The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (...

بواسطة Foreverattached

1.6M 41.3K 17.2K

"Calum please don't go." I plead desperately. "I can't stay." He says coldly before grabbing his bag and wa... المزيد

The boyfriend project. C.H. (A.U.)
Thirty - Six.
Note ◇
Important! ◇
Sixty-Three. (Part 1)
Sixty-Three. (Part 2)
Sixty-Three (Part 3)
Thank you ♡
Seventy - One.
Epilogue and Sequel details.
Seventy- Seven.
Seventy-Eight. (Part 1)
Seventy-Eight. (Part 2)
Eighty - Epilogue
A/N: The End. ♥
Sequel ♥
Hi or Hey ♡
Alternate Ending ♥
One Million Reads!


18.6K 436 174
بواسطة Foreverattached

what can I ge-" I stop talking as I meet that familiar pair of blue eyes. "Oh hi Kyle."

"Hi." Kyle grins happily. "I'll just get a strawberry milkshake."

"Sure." I smile politely before starting to prepare the milkshake.

"So I haven't seen you in awhile." Kyle comments.

"Oh yeah I went away for my friends birthday." I say adding the milk in to the cup before putting it under the mixer.

"That's cool." Kyle smiles at me awkwardly making me feel a little uncomfortable.

"What?" I ask him a frown appearing on my face.

"Does it not bother you?" Kyle asks and really have no idea what he's talking about.

"I'm sorry?"

"The um hickey's." Kyle says and one of my hands instantly flys up to my neck. I still had two on my neck that were visible, they had actually faded quite a lot though.

"I actually prefer the term love bites, and why exactly would it bother me?"

"I don't know." Kyle shrugs. "I guess I just believe in showing your love in other ways."

"That's nice." I say shortly. I really didn't know who this guy thought he was.

"I didn't mean to offend." Kyle says softly looking sorry.

"Don't worry about." I say giving him a fake smile. I remove his milkshake from the mixer before placing the lid on firmly and sticking the straw in. "Here." I pass it to him.

"$4.00 right?" Kyle asks and I nod. He hands me the change and gives me an apologetic smile before walking away. 

I so didn't want to work the register again any time soon.


"Calum?" I call out as I step in to the apartment. I don't think I had ever been more happy to be home and thankfully I didn't have work again until Tuesday.

I throw my bag on to the coffee table and flop down on the couch. "Calum?" I call again but no answer.  I guess he wasn't home. I close my eyes and enjoy the silence.....that is of course until my phone starts ringing.

I let out a small huff before fishing my phone out off my bag and answer it not bothering to look at the caller I.D.


"Genie! Are you home?!" Claudia asks on the other end sounding frantic.

"Yeah why? What's wrong?"

"I'll explain soon. I'm on my way to yours." Claudia tells me taking me by surprise, that was unusual of her.

"Okay, See you soon then." I tell her before the line goes dead. A small laugh escapes my lips. I think I was in for a interesting visit with her.

Twenty minutes later Claudia came barging in to the apartment with a very amused Aria behind her.

"Hey girls." I greet with a smile.

"Hey Genie." Aria grins sitting down next to me.

"What's going on?" I ask looking at Claudia who was pacing back and fourth looking very stressed.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Aria shrugs.

"Claudia?" I ask getting her attention. "Are you gonna let us know what's wrong?"

"Alright." Claudia lets out a deep breath. "Luke has ruined me."

"What?" Aria and I ask at the same time.

"Okay well you know Justin Connors?" Claudia asks us like we wouldn't know. Justin Connors was Claudia's extremely good looking co-worker who from day one she had been trying to get with but he had always turned her down.

"Of course we do." Aria looks at her like she's crazy.

"So he finally asked me out and I said yes of course." Claudia grins. "But when we got back to his and started doing things...all I could think about was Luke and how it should be him and so I freaked out." Claudia explains.

"Oh wow." I say a little speechless.

"I ran out on Justin Connors, Justin freaking Connors who I've wanted to conquer since I started that job and it's all because of that stupid tall blonde freak with his stupid quiff and lip ring." Claudia groans.

Aria and I instantly grin at each other before looking at Claudia who frowns at us.

"Do you think that maybe you have feelings for Luke?" Aria questions and Claudia's face drops.

"Feelings? No. Nope. Absolutely not." Claudia shakes her head furiously. "I don't fall for guys I screw them."

"Claudia-" I start but am cut off by the sound of the front door opening and closing.

Calum comes wondering in to the living room with his headphones in and on full blast. He has his gym bag slung over his shoulder and from his attire it's obvious he's been at the gym. He has a pair of red basketball shorts on, a blank singlet, some trainers and to top it all off a freaking snapback was sitting backwards on top of his head.

