A Darker Shade of Light

By belajamison

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She brings a whole new meaning to this small world we live in. Naiomi a gangster at heart whos life are more... More

Heads Up
I'm Late
This Moment
That Same Night
We've Been Discovered
I Dont Know What I Did
It Was You
A Long Way To The Top
Party Till You Drop
The Day Off part.1
A Day off Part 2
Im Trying To Be Nice.
I Know
Who's In Control
Blocked Number
Victory For Now
Say Yess
Who was it pt.1
Who was it Part.2
So It Was You.
Jimin v. Yoongi The fight for Dom.
Gun Violence
Beale Street
At The Family Reunion
Sorry Love
It Will Kill Me Too
Shawn and Quay
It Will Kill Me Too pt.2
Nasty Fucks and Wake and Bakes
He's Gay?
I Fuckin Love You
Forever Rain
To Naiomi!
Nai Nai Land
Q&A Questions
Lo and Behold
Where Am I
I Want....
Come With Me
I Bet The Neighbors Know My Name
Im Sowwy
Hold Me
Hiding It
Its out there Now
I Want You
Come Back Home
Hey There
Nick and Naila.
X Rated
Im So Sorry
Husband and Husband pt.1
Im making Yet Another Banger
Husband & Husband pt.2
Husband and Wife
New Book

I Gotta get Outta Here

44 2 4
By belajamison

"So....since the police cant seem to do their fucking job. We are gonna do it." Shawn says aggressively loading up his gun."All of you guys are fuckin Asian please tell me at least one of yall know how to hack into shot or something."

"Heeeyyyy" Jimin says in disbelief.

"I'll see what I can do." Hoesoek says walking towards a laptop.

He begin typing away at it.

"OK. So I was able to pick up a direction of the signal from the phone call. It landed somewhere on the woods on the east side." Hoeseok says. "I cant mark a actual pinpoint but its somewhere around here." He showed the laptop displaying a location.

They all got into the car and head off.

(Naiomi's pov)

Everything hurts. I finally got to see the man who was constantly raping me and beating me. It's an old man. He was big and buff and smelled of pee and alcohol. He  let my feet and hands go from the chained position and just hand one of my hands handcuffed to the bed. I could've easily gotten out of them now but the man never left the room. And when he did the metal door was impossible to open. He would feed me a bowl of oatmeal every morning. Force himself in me or beat me up. If I didnt say the things he wanted to hear then he would whip me. My skin was dark with bruises and I havent even gotten to see my face that he casually punched when he is mad.

"Baby why the glum look?" The old man ask attempting to caress my face.

"Dont fucking call me that!" I spit moving my face away. "Why? Why me huh?"

"Because baby. Your an easy target. Your out in the open. And you pathetic ass dont have any real allies."
He chuckled." You think anybody really cares about your black ass. Your a money maker. An attention getter. There is nothing about you that is special but the fact your easy money." He bluntly stated picking up a glass bottle if beer.

Naiomi took advantage of it as she snatched the bottle. Broke it against the mans head knocking him out cold.

She took.a.shard of thin glass and began to pick the lock she was gonna have to move fast.

She ran spuraticly around the room looking for something.  She opened a drawer and found a shirt and threw it on.

The place was extremely junky she found a metal pole laying somewhere on the ground.

This was going to have to be her weapon.

"I Just want to get out." She whined trying to figure out how to open the steel door.

There wasnt any windows so it was the only way out.

Then she heard something.

From the outside.


"Are you sure this is the right area." Shawn asked walking up to the old house.

"It has to be." Hoeseok reassured

Jungkook and Namjoon looked around the premises looking for a point of entree.

The both kicked down the front door.

Jimin ran in with his gun in hand as he scanned the filthy area followed by Yoongi.

Jin and Tae stayed as the getaway at the car. He had the police on standby.

Shawn went into the house next.

The house was filthy traces of blood and dead rats filled the area. Beer bottles trashed the floor. It was pure disgust.

"God where are you Naiomi." Namjoon said to himself looking around.

Then he heard a bang on a door.

I started banging on the door and unheard the voices come closer.

"Can you hear me? If you can knock twice."

knock knock

"Is this Naiomi? Knock twice for yes knock once for no."

Knock knock

"Is the man in there?"

A squeal followed by a big bang was heard.  From the outside


"SHES IN TROUBLE." Namjoon says ramming his body into the door.

After a couple of tries it finally knocked down.

Naiomi was held by the strange man with a shard of glass up to her neck.

"Now this wasnt part of our deal." The man said.

"Fuck you." Shawn said holding a gun pointed to his head.

Namjoon took a good look at his girlfriend.

There were cuts on her lips where it should've been his lips.

There was broken skin on her wrist where there shouldve been diamonds.

There littered bruises where sweet kisses shouldve been place.

Whip marks where the finest clothes shouldve been.

Dried up blood from the inside of her thighs showed how badly she was taped where she shouldve been taken care of properly.

His baby.

His lover.

Was torn.

Namjoon picked up the whip and whipped the mans face.

Making him let go of Naiomi who ran into the arms of Shawn.

They watched as Namjoon relentlessly whipped the man till you could see the white meet all over. He then took his gun and aimed it at the now whining man.

Contemplating whether he should just end the mans life.

"Dont do it. The police are here. We got Naiomi." Jimin said scared of what would happen next. Jungkook walked a away not being able to stomach the state of the man.

Naiomi walked up to Namjoon and held the gun with him.

" We cant killem. But we can just......." she pointed the gun at one of his knee caps.


Then she aimed for the other


The man cried in agony.

"You will never walk again.....Bitch" and with that Naiomi wobbled out the room not being able to hold her own weight.

Namjoon picked her up bridal style and kissed her forehead.

"I'm never letting you go ever again." Namjoon whispered in her ear."Ever."


I know that was a lot to take in but I promise it will get better as the story line goes.

Should I write another book???

I really am getting a hang of this...hmm

Anyways dont forget to like and comment so I have someone to talk to.


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