

"Shut up and get dressed. ( FINE. WE WILL GO.)"

"Yah dont tell me what to do. (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!)"

Jimin walks to his room strongly and slams the door behind him.

Yoongi continues to eat his snacks when Hoseok walks by. 

"You two are a hot mess." Hoseok says grabbing one of the  snacks and haeding to the dance studio.


I know i have been missing once again from the scene. You gotta understand ya gurl had to recover from Thanksgiving. I wazz a gonner yall.

I know the chapters have been real subtle and you prolly like "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SMUT"

weeeeeelllll ya gurl isnt strong in dat area so im studying. BUT WHAT I AM GOOD AT IS A WHOLE LOTTA DRAMA TO PISS YOU OFF. SOOOO WHATCH OUT CUZ IM COMING FOR YOUR WIGS.


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