I Was Forced To Become The De...

Da Shadowalker_2

208K 5.5K 1.9K

Kazuto Juro, born in a Distinguish family of talented individuals known throughout the world. No matter where... Altro

Summon (Edited)
New world (Edited)
New world-2 (Edited)
Humiliation and Despair-1(Edited)
Humiliation and Despair-2
Humiliation and Despair-3(Edited)
War (Edited)
Battle At The Fortress-1
Battle At The Fortress-2
(BATF-3) Helpless (Edited)
(BATF-4) soulless (Edited)
My Pet (Edited)
Training-2 (Edited)
The Forgotten Forest
Unwanted Trouble-1
Unwanted Trouble-2
A Painful Past
Don't Let Go
Don't Say Goodbye
Prove Your Worthy-1
Prove Your Worthy-2
Chief Selection
End Results
Gathering A Team
Black Hound-1
Black Hounds-2
The Hidden Village
Death's Little Village-1
Death's Little Village-2
Death's Little Village-3


4.3K 129 22
Da Shadowalker_2

"The Forgotten Forest. A giant prison where criminals, exiles, Etc. anyone who's unfortunate enough to be sent to this forsaken place. This forest is located somewhere within the Demon realm but no one remembers where exactly hence it's forgotten. The only means of getting here is the use of a powerful portal"- sakuya

"Wait, if the only way to get here is through a portal then can't someone who has that ability or use teleportation magic escape"

"Even if it's just normal teleportation magic or a special skill it doesn't matter, This place it's...it's not normal. There's something preventing anyone from leaving the forest and the land is extremely vast. It's like a powerful barrier that keeps you here once you set foot on the land. The only ones who can come and go as they please are demon lords and even they can't stay for very long or they will also be trap here. The location may be forgotten but we know it's been here for centuries maybe back during the Demon kings rule but no one knows. This place is a mystery, with lands broken up into different sections housing different powerful demon beast, no way of escaping even for the most dangerous of demons, absolutely perfect for a prison and the worst place to spend your last days"

I felt anger in her voice saying that last part. I can tell from her enrage eyes that something must have happened before she was sent here, something she'll never let go. Heh it's funny, I'm the same way. As she was talking she was facing forward, eyes glued to the ground and hands clutching together till they began to bleed. I don't feel sorry for her but I could empathize with the way she feels. I lean over and grab both her hands to remove them from each other and place them into mine. She looks at me surprise by my sudden actions.

"Remember that time you threw me into the ravine? Haha, man you were brutal....You said back then my eyes where cold and distance yet had a fiery rage, then asked me what could have happened to change it to this extent? What's driven you to seek power while not caring for your life? Well let me ask you"

I looked into her beautiful scarlet eyes making sure she looking into mine.

"What could have happened to make those scarlet eyes of your filled with rage and yet, so much sadness"

Her eyes widen and her lips slightly opened, looking at me surprise. I guess she didn't expect me saying that. She broke off eye contact and pulled her hand out of my mine chuckling.

"Heheh stupid brat, don't think I'm just going to tell you my life story or anything.........and don't bother trying to push on that subject either. I hate it when you try to read me almost as much as I hate that idiotic smile of yours"

It look like she doesn't want to talk about it but to me......it doesn't really seem like that's the case, otherwise why ask me the question to begin with.

"Heh, fine if that's what you want I won't pry. I wouldn't like it either if someone try to get me to talk about something I rather not relive"

I gave her a small grin. She quickly turns her head away and I swear I thought her ears looked red.

"Tsk. I-I'm going to go and....clean up that mess over in the base s-so just stay here"

Bullshit, you don't clean. Is what I wanted to say but I just wave as she takes off. I needed her to leave me alone anyway, I didn't want her to...see...me like-

"(Whisper) Ughh, d-dammit"

I fell to the ground laying there as I hold on to my Demonic arm.


It was pulsating like never before. It was doing it the whole time I was talking to sensei but I tried my damn hardest to play it off like nothing was wrong. Even before my accident it started back up along with the urges but it was less severe and more durable. I guess it didn't get its fill back then but after my accident with the dormant of my MP it never once acted up. Not since yesterday when my MP finally started returning which should be a good thing but now.....it's taking everything I have to keep it in check and away from sensei.

