Being The Hosts' Maid (An Our...

By FangirlAndFeels

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Hitomi Takenaka is the daughter of someone very important to the music industry and because of this, she gets... More

Chapter 1 - Starting Today, You Are A Host! [Part 1]
Chapter 2 - Starting Today, You Are A Host! [Part 2]
Chapter 3 - The Job of a Highschool Host! [Part 1]
Chapter 4 - The Job of a Highschool Host! [Part 2]
Chapter 5 - Beware the Physical Exam! [Part 1]
Chapter 6 - Beware the Physical Exam! [Part 2]
Chapter 7 - Attack of the Lady Manager! [Part 1]
Chapter 8 - Attack of the Lady Manager! [Part 2]
Chapter 9 - The Twins Fight! [Part 1]
Chapter 11 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type! [Part 1]
Chapter 12 - The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type! [Part 2]
Chapter 13 - Jungle Pool SOS!
Chapter 14 - The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club! [Part 1]
Chapter 15 - The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club! [Part 2]
Chapter 16 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! [Part 1]
Chapter 17 - A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy! [Part 2]
Chapter 18 - A Day In The Life Of The Fujioka Family! [Part 1]
Chapter 19 - A Day In The Life Of The Fujioka Family! [Part 2]
Chapter 20 - Big Brother Is A Prince! [Part 1]
Chapter 21 - Big Brother Is A Prince! [Part 2]
Chapter 22 - Honey's Three Bitter Days! [Part 1]

Chapter 10 - The Twins Fight! [Part 2]

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By FangirlAndFeels

        After school, Hitomi had taken Haruhi to her house. Haruhi loved it, of course, it brought horrible memories swirling into Hitomi’s head. She told her dad everything, and he broke into sobs and he promised he would be a better father but Hitomi doubted that. She missed her loving family. Her mom that smiled every time she looked at Hitomi and a dad who would sing songs to her before she went to bed. But this was better for her. She had to get away from everything putting her down. Haruhi had spoken to her dad over the phone and he said that it would be perfectly fine if Hitomi lived with them. Hitomi almost bursted into sobs herself. She went to her room and packed all of her clothes, albums, posters, and everything she needed.

        Haruhi then took her to her apartment and Hitomi was given a small guest bedroom that they rarely ever used. Hitomi couldn’t thank them enough. She cooked dinner for them and even told them funny stories in her life. Haruhi’s dad had called the school and explained the situation and they had said it was perfectly fine if Hitomi could continue to go to Ouran, almost as if she had a scholarship. She had the grades to show for it as well, so it wasn’t a problem.

        She felt apart of a real family again.

        School the next day was a tad different. Hitomi had to make Haruhi and Hitomi box lunches. Hitomi had promised that since they promised to let her live there, she would cook, clean and do whatever she could to pay back for all that she did. Sh had a lot of money in her bank account, so she paid for most of the food she bought even though they insisted.

        Then there were the twins.

        Haruhi and Hitomi were studying, Haruhi sitting at her desk and Hitomi knelt by the side instead of sitting herself, “Hey Hitomi! Haruhi!” Hikaru’s voice said and they both looked up to see a flamingo pink haired boy, “Good morning.”

        “Hikaru, what on earth happened to you hair?” Hitomi gave a small smile. She was so grateful, that she couldn’t stop smiling that entire day. She swore she saw Hikaru blush.

        “Don’t you think it’s cute?” He said proudly with a weird smile on his face. He acted as if he were missing something and he was. His twin, “From now on I’m the pink haired twin. I didn’t want to be mistaken for that Kaoru for the rest of my life, you know?”

        They heard footsteps and Hitomi turned her attention to behind Hikaru. Kaoru had dyed his hair blue, “Good morning, Hitomi. Haruhi.” He said and Hikaru gave him a strange glare.

        “So Kaoru’s the blue twin?” Haruhi inquired and Hitomi took her seat and she realized she was in-between both of the twins. Perfect.

        “I was finally able to sleep all by myself last night.” Kaoru smiled, “But I ended up having a nightmare. I dreamt that my stylist had dyed my hair pink. It was so garish and ridiculous looking, I woke up screaming.” He laughed and was about to sit down when Hikaru kicked the leg of his chair and he fell on his butt instead. Then Kaoru grabbed the leg of Hikaru’s chair and tipped it so that he fell as well.

        They stood up ominously and gave each other blank, yet scary stares. Then they proceeded to throw everything they could find at each other with Hitomi in the middle reading a novel. 

        After class, it was lunch. Hitomi had held onto Haruhi’s box lunch and handed to her, “Thanks.” She said and Hitomi looked at the menu and her stomach growled and she immediately hung her head in despair.

