Von MaryEden08

1.2M 42.8K 2.2K

Prowess (ˈpraʊɪs) 1. Outstanding or superior skill or ability. 2. Bravery or fearlessness, esp in battle. Th... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
PLEASE READ - Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Author's Note - What Happens Next

Chapter 59

4.1K 144 38
Von MaryEden08

Anastasia POV;

The pack run seemed to have a revitalizing effect, and within the pack mindset, I certainly felt the overall anxiety decrease. I had managed to isolate the individual questioning my authority to the same girl who'd challenged my authority at the initiation. Vince's sister, Abigail. While she hadn't said anything to me directly, there was discomfort within the pack members whom she associated with about her conduct; she'd been insulting me and badmouthing me as leader to anyone who would listen. It had been five days since my return from the hospital, and I'd left the matter of Abigail unresolved while I dealt with pack matters and attended meeting with other Alphas. Out of courtesy to Vince, I'd pulled him aside and made it very clear to him that if Abigail's conduct remained unaddressed, I would be making an example of her. It seemed only fair to give him the chance to set an example to her and give her the chance to change her behavior. As I returned from an Elder meeting, I met a few of the new recruits in the lounge on arrival, their sudden rushed reactions to hide something between their backs had me narrowing my eyes. Standing quickly, they all bow - everyone except Abigail.

"We're were just reading today's newspaper." She says in a sickly-sweet voice. Standing up straighter and pulling out the newspaper article they'd hidden on my arrival, she holds it up for me to see. I could've guessed what it said from the questions shouted at me by the news reporters that were currently skirting the outside of my territory, and who'd been following me around all morning. The headline read;


While glancing over it with disinterest, my phone rings. "Prowess speaking." I answer immediately, Abigail opens her mouth to interrupt but quickly shuts it at the venomous look and raised hand I give her. I make my way to the office as Brody's voice greets me.

"Prowess, I've been trying to get hold of you all morning. I wanted to give you a heads up about this morning's news-" begins Brody as I shut myself into my office

"No need. I've just seen it, and I've had reporters following me around all morning." I tell him bluntly, beginning to feel pissed off as the withheld annoyance of the morning seeps into and under my skin.

"Look there is a lot of things I need to discuss with you, but first I have to ask. Is there any truth to the story?" He asks concerned.

My anger hits a new high. "You son of a-" I curse, slamming the phone down on him. I promptly throw it as hard as I can at the door, the phone shatters on contact. How dare he?! Was Brody now suffering from short-term amnesia as well? Or were the four consecutive days I spent at Kellen's bedside while he'd been in a coma now irrelevant? Christ, it had only been five days ago. I was too angry to answer the landline as it started ringing. Instead, pulling the bookcase forward, I make my way down to my hidden basement apartment. It wasn't much; as you descended the stairs, you arrived into the bedroom with my double bed in front of you, either side of that near the ceiling were two small rectangle windows. To the right were floor to ceiling filled bookshelves, in the middle of which was a double set of doors; one side for my walk-in wardrobe, the other for my en-suite bathroom. To the left of the room was an open-plan mini kitchenette and lounge with an open fire along the wall and TV in the corner. Cursing profanities under my breath, I chuck my clothes on the bed and head to the bathroom, the ice of the shower cools my temper before I switch it to warming me up. Leaning my head against the wall, I just breath as I feel the water soothing my muscles like the hands of a masseuse performing a massage.

Brody Sayers on the landline for you, Ma'am. Interrupts Rick.

I'm unavailable. I watch through his eyes as he surveys the broken mobile littering my office floor.

Another one? I'll have it cleaned up and replaced. His amusement tickles my mind, and a reluctant smile tugs at my lips. My stomach rumbles and I sigh, I'd been skipping meals too often lately and breakfast this morning was no different. Shutting off the shower, I wrap myself in a towel at the same time I hear the TV in my room switch on. "What are you doing down here?" I growl, glaring at the back of Rick's head. It was a non-verbal understanding that no-one bothers me down here.

"Brought you some food." He says over his shoulder, pointing at the tin foiled plate on the counter. Grumbling, I head into the wardrobe and change into sweats and a vest before heading over to the sofa after swiping my plate of food. Looking up, Rick smiles, "Good to see you looking more yourself, Ana." I sink into the single chair and dig into my meal. He's given me quite a large portion. "Don't think I haven't worked out you're not eating as much as you should. We're wolves Ana, we need to eat more than the average human."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. It's not deliberate, I just haven't had time." I tell him around a mouthful of food.

