His Forced Wife ~ [ COMPLET...

By SheHatesMee

1.9M 75.8K 18.2K

Pushing him away from her, she screamed at him ; " This wedding was an option for you.. But not for me.! You... More

Part 2- Reality Strikes
Part 3- The New Day
Part 4 - Determined To Fight
Part 5 - Thank You
Part 6 - The New Home
Part 7- The New Challenges
Part 8 - His Big B
Part 9 - Hero Or Villain?
Part 10 - Vanished
Part 11 - Changes
Part 12 - The Hospital
Part 13 - Brian
Part 14 - He Cares?
Part 15 - Perspective..
Part 16 - What Was That?
Part 17 - First Kiss
Part 18 - Why ?
Part 19 - The Movie Night
Part 20 - The Next Day
Part 21 - The Plan
Part 22 - Birthday Time
Part 23 - Surprise
Part 24 - Revenge?
Part 25 - Deal
Part 26 - Roma Clarke Valentino
Part 27 - Back Home
Part 28 - Wake Up Call
Part 29 - Mistake
Part 30 - The Truth
Part 31 - Decisions
Part 32 - Let's Talk It Out
Part 33 - The Vacation
Part 34 - Truth Or Dare
Part 35 - Legal Custody
Part 36 - Feelings
Part 37 - Single Shot
Part 38 - Sloshed Maya
Part 39 - Bad Decision
Part 40 - Consequences
Part 41 - Reality Check
Part 42 - Face It
Part 43 - Overreacted?
Part 44 - Handcuffed Saga
Part 45 - Rumours
Part 46 - Bad Feelings
Part 47 - Danger Ahead
Part 48 - Soul Sisters ?
Part 49 - SuperHero?
Part 50 - Evil Plan
Part 51 - Reunited After 7 Months
Part 52 - Consequences
Part 53 - Back Home
Part 54 - Proposal
Part 55 - Facing It
Part 56 - Surprise Vacation
Part 57 - Deal Over
Part 58 - Real Wedding
Part 59 - Screwed Up
Part 60 - Make Up
Part 61 - Limits
Part 62 - Back Together
Part 63 - Goof Up
Part 64 - Good News
Part 65 - Fault ?
Part 66 - New Experience
Part 67 - Mrs Valentino.!
Part 68 - New Side
Part 69 - Sloshed Again
Part 70 - The Day After
Part 71 - Realisation
Part 72 - Confrontation
Part 73 - Reaction
Part 74 - Being Parents
Part 75 - True Feelings
Part 76 - Trapped
Part 77 - Maya Nicholas Valentino
Part 78 - Punished
Part 79 - New Things
Part 80 - Face Troubles
Part 81 - The Valentinos
Part 82 - Time To Sort Out Things
Part 83 - Amelia's Revenge
Part 84 - Mother's Fury
Part 85 - Realization
Part 86 - I Love You Honey
Part 87 - His Way Of Loving
Part 88 - His Way To Punish
Part 89 - Her Style To Confront
Part 90 - FaceOff
Part 91 - Retaliation
Part 92 - Live With Results
Part 93 - Who's Chris
Part 94 - Her Reasons
Part 95 - Let It Out
Part 96 - Come Clean
Part 97 - The Betrayal
Part 98 - Reunite
Part 99 - Marshalls
Part 100 - All Together
Part 101 - Baby Marshall
Part 102 - Stories

Part 1- The Wedding

83.8K 1.7K 273
By SheHatesMee

Part 1

" May be I should just run away.....
Or should I just say NO in front of the priest.....
But this may make things even worse...
And I can't allow that...
I have to be strong...
Just remember why you're doing this Maya.. "

Dressed in a beautiful white bridal gown, I look at myself in the mirror in front of me. The thing that I thought I'll be having the most at my wedding is completely missing.

The glow of happiness.

" You look sooooo pretty Dii...!!!! "
I heard my baby brother say as he enters the room.

Turning towards him, I faked the brightest smile that I could, nowadays I've learn to hide my problems, pain and troubles perfectly, especially if front of my brother.

After all Bryian was the reason why I was made to say yes to his wedding. But I'll make sure that he doesn't come to know about this. For him, I'm having a love as well as arranged marriage, that's what is going the truth for him always.  When this deal was being finalized, he was in the hospital for his leg's treatment. Using that to my advantage, I told him I fell for a guy is who coincidentally was our father's friend's son. He might be just 5 years old, but is very intelligent and when it concerns me, he becomes even more possessive. For me, he is my entire world and I know that I am his .

