There's Always August [Comple...

By nkf350

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If you had met self-conscious, acne-attacked Kadea Gennings at the beginning of the summer you would have swo... More

To Conclude


1.7K 58 11
By nkf350

Chapter 8

"Wake up." I tried poking his temple again. 

"Wake up!" I hit him with my water bottle. 

He groaned and flipped over. 

"If you don't freaking wake up, I'm gonna dump the freezing cold lake water on your face." 

He shot up and glared at me. "Why, exactly, did I end up in the same tent as you?" 

"Because we both know you love me." I smiled, mocking fake innocence. 

"Whatever..." He looked around. "You know what I really need right now?" 

I could easily notice the evil glint in his eye. "No." 

"I was just gonna say I wanted a hug." He pouted at me. 

"Still, no." I glared at him. 


"Come on; let's go wake everyone else up." 

We unzipped our tent and walked up to Rachel's tent. 

I used my fingers to count to three before August and I quickly unzipped the tent and shouted random words. 

What we saw was completely unexpected and caused us to both burst out laughing. 

"No fucking way, you guys were making out?" August said between laughs. 

Rachel had turned an extremely dark shade of red whilst Kade still looked rather shocked. 

"Nice." I dragged out the 'ce'. 

"Get out of our freaking tent!" Both Rachel and Kade shouted at the same time. 

We left but not before August pulled out his phone and took a picture of the scene before us. Kade was hovering over Rachel on all fours while they stared daggers at us. 

We didn't stop laughing until we were at the door to Cole's tent. Heck, we were still laughing even then. 

"Dude, wake up!" August yelled at him when I had opened his tent. 

"Where's the Wicked Witch of the West?" I asked him; my voice level. 

"She left." Cole said through his pillow. 

August and I cheered. 

"Can you guys be a bit less loud," Cole groaned. 

"Fine, you won't be getting any breakfast then." I tried using the one thing that could really get him up. 

"I'm coming." He pulled off his sleeping bag, yawned and stretched dramatically. 

I just rolled my eyes and pulled August out of the tent. 

"Okay, what the hell do we make for breakfast?" 

"We?" He laughed. "No, what do you make for breakfast?" 

"Why won't you help?" 

"I'm gonna go do man-stuff." 

I laughed. "Is that really the only thing that you guys can defend yourselves with; 'man-stuff'?" 

He shrugged. "Okay, fine. I'll help. Show you all what an awesome cook I am." 

I scoffed; not believing him for even a second.

"Okay, fine. I believe you! How the hell did you make this with just a bunch of eggs?" I asked August disbelievingly. 

"I'm a magician, babe." He winked at me. 

"Don't call me babe." I scowled at him. He just laughed. 

"I know you like the nickname." 

"Not in this lifetime, babe," 

"Oh my God August, you cook like a freaking pro!" Rachel shouted; it wasn't hard to catch how excited she was. 

"No biggie." August replied casually. 

"No biggie? No biggie! What the hell is wrong with you! If Kadea could cook half as well as this, I might actually accept the idea of her being in a kitchen." I glared at her. It was true though. I couldn't cook to save my life. 

"Hey, don't bring me into the equation!" I defended. 

"We both know you can't cook so I don't see why you're defending yourself." She was right but that didn't stop me from glaring at her anyways. 

She just raised her hands in defeat and smiled at me. It wasn't a nice smile either.

"Anyone wanna hike?" I asked hopefully. 

"Maybe tomorrow, Kadea," Cole replied. I knew no one would actually want to hike but it was worth a try. "But I know something completely freaking awesome that we could do instead." 

We all looked at him hopefully because, after breakfast, all of us were pretty much bored out of our minds since we couldn't think of anything fun to do. 

"I didn't bring those quad bikes - fully gassed up might I add - so that we could just leave them there." 

We all jumped up and raced over to the car. August got there first.  

"Guess what I just found out?" I exclaimed; gaining all of their attention.

"What?" They all looked at me expectantly. 

"We just found someone that can outrun Cole!" 

Rachel, Kade, August and I cheered. Cole just glared at me. 

He unlocked the trailer at the back of his car and let the ramp drop. 

"You're gonna have to share 'cause I really didn't have space for six." Cole informed us when all of the bikes were arranged in front of us. No... it wasn't because he couldn't afford the extras, it was because they couldn't fit. 

Freaking rich people! 

The ground below our tyres erupted as we all took off on our bikes.

