Addicted | Yoonmin✔

By prespoverty

29.3K 1.7K 703

"I could easily get addicted to you, Park Jimin." - In which Yoongi, a recovering drug addict, finds solace i... More

|fourteen . two|
|Fifteen . two|
|nineteen . two|
|twenty one|
|twenty two|
|twenty three|
|twenty four|
|twenty five|
|twenty six|
|twenty seven|
|twenty eight|
|twenty nine|
|thirty one|
|thirty two|
|thirty two . two|
|thirty three|
|thirty four. two|
|thirty five|
|thirty six|
|thirty seven|
|thirty eight|
|thirty nine|
|thirty nine . two|
| character q&a |
|forty one|
|forty two|
|forty two . two|
|forty three|
|forty four|
|forty five|
|welp i was tagged|
|forty six|
|future works and fun facts|
|extra : marriage texts|
|extra: lovesick|
|extra: first love|

|thirty four|

437 23 4
By prespoverty

Go ahead and cry little boy
Nobody does it like you do
I know that you got daddy issues

Yoongi was calling Tae as he sat down on the bus, on his way from Jihoon's place. "Yo? Hey, Tae. Any news on Jimin?" Yoongi felt around in his backpack, making sure that his money and the gift he had gotten Jimin was still in there. He sighed in relief when it was.

"Yeah, he's home. Our exams ended today, and school closed for a short vacation. His parents aren't home actually. You can probs go to him." Taehyung sounded worried. "He...He hasn't been the same, you know. He's not okay, and I think he needs you more than he'll let us know."

A strange feeling of excitement washed over Yoongi, one he couldn't possibly begin to explain. Like a blank canvas being painted over with a new coat of paint, the prospect of seeing Jimin again lit Yoongi's soul on fire. He can only remember the pain that had been in Jimin's voice when they talked briefly over the phone.

The ravenette rested his head against the window of the bus, letting the gentle vibrations lull him while he held the phone to his ear. His lips were aching to be against Jimin's again. His hips ached to be pressed against Jimin's again. His hands ached to roam his body, his ears ached to hear his giggle again. His entire being was screaming out for Jimin's presence.

The sky was a faded dark outside as dusk broke through, but the clouds were fading. Yoongi could see a full moon on the rise. He wondered what Jimin would look like with moonlight reflecting off his face. He wondered if the faint light would be able to do his handsome features the same justice as the sunlight does. His mochi looked best when he was smiling up at the bright sky: there was something about the sun, especially when the world of day crossed over into night or vice versa, that complimented Jimin. It might be the natural light, or it might be the concept. However, if Yoongi was to, God forbid, never see Jimin again, he would always remember Jimin to be like the sky in the morning: an indescribably beautiful reminder that it's always darkest just before the dawn. A pink shaded boy with a heart as bright as the sun. A boy whom loved fiercely.

Jimin was his dawn.

But it was almost night, and he needed to get to Jimin fast. His Mochi needed him.

Yoongi started tapping his foot impatiently, mentally willing the bus driver to go faster. If he could, he'd run all the way to Jimin's place, break down his door, swoop in and hold Jimin in his arms until the morning light painted their souls in all the shades of happiness. Until Yoongi was the same shade of pink as Jimin. "I'll be there as soon as possible. Thanks, Taehyung."

"Anytime hyung! Oh, and get some pizza or something for Jimin. He needs it."


When Yoongi knocked on Jimin's door and he saw Jimin's current state when he tentatively opened the door, that's when the pizza he was holding in his hands made sense.

He was pale, and his frame seemed to be more slight than usual. His doe brown eyes had purple bags under them, and his fluffy hands seemed weak. Yoongi's heart sunk, but when he saw Jimin's bright smile, his entire being felt lifted. However, something was different about Jimin. Something set him off.

"Your hair. It isn't pink anymore."