"Samson is going to start making up food for you to take with you every morning." I give him a look. "We care Ana, this pack is a family and all we want to do is help you, in any way we can. You've been isolating yourself." He gives me a knowing look. I shrug.

"Fine. What are those files you brought?" I ask, changing the subject as I eye the files in front of him.

"Pack financials and progress reports. Mr. Sayers asked me to request you call him, he says its urgent." He gives me a new phone of the one I'd broken.

"That was quick, last time it took you a couple of days to replace it."

"I'm prepared this time. Got a whole draw of 'em now." He smirks. I dial Brody's number, he picks up after one ring.

"Brody." I begin curtly.

"Look Ana, I'm sorry about before. It was a tactless question. Moving on, the Queen would like to meet you in an hour. She requests that it be in the same location where you first met and dress casual, I'll take care of the reporters skirting your territory. They won't bother you anymore. Good day, Prowess." He hangs up. Checking the clock, it reads 1pm.

"Clear my afternoon, I've got a meeting with the Queen. I'll have to review the files when I get back." I tell Rick as I head into my walk in and start choosing what to wear. I hadn't done casual attire for a while, what did casual look like?

"What are you going to do about Abigail?" Calls Rick. "Vince tried speaking to her, but he says she doesn't seem to understand the seriousness of what she is doing. He warned her of what will happen if she continues but Vince thinks she's spiteful towards you because she's jealous. Apparently, she has a very zealous crush on the Prince."

"I won't tolerate it. I've let it slide till now, but only out of respect for Vince's loyalty to me, and to give him an opportunity to speak with her first. However, she is responsible for her own actions and I will hold her accountable as such." Eventually, I decide on jeans, a faded white long sleeve top, big scarf and leather jacket, finishing the look off with knee high black heeled boots. Heading back upstairs with Rick behind me, I head into the lounge. A few of my original members mixed with the newbies are lingering. Abigail is immediately on her feet, glare back in place as she comes towards me, newspaper in hand, apparently set on continuing whatever she'd aimed to do before I'd left the room. The atmosphere in the room morphs into discomfort.

Holding up the newspaper, she begins "You don't care about him do you? He deserves better." I open my mental connection with Vince. Vince. Your sister's conduct has not improved. It is a challenge to my authority, and it will be addressed. If you have a problem with this, you will be held equally answerable for her conduct.

No problem Ma'am. My sister needs to understand that there are consequences to all her actions, I will not shelter any kind of such behavior. Family or otherwise. Replies Vince loyally, his thoughts underlined with disappointment at his sister. Abigail continues, "I didn't think you could be a leader, and be committed to the Prince, I've thought as much when I joined this pack."

My Prowess rears fiercely at such disrespect. Stepping closer until I'm looking down on her, I ask lethally, "What gives you the right to speak to your leader in such a manner?" Fear passes through her eyes briefly before returning to indignance.

"My brother is one of your most loyal pack members, and I haven't directly insulted you so there is nothing you can hold me liable for." She says jutting her chin up at triumphantly. Behind her, other pack members shift uncomfortably as the tension crackles.

In the blink of an eye, I've raised my hand high and slapped her full across the face with enough controlled force to send her to her knees. My hand tingles as the 'SMACK' resounds around the room, bouncing off the walls of deathly hush. In the background, several people wince. Abigail's labored breathing is the only sound breaking the stony silence.

"You are quite mistaken if you think your brother's position in this pack will shield you from any wrath of mine." EVERYONE. TRAINING GROUNDS. NOW! I pierce the order into the pack mind as I grab Abigail by the hair and drag her through the house and out back towards the training grounds where many of the pack are now gathered. I ignore her whimpers and pleas for me to let her go. Dragging her through the crowd of shocked faces, I stop in front of a mental chain attached to a huge oak tree.

Spotting her brother in the crowd, she begins screaming "VINCE! SHE CAN'T DO THIS, DON'T LET HER DO THIS! Please! I'M YOUR SISTER! We're family." Dropping her to the floor like a wet fish, I haul her up by the neck and slam her forcefully against the oak, winding her. While catching her breath, I attach the silver chained collar around her neck and pad lock it in place before stepping back. Turning to face the crowd, I address them.