"(Whisper) Kkkeeehaaaa. Co..me..on. Go....awa..y...dammit"

The fingers tips began moving aggressively on its own. I held my arm down but.....it kept getting more aggressive with each passing second. All that time in dormant must have made it starve. I looked around trying to find something to restrain it with, then what came in view was the katana I was using.



As soon as I heard her voice behind me  my Demonic arm stop moving....then turn itself towards the direction sensei was coming from. In that moment....I quickly reached for the katana and grab it and at the same time my arm jumped up and was about to head towards her. I quickly rise the blade.



"Mm? Ahh~ sensei what's up? I thought you were supposed to be cleaning or something"

I look up and back at her.

"What?...o-ohh~ that. well that's not important, anyway where's my sweet honey!?"

She points her finger in my face.

"(Sigh~) sensei did you already forget I used it all to make you that sweet honey cake the other day"

She grabs her chin upon remembering that day.

"Oh that, I can't believe I nearly forgot about that. Well this is good anyhow we needed to go mine more ores and we could get some sweet honey while we're at it.......mm? Is something wrong? Your sweating like crazy"

"Eh? Nonono not at all I'm just.....you really do love sweet honey huh"

"What a stupid question. Of course I love sweet honey who doesn't!!?"

This woman.

"Haha, alright alright. Tell you what I'll make another sweet honey cake for you later how does that sound"

"Hmhm~ I say you just became my sweet honey angel. I go and do a quick inventory check before we head out. You?"

"I'll~ just stay here for a bit. Still licking my wounds haha"

"Well suck it up. Stop dwelling on the fact that you lost and focus on right now"

She begins walking off.

"Yea~ I'm doing just that"

I look down at the blade that's currently through my Demonic arm and into the ground. It's a good thing she didn't see it and I'm glad I was able to pierce through my armor like skin. Hurray for Monstrous Strength but damn that hurt like hell. The urge seem to have calmed down and my hand wasn't moving anymore so I pulled the blade out.

"Ughh dammit"

I place the blade next to me and was about to go grab bandages but then the wound on my arm it...it started repairing itself, stitching the open wound till it close.

"Just what the hell are you?"

I got to remain cautious. Who knows when it'll start acting up again and I can't be near her when it does...I can't.
15 Minutes later sensei showed up and the both of us headed out.

Our destination was some small caves deep in the mountains, where large quantities of ores can be found. They grow where there's been dense magic energy in the environment for a large amount of time and the denser the magic energy the purer it gets. Ores are materials mostly use to make weapons and other standard tools and equipments and the purer the ores the better the equipment. There's also different types of ores like magic ores that are ores that's been collecting large amounts of magic energy for a long time and are the results to making magic weapons. There's more types and the same could be said about alloys and if you combine them with certain types you can have one hell of a armory. But enough about that.

I'm walking behind sensei while keeping an eye out from any nearby beast since a lot of them live out in the mountains. Sensei's keeping an eye out for any sweet honey even though there aren't any in the area but I guess you can't be too sure. Even with that mask on I can tell she's very determine. I brought with me the mining tools and my sword of course which is now position on my back and as a must I now carrie my katana on the left side of my waist since it will be my primary weapon. She instructed me to leave the axe since I'm not going to use it anymore. magic weapon or not a student of mine will focus on the training and mastery of the weapons I teach, that's what she said anyway. Plus she said I'm too reckless with it.

We reach the foot of the mountain without any problem. When we got there there was already many small and midsize ores growing just on the base of the mountain. Looks like we won't have to climb too far up the mountain to collect many ores. I looked at sensei smiling at our happy break but she had a concern look while staring at the ores.

"Something isn't right"

She said while crouching to feel the ores.

"What isn't right? Isn't this a good thing? You said we were going to have to climb to get any decent ores but these look decent enough to me"

She continued to feel the ores examining it carefully. Then got up to look around.

"I came here a month age and these weren't here before. Meaning something change the magic energy in the environment dramatically for these to grow so quickly. Maybe a very powerful demon beast made nest here, or..."

She went silent just looking into space thinking. I was confuse and just stared at her curious with what she might say. After she was done thinking she look to me and gave me an order.