Yes, indeed. His hair dye had been removed, and his hair was it's natural silky black colour. Not that Yoongi didn't find it beautiful, but he remembered that Jimin was so proud of his pink hair and that he loved it dearly, he wouldn't have removed the dye if it was up to him. He actually had been wanting to dye it blond. Why was it black now?

Jimin pulled Yoongi inside and closed and locked the door while Yoongi put the pizza down. Yoongi then turned to Jimin and saw that Jimin's lower lip was trembling. His body seemed smaller than before, and he seemed like a ghost of the boy he had once been. Yoongi embraced Jimin, his arms wrapping tightly around the younger, Jimin's face hiding in Yoongi's neck as his tears started pouring out. Jimin koala'd himself to Yoongi, jumping up and wrapping his legs around the older tightly. Yoongi walked with Jimin to the livingroom and fell down on the couch with him, allowing the smaller boy in his arms to drown out his sniffles in his boyfriend's neck, allowing the skin to become wet with tears, but Yoongi didn't mind.

"Jimin, what did I miss? What happened?" Yoongi cupped Jimin's cheeks when he sat back, looking deeply into Yoongi's eyes, his lower lip trembling in a pout as he couldn't look Yoongi in the eye. Yoongi peppered the smaller boy's face with kisses, whispering how much he loved him under his breath as he tried to get Jimin to calm down. He wiped Jimin's tears away with his thumb, kissing his plump, pouty lips gently until the tears stopped rolling down his chubby cheeks. "Baby, I love you, and I want to help you. Talk to me, please," Yoongi asked softly.

"My parents...They've become hectic. L-like, they said I picked up weight, and so I've been on a strict diet, and I'm not allowed to dance because it's 'gay', and I had to remove the dye from my hair, and I need to study more because my marks have been dropping, and I'm barely allowed a chance to breathe," Jimin was hyperventilating again as he became more and more upset, but Yoongi helped Jimin sit upright on his lap and instructed him to breathe slowly. When Jimin's breathing was under control again, he pushed Yoongi flat down on the couch and laid down on him, face in his neck.

"Jiminie, my little one, you're so beautiful, you know that? Like, literally, your body drives me insane. If you gave me the chance, I would spend hours just kissing your body and making you feel worth it," Yoongi ran his fingers up Jimin's shirt, allowing his fingernails to graze the soft skin, causing Jimin's skin to break out in goosebumps. He felt Jimin smile against his skin, shifting around as he became flustered. "And from now on, I'll always have extra junkfood ready to make you feel better. You don't need to lose weight, baby. And if you want to dance, then I'll take you to Hobi's studio and you can dance there. Baby, I know it's hard and I know it feels like you can't cope, but listen to me when I say that I'm here for you. I'll fix everything, I'll protect you."

Jimin sat up straight on Yoongi's lap, his hands resting on the elder's chest. His dark hair was in disarray, his lips were still pouty, his dark eyes were glossy, his skin was pale, but he was so beautiful. Yoongi ran his fingers up Jimin's sides, feeling the spaces beneath his ribs, and Jimin closed his eyes as he arched his back into Yoongi's touch, slightly tilting his head back. "I only feel like I'm worth something when I see the way you look at me. I only feel beautiful when you touch me," Jimin's voice was hoarse from crying. "I've missed you so much, hyung."

Yoongi sat up straight, allowing their chests to press together as he pulled Jimin against him. His thinner, doll-like lips found Jimin's, claiming his man in a proper kiss. His hand moved into Jimin's hair, tangling with the dark and silky locks, liking the way Jimin was smiling into the kiss. The kiss was emotional, not at all passionate or in any way sexual. They barely used tongue, and just allowed themselves to get lost in each other's emotions as they shared their feelings by their lips.

They kissed for a full ten minutes before easing out. Jimin's arms were wrapped tightly around Yoongi's neck, his forehead pressed to his and his legs spread on either side of Yoongi's lap. "I love you, Jimin," Yoongi whispered, allowing his warm breath to graze Jimin's lips.

