
By adellights

32.9K 1.3K 320

Valerie Jenz, a shy college student has a best friend named Joel Pimentel. She falls in love with his best fr... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87 : Last Chapter : Part I
Part 88

Part 6

719 28 8
By adellights

"Guys! My beloved humans out of all humans in this world . It's finally summer and are you peasants ready for some summer fun aye?!"Joel shouted with a huge grin thinking he's funny because he called us peasants but it was the opposite, he was the actual peasant and not us.

I rolled my eyes and the guys shook their head in disbelief, "Who said we're gonna spend the summer with you? you petty little Latino boy." I said. 

Christopher let out a big laugh, my eyes widened and looked at him with me being shocked because of his big nasty loud sounded like a witch laughter and he's a man, it sounded more like a cat dying too.

Christopher looked at me and awkwardly giggled then he stopped laughing, the guys burst out of laughter when they saw my reaction towards Christopher's ugly laugh. Damn such a handsome face but his laugh was a major turn off for me.

Well, no one is perfect.

"Chris, you really do have a big laugh. Where did that laughter even came from?" I asked.

Zabdiel placed his arm around my shoulder, "Chris always laugh like that, you will get to know more about him. For now, you just found out the way he laughs. He has an extremely weird laughter mi amiga." He smiled then he and Erick fist bumped each other for no reason at all.

Why do guys always do that?

After that discovery of Christopher's weird loud sounded like a cat is dying type of laughter. I was exaggerating the way he laughs, actually his laughter was contagious, loud and super hilarious. I wanted to laugh to when he was laughing but I was taken by surprise with his laughter.

Joel patted my head lightly, "Hey hermana, mind to drop at my place tonight? How about you just sleep at my place so you don't have to be in a hurry for tomorrow morning." He suggested.

Me and Joel had this friendship thingy where we will do our summer activities together. Before, it used to be only us two but since he made some friends from his college, things changed. The boys joined us on the summer trip to Joel's aunt resort.

His aunt just opened a resort like this year and we were enjoying the facilities there.

"This will be the best summer ever!" Richard shouted with excitement in his tone and threw a fist in the air.

So I agreed with Joel's plan, I stayed at his place and it was comfortable for me because the boys went home. I was glad about that because I thought they were going to sleepover at Joel's place too. It was just me and Joel so that was a big relief.

I laid on his lap while watching Teen Wolf.

"I don't understand why you like Stiles, he looks like an average white boy you see from the gas station." Joel said.

He mentioned that a lot of times just to annoyed because I had a major fat crush on Stiles from Teen Wolf. I slapped his cheek lightly. "Shut up, Queen here is trying to enjoy teen wolf and my one and only crush Mr. Stiles." I said it with a dreamy tone.

"I thought you have a crush on my friend Christopher?" He said.

I rolled my eyes at him then I sit up straight to face him, "Christopher is different, I always have a crush on Stiles. He's an actor, Christopher is a nobody. You can't compare them and you're gonna be jealous one day because I am going to marry.."

Before I could continue my sentence, Joel interrupted me.

"Christopher?" Joel cut me off by saying his friend's name with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

I literally threw a pillow at him, "You're a spoiler."

He giggled, "If you said so."


"Ugly girl Wake up ugly girl!" A sound of an annoyance was all over my eardrums. I grabbed a pillow to cover my left ear. Suddenly I felt someone was pulling my comfortable and warm blanket away then he carried me bridal style and threw me to the couch.

I hissed and brushed my hair away from my face, "You're a bastard!" I yelled at Joel.

I was too mad at Joel that I didn't realized that the other guys were already at the living room. I was wearing a really short shorts and spaghetti straps like I mentioned I was way too comfortable with Joel that I wasn't wearing any bra underneath.

If you're gonna ask why I was so comfortable with Joel it was because this boy showered with me since I was five.

Christopher whistled and it sounded like he was catcalling me, I looked at him and the other guys with my eyes wide as the moon then I quickly grabbed the pillow next to me to cover my body.