"I will NOT tolerate challenges to my authority, of any kind. This girl has been disrespectful towards me and the values of this pack from the moment of her intitation. As punishment, and as an example to others, she will remain chained here for two weeks in pack isolation." I kneel in front of Abigail who is glaring at me as she grapples with the collar. "If after such time you have not learn to be loyal and respectful towards me, and the other members of this pack, you will be cast out as a rogue. Do I make myself clear?" She spits on the ground in front of me in reply, earning her another hard slap across her other cheek. Facing the pack again, my hand throbbing with heat, "Anybody seen anywhere near this girl in the next two weeks will be equally punished. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am." Chorus the pack obediently.

"Disperse." I order, moving back to the house.

"VINCE! How could you?! Cries Abigail in the background.

Pausing, he looks back at her, "I warned you, sister." He says regretfully before turning his back on her. He knew she'd gotton off lightly.


An hour later, I'm given a distinct sense of de ja vu as I walk through Violetta's small custom clothes shop. It never changes, this shop, and I suppose that was why I loved it so much. While everything in this world moved so quickly, nothing in this shop changed - it remained the same as just before I was a teenager and I used to come and play dress up when Mum worked here. I head towards the back and into the dressing room where Violetta and Queen Maryanne are deep in conversation as they look at photos, with Violetta showing different types of fabrics.

"Ah, Ana!" Greets Maryanne smiling broadly and opening her arms invitingly. "I'm so glad you could make it at such short notice, thank you so much." She comes forward and we exchange kisses. It still felt very new to me to be greeting the members of the royal family this way, but I supposed I'd get used to it at some point. While the leader in me demanded respect, my mate instincts sought familiarity and some way of being closer to Kellen. Especially in his current state. Another point of conflict. Internally, I sigh.

"Maryanne, always a pleasure." I smile, before greeting Violetta. "Letty," I smile warmly and give her a large hug. She muffles 'Annie' into my hair as I kiss her on the cheek.

"Vi, would you mind bringing some tea through please?" Asks Maryanne smiling. Bowing, Violetta leaves the room as we take our seats at the little table set up. "Now darling, I do apologize about the press this morning. We are putting injunctions and so forth in place to prevent them following you. Unfortunately, we cannot police what they print - freedom of the press, with all its inconveniences. However," she claps her hands cheerfully. "that's not why I asked you here. The southern royal family have invited our family to visit them. In light of the news of Kellen's kidnap, they are extending a hand of peace and friendship, which we are more than prepared to accept. Politics at its most gracious, you see." She winks as Violetta returns with a tray of tea and scones then leaves again after the Queen's thanks.

I'm reminded as she spoke of the heads-up James had given me about being invited, and I briefly start considering how I'm going to refuse. My position as leader would come under fire if I was seen to be accompanying the royals on royal visits. "Anyway darling," continues Maryanne, buttering a scone, I politely follow suit as her eagle eyes fall onto my folded hands and upright posture. "The southern royal family have expressed a particular interest in having you join us -"

"Maryanne please." I blushingly interrupt, overcome by the discomfort of having to decline and wanting to get this over and done with so we could move on. "Thank you, truly, for the offer. But as a pack leader, I must decline. It is complicated enough trying to compromise between my duties to my pack, and my relationship with your son-" I tell her, beginning to struggle for words.

"I'm afraid Ana, this is something I'm unable to give you much choice on." I sink uncomfortably, imagining all the backlash and criticism that would come from the other Alphas once they knew I was partaking in a royal visit. "Ana, sweetheart," she reaches for my hand and gives it squeeze. "Alf and I have had a very long, in depth conversation about this. The repercussions from the other Alphas, the position this would be putting you in, and all the other problems that may arise from this. I can assure you it has been more than a headache for us. As royals, we cannot show preference, but at the same time you are Kellen's mate and he is heir to the throne, this visit is of the utmost importance to insure the peace of our people. We have had all the protocols on this thoroughly checked, and we are inviting you to attend on Kellen's behalf as his mate, not as Prowess. Kellen is not well enough to join us, so we will be making it clear that you attend on his behalf, and not in any capacity as a pack leader. Does that sound like a good enough compromise?"