"I love you too, Yoongi," Jimin smiled widely, his eyes crinkling into crescents as he finally felt happy for the first time in two weeks. "Can we...have that pizza now?" Yoongi nodded, and Jimin jumped up immediately, going to fetch it. Yoongi sat right on the couch, and Jimin ran back in and plopped down on the couch. "You could be glad my parents gaze me the house keys tonight, otherwise you wouldn't have come in." Jimin took a slice of pizza, his eyes widening at how the cheese were creating strings.

Yoongi took a slice for himself and bit down immediately. "Why? Can't I sneak through your window anymore?"

Jimin shook his head. "They put up burglar bars. They think I've been sneaking out through them. Little do they know, someone else has been sneaking in," Jimin giggled softly, laying his head against Yoongi's shoulder.

"I really, really strongly dislike your parents."

"Same, though. Well, except my dad, like, my real dad, but I haven't heard from him in so long," Jimin sighed, holding a piece of pineapple between his fingers (because he and Yoongi were the type of trash to actually like pineapple on pizza). "He was a great guy, but he left when I was really young, but I think my mom doesn't allow him to have contact with me. I've received a stray letter every now and again, but I've never had the courage to search him up."

"You should," Yoongi said bluntly, the topic of fathers being particularly sensitive for him. "You have a dad who might turn out to be quite awesome. That's...that's more than I could say," he whispered the last part, almost afraid to let his fears be known.

Jimin put his pizza down and looked at Yoongi. "You've...never talked about your father before," he put his hand on Yoongi's thigh in a comforting gesture.

"Because I don't have one. According to my mother, he was an abusive drunk who never wanted me in the first place," Yoongi couldn't bring himself to look at Jimin. "Like father, like son. Alcoholic, addict, all the same. Fucked-up. I...I always told myself I never wanted to be like him, but look where I ended up. Shit, urgh, I hate facing my emotions."

Jimin turned Yoongi's face to his, smiling a small, but sad smile. "You're not like that man, you know that, right? You might have been an addict, but you managed to become clean. You're not abusive, and you're actually such a softie. You're... you're my everything. I'm not as poetic as you are, but know that I mean what I say. You're not like him and..." Jimin blushed as he said the next part with a shy smile, looking down. "You'll be an amazing father one day."

Yoongi laughed softly, liking the idea of Jimin and him adopting a child together one day. He liked the idea of Jimin rocking their baby in his arms, wearing Yoongi's over-sized shirt, yawning just as wide as the child. He liked the idea of him being able to walk up to Jimin from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist and making funny faces at their child. Maybe they could even find a surrogate or something, make a little Jimin and a few years later a little Yoongi. Yoongi started smiling like an idiot, which caused Jimin to giggle.

"Do you like the idea of having kids together that much?" Jimin questioned, knowing that the idea was childish and naïve, but they couldn't help but be totally in love with the idea of a shared future.

"Yes, I do actually. I like the idea of us staying together. I want the white-picket fence, the soccer-mom van, the screaming over who gets the last piece of bacon-"

"Uhm, excuse you, I'll get that last piece of bacon." Jimin booped Yoongi's nose, and he rolled his eyes.

"Try arguing with a little you who wants exactly the same," Yoongi rolled up another slice of pizza before munching it down. "But, back to the topic, I think we should start looking for your father."

Jimin nearly choked on his pizza. "Come again for little Chim?" He questioned, looking up at Yoongi with his big, surprised eyes. " dad? Hyung, last time I heard, he lives in Seoul. You know, Seoul is kinda big place, hey? I don't even have a number or anything."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and pulled Jimin unto his lap, taking his phone out and wrapping his arms around his Mochi, holding the phone in front of them. "Facebook, idiot. Facebook. You probably remember his name and kind of what he looks like?" Jimin nodded, taking the phone from Yoongi and typing his father's information in. Yoongi brushed Jimin's black hair from his neck and placed a sweet kiss on the skin, looking over his shoulder at the phone.

