
By Mariska98

403K 13.6K 3.4K

Keeping cool during the heat of the summer, Jack Frost is content "chilling out" in the constantly snowy Ice... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Defrosted Video Contest!
Chapter 29
Video Contest Results!
Chapter 30
Trailer Contest News
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Defrosted Contest
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The End
Authors special announcement!

Chapter 12

11.2K 321 134
By Mariska98

Elsa POV

I looked down and gasped in fear. The ground below going further and further away. I clenched in fear, then I felt a reassuring squeeze on my hand. I looked to my side to see jack smiling at me.

I was terrified, but once we were above the clouds, the clouds that blanketed the earth like snow, and I couldn't see the ground below me, I felt my fear subsiding.

"First time flyer?" He chuckled

I just stared at him, confused.

"No, I do this everyday... OF COURSE THIS IS MY FIRST TIME FLYING. Normal people don't do this."

He looked amused by my comment

"Yeah, but we aren't normal people." he replied with a laugh

He is making no sense at the moment. But then again he never made much sense to begin with.

I looked off in the distance completely mesmerized. I am flying. really flying. Flying is only for birds yet here I am with this Mysterious man flying.

"Jack?" I asked

"Yes?" He turned his head to look at me.

"Where are we going?"


Jacks POV

She looked absolutely mesmerized by her surroundings yet I was absolutely mesmerized by her.

Her light blonde hair and beautiful blue gown billowing in the wind behind her. The light of the late morning sun shined bright against her beautiful eyes. She completely dazzled me.

"Jack" she said pulling me out of my thoughts


"Where are we going?"

"We are going to Rome" I smiled remembering the last time I was there. 1956, and I created the first blizzard in 150 years.

She looked a bit taken back


"Yes the Luna L,ake is in Rome and that's where we are headed"


Elsa's POV

We spent what must of been hours flying. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! Every once and a while we would dip down below the clouds and I would catch a glimpse of the strange green land below. I often thought of how much Anna would enjoy this. She had such an adventurous heart and I would give anything to see my little sisters eyes light up the way they use to before any of this happened.

"What is the name of this kingdom?" I asked.

"Canada." He answered.

Me and jack did not speak that much. I was to busy in my own thoughts.

However For the past 15 minutes I was becoming extremely uncomfortable. As we made our way further south it was becoming hotter and hotter. The cold may not bother me, but heat does.

"Jack." I said as I wiped the sweat off my four head with my palm, though the rushing breeze of the headwind was cooking, my dress was still starting to cling with sweat.

"I know. We will stop soon I promise. I am getting really tired and I don't do well in the heat either"

"Really?" I said surprised about how many things we have in common.

"Why do you think I was in the Arctic in the middle of the summer?" He responded with a childish "duh" tone

"Good point" i said in a almost whisper

My skin felt like it was on fire yet my body was shivering. Something was very wrong. It was the onset of heatstroke, I felt my body go limp and thin but remarkably strong arms scooping me up bridal style. I laid my head against his chest and before I could say another word my eyes shut and I slipped into darkness.

I can't remember the last time I felt so comfortable. So relaxed. My head was leaning on something unbelievably comfortable and cool. So I snuggled into whatever my head was on.

It was moving.... More like breathing? I snapped awake in surprise to find that I was sitting down on a hard surface and was leaning against Jack who was fast asleep.

I started panicking. What should I do? Should I move or just stay? No, what am I thinking? I can't stay that's ridiculous!

I quickly scooted myself away from him and took in my surroundings. We were Inside a cabin, a seemingly old, but still standing wooden cabin.

The strange thing was were completely surrounded by ice. The entire cabin had a thick blue layer covering the entirety of its inside. I don't remember doing this, so he must have. It was strange to to think he had the same accursed gift as I. Except i had deduced he requires that shepherds crook to use his, unlike myself. But he can fly and I can't so I guess that pretty much makes us even.

I felt so much less alone with that knowledge. That it wasn't just me.

"Good evening. Or should I say morning, we did pass through a couple time zones."

I must of jumped 5 feet back in surprise.

I snapped my head to see a very tired looking Jack Frost rubbing his eyes. His hair was in a utter mess but it suited him nicely. He looked remarkable cute at the moment.

Wait... What??

"Frost, you almost gave me a heart attack." I exclaimed.

"Sorry." he muttered tiredly "are you ok?" He asked sympathetically Referring to the way I fainted earlier.

"Yes, I am fine. Sorry about that."

I looked around again. This cabin was very nice looking despite its obvious age, even though there was really nothing in it besides a few unlit candles, chair, kitchen, and a big square piece of glass that I could see my reflection in.

"Jack where are we? And what in heavens name are we doing here?"

"This was my home, I grew up here, my father built it. As for where we are we are in lower New York State" he answered as he pushed himself off the floor..

"New York State? I have never heard of such a kingdom?" I said looking at him suspiciously.

He looked at me oddly and then let out a huge laugh. For some strange reason I started to feel very self-conscious. Why was he laughing at me? What did I do wrong? Did I say something amusing?

"And a fine kingdom it is." he announced seriously and then bursted out in laughter again.

What is wrong with this boy?

"What are we even doing here?" I asked, annoyed as I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him.

He smirked at me again before he began speaking. "We needed a place to crash whilst the heat of the day passes over. We would not of gotten much farther anyway. Iv never flown double for such a long distance before, and certainly not during the middle of the summer."

I walked to the window. It looks as if the sun was just coming up.

As if reading my mind he answered my thoughts.

"We slept all afternoon and through the night" he said looking down at his feet. Was this shyness? From him? Nah.

"And the ice? You did this? Why?" I questioned pointing at the walls which were incased in the layers of ice trying desperately to change the subject.

He put his hand on his face as if I would merely a small child asking him "where do baby's come from?"

"Its like a refrigerator" He began to explain.

"A what?" I asked, confused as I'd never heard that word before.

"It keeps the cold in so we won't have to deal with the summer heat until after night fall."

"What happens at night fall?" I asked

"We leave"

"Oh" I said feeling stupid.

Just then my stomach let out a loud unladylike growl. Great Elsa just great.


"Obviously" I said rolling my eyes.

"Let's go get something to eat"

"You mean go into a nearby village?" I stuttered suddenly feeling nervous.

"No, let's go hunting with our bare hands." Jack stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Iv been entombed for a millennia, give me a break."


Hope you guys like the chapter💕 please go read my new book OUT OF SIGHT. If you like this book you'll definitely like that one. As always please vote and comment your thoughts. Till next time (marisk98)

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