It was a very fine line between pack duty and personal commitments, but if it could be presented just right then supposedly I wouldn't be advantaging my pack by attending in a personal capacity. I'd negotiate it all with Rick when I got back. Technically, as being a pack leader was a full-time job, we were allowed personal time off at the discretion of the Elders. If I submitted all the paperwork stating very clearly, I was taking 'personal leave' there could be no repercussions. "I'll submit the paperwork for personal time when I get back. Please make it clear to the southern royal family that I do not attend professionally, and that I would wish to be addressed by name not title." I say carefully, my chest feeling tight from anxiously withholding breath. "What happens now?"

"Well, you'll need to be briefed on the protocol for royal engagements; how to dress, how to behave, how to speak to the people, and how to address the other royals' etcetera. You'll need a stylist, designer, makeup artist, personal assistant, hairdresser - most female royals when out on engagements usually have an entourage of about four or five people. The men usually have three-"

"Woah, woah, woah, what?!" I interrupt, my head starting to throb with the overload of information. As far as I could remember, I'd never seen any of the royals trailed by that many people. I said as much to Maryanne.

"You wouldn't. They work in the background, on hand when necessary but ultimately invisible. You're only really supposed to see the security. You'll also have a bodyguard, Brody is vetting his men as we speak for a suitable candidate." I try and process what she's telling me quickly in an effort to catch up. It was a lot to take in.

"When is this trip happening?" The way she said 'next week' so casually had me struggling to collect myself. Composure back in place, I continue voicing thoughts, while inside my heart is spluttering with giddy nervousness. "With regards to my entourage, I have someone in mind to be my PA, she can also be my hairdresser and makeup artist. I prefer as few people as possible. As for my designer and stylist, Violetta is my choice. I wouldn't trust anyone else." At this, Maryanne grins broadly.

"Excellent choice. She designs and styles my wardrobe also. Who will you have for the other roles?"

"Chanel Lester. I trust her with my life, and she will be more than up to the tasks." I affirm. I hadn't been a great friend to Chanel of late, but her loyalty never wavered., I wouldn't want anyone else by side for such an important trip. I'd ask her when I got back.

"Very well, once you've briefed her - she'll need to come up to the palace for training from more experienced entourage members. I'll have arrangements made to collect her when necessary." Turning to look over my shoulder, "Would you please ask Violetta to come in please?" asks Maryanne. I follow her gaze to the royal guard stood by the door, I hadn't really noticed him till now. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen anyone but Maryanne and Violetta since I'd arrived, I'd assumed there must be guards somewhere, I just hadn't thought to look for them.

"Violetta, darling, I know I've given you a lot to do, but it looks like your work load will be increasing. Ana will be joining our family for our engagement in the South and is adamant she will have only you for her designer and stylist!" Gushes Maryanne.

"Do you mind?" I ask her shyly, aware that I'd presumed she'd want the task without asking, a task she might well refuse if she was s already busy creating the Queen's wardrobe. Violetta's face lights up as she turns toward me smiling like a kid on Christmas.

"Ana, dear child! It would be an honor! Although I might have to pull your mother out of retirement to help me, will either of you mind?" She probes excitedly, her joy making her look ten years younger.

"Of course not, although you'd have to ask my mother yourself if she would mind." I hadn't spoken to my parents for a while now, and although I was aware Dad's condition was worsening, I couldn't tell if Mum would appreciate having an extra task to do or not.

"Right, my dear," Begins Maryanne, standing also. "I suppose we both best be getting along now, we've both got a lot of things to be doing."

"Ana, would you prefer to do your measurements and wardrobe choices now or shall we arrange another date and time?" Asks Violetta, suddenly pulling a diary out of nowhere.

"I'll check the diary when I get back and give you a call as soon as I know. Sound fair?" Violetta agrees, Maryanne and I part at the door.

"I'm sorry to just drop this on you, Ana. Believe me when I say that we are truly grateful for all that you have done and are doing. I shall be in touch soon." With that said and a kiss on the check, she leaves with several guards shadowing her. Once back at the pack house and in the safety of my own apartment, I sag. It was going to be another long and hectic week, and I wasn't sure if I was ready for it.


*Picture of Ana's outfit at the top*

Thank you so much to those of you who commented and voted on the last chapter, and those who answered my post about another chapter!

Please, please, please if you are enjoying this story and it's chapters LET ME KNOW! By COMMENTING & VOTING! <3 Tell me what you're thinking!

Much love! <3

* Next upload will be some time in November*


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