I look at him entering the room. His beautiful brown eyes beaming with happiness, he is wearing a black suit with his hair done perfectly for once walking in the room with the help of his cluster in his left hand.

" Really Bunny... You think so...!!?? "

I asked him with a near perfect smile trying to sound as normal as possible calling him by the nickname only I use.

" Yessssss.... Right now my sis is the most beauuuutifullll bride ... !!!
You know what happened today..!!? "
He says while walking quickly towards me.

" What ? "

" Father said that I can..." And he collides with the chair in the room and falls down.

I rush to him, help him up and make him sit on the chair and I scold him while checking if his leg is injured.

" Why are you always in a hurry..? Thank god your leg isn't hurt. The doctor said that we need to be extra  careful if we want your leg to be completely fine. But if you're gonna trip and fall like that, then the chances of you walking without this cluster will be even more low..!! "

I say worried about the delicate situation of his leg while he looks at me with a beautiful smile on his innocent face.

" I'm scolding you and you are smiling at me..! Are you okay??? "  I ask all confused.

" Nioooo I not okkkay.. I mean I not be okay after you go away after this ... I misssss you Diii...!!! I'll miss getting scolded by yiooou... I'll miss getting pampered by yioou... I'll miss your presence... I'll miss us moments... I'll miss talking to yioou till I fall asleep..!!! I don't want you to go away from me.. Bunny loves you Dii..!!! "
He says with tears as forms in his eyes and pulling me in a hug with his small hands.

" DII love you too Bunny...!!! And don't worry I won't let you miss me..!!! This wedding will bring us even closer.. And you will get all the happiness that you deserve.. I promise you.. "
I reply with equally teary eyes but with determination in my voice thinking why I actually agreed to this wedding.

We stayed in that hug till we hear the door opening and we see the villians of our lives enter the room with the most fake smiles on the faces.

Our father Mike and his wife Jennifer.

Looking at them, I remember the day I was announced that I had to get married. Or should I say that I was blackmailed in getting married.

FlashBack Starts
Few Days Earlier
In the study room

" By this weekend you're getting married to Mr Valentino's Son ..!! "

" WHAT..!!!!  Have you gone insane Father????!!!! " I shouted all shocked at his statement.

Feeling a hand pressed hard on my cheek, and falling down , I hear another voice
" How dare you talk to your father that way..!? Where are your manners young Lady !!! "

" To hell with manners..!!! You both have gone insane. !!!! Get it straight I'm NOT MARRYING anyone... No matter what..!!!! "

I reply back and start walking out of that room but stop as I hear the following.

" Hello Doctor.... Yess this is Mike Stones . I wanted to tell you that stop all the treatments of Bryian . We no longer need it. "

" Are you sure Mr Stones ? I mean your son's leg can get better if we continue else it will get even worse and the poor boy will suffer from a lot of pain..! "
The doctor replies sounding surprised and concerned on the loudspeaker of the phone .

Hearing that I froze at my place. I turned back only to find my father sitting on his chair behind his working table on the phone and Jennifer looking at me with an evil smile while leaning on her husband's chair.

" Please Father... Not this...!! I beg of you.. Don't do this...!!! "
I say as I feel tears flowing out of my eyes realising what he was trying to do.
Turning towards Jenifer, I say with pleading eyes :

" Please Jennifer.. I know that you don't like me at all and that's perfectly fine, after all I'm not your daughter..
But Bryian..
He's your own son...
Your own blood...
For once prove that you care for him..!!
Please tell Father not to stop his treatment.. His legs are hurting very much lately.. And if the treatment isn't continued, it'll become worse..!!!
Please Jenifer... "

Her facial expressions change from evil to concerned, I know for sure that she is completely faking it and the situation is about to get even more worse... For me..!!

" You're right darling ... His legs are already bad.. And will get worse only.. But you know what...!!! The one who can stop that is not me but you..!! All you have to do is just say YES. For once prove that you love him more than anyone else.. "

She say in the most mocking tone ever. And continue as I look on helpless and not knowing how to get out of the whirlpool I am in.

" Let's get this straight in your head Maya.. If you think that your NGO job at that child orphanage is gonna help you for Bryian's treatment, then keep on dreaming. You know very well that nothing like that is gonna happen.. As you'll only get a few hundred dollars but the treatment is gonna cost more than 5 times you get monthly. So now you only decide what is more important to you..

I look at her as she states the harsh truth of my life.

