Switched | Zayn Malik AU

Oleh stylesmonarchy

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Constace Flynn and Zayn malik woke up one day in each other's bodies... literally. Lebih Banyak

The morning after
An invitation
Little Black Dress
Road Rage
That cycle
The Break-Up
The Prince
Tenerife Sea
Starry, starry night
Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels
The Boys' Locker Room
White paint
Sunsets and Fireworks
The Brightest Star
Pillow fight
City of Love
Bowling balls
Meet the Parents
The Truth
Night Changes
The Past
Homecoming game
The dress
After Party


1.7K 108 64
Oleh stylesmonarchy

Constance's POV

"Miss Stacy? Miss Stacy, a man your age is downstairs, and he asked me to wake you up. He said that you were expecting him." One of our maids said, waking me up.

What? Have I been sleeping for 24 hours already? Was that Louis? I already told him I wasn't coming to the party!

"Tell him I'll be down in a few minutes." I commanded.

I went into my closet to find something comfortable to wear. When I went out of the room, A almost shouted when I saw Zayn sitting on my bed.

"How the fuck did you--"

"This." He interrupts while holding up his key to my room.

"Give that back, you won't be needing that anymore." I said, trying to snatch it away from him.

"No can do, Princess. I'll be keeping this from now on." He says, putting the key back into the pocket of his jacket.

"And why is that?"

"Because you're going to forgive me for what I said earlier and because I'm going to use it to get into your room whenever I want to." He says.

Right. That's it. That's the last straw.

"Listen here, Zayn." I say as I move my face closer to his while staring deep into his eyes.

God, his eyes are beautiful.

"You can't always tell me what to do because you do not own me. Last time I checked, you hate me and I hate you just as much. We're back to our normal lives and we're not in each other's bodies anymore. What more do you want from me?! One minute you're un-inviting me to your party and the next minute, you're here telling me that I should forgive you and that you can come into my room anytime you want? You think I want to be with you? Hell, I don't even want to see you again!" I said.

"Something wrong here, Miss Stacy?" Our maid enters the room.

"No, just... um, Maria could you please.. Escort Mister Zayn out of the house, please? Thanks." I say, turning around and walking to the dresser.

"Wait, Maria, could you please leave us alone for a while? Please. I just need to say something to Constance before I leave." Zayn asks.

I nodded my head, causing Maria to leave the room. I hear the door shut.

"I practiced this um, monologue inside my head but um, now I've forgotten everything I was supposed to say. I got frustrated for what I just did, I... Look, Constance, I'm sorry. I was supposed to sincerely apologize for what I did earlier today but instead of doing that, I uh, I..."

"Somehow, we're like um, two characters in a beautiful painting in a piece of canvas and we don't know who the painter was, and, um, when I was still in your body I... I ruined the painting by splatting black paint into it and... when I went back to my real body I... I chuck the painting into a shredder and then I... I didn't like what I did to the painting so I tried to tape the pieces back together and then realized that I really couldn't do it so I burned it intead... And it's impossible to bring it back, you know?"

I really didn't understand what he was saying, but I know for a fact that he was feeling something extreme inside of him. Louis told me that Zayn uses figures of speech whenever he feels extreme feelings. Extreme happiness, hate, sadness, confusion...

"For some reason I wanted you to hate me more than you already do, as much as I wanted you to want me more than you already don't. Because of the confusion I was feeling, I... I tried to make you want to be as far away from me as possible, cause that was what I was feeling.," He says. "I don't want to like you, Constance. But here I am, begging for our forgiveness because somehow, I want to be as close to you as possible and it fucking frustrates me a lot because I know you don't fucking feel the same way."

I still wasn't turning around, but I can see from the mirror that he was sitting down on my bed with his hand on his forehead.

"You know what? Forget what I just said. It's the worst fucking piece of explanation I have ever given in my life. I'm just... I'm sorry, okay? If you don't want to forgive me, I will understand. But come to the party tomorrow night? It would make Lou and George upset if you don't come. Bye."

He says as he walks out of the room, leaving the key on my bedside drawer.

Okay, what just happened?

I called George to tell her what happened but she wasn't picking up so I called Louis intead.

"So Zayn came to your house to apologize and what did you say to him?" Louis says as he picks up the phone, not giving me time to say hello.

"He was speaking in metaphors." I said.