Christopher smirked with his hands inside his pockets, "God, Juan I don't know how on earth did you do it? Not falling in love with this goddess right here?" He said then he eyed me from head to toe like he was about to eat me alive.

That surprised me, that was another side of Christopher because before he was extremely awkward and shy when I opened the door the other day I was also wearing this type of clothes to sleep. I've noticed his attitude changed, maybe he got more comfortable around me to catcall me in front of his friends and my best friend. He had the nerve to check me out.

I cleared my throat, "Screw you guys, let me go change." I said then I ran all the way from the living room to the guest room like I was THE FLASH.

Joel sighed, "Girl , you need to be faster. It's already eleven am in the morning!" He shouted.

"Okay dad, copy that!" I shouted back at him while I was still inside the room. I got panic , not knowing what to wear. I had ten more minutes to take a shower, dry my hair and all other routines that females do every morning or when they're gonna go out.

I opened the door after I finished with getting ready, "Okay dudes, I am ready. Let's go." I said, putting my arm around Joel's waist then we walked together to his van. Technically it was his father's van and he borrowed it.

Joel was the one driving because he knows where his aunt's resort is located. I sat at the passenger seat next to Joel. I played a lot of my favorite songs from my top playlists that I saved on my phone while we were still on the road.

I glanced at Joel and smiled when he sang along to the Sam Smith song with me. We both always have things in common. That's what best friends are like.

Erick poked my arm so I turned around and looked at him, "What?" I asked.

"Are you sure, you're not in love with Joel? The way you looked at him just now sort of reminds me from the look of forever my girl the movie. Have you seen that movie though?" Erick said.

I furrowed my brows, "You make no sense Erick." I said then turned my focus back to the front so that I could continue on enjoying the music I played.

Christopher coughed, "If they're both in love, they would've been a couple now. Who says a boy and a girl can't be just best friends right? Maybe she isn't meant for Joel and maybe she deserves better." He said and I couldn't blink at all when he said that, it was so blunt of him that I didn't even had the guts to turn around and look at him.

I glanced at Joel and he had this annoying smile then he winked at me.

Zabdiel clapped his hands, "She deserves you Chris! Aye!! Papi!!" He teased.

Christopher stayed silent though.

Finally when we arrived at the location, I awed at the beautiful sight in front of me. It was so beautiful and calming. Joel's aunt is so hardworking that she could own and built a resort, it must cost her a lot to create such a beautiful resort.

"Come on guys, let's go to our rooms." Joel said.

I was going to get my suitcase but a strong hands grabbed it away from me before I could even grab it. "Chris you don't have to." I said.

Christopher smiled at me, "It's okay, a pretty like you need my help with carrying this heavy suitcase." He said and with his sentence, I felt like I was blushing way too hard that I was about to go mad, a mad woman because my crush was being so nice to me.

"Val, Chris. You two are going to share the same room." Joel said it like it was nothing.

My jaw dropped, I was about to lose my mind because my best friend was obviously setting me up again. I didn't even know why he did this to me. He shipped me so bad with Christopher and I thought that was absurd. Joel was making this whole summer fun thing into an awkward summer thing.

I shook my head, "No no.. Joel, you know I always share the same room with you. I can't sleep alone I'm scared.. I wanna share the same room with you. Me and Christopher, I mean we just met." I begged him but he didn't listen.

He shrugged, "Who said you're gonna be alone? I think I mentioned it pretty clear just now. You're going to share the same room with my buddy Chris." He said then he and the other boys left me dumbfounded. I watched them leaving and I thought they were going to be in the same floor as me and Christopher's room but it turned out we weren't in the same floor.

But then I saw Joel pressing that elevator button that was going up. My mind has been blown away with how Joel wanted me to embarrassed myself in front of Christopher.

"Why you bastard, Joel!" I could've yell that but I chose not to. I didn't want to embarrassed myself in front of this young gorgeous looking fella. I was disappointed at Joel for setting me up like this but at the same time I was thankful but I was such an awkward girl and let me remind myself that I never talked to any dudes other than Joel.