We criss-crossed down the hiking trail that eventually led to a path that followed along one side of the lake. I was seated behind August with my arms wrapped loosely around his waist since I wasn't like those wimps that couldn't handle a bit of speed. My mind kept on drifting back to the kiss last night and just how alive I'd felt at the time. 

How the hell could someone so damn hot think that I was even remotely attractive? 

The quad-bike jumped over a rock and redirected my attention. 

We were in a clearing now. It was lined with trees that blended together to create a big green mess because we were moving so damn fast. 

Me being me decided that it would be a good idea to try distracting August. I poked his side and laughed hysterically as he jumped in his seat and swerved. 

"Do you want to die young?" He shouted over his shoulder. 

"Yes, if it means I don't have to touch you anymore." I joked. 

"We both know you love touching me." 

I rolled my eyes. "Not in this lifetime." 

He turned and pouted at me. My heart missed a beat when I realized that August wasn't looking at where we were going and I started panicking. 

"Turn around you idiot!" I screamed. 




I freaked out and stretched so that I could grab the steering column and narrowly avoid a boulder. 

He turned.

Finally, I thought. 

"I swear to god if you do something like that again I'm gonna kill you!" I threatened. 

"Doubt that." 

"Really? Ok, whatever you say." 

"OHMYGOD! Are you guys okay? I saw you almost hit that rock." Rachel sounded panicked. 

"This dumbass thought it would be fun to try steering without looking." I glared at August. 

"If you hurt my best friend I will personally castrate you with nothing more than a rock and a rusty spoon." Rachel said forcefully. She looked serious and I didn't doubt her threat because I knew she was capable of something like that. 

I felt August cringe, probably thinking about it. I laughed at his reaction. "I think he gets it." I told Rachel reassuringly.  

"You're scarier than I thought." I heard Kade say to her as they sped away. 

I didn't hear her reply. 

"She's fucking scary!" August informed me. 

"NO." I replied sarcastically. 

"I was just saying..." 

He sounded hurt and rude at the same time. 

I patted his stomach. "Is poor August scared?" I cooed annoyingly. 

He swerved dangerously. "Wanna call me scared again? Just remember who's driving." 

"Whatever, darling," I replied sarcastically. 

We continued exchanging sarcastic remarks. 

I watched as we passed by one setting after another; all of them involving one kind of tree or another. 

My expression became one of utter confusion when I noticed Cole and Kade stop their quad bikes. 

"Stop the quad." I ordered. 

He must have rolled his eyes at my tone. 

The quad bike slowed down. We must have been quad biking for a good two hours; almost three. 

"What's up?" I heard Kade ask. 

"Girls turn to steer." I heard Cole reply. 

I was laughing at Kade on the inside. I knew for a fact that Rachel wasn't very good at driving cars so I could only imagine what sort of cliff she'd drive them off once she was the one in control. She drove fast with no particular direction. I will admit now that I'm also a particularly crazy driver - I drive whenever my dad offers since I don't have my license yet - but I wouldn't tell August that. I was gonna let him find out for himself. 

August climbed off as I scooted forward on the seat. 

"What's your second name?" I asked him. 


"Seriously; 'August Woods'?" 

"Yah," He placed his hands on my waist. 

"Ok then. Welcome to the craziest ride of your life, Woods." 

I pressed the acceleration and shot forwards. I skidded around a tree and jumped over a rock. We were probably airborne at one point. 

To conclude the experience, I'm just going to say that there was a lot of drifting, flying and screaming; not from me, might I add. 

By the time we were parked next to Cole's trailer again, I couldn't stop laughing. If I paid enough attention, I could probably feel August shaking from the seat behind me. His previously loose arms were now wrapped around my waist like a vice. 

I looked at Kade, he looked shocked and this made me laugh even more. I unwrapped August's arms and stepped off the quad bike and fist-bumped Rachel. 

"You guys are fucking crazy! Please can someone tell me why Cole got the girl free quad?" August sounded like he would faint at any second. That brought a whole new round of laughter to the surface. 

"Because I'm the smartest," Cole announced easily. 

"Bitch, please." I replied with an eye roll, finally losing the urge to laugh. 

I checked my watch and found that it was 7 pm. "What d'you guys wanna do? It's seven." It was summer so the sun wouldn't set for another two hours at most. 

"I say we quad bike over to this diner we passed on our way here." Cole suggested. "I'm fucking hungry." 

"Sounds good... Can we steer though? I don't think I've ever seen my life flash before my eyes quite  so many times." August waved a hand between Kade and himself. 

I suppressed a laugh. "Sure, dude." 