        “I’m sorry. That was rude.” Hitomi said in dismay and Haruhi only giggled. They passed the twins.

        “I’ll have the A Lunch.” They said at the exact same moment and then they glared at each other, “No, give me the B Pasta and D Salad.” Another glare. They then continued to order the same thing for a while, “Stop copying me! Why don’t you just leave me alone?!”

        “Amazing,” Hitomi sighed, “Perfect unison even while fighting.” Haruhi nodded twice.

        “I was wondering what all the fuss was about.” A light voice said and Tamaki appeared next to Hitomi, “I can’t believe the two of you are still fighting.” The rest of the Host Club was behind him, “You’re a disgrace to the Host Club.”

        “We’ve had enough of this!” Honey said, trying to sound serious but failing, “You’re both to blame for this fight.” He said cutely and the twins glared at him, “Hika-chan and Kao-chan i want you to have halfsies on this cake, okay?!” He held up a large strawberry cake, “But I want to have a piece to, so maybe we have to have thridsies.” They slowly got annoyed to the point where Hitomi was worried for Honey’s safety. Mori then picked up Honey and took him away, getting the point.

        “Oh Hitomi!” Tamaki changed the subject, “I didn’t expect to see you in the dining hall.”

        “I was worried about those two, so I came along.” Hitomi said and Haruhi chimed in.

        “I always make a box lunch, but ever since Hitomi started living with us, she’s made them for both us. She’s been doing a lot at our place.” Haruhi smiled and looked at her box lunch.

        Something struck in Tamaki. He was probably imagining Hitomi in a cute apron making lunch for him personally. But before he could say anything, Hitomi went to go sit with Haruhi to eat their lunches.

        “Hitomi? Do you want to sit here with me?” Hikaru asked, holding out a chair for her.

        “Uh, okay…” she said and she sat next to him with Haruhi across from them.

        “So, what’s that? What’d you bring for lunch?” He pointed to the box in front of Haruhi.

        “Hitomi’s box lunch. She made it this morning.” Haruhi started unwrapping it.

        “You want to switch with me? I had to order something different then Kaoru, so I ended up with stuff I don’t really like.” He took the box and gave the tray to Haruhi.

        “But I like Hitomi’s cooking…” Haruhi sighed and Hitomi switched with her.

        “I had made too much, so it’s basically the same thing. If you want…” Hitomi muttered and Haruhi smiled. Hitomi looked at the tray and her eyes went wide. it was magnificent. She took a small spoon of something or other and put it in her mouth and her face turned all girly. She was in love with this food. A small blush came to her face. All the Host Club members were looking at her and Haruhi was giggling. Hitomi felt like the pieces of a puzzle had all come together.

        On her side, Hikaru took a bite of the box lunch Haruhi had given him and he almost gave the same face. Was it really that good? She saw Tamaki crying in the background and next thing she knew, Tamaki was behind her with another tray.

        “Well played, Hikaru!” He said, “As a reward, I’d like to trade you my lunch for your box lunch.”

        “No way,” Hikaru said but Hitomi wasn’t paying attention to their small argument. Then Kaoru sat next to Hitomi.

        “So Hitomi,” he said as he sat down, “is that any good? How would you like to taste mine?” He asked and then lifted her chin as he was about to delicately put a spoon of something or other into her mouth. But someone else took it. Hikaru.

        “Quit butting in. Get lost, Koaru.” Hikaru said with his mouth full.

        Kaoru then threw a plate of soup at Hikaru but he was too quick. He had grabbed Tamaki and put him in front of the soup. Then they did the same thing as before and started throwing everything they could at each other. Hitomi sighed, grabbed her tray and went to go put it away. She then grabbed Haruhi’s box lunch and gave it back to her.

        “We’re going to go eat in the classroom.” She announced as they left.

        After school, the Host Club had issued a meeting of extreme importance. Hitomi passed out tea to all of the members as Kyoya explained the situation, “If this continues, I’m afraid that we’ll have to stop offering our brotherly love package. We’re down one pair of loving brothers.

        “Oh Hitomi, I just hope you don’t feel responsible. Even though it was your tactless comment that started this whole feud between the twins in the first place.” He smiled at her as she gave the last cup of tea to Haruhi. She bowed her head down. Of course she felt bad. Those twins were inseparable.

        “It’s weird to see Hika-chan and Kao-chan to be fighting like this.” Honey said, paying with Usa-chan, “It’s never happened before.” Mori nodded his head.

        “I know, you guys. I feel awful.” Hitomi brushed her hair back, “Hikaru and Kaoru never fought, even for as long I’ve known them. I mean, I have known them for over four years now, even a little further if I think about it now. I never got to talk to them, but I remember that they always played together. Always.”