Christopher called me so I turned around with an awkward smile.

He giggled, "Aren't you going in so we can rest for a bit?" He asked. He opened the door for me then signaled me to get inside.

My heart was pumping so fast, I looked at the bed and thank God Joel wasn't that evil to give us the queen sized bed or king sized bed. It was a single bed instead, I might suffocate to death from blushing too much if we sleep in the same bed.

Hence, Christopher looked so good that I wish he was my boyfriend.

He rubbed his palm on my right shoulder sending me shivers down my spine, "Joel made us look like a honeymoon couple but with single beds." He giggled.

I awkwardly laughed, "Yeah damn him."

Christopher settled down our suitcases then he jumped over the bed to stretch his arms wide open. "Fells great." He moaned.

I raised a brow at him, "Fells great? Where did you learn your English from? lol. " I laughed.

It took him a few seconds to get what I was saying then he laughed, slow reaction right there buddy.

He ruffled his hair, "I meant to say feels great." He shrugged.

I nodded, "Yeah right, I'm gonna go change my bikinis right now because Joel is gonna knock on that door in thirty minutes from now." I said.

"Right, I should get ready too but it won't take me long. You can go change first." Christopher said.

After changing into my red and black bikinis, I put on a transparent shirt. I got out from the bathroom and I saw Christopher not wearing a top. He only had his pants on, so basically he was half naked. He sat on his bed while scrolling through his phone.

I gulped with the sight I was seeing, he had six packs.

He noticed that I was standing there all along, "Oh you're all set." He smiled at me.

"Wow you sure does have a nice figure. I still think Joel might be gay for not falling for you." He said.

Was he flirting?

I shook my head, "Joel is not gay, he's just really picky." I explained.

Then, we heard a knock on the door.

Christopher opened it to reveal Joel stood there with his arms crossed, "Come on guys, let's go to the beach and enjoy the sun." He said.

We were at the beach and the sun was so hot that I had to reapply my sunscreen. I didn't want to get sunburn, it doesn't look nice and it's painful. I was laying and chilling by myself as I watched the boys swimming at the ocean, I was sitting on the sand while enjoying the sunlight with my shades on.

Christopher approached me, okay damn I had to be honest because he looked super handsome and sexy, the summer season really fits him, not gonna lie.

"Hey, you're not gonna go swimming?" He asked then he sat beside me.

I shook, "Nope, perhaps later. Just not feeling it right now" I said.

He nodded, his eyes squinted due to the sunlight. "Okay then let me accompany you here." He smiled.

"No you should go back out there and have fun with the guys." I said.

He shook his head, "I wanna be here with you."

He was staring at me and I locked my eyes with his then a few minutes later when our lips were closer, I looked away instantly.

"Ehm sure, you can stay here." I awkwardly said.

I glanced at him and he was still staring at my side view.

"So Joel told me that you're scared of the sea urchins." He broke the silence by starting a random conversation with me.

I nodded, "Yeah because they are nasty." I cringed just by hearing the word sea urchins.

He giggled, "What else are you scared of?" He asked.

"I'm such a nerd to say this but actually the truth is I'm scared of talking to boys I'm not close with. You see the thing is I grew up with Joel and we shared a lot of stories, interests , secrets and hobbies together. I am so comfortable around him, he's like my own biological brother. We're so close until now but I still have fear and social anxiety when I talk to other guys that isn't Joel." I explained.

Christopher placed his hand on my chin to make me look at him.

"So are you scared of me right now because don't be scared bonita, I am your soon to be boyfriend." He said.

Okay where did he get his flirting skills at. Tinder?

My eyes widened, "I know you were joking but thanks."

I heard him sigh than he let out a soft giggle, "I'm gonna go and play volleyball with them." He said.

I nodded, Sure, have fun!"

Jeez, did Christopher meant what he said just now? I'm pretty sure he was just joking about it, either way it made me blushed hardcore because he was so good looking.

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