"Investigate the cause of this phenomenon and report back here within an hour times. I'll go up the mountain you stay at the base and check the surroundings. Don't. Do. Anything. Reckless"

She said in a stern manner while poking my chest to make sure I understood. Though it was sudden she gave me orders but I just smile at her letting her know I got this.

"Hey no worries, if anything happens I'll take care of it"

She plucks my forehead which sends my head flying up and making me stumble backwards.

"OWW!! What the hell!! That hurt dammit!!"

I look at her while rubbing my bruise forehead. She holds her head and motion it back and forth.

"That's exactly what I'm worried about"

She removes her hand and faces me.

"Just, figure out the cause of the sudden increase in magic energy"

Before I could yell at her again she started dashing up the mountain. I let out a sigh still rubbing my forehead.

"She didn't have to pluck me.....Heheh It doesn't matter, maybe she should have thought twice before running up a mountain while wearing a skirt. White with black polkadots huh, hehe-hahaha!!! Never would have imagine her in those hahaha!! That's hilarious"

I began my search laughing away.


"(Twitch).......I just got the sudden urge to kill that boy. Hm~ maybe I'll just beat the hell out of him later just because"

With each climb I take I see the ores increase in numbers and size since my last trip here. Something major happened and with the amount and rate it's increasing in there's surely will be trouble. I have to find the cause and if it can't be dealt with then.......we'll have to harvest as much as we can and leave as quickly as possible.


So far I haven't found anything that would cause an increase in magic energy but....I don't even know what I'm looking for. I couldn't find anything unusually near the foot of the mountain so I thought of checking in the forest instead. I kept my guard up and my left hand resting on top of my katana's scabbard with my thumb slightly pushing it out. Must be ready for anything.

I felt a sudden spike of MP not too far from my position but then it quickly disappeared. I'm not getting any bad vibes so I started slowly making my way in that direction. When I got near where I assume was the sudden MP spike location I stop and was surprise by the scene before me.

"Wow, what happened here?"

The surroundings were a mess, full of Destruction. broken trees and scorched grass, claw marks everywhere, large craters, and fresh blood in the air. A major fight went down and as I continue walking the destruction continues like a trail.

"It must have been one hell of a fight for them to leave a huge trail. Could it be a territorial fight or something?Hm?"

I came to a stop. There wasn't anymore trail to follow. The destruction stopped here and it seem like they fought for a while in this location. I look around for anything I could find that would indicate what happened here. The MP here is still strong so maybe this has something to do with the sudden increase of magic energy.

"Well if two high ranking Demon Beast with high MP did fight here near the mountains then that would probably explain things, but can something like that really be the case. Maybe with this sensei would cut me some slack for a bit-(Splash) hm?

I look down to notice I stepped in a puddle of blood, but I also noticed a trail of it leading back to where the mountain is. I raise an eye brow while smiling to myself.

"I guess I should probably check that out. It's also back towards the mountain anyway so this is good"

I rushed back towards the mountain, following the trail. Sensei did say investigate so that's exactly what I'm doing and whatever left this much of a blood trail couldn't have long to live anyway. I brush pass some bushes to finally be at the base of the mountain again and when I look down at the trail it stops here. I was confuse, wondering if I made some kind of mistake.

I took a few steps forward walking towards the wall while still looking around for any sign of the rest of the trail.

"Oh come on, this is seriously a waste of time. At least give me something to fight-(DUP-DUP)-Ugh"

Damn that was sudden, but it wasn't that bad....this time. This only means it's about to start back up and if I don't do something when it does then........

"I need something for it to consume before meeting up with sensei"

I was about to place my hand on the wall for me to lean on but then suddenly.....I fell right through it.

"Ah? Whoa! Whoa whoa, safe"

I caught myself before completely falling. I stood up straight and got a good look at where I am. A cave? With lots of ores coming out the ceiling and sides everywhere. I then look back at where I came in from and saw that I could still see the outside but when I stuck my head out I saw the wall was still there. It looked like my head was jammed in on the side of a mountain for anybody who came walking by.

I brought my head back in and started  scratching it, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Illusion maybe? But I didn't bother to try and figure it out, instead I looked back deep inside the cave looking at the missing blood trail I lost. I smiled sinisterly as I begin walking deeper in. The deeper I walk the more ores there were, it's like walking in a shiny blue crystal hallway and trying not to get distracted by the beauty of it. I then felt a dark murderous intent directed at me from deep within.