Then my father get up to leave the room as Jennifer follows him. Just at the door, he turns back and says :

" You have till tomorrow to give me and answer. And I don't want to hear anything else than Yes. "

I look at him shocked. And hear the door close, not knowing what to do I collapse where I am standing in that room.

Maya POV

" Can this man do this..!! You were wrong Maa.. This man's name and heart are both made of Stones. The most insensitive man ever. He has no feelings.. No emotions for his own kids.. Be it me or Bryian. And that Jennifer.. What kind of a mother is she..!!! Just because Bryian have leg problems and can't walk without his clusters makes her ashamed of him.. What should I do now?? Choose myself , my freedom ,my life or choose Bunny, the reason because of whom I was able to experience the meaning of love, care and concern.. Please help me Maa.. Please... "

Next Day

All tired, I enter the house, as I come in front of a mirror I look at myself. I look visibly exhausted both physically and emotionally. The previous day was totally chaotic for me. First my father announcing his decision of marrying me off and then rushing to the hospital where Bryian was. Since he was not given the required medicines as instructed by my father, he was in pain and needed to be calmed . I had to spend the entire night with him as our father and his wife had gone to some important business meeting and party right after announcing their decision to me. And there was also the lawyer who came yesterday after the entire fiasco.

" Soo what have you decided..?? "

I turn hearing Jennifer and come to face with the couple who were seated on the dining table having breakfast. They look pretty confident as if they knew what my answer was going to be.

" It's not like I have much opinions available. I'll go through this wedding.. The treatment of Bryian should not be stopped at any cost.!! "
I said trying to sound as determined and strong as possible.

As soon as I say that Jennifer come to hug me and say :

" For once I'm very happy that you are in our life. And yess we'll take complete care of Bryian... "

While my father just stand up and say while cleaning his mouth with his napkin :
" Good.! Tomorrow we are going shopping for the wedding. Go get some rest. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. "

FlashBack Ends

Present Day

" It's time Maya.. "
I hear my father say.

Breaking the hug, wiping Bunny's and my tears making us presentable for the wedding and I take the bouquet of beautiful white roses and blue flowers ordered for me by my father, we all leave the room.

Bunny walked me down the aisle along with our father. I have my eyes down at my brother, not having enough courage to look at the man who I am about to get married to.

I stand facing him and see his hazel eyes first thought my veil. He looked perfect. Hazel eyes,  perfectly done black hair not a single one out of order, dressed in a designer tuxedo looking absolutely uninterested in the ceremony.

As the priest starts the ceremony, we both stand equally uncomfortable knowing the base of this relationship. All I know about the man I am currently getting married to is just that he is my father's business partner's elder son and that he's the new face of the Valentino Empire.

 "Do you Maya Mike Stones take Nicholas Valentino as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" 

Releasing the breath that I held as the priest started talking to me,

" I do.. "

I say vowing to uphold the scared wedding vows. Despite the unsteady foundation of our forced relation, I will give my 100% to this relationship. I won't let my marriage fall apart after all I promised my dying mother that I will do my best to keep the vows of wedding.

And the priest happy with my answer turns towards my groom and talks :

 "Do you Nicholas Valentino take Maya Mike Stones as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" 

" I do ! "  are the first words i hear him say for the day.

We exchange the wedding rings and then  hear.

" You may now kiss the bride. " 
The priest say as I feel goosebumps at the thought that I am about to go for that wedding kiss.

I feel his hands on my hips pulling me slightly close towards him. He lifts my veil and brings his face closer to me as I close my eyes trying to hide the turmoil going inside me. I waited and the kiss does happen, but not actually how I thought it would.
He simply brought his face next to mine as he placed a soft kiss on my left cheek while the room was full of applauses, whistles and happiness.

We look at each other trying to understand what's going on in the other's mind but cannot understand.
I can see that he is trying to look at something in my eyes but what?
I don't know.!

Our eyelock get disturbed by Bunny who comes to us and takes both of our hands in his own little ones.

" I am soo happy that you finally got the man you loved Dii.. "
Bryian says innocently as I look at my new husband shocked as he doesn't know that my brother is unaware of what is actually happening while his eyes widens at Bunny's statement.

Thankfully he stays quiet and allows Bunny to continue while I silently thanks God for his silence.

Now I finally have a big brother.. Who will take care of, love, support and protect my sister, right.!? "

To which Nicholas just nodded in yes and blinked his eyes.
Before Bunny could continue, someone called Nicholas and leaving us both , he went.
While I see Jennifer coming to us, she congratulates me for the wedding and instructs me to go to the booked room to change for the reception.