"And I didn't answer him? I didn't know what to say!"

"Wait, what did he say, exactly?"

"Well, I don't know his exact words but... It was about us being in a painting, not knowing who painted it, and he tries to ruin the painting but when he tried to fix it, he fails so he burns it?" Ohh! I get it now!

"You know, for a straight-A student you're kinda.."

"Stupid, I know." I interrupt.

"I was going for "slow", but "stupid"'s okay," he says. "So, um, you going to the party? Zayn's upset so he probably won't go." He lies. I know Zayn will be hosting the party. Why does he have to lie?

"I know Zayn's going to be there, he owns the place. But I'll think about it. I know how George is when she's drunk." I say before hanging up on Louis.

I didn't want to be heartless, I mean, I didn't know Zayn felt that way about me. If he wanted to be friends with me, why won't he just say so? Why does he have to be mean to me?

I check my phone for messages and see Harry's text: "Hi, you still up? :) xx"

"Yep :) xx" I replied. It feels surreal to be texting with my ultimate crush. I've always liked Harry. I've liked him before I even liked Gavin. When he found out about what Gavin did to me, he stopped hanging out with him.

"Meet me at Milkshake Planet? xx" He says. Oh My God. It's the first time I'd actually get to hang out with him!!!!!!!! I mean, I know Zayn's hung out with him before when he was still in my body but now, I actually get to speak to him!!!

"Yeah, sure. Meet you in thirty minutes? xx" I replied. Milkshake Planet was one block away from my house, but fifteen minutes away from Harry's. I didn't know if he was going to walk or drive, but the maximum time it would take for him to get there would be 20 minutes.

I changed into comfy shorts and a plain pink cotton shirt and walked to Milkshake Planet. I thought about whether I should go to the party or not. I know I should because Louis and Georgie's going to be there, but Zayn's gonna be there, too. I don't want to spend tomorrow night thinking about ways on how to avoid him.

Knowing I was too early, I passed by All Booked Up that was located across Milkshake Planet to buy the latest Frankie magazine. I also ordered a Yen magazine from them. They don't really sell those here but I know the owner of the booktore and she knows where to get them so I still get my monthly issues.

When I went out of the bookstore, I saw Harry going out from the passenger side of a vintage car. I went back into the bookstore and looked at the driver through the tinted shop door. A girl was driving the car. Long, blonde, lavender-tip, with pink highlights, dip-dyed hair. He looked into the car and the girl moved to the passenger side and tried to kiss him. I didn't look, it was too painful.

Maybe Zayn misinterpreted it when he met Harry? He was stuck in my body and he didn't know Harry. Maybe Harry doesn't really like me?

I went out of the bookstore, trying to walk away from the store as fast as I could.

"Stacy! Stacy I'm here!" Harry shouted. I turned around. What was I supposed to do? He was my ultimate crush! I automatically turn around whenever I hear someone calling his name! I WILL turn around when I actually hear him say my name!

"Oh, I didn't see you there. Hi." I smiled.

"Hi Cupcake. Ready to get some milkshake?" He says, kissing my cheek.

Do not blush do nout blush do not blush!!!!

"Cupcake. Milkshake. Rhymes." He laughs.

Do!!! Not!!! Blush!!!!

"You're blushing.. I made you blush!" God, I feel so embarrassed!!!!

"Come on, let's go inside?" He smiles. Oh My God I love his dimples.

He puts his hand at the small of my back and I swear I'm having goosebumps right now. Harry Styles is touching me!!!!!

We walked into the milkshake place and he guides me to a table.

"Well, Hi Harry who is this fine young lady?" A woman in her Milkshake Planet says as she approaches us.

"Irene!!! Good to see you!!! You're back!!!!" Harry says as he stands up and hugs the woman.

Seriously?! The woman's like... forty! First he kisses a girl and now she's flirting with a woman?! I can't blame him though, that woman's a total MILF! Kinda like Courtney Cox, but busty-er.

Thinking about that girl from earlier made me really upset. Maybe Harry has a girlfriend and he just wants to be friends with me? I mean, he kissed the girl and he just went out of her car! It really bothers me that I'm out with a guy who has a girlfriend.

"Oh, where are my manners... Hi, I'm Irene," the woman holds out her hand for a shake. "I'm Harry's Aunt." I shook her hand.