"The chances of finding him on this is small. What do we do when we find him? Will you message him saying, hello, I'm your long lost son's boyfriend, wanna get some McD's or something? Would he even accept us?" Jimin bit his lip, but Yoongi shook his head, holding Jimin a bit closer.
"If he's as great as you remember, then I'm sure he would. If he doesn't, then at least you still have your other dads to accept us," Yoongi nuzzled his face into Jimin's neck, and Jimin giggled. "We should let those two get engaged already-"

"THAT'S HIM! THAT'S MY DAD! OH MY GOD, YOONGI! THAT'S HIS FACE!" Jimin held the phone up excitedly, wiggling around his boyfriend's lap as he giggled. Yoongi couldn't help but laugh with, looking at Jimin's father's profile on Facebook. "HE LOOKS LIKE ME! I LOOK LIKE HIM! AH!" Jimin turned around in Yoongi's lap, straddling him, and buried his face in his neck. The two laughed together happily, but soon their laughter died down and they just enjoyed each other's company and warmth.

"You do look like him," Yoongi whispered, softly stroking Jimin's hair. "Equally as beautiful." He traced soft kisses up Jimin's neck, and suddenly Yoongi was reminded of how much he missed Jimin's body. "When do you want to message him?"

Jimin moved around in Yoongi's lap, obviously feeling the same way Yoongi was feeling. "We can send him a message now, and until he replies, we can...uhm..." Jimin bit his plump lip, looking down shyly. "Keep ourselves busy."

Yoongi smirked. "I like the sound of that. Here, take my phone and message him. I'll go put the pizza in the fridge and, uh, freshen up I guess?" Jimin giggled and got off his boyfriend's lap, taking the phone and typing out a message to his father. Yoongi swiftly took the pizza and put it in the fridge, then he walked to the bathroom to at least use some mouth wash before taking his boyfriend's dick into his mouth, or whatever. Yoongi waited inside a bit, just looking at his reflection and smiling stupidly.

You should tell him about Jihoon and your mom.

The voice inside Yoongi's head warned him, and Yoongi shook his head. No, no not when Jimin was upset. He'll do it another time, he'll do it when Jimin wasn't this ecstatic. Maybe when they can talk it out calmly and not where Jimin can kick him out. Yoongi's heart ached with guilt, but he didn't think he was ready to talk about it.

So, he'd continue pushing those feelings down. His boyfriend was hurting, and he needed Yoongi to be strong and supportive, not to find out that Yoongi had been keeping secrets. Yoongi looked away from his reflection, finding himself unable to look himself in the eye anymore. He took a deep breath, and walked out of the bathroom.

In the livingroom, he was almost knocked out breathless at the sight in front of him.

While Yoongi was in the bathroom, Jimin had stripped down to what seemed like only Yoongi's over-sized hoodie (which the elder had given him earlier in their relationship) and his Calvin Kleins. He was standing, shyly, biting his lip sexily. His thick, milky thighs were on full display. Yoongi's heart started beating faster, and he found it difficult to swallow.

"Little one," he growled under his breath, his head becoming warm and his hips feeling on fire with arousal. "Come to hyung," he commanded, and Jimin ran to Yoongi and jumped up on him, wrapping his legs around him tightly and securely. "Mine, all mine," Yoongi said as he carried Jimin to his room, and put him gently on his bed. He shrugged his own shirt off and got on Jimin, pinning his hands above his head.

Jimin looked at Yoongi with those large, innocent doe eyes, but Yoongi could see that Jimin had some naughty intentions. "Hyung..." Jimin whispered. "Please, touch me."

Yoongi didn't wait another second to start stripping Jimin bare and obey his wish.

Because, after all, Jimin had Yoongi wrapped around his pinky.

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