It was so intense that it stopped me in my tracks. I felt a drop of sweat going down my face as I quickly place my right hand on the hilt of my katana. Whatever's in this cave is hurt, probably cornered, and desperate. An animal like that can be dangerous and I'm tempted to turn around, but then again what would be the point.

I continued pressing forward still gripping my katana. The closer I got the more murderous intent it shot at me and the bigger my smile got because of my refusal.

"Haha, Keep it coming. I'm not going to back down over something like this so why don't you just....give.......it up?"

When I reach the end of the cave what was waiting for me was one hell of a giant dark wolf with crimson eyes and large fangs. It was laying there staring at me growling. Though It's appearance took me by surprise since it mostly resembles so much like the ones from my original world but bigger. Looking closely I noticed a large wound near the the rib cage leaking massive blood and I then showed a serious expression.

I took a single step forward and it lashes at me from a distance warning me to stay back. My expression remains the same and I continued forward slowly unsheathing my katana. It tried getting up but couldn't with how weak it is and it's slowly losing consciousness.

"It's ok buddy, I'll put out of your misery. You remind me of home so it's the least I can do......I'll be quick, you won't even feel a thing I promise"

I said with a soft tone. I was telling the truth when I said that. Looking at it......really does reminds me of my life before, even if it wasn't perfect it was better than having to go through life here. In a way this will feel like I'm officially killing that part of me for good. And with that, I dashed towards the wolf and thrust my blade in a way, like I promise it wouldn't feel a thing. It slowly closes its eyes as I did the same reminiscing past memories as they fade away.

"Goodbye, and sweet dreams"

I open my eyes and sheath my blade as I'm looking at the dead wolf and not feeling a thing. Looking at it's corpse I can feel massive amount of magic energy leaving it's body.

"This must be the reason why the magic energy here is increasing so much. This wolf was dying and it's MP was slowly leaving it's body. Wow, for you to create so much ores you must have been a dangerously powerful high ranking demon beast. Just what the hell was you up against?"

I glance over at the wolf crouching down to better examine it's wounds to determine if I could figure out what inflicted them. When I did I heard something just under the wolf growling.



I tilted my head wondering what it was. curiously I shoved my right hand under the wolf.


I felt a sharp pain and small bite so I pulled my hand out to see a tiny wolf cub hanging from my finger numbing on them. It didn't really hurt but was annoying so I pulled him off and held it's body in my hand. It tried biting me again but couldn't.

"A cub huh. That must have been your mom I killed so I understand why you want to bite me.....wait"

I looked at the wolf cub closely, checking every part of it's body. It look just like what Rhea turn me into.



I drop the cub and fell to my knees. The Urge again dammit and It was a big one this time. This isn't good and it's almost time to meet back up with sensei. I place my left hand on female wolf slowly getting myself up. Even though I know what it wants I don't know how to make it act on my will Dammit!! I was getting extremely frustrated.

"How Do I Make You <Devour>What I Want!!!"



My Demonic arm that was on the female wolf corpse burst apart and started wrapping itself around the corpse, slowly covering it. It looks just like last time but....something felt different. When it was done covering the entire body it slowly compresses it and began taking back it's original shape. When it did I felt......something change......I was changing. Memories that weren't mine filled my head, memories of me running at full speed with the wind blowing against my hair, me being bigger and superior but also...alone, me having......a child.

I drop back on my knees in shock. What the hell was that? What...just. I felt a small sensation rubbing against my hand. When I look down it was the wolf cub. She looks up at me with her adorable puppy dog eyes tilting her head slightly.


With one look at her I felt tears come down my face. I couldn't stop them they just kept coming. I didn't know exactly what was happening but I had the strong urge to left the cub in my hands and bring it close against my cheek, and I did just that. I rubbed her against my cheek as I cried and cried, and two words escape my lips.

"My child"


After several minutes pass I compose myself.