There was a small layer of sweat covering his body which I would probably find gross on anyone else but not Calum, definitely not Calum. In fact it had to be one of the hottest things I had ever seen.

"Oh." Calum gulps looking at us three. "Hi." Calum greets taking out his head phones.

"Hi Cal." Aria replies happily.

"Calum." Claudia greets looking annoyed which causes Calum to look over at me in pure confusion. I shake my head at him as if to say don't even ask. "Hey babe." I greet casually and Calum grins at me before walking off to the kitchen.

"So uh..Claudia what I was gonna say is anything is possible you know?"

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Claudia instantly frowns.

"It's possible  that you have feelings for Luke." Aria says and Claudia sits there looking thoughtful for a few minutes.

"No. I have it!" Claudia looks extremely proud of herself. "I just have cock fright!"

Aria and I both look at her like she's insane. "I'm sorry what?" Aria asks.

"You know like what Holly had." Claudia says confusing us even more.

"Who's Holly?"

"Holly from Geordie shore?" Claudia raises her eyebrows at us before waving us off. "Anyway that's what it will be not the 'F' word."

"You mean feelings?" Aria laughs shaking her head at Claudia.

"You can't judge me! Mrs I don't wanna tell Michael how I feel." Claudia smirks. Aria shoots her glare obviously not amused.

"Play nice you two."

"I am." Claudia shrugs.

"Are not." Aria mumbles and I shake my head at the two of them. Claudia goes to say something else but shuts her mouth as soon as Calum re - enters the room.

"Can we help you?" Claudia asks him.

"Probably not." Calum replies choosing to sit on me.

"Calum you're heavy." I complain. "And wet." I scrunch my nose up at him.

"Deal with it." Calum grins at me. "So who are we talking about?" Calum asks looking between Aria and Claudia. "Michael or Luke?"

"Neither." Claudia answers quickly making Calum raise his eyebrows.

"Luke it is."

"You're a dick." Claudia glares at him and he just shrugs. "Shouldn't you like go shower or something?"


"No you should." I tell him, but honestly he didn't smell that bad.

"What are you trying to say Genie?" Calum asks.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" I grin at him.

"Hmm no." Calum shakes his head then starts to lean in but I press my hands to his chest and stop him. "You're sweaty."

"It's not like I haven't been sweaty and on top of you before." Calum says smugly.

"Didn't want that image." Claudia groans and Aria laughs.

"I didn't want images of you and Luke either but I got them." Calum replies and Claudia's eyes widen.

"What?!" Claudia practically yells but Calum chooses to completely ignore her.

"I'm not showering until you kiss me." Calum announces and I roll my eyes at him.

"You're kinda difficult."

"Am not." Calum beams.

"Kiss the poor boy Genie." Aria says letting out a small laugh.

"Yeah Genie." Calum smirks. I press a quick peck to his lips before smiling. "Satisfied?"

"Nope." Calum shakes his head.

"Sucks for you then. Now go shower." I tell him and he pouts but then smirks at me. "Calum." I warn and he looks at me innocently before peppering small kisses all over my face making me giggle.

"Alright, I'm going." Calum says and stands up.

"Good you stink." I tell him with a small grin.

"You love it." Calum yells as walks down the hall.

"You two are disgustingly cute." Claudia says with her face scrunched up.

"You're just jealous because you want that with Luke." Aria says and Claudia groans.

"Like you want that with Michael?"

"At least I can admit it." Aria says looking a little proud.

"Yeah just not to who it matters." Claudia mutters.

"Alright time out." I let out a sigh. These two needed to sort out there 'boy' problems. I guess I wasn't any better though.


Claudia and Aria left about half an hour later and I wish I could say that their bickering had stopped but it didn't.

Calum hadn't made another appearance since he had left to have his shower and I figured he had found something to occupy himself with.

I lightly knock on his door and open it when I get no answer, his room is completely empty though. I close his door and can't help the smile that tugs on my lips as I know where he is.

I open my bedroom door and the first thing I see is Calum sprawled out on my bed asleep, god he was such a cutie.

I shut my door again and decide to let him sleep for a little while longer, he obviously needed it.

I found myself back in the living room debating on whether or not I should call Sam. I hadn't talked to her in awhile and I missed her but I'll admit I was nervous to talk to her. Sam had been my best friend since I could remember and although I did a pretty good job of lying to myself I was not very good at lying to her.

Sam didn't know about the whole fake dating thing of course but she would be able to pick up on how different I now was when it came to Calum and that was worrying because I had been doing amazingly well at ignoring my feelings.

