By MaryEden08

1.2M 42.9K 2.2K

Prowess (ˈpraʊɪs) 1. Outstanding or superior skill or ability. 2. Bravery or fearlessness, esp in battle. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
PLEASE READ - Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Author's Note - What Happens Next

Chapter 27

21.8K 750 21
By MaryEden08

Kellen POV;

It was a damn good job that I’d killed the two rogues that attacked Ana without hesitation because if I hadn’t, they’d be dead by the end of the night. I struggled to control my anger at what they’d done to her but knew I couldn’t change what had happened so I tried to put it out of my mind. Feeling Ana’s anxiousness as she watched my reaction, I wiped my expression and gave her my devious smile as an idea of how to lighten the mood again popped into my head.

“Maybe I could help?” I ask suggestively. The closeness between us meant I felt it when her heart beat pickup; her lips parted as she let out a cautious breath. I loved how affected by me she was, it was reassuring that she at least felt the same as I did in that respect. It took me a lot of self-restraint to keep my behaviour gentlemanly and my hormones in check. Ana, my little tease had no idea just how stunning she looked and though I didn’t like how other males looked at her, I sure as hell couldn’t blame them.

Kissing her tenderly on the lips, I trail gentle little kisses along her jaw, under her ear and then down her neck; reaching the start of her shoulder despite the dress being in the way, I continue my assault on her skin, I watch her reaction as I kiss the inside of her soft palm. “Feeling any better?” I ask cheekily, caressing the side of her cheek.

“You just set my skin on fire,” she breathes. Then getting a sly look in her eye, she leans in until her lips are at my ear, “you’re being completely unfair your Majesty.” She whispers, biting my ear gently before nibbling along my jaw seductively. Oh holy mother of fate, I’m screwed! Respect Kellen, Gentleman Kellen! Control you hormones and your wolf Kellen. Remember your self-restraint, or at least what little you still have left. I repeat to myself mentally in hope of somehow finding where the hell my control had gone.

I could definitely understand the skin on fire thing now; “I’m unfair?!” I groan. I felt her smile as she reached the side of my mouth, I quickly seized her mouth before she could do any more damage to my suffering self-control, not to mention my wolf who was arguing with me for control of this situation and our little mate.

When we both pulled back for air, I rested my head against hers and stared at the stunning creature that had been destined to be my mine. There aren’t enough thanks I could give to those lucky stars. Her cloudy gray eyes were clearing and becoming a colour similar to the moon, her cheeks had a rosy tint that I bet would follow under her mask and her deliciously tasty lips were now held the colour of red roses. And this girl is meant for me? I don’t know what I did to deserve her but I was going to do all in my power to bloody well keep her. “What are we going to do?” She asks quietly.

Good question. I thought, sighing and pulled her as close as we could get before wrapping my arms around her protectively- mindful of her injuries. “I don’t know beautiful, but we’ll figure it out.”

We spent the rest of the night like that together, hidden in our secret hiding place from the rest of the world; we chatted about unimportant things, such as our favourite films, books, animals ect. It was relaxing just to be together and when the time came to leave, we agreed we’d see each at the next ball, which I knew would be in a few weeks. Stepping out of our area, there were still groups of people hanging around and heading for the door; I noticed several gazes’ straying in our direction but ignored them as I focused on Ana.  “Goodnight beautiful.” I said, giving her a last lingering, meaningful kiss.

“We’ll speak soon, I promise.” She spoke firmly, running her hand gently down my face. Letting her go, I watched her disappear into the crowd by the door. I run both my hands through my hair as I feel her absence hit me like a punch to the stomach; turning to head for the V.I.P room, I’m stopped by seeing Maxim, Sophia and Bell stood waiting for me, probably ready to leave. I didn’t know how long they’d been stood there but from the looks on their faces, they’d seen me with Ana just before she left.

Bell came forward as I drew near them and eloped me in a hug, “You should’ve told us she was here! We could’ve met her then!” she grinned happily. I couldn’t decide if I was happy now that I’d seen and spent half the night with Ana or unhappy that she’d gone again.

“Hey man, you all right?” asked Maxim, clapping me on the shoulder while Sophia offers me a warm smile.

“Yeah, I guess. What time is it anyway?” I question, wondering just how long I’d spent with Ana.

“Just coming up to 3am; closing time for the club. Come on, I’ve just got to go and have a word with the club owner and then we’ll head back.”

When we pulled up back home, I hastily got out of the car to distance myself from the others and escape their questions, which so far I had managed to skilfully avoid. Thankfully, the others were too tired to follow after me and I was soon back in my room and, having quickly stripped down to my boxers, collapsed on my bed.

*                                       *                                            *                                                *

The next morning, surprise hit me upon waking up as I realised that I’d actually managed to sleep! After weeks of insomnia, I’d finally slept, like a baby as well. Ana was not only my drug but also my cure; replaying thoughts of her at the club had guarded me into a safe amount of sleep.

Being well rested, I felt less irritable and no longer depressed; I could face my family with a completely impassive composure. Entering the palace breakfast parlor, I sat down nonchalantly and plated a pile of food, ignoring the looks being given to me by the rest of the family. Instead I focused on what I wanted to get done; there would be progress today, with Ana, with the packs and the announcement! Everything. Everything that I’d been avoiding recently would be handled.

“So Kellen, Maxim told us that you’re mate was at the club last night?” enquired Dad, smiling, looking up from his paper. I rolled my eyes at Maxim, who grinned and winked. I nodded.

“I still think you should’ve introduced her; I’d really love to meet her! It did explain where you disappeared off to though,” Piped Bell her expression softening into a light, teasing smile.

“Was she there alone?” Asks Mom, joining the inquiry.

I smirk cheekily at Bell, then shake my head at Mum, quickly finish my mouthful of food and answer, “No, she said she was there celebrating with friends.”

“And she didn’t elaborate?” Continues Mum. I shake my head again while rounding up and quickly polishing off the rest of the food of my plate. Tired of their questions.

“Still don’t know who she is then” Added Maxim lazily. I star at him blankly, wondering if he was asking or just stating, and finally decide I really didn’t care.

Spending time with Ana last night made me realise how insensitive I’d been about the whole situation; her and her Alpha had clearly been putting their necks out to ensure Ana’s identity remained a secret, to ensure we both stayed safe. Yet here I was, trying to unravel their hard work and no doubt making it hard on them- her Alpha especially- by prying around in my efforts to find her. I had accepted upon her pleading last night; “Kellen, my dear mate, please! Believe me; I know it’s difficult not knowing the first thing about me, and I you but you need to understand! You make this so much more difficult for me by asking around in the packs about me. Please…just…” Her unfinished words echoed around in my mind; she hadn’t needed to finish her sentence because I understood. The way her big, cloudy gray eyes had looked imploringly, straight through me was enough to steel my resolve. 

“I don’t know and I’m not going to pry. I’d appreciate it if you would all extend the same courtesy, if not for Ana’s sake then most definitely for mine.” I spoke firmly with authority and though the order would have no effect on Mom and Dad; it would at least illustrate how serious I was. Surprised expressions answered me but I stared back impassively. “Dad, I want to get stuck into arrangements for the packs and funding today, as well as deal with any other paper work I haven’t seen to.” I spoke firmly, looking at Dad directly. His answering nod held gravity that only a King was entitled. “I’ll be in the study.” I murmur as I get up, bow to my parents and head to the door in order to start a constructive day.


Dedicated to my another of my close friend Matty! Happy Birthday sweetie, I hope you had an awesome one! :D :3 xx


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