Taking Bunny with me, I left the wedding premises as I know no one will take care of him as our parents are already busy with the guests and if left by himself, he may injure his leg.

Right now I am in the resort room getting ready. I look at Bryian who by now is sleeping on the bed. The day has been a long and tiring one for both of us. After lots of struggle I finally managed to get myself out of my bridal dress and all of that make-up off my face. Sitting on the couch in the room while waiting for my outfit, I thought about the new turn my life did just take.

Here I am.
Newly married.
From Miss Maya Stones, I have become Mrs Maya Nicholas Valentino.
I was forced to be his bride, but what is going to be its consequences now??
Will my husband be like father and make life hard for me every day?
Will my husband understand me.?
Maybe he will understand me..
His eyes ..
They are soo deep..
And today after the wedding, when Bunny said all of that, he kind of agreed to him.
Maybe at the end of the day ,this wedding isn't that bad as I had pictured it.

And my thoughts got disturbed as there was a knock on the door.
And it is  my outfit finally being delivered.
I start getting ready for the reception.
I wore  a beautiful simple red gown with some makeup and my hair down.
After getting ready, I look at myself in the mirror.

Happy that the last result, I was about to go wake Bryian up when I heard some noises.

Curious about who it is, I silently leave the room and follow the voices which only get loud as I get close to it's source and the one of the voice sounds familiar to me.

Currently I am at the back of the hotel. I can see 2 persons, one of them in his casual clothes seemed like pleading as he is on his knees while the other in his suit whose back  towards me seems to be completely unaffected.

Man on his knees :
" Please sir.. Have some mercy on me. I have a wife and 2 kids..!! Where will we stay if I give you my house!? I am an orphan and with much sacrifice and difficulties I bought that house. Please give me some time I'll repay all of  your money. "

" You should have thought of your wife and kids before keeping your house as mortgage.. I have told you when I gave my money. If you don't repay on time, I'll get your house. And your time is up.. Either you give my money or I'll take the house and you know that you can't even stop me as I have all the required papers. So don't waste my time and get the hell out of here."
The other one replied least worried while the helpless man walked away.

I'm about to return to my room but as I see another man joining in and says

" Wow Sir.. What a mind-blowing plan that was.! First we indirectly lured him for a loan by using his addiction for sports cars at our bank and made him keep his house as mortgage and made sure that he isn't able to repay the loan back on time. He must be thinking that he lost his house because of his car but he doesn't know that we were actually conspiring to get the land below house at a much lower price for our upcoming project. "

" I know, we got this land 3 times less than it's original market price. In business only mind works and not heart. You need to get tough if you want to be at the top.. "

Feeling disgusted and angry at those two for rendering a family without a roof on their heads, I leave from there thinking how cruel and inhuman can few person become just for their own selfish reasons.

Here I am walking the corridor to my room, I open the door slowly so as not to disturb my little angel's sleep. Going in the room, I see the most unexpected and shocking view of my life.

There he is..
Sitting on the bed next to Bunny , looking at him with care in his eyes and caressing his cheeks.

Mike Stones
Our father...
For the first time ever, I feel as if he really cares for Bryian.

Is this real??
Or am I dreaming??

If this is a dream, I don't mind staying in forever...
But if this is real, please let this moment never end...

I take that time admire this extremely rare sight of my life. Together they look perfect for once. They have same brown eyes, same nose, same lips...

However the moment doesn't last for too long. As father sees me standing at the door looking at him, he gets back to his strict, emotionless character.

Getting up from the side father sat, he walks towards me and takes hold of my hands and brings me to the sofa there. I look at him and follow his actions without a single word.

He goes to the side table and picks a box which was not here when I left the room.  He comes back to me and gives it to me, signaling me to open it.

Upon opening it, I found the most cutest and unexpected surprise gift ever. It was a box full of churas ( Indian bridal bangles )

" Your Maa wanted you to get married in both Indian and Christian tradition, but given the situation we are in .. It's not really possible Maya... So I thought that may be at least this will compensate for..... "

Father says as I look at him with tears in my eyes. So finally he did care about Maa.. He did respect her wishes.. He may not show it but maybe he does care for me.
After all he just gave me the best wedding gift ever that anyone could.

Still in that moment, I suddenly hear the door opening.

That's all guys.
Hope you'll like it.
As the next part there will be high voltage drama.
Stay tuned for more.
Please do vote and comment as it motivates me as a writer.
Gifts and pics belong to their respective owners.
Thank you for your time.

Lots of Love

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