I decide to just suck it up and call her, I was gonna have to face her sooner or later so why not just get it over with? Plus it would be a lot easier to mask things over the phone.

I dial her number and after a few rings that all too familiar voice answers sounding super happy.

"Genie! Oh my god hey girly long time no talk." Sam says and I can't help but laugh.

"It's only been like a week Sam."

"A week and three days actually." Sam points out. "Sooo how was it?! I wish I could of been there."

"It was..." I pause. How the hell could I find a word to sum up that week? "Uh it was...eventful."

"Eventful?" Sam asks and I can already see the small frown on her face.


"So what exactly happened to make it so eventful?"

"I'm not sure if I'm suppose to tell you or not but I'm sure you will find out eventually." I say letting out a deep breath. "Claudia and Luke slept together (Finally. ) and so did Michael and Aria and it turns out that Aria has feelings for Michael and has for a little while." I explain specifically leaving out any details about Calum and I.

"Wow I wasn't expecting that." Sam admits, yeah You and me both.

"I know." I let out a small laugh.

"So did anything else happen?"

"No." I answer a little too quickly. "Nothing worth mentioning anyway."

"Oh." Sam mumbles sounding kind of disappointed. "Are you sure?" she questions. I was gonna tell her about Calum and I but I figured it would be better just to wait a little longer.

I should probably mention to everyone else not to say anything either. "Genie?" Sam calls breaking me from my thoughts.

"Um yeah I'm sure."

"Okay." Sam lets out a small sigh. "I can't wait to see you all on Friday!"

"Oh god me too, it will be a great night." I smile.Every friday with that lot was.

Sam and I talked for a little while longer or well Sam complained about how much of an idiot her boss was and how Andrew still hadn't given any hints about this date night they were going to be having.

After getting off the phone I went back in to my bedroom and plopped down on my bed next to Calum.

Considering how cute and cuddly he looked when he slept I really didn't want to wake him up but I knew that I had to.

"Calum." I say lightly poking at the left side of his cheek. He stirs a little but doesn't wake up. "Caaaaal." I say a little louder poking his cheek again and again before laughing at how squishy it was.

"Stop it." Calum groans.

"Hey sleepy head." I smile and Calum opens his eyes to look at me. "What time is it?"

"Like after five." I shrug.

"Oh really?"

"Really." I nod as Calum yawns.

"When did Claudia and Ari leave?"

"Um a little while ago now."

"Hmm." Calum nods then grins at me.


"Can I have a proper kiss now?"

"You're a little annoying." I joke my eyes flickering to his lips.

"But you still want to kiss me." Calum smirks knowing that he was right but I mean who wouldn't want to kiss Calum?

"Maybe." One of Calum's hands move to my hip lightly pushing me down so that I was on my back. He moves so that he's hovering over me, his lips only inches from mine making my heart start to race.

"You mean definitely." Calum says before closing the small space between us and connecting our lips.


"What do you want for dinner?" I ask Calum opening the fridge and scanning the shelves, when I don't see anything that I might want I shut the door and let out a small huff before looking at Calum who was smirking.

"You wanna know what I want for dinner?" Calum asks coming over to me making my back hit the fridge.

"That's what I just asked you."

"You." Calum says and I frown at him not understanding. Calum chuckles before his eyes travel down my body and then I know exactly what he means.

"Don't be gross." Is the best thing that I can come up with. It's not that I don't want to it's just that I hadn't actually experienced that yet.

"I'm not." Calum shrugs. "Come on Genie think of it as me returning the favour."

"That's not necessary." I lightly smile.

"I'm great with my mouth."

"I'm sure you are." I reply and Calum smirks. "Thought about it have we?"

"That's not what I meant."

"You didn't answer my question." Calum points out.

"And you didn't answer mine."

"Technically I did."

"Calum." I whine and he laughs.

"Okay.Okay um..." He stops to think. "Whatever you want,I'm easy."

"I know you are." I grin at him.

"That's not nice." Calum pouts his hands moving to my waist keeping me very much pressed up against the fridge. 

"Sorry." I smile innocently at him bringing one of my hands up and brushing his hair to the other side making him groan.

"Don't do that." Calum complains before smiling. "So since I answered your question can you answer mine?"

"God is that all you think about?" I shake ny head at him and let out a small laugh.


"Uhm I guess?" I mumble.

"You guess?" Calum raises his eyebrows at me.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Or we could just not talk at all?" Calum says his lips pressing a small kiss to my neck.

"But I'm hungry."

"So am I." Calum grins and groan before pushing him away from him, God boys really did only think with one head.

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