Stupid Cupid: A Modern Clato...

By ClatoTHG07

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*Disclaimer: Characters belong to the wonderful Suzanne Collins.* (This is a Modern story) Valentine's Day is... More

Stupid Cupid: A Modern Clato Fanfiction
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Ending Author's Note and Christmas Gift Details
Questions and Their Answers, 2015 Information

Chapter 2

6.4K 134 62
By ClatoTHG07

Cato came back with two glasses of his Mom's hot chocolate and a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies just as Clove completed another math problem. She groaned, putting a hand up to her forehead. "Ugh, I can't stand math." Cato chuckled, sitting down next to her. "Let's take a break then," he suggested, setting the food down in front of them. "After all, my mom made your favorite." 

"Alright. Break time," Clove agreed, taking a bite of one of the cookies. Cato's mom was always great in the kitchen. Almost everything she made was from scratch, so Clove found herself gravitating towards Cato's home often. 

"So, did you find out who started that rumor?" Cato questioned. "No," Clove shook her head. "Although we almost got busted because of it. I mean really? A broken fridge door? That isn't exactly the most believable lie, at least not in my book." 

Cato took a sip of his drink. "Very true, very true," he agreed. "We have to be more careful, especially when there's more people around." 

Cato and Clove had been best friends for as long as they could remember. The two wanted a place only they knew about, somewhere where they could go and have privacy. That place just so happened to be right in Cato's backyard. He had a large garden shed, with tons of open floor space. Sure, it might get really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter, but they didn't care. 

At Cato's New Year's party, he had slipped away with Clove to get some alone time with her, the only alone time for the whole night. He was surprised that the rumor was Clove hooking up with Gloss instead of Clove hooking up with him. Neither would ever happen, though. This was Clove Sevina, after all. 

"Whatever," Clove murmured just as her phone went off. "It's a text from..." she drawled, pulling her phone out of her pocket. "Madge." 

Madge: Hey girl! Did you hear the rumor?

Clove: Yeah, and it's definitely not true. I did not hook up with Gloss. 

Madge: Um... That's not the one I was talking about. 

Clove: No, then. What is it?

Madge: Never mind. It's just some silly little rumor. Probably not true. 

Clove: Madge Undersee, if you value our friendship, you will tell me. 

Madge: Fine, fine, fine. I'll tell you. 

Clove: Well...

Madge: You hooked up with Gloss and Cato walked in on it all. He got pissed, and then gave Gloss a black eye. 

Clove: He got that from his excessive training! He was in the boxing ring, and something happened. Some guy hit him too hard and in the wrong spot. 

Clove laughed out loud. Cato gave her a questioning look. "What?" he asked her. "Nothing," she waved it off. After a beat of silence, she decided to tell him anyway. "Our good friend Marvel apparently didn't give us all of the details to that little rumor. People are saying Gloss and I hooked up, you walked in on us, got pissed, and then you gave Gloss a black eye." 

Cato huffed. "He got that while he was boxing." 

"I know right!" Clove exclaimed. "Whatever..." they muttered in unison, causing both to break out in laughter. 

Clove put her phone away, biting into another cookie. She closed her eyes and let out, "Mm. Yummy." 

Cato smirked. "Did the cookies make up for the boring math?" Clove nodded frantically. "Yes! Damn right they did!" That was one of the things that made Clove, well, Clove. At times, she could curse and cuss up a storm. It was just one of her many quirks. 

Cato chuckled as Clove devoured the rest of the plate. "Hey," she said, sipping her cocoa. "If your mom's ever looking for a job, call me. She could come to my house and be my personal chef." 

"I don't think so," Cato said. "Sorry, Clove. But I'm not letting my mom go. I don't know what I'd do without her home cooking." Clove shrugged her shoulders. "Then I guess I'll have to move in." 

"Sorry, as much as I love hanging out with you, I don't know how we'd last seeing each other twenty four seven, seven days out of the week," Cato pointed out. 

The two teens finished their snack and Cato went back into the house to get rid of the dirty dishes. Clove sighed as she packed up her bag. She met Cato back in his house, the warm burst of air making her chilly skin numb. 

"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow at school, alright?" she said. "Alright," Cato nodded , walking her to the door. "Are you sure you're okay with walking home?" "Yeah," Clove told him. 

"You really need to get yourself a car." 

"I know." 

Cato embraced his best friend in a hug. The butterflies in Clove's chest took flight. The things this boy did to her. 

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