Rachel sat behind Kade and wrapped her arms around him. 

I walked up to the quad bike where August was already positioned at the front. 

"Move back a bit, I wanna sit in front." 

"But you said we could steer." 

"I know that you idiot but I wanna see where we're going." 

He moved back and I sat in front of him. He placed his hands on the steering column, caging me in. 

Cole led the way and in less than fifteen minutes, we had pulled up into the parking lot of a diner. 

"'Elle's Bar and Grill' real classy my friend." Rachel said sarcastically. 

Okay, maybe it wasn't a diner... 

"If you guys get drunk I'll fucking murder you!" I warned. 

All of them promised otherwise.

"I told you not to get fucking drunk you assholes!" I was royally pissed at Kade and August. 

"I'm not drunk, b-b-babe." August's voice slurred and he stood up unsteadily. 

"None of us are." Kade smiled sloppily. 

Rachel and I looked at the mess before us. These two drunken idiots had somehow managed to burn a table cloth, break a jukebox, make a mess of our dinner and rip off the green cloth on a pool table. Ok, maybe we all helped a little... 

The owner of the grill was pissed. Elle herself stood before us with a look that could melt metal. 

I realized that the camera was still on and took this time to stop the video. 

"I swear Kade doesn't usually act like this." Cole was the only sober one out of the three guys; probably because he knew that he'd have to steer his own quad bike. Or maybe he just had a high tolerance.  

"He fucking messed up the entire bar!" I snapped at him. Then I felt bad. "Sorry dude, I'm just so damn confused right now." 

"Let's just take them back to the camping site." Cole said with a resigned look. 

"And what exactly will I do with the mess your little friends made?" Elle sounded like she could tear our heads off. 

Cole pulled out his wallet and handed her some Sodas (I can promise you that I also want to kill the idiot that named them Sodas although, he/she seemed to have a sense of humour so I'll give him/her that much). "This should cover damage charges and meal costs." He handed her another pile of money. "You can buy a new pool table with this." 

Elle walked away with the money, seeming extremely pleased with herself and her new earnings. 

Who the hell ever has that much money on them? Oh right, Cole does. 

I sighed when I realized that we still had to quad bike back to the lake. 

Rachel and I grabbed a hold of August and Kade, letting them lean on us. 

It wasn't an easy job either. No... the higher powers just had to mess with us and make both of them way a ton and feel extremely sticky because of all of the food that their clothes had recently adorned. 

We stumbled over to the quad bikes. "Get on." I instructed. 

"If you wanted to do me in public, you could just ask." August retorted with a cocky grin. 

My face transformed into a scowl and he immediately hopped onto the quad bike; not daring to question me at a time like this. 

I sat in front of him and pulled his arms around me because I knew he couldn't do it himself. 

I slowed down the pace this time as Cole led the way back to the Lake. 

It was around midnight and the sun had set. 

When we pulled up at the reception, I was forced to drag August up to our tent and put him in before leaving again and helping Cole drive the quad bikes back into the trailer. 

"How the hell aren't you drunk, Johnsons?" I asked him when I was finished with the quad bikes. 

"Easy... high tolerance and I also just wanted to watch those two make idiot's out of themselves." 

I laughed. But it wasn't a normal laugh. It was a laugh that was laced without even a slight trace of actually humor. 

I hiked back into my tent and lay down on the outside of my sleeping bag, not wanting to mess up the inside. 

I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we had all somehow managed to destroy a bar. In under five hours... 

I was probably just in a grumpy mood because I was soaking wet and the soda started making my shirt stick to my stomach annoyingly. I also - conveniently - had the Bars entire supply of ketchup gelling my hair up into what I can only imagine as a freakish Mohawk looking mess. 

I was still pissed at August but couldn't help but smile when I looked at his sleeping face. Let's just say that it probably wasn't any better than mine.

You're all probably wondering what happened, right? How we had somehow managed to ruin a business in one day?

Well, here it is:

"I'll have the quarter pounder with a beer." Cole ordered. 

"Same." I heard both August and Kade say. 

The waitress just nodded and looked at Rachel. How the hell didn't she notice that they weren't even close to being old enough to drink alcohol legally? Then again... if I had seen them for the first time, I'd think they were nineteen. 

"Can I have the same thing except I want a Coke instead?" Rachel informed the waitress. 

"Same but can I have a Red Bull?" I asked her with a sweet smile. 

She just glared at me; chewing her gum in a way that irritated me. "No Red Bull." 

"Apple juice?" 