Wait, what?! Aunt?!

"Yeah but I never call her "Aunt" cause she doesn't wanna feel old." Harry says and they both laugh.

"That's because I'm not old!" she says. "Where's Gem?"

"She drove me here, she went to her boyfriend's place. Gemma's lactose intolerant, remember? She can't really hang out with me whenever I'm here. If I had known you were back from Vegas, I would've asked her to stop by." Harry explains.

Oh so the girl's name's Gemma... who is she?

"So you haven't met Harry's sister yet? She's a fine woman. Very very classy and intelligent." Irene says. "You should meet her before she leaves LA!"

"I'd love to." I reply. So that was Harry's sister! That's why she looked like him!

"Anyway, Harry don't worry, it's on me. You two go enjoy your meal. It was nice meeting you...? I'm sorry I didn't catch your name.."

"Stacy. Stacy Flynn."

"Well, Stacy, it was a pleasure meeting you." She tells me. "And Harold, I got a good feeling she's a keeper. Be nice to her." Irene winks at Harry.

Harry laughs. Oh God, I love it when he laughs. His eyes just twinkle like the sky's brightest stars.

I just sounded like a freaky fangirl but who cares???? I'm with Harry freaking Styles!!!!! Who is really really single!!!!

"Stace? Are you alright?" Harry says. Oh my gosh he must've noticed me grinning like an idiot.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just.. really happy for getting Frankie and Yen from the bookstore across the street." I say, motioning to the paperbag where the magazines are in.

"Those magazines? Gemma loves those. She models sometimes, that's why. Um, I'm sorry you didn't get to meet her, she was in a hurry a while ago." He says.

"Oh no, it's alright, I can meet her some other time." I paused. "I mean... there WILL be another time, right?"

"I was afraid you'd never say that!" Harry says. "Of course there will be a next time! And many other times!"

He's smiling again. Ahh, those dimples and those eyes and just everything about him is so wonderful.

We spent the night talking about each other, how he was in my former school and how I was in my new school. Our schools are near each other's and our schedules are almost the same, so if ever we want to hang out, we can always find time to see each other.

He also told me some jokes, which, honestly, were really lame, but since Harry tells them, they instantly become funny.

We were still talking and laughing while he was walking me back to my house.

"Hey, um, about that dinner, are we still on? Sunday night?" He asks.

"Um, yeah, the dinner, um, sure! Of course! I'll text you." I said, smiling at him even though I'm totally clueless.

"Great! Um, here we are... I think?" we stopped at the park which was two houses near my house. I didn't want to be seen by my mom or our maids.

We both become silent.

I stared at his eyes and even though it was dark and we only had streetlamps and the moon and the stars as the source of light, his eyes were still shining beautifully. They were staring into mine and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

We were inches away from each other and I closed my eyes. He better be kissing me, or else this whole neighborhood, the entire world, and the creatures in other planets will feel the awkwardness.

He takes my right hand and intertwines it with his, and then he leans in and I felt his delicate lips touch mine.

And then there were sparks.

And then I heard some background music, I swear I did.

Of course I kissed back.

And then Harry pulled back from the kiss, only to hold my face on using his free hand and smiled. And then kissed me again.

Daaamn, he was a real good kisser.

"I've waited so long to do that. If I had the chance to do that before Gavin did, we could have been the happiest couple ever." He says. I didn't even flinch when he mentioned Gavin. That's how magical it was.

"This is going to be really awkward, but, do you like me?" I stupidly ask. But could you blame me? He never told me that he liked me!

"I think I've answered this question before, but if you want me to answer it again..."

And then he kissed me again. This time, with tongue. And I swear it was the most amazing kiss ever.

"I like you too." I say, breaking the kiss. "I gotta go now. Thank you for tonight." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Baby. I had fun." He smiled.

I walked to my house and waved goodbye.


I was practically skipping around the house when I came in. It's been a long time since I've last felt this way. In fact, it was better than when I first time felt this way.

This time, it felt magical. I felt like a Disney Princess with all the birds dancing around me singing.

I checked my phone and Harry texted me: "Goodnight Cupcake ;) xx"

As soon as I had texted back, I did what any normal female teenager would do after a first date. I played Taylor Swift songs and danced around my room.

Wait, we hung out and kissed, so that has to be a first date, right?