        “Yeah, that’s true.” Tamaki said, “I mean, I’ve known the twins since they were in middle school, but they definitely stood out. It seemed like they kept everyone at a distance except each other. Believe it or not, they were even more warped back then.” He said, smiling at the memory, “When you stop and think about it, maybe this fight is a good thing for them. Maybe it means the twins are expanding their horizons a bit.” He said optimistically, “We should just leave them and let them work it out.”

        And who knows? Maybe it is a good thing for them. But if this is their first fight, they need someone to help them. But, would they know how to make up?

        The twins had shown up later and they were still throwing things at each other, even in the room the Host Club owned. It was horrible and Hitomi felt bad as it was, but this was much worse.

        “Don’t you guys think it’s time to give up all this fighting?” Tamaki said, shaking with annoyance, “It’s driving me insane!”

        “What’d you say? It’s driving you insane! You’ve got to be kidding, how do you think I feel right now?” Hikaru gasped, “Every time I look in the mirror, I see his face. I’m sick and tired of being mistaken for you Kaoru! The truth is I hate your guts!” Hiakru yelled.

        “You took the words right out of my mouth. In fact, I hate you so much that I bought this, Belzenef the curse doll!” He held up a wooden doll of the cat. Tamaki screamed in horror, “I’m going to complete the curse, Hikaru.” He held up a black marker, “I’m going to write your name on his back. From this day forward, you’re going to experience nothing but misfortune and sorrow.” He began writing.

        “Would you guys knock it off?!” Hitomi screamed and Haruhi hit both of the twins on the head, causing the Hosts, even Mori, to look shocked, “What do you think you’re doing?!” She held up the doll, “You don’t bring something like this into a petty fight!”

        “Both of you are at fault here, but what’s really sad is that you brought everyone else around you into your big mess!” Haruhi added and Hitomi gave her a smile of thanks.

        “Now apologize to each other!” Hitomi said.

        “If you don’t make up right now, I’m never going to let you come over to my house, do I make myself clear?” Haruhi said and Hitomi knew what was happening.

        “Haruhi,” Hitomi said and put a hand on her shoulder, “we lost.”

        “What?” Haruhi asked and she looked at the two smirking twins.

        “So then what you’re saying is that you’ll let us come over to your house if we make up?” The asked in unison, surrounding the two girls. They then put their arms around each other and crossed their legs. Hitomi turned the curse doll around. Blank. They screamed in terror. Hikaru put his arms around Kaoru.

        “I’m so sorry, Kaoru.” He said, “Even though I was following our script, I said such awful things to you. I’m not fit to be your brother.”

        “Don’t say that, Hikaru!” Kaoru protested, “I couldn’t live with myself if I thought I ever hurt you.” They said the weirdest things. Hitomi let the curse doll drop.

        “You’ve got to be kidding!” Honey screamed, “You mean you guys were faking it this whole time.”

        “We didn’t have anything else to do. We were bored.” They screamed in unison.

        “Do you realize how bad you made Hitomi feel?” Haruhi said and Hitomi started waving her hands around, “She came to my room last night and started freaking out saying that you never fought and that she felt like a terrible friend.” They stopped laughing and looked at Hitomi who hung her head. The twins proceeded to hug her.

        “We can all make up, at your place.” They whispered and Hitomi didn’t know why she felt bad in the first place.

        The next day, they announced that the twins had made up and all the girls squealed for joy, “Okay, it’s time to play the ‘Which One Is Hikaru?’ game!” They said in unison.

        “I know, the twin with the pink hair is Hikaru.” A girl said and they raised their arms.

        “We have a winner!” They shouted.

        “It’s so much easier to tell you two part now.” Another girl commented and as Hitomi set down tea she looked up with a smile.

        “No it isn’t.” She said and they all gave her inquisitive looks, “Today the pink one is Kaoru and the blue is Hikaru. You swapped colors for the day, huh?” And she left with a smile.

        And for the first time, someone had entered their world.


        This, as I had said before in the previous chapter, is one of my favorite episodes because I love the twins so much and I really wanted Hitomi to be apart of their world, even if she was going to fall for someone else.

        I'm sorry this was so short, i have very limited time to write and when I do, I'm started to paraphrase so that I can have the chapters ready for the next installment. The only time I have to write is Saturday, Sunday and Monday and a little bit throughout the rest of the week, if I have my HW done and I don't have Karate so early, but I will always meet my deadlines.

        There may, sometime in the distant future, where I cannot upload for some reason, and I promise to make it, this I swear. I just hope it doesn't come to that. After Band Camp, when i couln't upload, that was terrible. I promise that won't happen again.

        Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to comment, vote and share as well as add it to your Reading Lists and Libraries. Thanks so much for everything!

Love always,

Nicole-y (Fanfiction Version)

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