She shook her head. "No such thing as Apple juice in a bar, hun," 

"I'll have a Coke then." 

She left. 

"Are you sure you guys can handle a quarter pounder?" Kade challenged; obviously concerned. 

"Well, duh!" Rachel replied for both of us. "Our stomachs are like endless pits, right Kadea?" 

"Whoever questions it should get the death penalty." I replied easily. 

All three guys looked at us, every single one of them wearing the same awed expression. 

"What, is it really that hard to believe?" I said when their expressions finally started making me feel uncomfortable. 

"Yes, it really is!" Cole answered for them. 

"Yeah, it's not every day you see a girl eating. Usually you guys get a salad or something." Kade added. 

"Do we even look or act like your every day kind of girls?" Rachel asked them. 

"No." They answered in sync. I rolled my eyes. It seems I've been doing that a lot lately. 

Our food came about twenty minutes later. 

The minute I smelled the ribs, I couldn't help but smile. 

I heard the sound of a picture being taken and looked up as Cole grinned at the image displayed on his iPhone screen. 

"You guys look like you might have sex with your food." That one comment from August was all it took to have all three guys laughing hysterically. 

Rachel and I just glared at August and Kade across the table. Sadly, we couldn't intimidate Cole with our deathly stares because he was sitting at the head of the table and I didn't want to redirect my focus. 

Rachel and I seemed to have the same idea because in seconds, we had both managed to scoop a fistful of mayonnaise from our plate's and throw it at August and Kade. I grabbed an extra handful and dumped it in Cole's hair. 

They stopped laughing.

"Oh, fuck no." August. 

"What the hell?" Kade. 

"I'm going to kill you!" Cole. 

Rachel and I jumped out of our seats and ran across the room before the first revenge tactic was in full swing. 

I felt my back become wet and made the mistake of turning around. 

My hair and face were assaulted by a river of thick, red liquid that I identified as ketchup. I watched with a bewildered look as Cole grabbed his Coke can, shook it violently and then aimed it at Rachel and I. He unclasped it and the liquid shot out at us; I'm pretty sure I got a majority of the can's contents though. 

I looked at the table next to me and grabbed a mustard bottle. I shook it so that all of the murky, yellow liquid was at the top, opened it and pressed the thin plastic bottle. 

I heard a gag of disgust as the contents of my mustard bottle attacked Kade in the face. I moved my hands; aiming at August, I squeezed the bottle again and watched as he was assaulted by a steady stream of mustard. 

It was hilarious actually... well, up until he grabbed a handful of fries and chucked them at me. 

My laughter instantly died. 

Oh, hell no. 

I ran around the group of guys and grabbed a random coke can from our, now deserted, table. I shook it well and unclasped it, releasing a flow of the sugary, brown substance right at all three of them. 

The mistake they made? Standing in a group... it just made it easier to attack them. 

I was just about to release the fries I had clenched tightly in my hands, when I heard someone yell from my left. 

We all looked at the bar. 

"You kids are such a nuisance! It's a wonder I won't call the owner... this is a warning. If one more thing goes wrong you're all getting kicked out!" The waitress that took our orders shouted from behind the bar. "That's what happens when they're raised in the city..." I heard her add under her breath as an afterthought.  

God, I hate authority figures. I rolled my eyes then flipped her off when she turned around. 

"I'm still hungry; I say we eat what's left of our food." Cole suggested when the silence that had settled around us became unbearable.

Even with a majority of my meal wasted on everyone's shirts, I still found myself leaning back in my chair with a hand on my stomach and a lazy smile on my face. Talk about the world's best ribs and I'll steer you this way for sure! 

"So... full... oh... my... god..." I heard Rachel say. 

All of the guys laughed. 

They were perfectly fine. "Told you guys you couldn't handle it," Kade said, sounding amused. 

I flipped him off. "You didn't say anything... you asked if we could." 

"And you lied." 

"Did not." 

"Yah, you did." 

He got up and walked to the bar, leaving no room for me to argue. 

He came back with six shot glasses in his hands, spread them out on the table in front of August and Cole and sat back down again. 

"Did not." I said one last time, too quietly for him to hear. Somehow he heard me though because the minute I looked up, I saw him staring at me with an amused look on his face. I flipped him the bird. 

They each had two shot glasses of what looked like tequila just within reaching distance. 

"Okay boys, today we are becoming men," Kade said dramatically. "First to down both of these wins." 

"Easy," Cole replied, smiling like a mad man. 

"You didn't let me finish..." There was a long pause. "You can't use lemons." 