Anyway, after writing on my journal, I went to bed. I spent so much time replaying what happened between me and Harry in my head that I fell asleep at almost 4 in the morning.

I woke up to my phone's loud ringing.

I answered the call without looking at my phone.


"Stace, wake up! I've got nothing to wear! Can I come over?"

I hang up. I didn't even answer. Whether I like it or not (although I DO like it most of the time), she's still going to come over.

About thirty minutes after, I found Georgie inside my walk-in closet.

"Why are you not freaking out? We're going to our first college party with our new schoolmates!" Georgie squeals.

"George, um, look, can you... handle yourself tonight? I'm not in the mood for a party and the host of the party hasn't been treating me well so I'm just gonna skip this one."

"Nonsense! Louis called me this morning and told me to convince you to come to the party. Come on come on please you have to come with me pleeeeease!" She says as she does the puppy dog eyes. It doesn't work on me anymore, although it does to other people.

"You can get dressed and you can do your makeup here, I can even drive you to that party and pick you up after, but I won't be going inside Zayn's penthouse suite." I say, trying to compromise.

"Awww but Stace! There are going to be hot guys there!"

"Um, I might not be needing hot guys anymore." I said, "Harry kissed me last night."

"What?! And you didn't even tell me right away?" George shouted.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? When Zayn came here last night I tried calling you but you weren't picking up so I thought you were already sleeping! So when I went home from hanging out with Harry, I didn't call you anymore."

"Zayn came over last night?! Woah. Why was everything happening when I'm not around? No fair!"

"Well if you weren't there, Harry might not have kissed me, right? That would be really really awkward."

"How was it?" She asks, now sitting beside me.

"There were birds and butterflies and sparks and hearts and flowers everywhere."

"Was there tongue?"

I nodded.

"Oh My God Congratulations Stace!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Oh, why don't you just invite Harry to the party tonight? Or hang out with him somewhere instead? Don't worry, Louis driving me to and from Zayn's. You go have fun!"

"No, I want to just stay here and catch up on my novels." I said.

I needed to read Everyday by Levithan. It was about a soul transfering from one body to another. I needed to find solutions and explanations for this mystery. What if it happens everywhere, to everyone, but they were too scared to reveal it to people? Or what if they were just too good at pretending to be someone else that no one really notices?

"Okay, but you'll be up the entire night, right? Just in case I needed someone to drive me home?"

"Yep." I said. She doesn't even have to ask me. My circadian rhythm, or should I say, "body clock", goes like this: Awake at 6 am to 1 am, sleep at 1 am to 6 am. I have enough energy to go through the entire day. I can adjust my sleeping time for until I was only running on two hours of sleep, but when I'm really really tired, I can sleep anytime, anywhere.

One time I fell asleep at the cafeteria. When I woke up, two boys were already being called to the principal's office for starting a food fight. People say it was loud enough to be heard outside the school, but I still didn't wake up.

While Georgie spent the day planning her outfits and makeup in my closet, I read the novel Everyday. I was a fast reader and I finished the book before 5 pm, just in time for Georgie to get ready.

The book ended with no explanation to the soul transfering slash body switching. It was a great book, and people would probably love it, but for people like me who just read the book for answers, I was quite disappointed. I couldn't blame Levithan, though. It wasn't his main purpose for writing the book anyway.

The doorbell rang at exactly 7 pm. Georgina looked really dashing. She was wearing a short red dress from one of my designer clothes collection. I was more than happy to lend those clothes to her because that was the only way they could be used.

We went down to the living room to meet Louis who was with Eleanor. Louis looked hot with his plain white button down. I also noticed that he shaved his facial hair off. Clean-cuf Louis. I like it. He looked like someone my parents would want me to date. Eleanor also looked cute. She was wearing a navy blue, pleated dress. It was simple, but elegant.

"Have fun, guys!" I waved goodbye.

"If you ever change your mind, call me and I'll pick you up right away!" Louis shouted.

I went up to my room and realized that since I've already finished the novel, I've ran out of things to do.

After a few minutes, George called me.

"Stace! You gotta come here! Matty Healy's going to be here!"

CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Hi guys! :) If you like the story/this chapter, please comment/vote/share!!! :) Your opinions matter to me :) I want to delete this story, though, since I don't think anyone likes it. I'm still thinking about it :) Thanks guys!!! :)

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