"(Sniff) well. That was..embarrassing"

After balling my eyes out for reasons I'm not entirely sure of I prepared to leave the cave. As for the wolf cub it decided to climb on top of my shoulder and rest there. I'm not bothered by it but welcome it really, I'm not sure why or why she suddenly likes me too. Maybe those memories. When I close my eyes and thought about my skill <Devour> I found out it let's me Devour my targets essence, I'm not too sure I understand but these skill never explain much anyway. At least the urges are finally gone. I got a new skill after I....Devoured that wolf. When I think about it what comes to mind was <mimic>. Which makes that very essence materialize which again I'm not entirely sure of.

I begin walking towards the cave exit, petting the small wolf cub on my shoulder.

"I think you could use a name. What you think?"


She tilts her head at my question. I smile as I rub her chin.

"How about-....."

As soon as I exit out the cave I felt multiple presence around me. It seems after devouring that wolf my sense became that much more sharper. I continued petting my cub

"How long are you bastards going to keep hiding? If I'm going to have to kill you I rather see who I'm killing"

I said in a threatening tone. After that they came out the shadows emitting MP and murderous intent.


"Is this really the boy who's been seen with her?"- demon#1

"Yea that's him. We're supposed bring his corpse back to the boss so he can present his head to her"- demon#2

There clearly here to start a fight. Alright I could really use something to let loose on, my MP is filled and increase a ton so this works out perfectly. I put my hands together and crack my knuckles.

"Alright then, let's do this"


"Where is that idiot? An hour already pass so why isn't he here yet. He better not be doing anything stupid."

The time we agreed upon has pass and that boy still not here yet. Ill have to punish him later. During my investigation I didn't find anything that would explain this phenomenon. Only that there's been in increase in ores manly near the base of the mountain. That's why this fool needs to come back to report. I place my hand on my hip as I walk back and forth pacing. This issue is a delicate matter that's why if we can't solve the problem then we need to quickly do what we came here to do before trouble comes. 

I stop pacing and stood there. Someone was watching me....no, It's more than just one. Just before I could determine they're location I quickly unsheathe my sword and block an sword attack from above.

"Tsk!!"- Demon#3

They break contact and leap backwards. Another one appeared behind thrusting their spear at my back. I twist my body dodging the spear and slash my blade diagonally but they quickly flip their spear and block my attack. I was about to go for another attack but the previous demon from before join in vertically slashing their sword towards me. I turn to and block it but then he went for a second attack and so did the spear one. I step back and engage them both at once, blocking each of their strike. I slash the spear upwards making it point to the sky then immediately brought my blade down with swift speed slashing the demon in half. The other one took a step back after seeing that, now taking caution. I face him and sheath my blade but my hand remained on the hilt. I took a stance with my right shoulder facing the demon at chest level and slightly crouching with my legs spaced apart, My left hand gripping the scabbard and right hand still on the hilt. The air around me goes still as I glare at the demon before me and exhale smoke from my mask. After he realized what I was doing it was already too late.

"<Blood Slash>"

My blade release from my scabbard unleashes hundreds of red slashes in his direction cutting him to shreds and the surroundings behind him. After a few seconds past I sheath my blade again and look towards the direction behind me.

"How long are you going to sit there and watch, Axel"

"As expected you already knew I was here"- Axel

He exit from behind a tree.

"Of course, sending two low rank demons to attack me knowing they'll die. You just use me to take out your trash which is so like you and that conceited boss of yours"

"Now now, we had to get rid of useless weight anyway so why not let them at least fight till the end right. Plus that attack of your also killed a lot of my men that were in those trees which prove just how useless they are heheh"

Tsk. I really want to kill this bastard right now but I can't help but feel unsettle about this situation....(Gasp)


I turned around about to make my way towards the kid but was block by tons of demons. Tsk, I don't have time to deal with this.

"What's your hurry Sakuya? Could it be you have somewhere else to be that's more important? That can't be it right? So about you stay with us and have some fun. My master's pet would really like to play with you"

I turn to face him and saw what I didn't expect but should have known.

"Let's have some fun shall we"-Axel


Hey guys it's been awhile since I wrote one this messages huh. But anyway I want to say thanks again for reading my chapters I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy it. I also can't help but feel I'm making these chapters longer and longer lol is that a good thing? I wanted to ask what should my baby wolf cub name be? I got a few ideas but I want more options so if you like just go ahead a type what you like.

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