Cole's eyes became bug like.  

"What the hell? No way," August sounded appalled. 

Kade just smiled at both of them. "One... two... THREE." 

They all grabbed their first shot glass and downed it effortlessly before cringing. I could only imagine the burn. 

August was the first to reach for his next shot but hesitated when it was just in front of his lips. That one little hesitation was all it took for Cole to down his second shot and cheer wildly before he broke down and cringed. 

August quickly drank his second shot and slammed it down on the table; Kade's shot glass followed shortly after. 

They both scrunched up their faces in sync. 

"You guys are idiots." I informed them. 

They all just stared at me before calling the waitress over and ordering two rounds of beers. 

This was not going to end well. 

"You guys really shouldn't drink this much." Rachel sounded worried. 

The beers arrived and they all chugged both of the - fucking huge - glasses with ease. 

They called the waitress over and ordered one more. 

"This is really not a good idea." I added as a last attempt to stop them drinking any more. 

When August had downed the beer, he shot up and walked up to the juke box. 

Judging by the fact that he could just barely walk, I concluded that he was drunk. 

"Oh my God! What kind of music machine doesn't have 'Call Me Maybe'?" August would never say Oh my God. He was definitely very drunk. "That is so insulting!" 

He punched the glass on the juke box; the glass cracked. 

Oh, shit. 

Kade stumbled out of his seat and walked up to the Juke box. 

He studied it intently. "I think you hurt it, Oggy." 

Oggy? That's a first. 

"It's not my fault it doesn't have 'Call Me Maybe'." August replied moodily. He started humming the song. 

"Let's just go play pool..." 

Kade stumbled across the room until he was standing next to the pool table with a cue in his clumsy hands. 

That was when I pulled out my phone and started taking a video. 

"You play first, Oggy." Lucky for them, someone had already set up the starting arrangement of balls. 

August unsteadily aimed for the triangle of balls and hit the white ball. Well, if you could call that a hit. He had somehow managed to dig into the thin, green lint of the pool and send the white ball flying up and over the edge of the pool table. It landed with a loud thudding noise. 

"Dude, dude! I think there's something buried in there!" August was now looking at the hole on the surface of the pool table that he had created with his crappy shot. Choosing now to stop humming 'Call Me Maybe'. 

Kade ran up to him and stared. "OH MY FUCKING GOD, I THINK THERE IS SOMETHING IN THERE!" 

Before I could react, August had already pulled at one corner of the green material and was ripping it off. 

"What the hell?" I finally ran up to them. "You guys should really stop now!" 

"Nothing there." August pouted. 

"It's... it's o-okay Oggy," Kade tried and failed to comfort him in his drunken state. 

"Umm, you guys!" Cole sounded desperate. I looked back at our table and almost hurt myself. 

Could this day seriously get any worse? 

The table cloth was on fire. 

The candle had somehow managed to fall and light the entire thing on fire. 

That was when the waitress decided it was convenient to come out of wherever she was. 

"Oh my God! What the hell did you stupid kids do?" She ducked under the bar and pulled out a fire extinguisher. 

I watched, frozen, as she raced over to our table and killed the fire with the red fire extinguisher. 

"I'm calling Elle right now!" She pulled her phone out and dialed the number. 

I just kept on thinking about how so very convenient it was that the bar didn't have any other customers. 

"Hello Elle? There are these kids! Yes... they set the place on fire!" She hung up and turned to me. 

"How did this even happen?" She sounded incredulous. 

"You want the truth?" She nodded. "I have no fucking idea."' 

We all sat down at a random table, except the waitress, and looked at the ground. 

Elle showed up shortly after looking about as angry as anyone that just had their business destroyed should look. 

"I told you not to get fucking drunk you assholes!" I was royally pissed at Kade and August. 

"I'm not drunk, b-b-babe." August's voice slurred and he stood up unsteadily. 

"None of us are." Kade smiled sloppily.


You'll never guess what this idiot - aka: me - did?! She wanted to edit the chapter on her IPhone but because the letters were so tiny she clicked delete instead of edit... The dumbest thing? It asked if I was SURE i wanted to delete the book and then... I clicked 'yes'... IM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT SOMETIMES :P I blame the iPhone tho :P haha... Anyways - this idiot is working on the next chapter right now so I'm hoping to upload today or tomoro.... 

MORAL OF THE STORY: read the question twice OR MAYBE JUST ZOOM INNN and you won't have to repost something!!!! 

So, comment, vote BLAH BLAH BLAH!! 


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