Addicted | Yoonmin✔

By prespoverty

29.3K 1.7K 703

"I could easily get addicted to you, Park Jimin." - In which Yoongi, a recovering drug addict, finds solace i... More

|fourteen . two|
|Fifteen . two|
|nineteen . two|
|twenty one|
|twenty two|
|twenty three|
|twenty four|
|twenty five|
|twenty six|
|twenty seven|
|twenty eight|
|twenty nine|
|thirty two|
|thirty two . two|
|thirty three|
|thirty four|
|thirty four. two|
|thirty five|
|thirty six|
|thirty seven|
|thirty eight|
|thirty nine|
|thirty nine . two|
| character q&a |
|forty one|
|forty two|
|forty two . two|
|forty three|
|forty four|
|forty five|
|welp i was tagged|
|forty six|
|future works and fun facts|
|extra : marriage texts|
|extra: lovesick|
|extra: first love|

|thirty one|

442 26 4
By prespoverty

I got a secret for the mad
In a little bit of time
It won't hurt so bad

Yoongi had put Jimin to bed early, because the poor boy still had school in the morning. After dressing him in Yoongi's hoodie and a clean pair of boxers, Jimin was snuggled up in Yoongi's bed while the latter made them ramen for dinner. The rain outside had ceased to a dull drizzle, and Yoongi felt bad for not owning a TV with which Jimin could entertain himself.

Yoongi entered the room with Jimin's ramen neatly on a serving tray, a cup of his favourite tea, a pudding cup and a flower to round it all off (Yoongi might have plucked it from the neighbour's indoor plants they kept in the hall). He placed the tray down next to Jimin and got his own ramen before getting into bed next to him. Jimin was on the phone, talking to his mom.

"Mom, I told you, Taehyung needs to help me study for this test. Yes, yes we're fine. I...I know, mom..." Jimin was silent as his face darkened. "I understand mom. But it's impor- Yes, sorry mom..." Jimin hung up soon after, placing his face in his hands. Yoongi's gaze softened and he wrapped his arms around Jimin. "She...She's such a bitch, Yoongi...I can't even..."

"Hey, I love you Jimin. Don't let her ruin this night." Yoongi stroked his pink hair until his sniffles quieted down. "You should eat your ramen and curl up, baby. We have to take the train tomorrow early." Yoongi handed Jimin his ramen, and they ate in comfortable silence as Jimin played them YouTube videos on his phone.

"Did you think you'd ever feel like this? Feel at ease with someone. Like, even when you're apart, it's like they're with you." Jimin slurped at the soup.

Yoongi shrugged. "What I feel for you is more or less like that. Besides, you're the first boy I've ever truly loved. And your ass is a major plus."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Pervert."

"You love this pervert."

They were silent for another minute. Jimin then said something that, if Yoongi hadn't been paying attention the rain to try and figure out how much it had died down, he wouldn't have heard it.

"It's weird that I feel this for you...when I don't even truly know you."

The rain had stopped in that moment. Yoongi had felt as if his skin was disconnected from his body. His soul felt like it was somewhere else, somewhere not quite there. He panicked a bit, because his vision had been temporarily blinded by a warm orange light. His breathing halted for a few seconds, but was dragged back to earth as quickly as it had happened.

Yoongi looked at Jimin. "Did you say something, little one?" He asked softly, taking his empty cup and placing it with his beside them. Jimin looked confusedly at Yoongi.

"What do you mean? I was silent. You must be imagining things, hyungie. Now let's sleep please. My ass still hurts from that other trick you tried." Jimin mumbled as he pulled Yoongi down, putting his head on his chest. Yoongi sighed and shook his head as he wrapped his arms tightly around Jimin.

He already forgot about what he thought he heard.

"But you liked it, right? The things we did earlier?"

"I did, I really did."

The rain fell very softly outside, and there wasn't even a trace of the storm that had raged earlier. The night sky was painted completely black, but it didn't seem like the malicious sky that haunted Yoongi's days as a teenager. This sky was beautiful, in the moment, and in the circumstances. They had the blinds open widely, because Jimin liked the rain against the window. The sky represented an endless possible future, and it represented a time where nothing has been shaped yet and could be made into anything.

"Goodnight, hyung."

"Night, Jiminie."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

And the rain died down around the time they fell asleep.


"I'm telling you, it's like he doesn't want to wake up."

", does this mean...What I...No! NO I CAN'T LOSE HIM! I CAN'T LOSE MY BEST FRIEND!"

"There...there is always a chance of him waking up. His body is ready to wake up, but I don't think his mind is."

" there's still a chance?"

"Yes, there is. Until then, don't leave his side."

"We won't..."

"That's good- Sir?"

"Oh no, if he's crying, I'm gonna cry!"

Yoongi woke up, breathless, scared out of his wits. The dream, it was too realistic. It took him back, years ago, to when he lost his uncle, the only father figure he ever had in his life. In that hospital room, with the blurred faces and loud voices, where he was promised he'd have his uncle back, but it never happened.

Yoongi wrapped his arms tighter around Jimin, breathing in the smell of his coconut shampoo. It was after he had lost his uncle that everything had gone to shit. His mother derailed, he had no one to look after him, and he got lost in his attempt to find something special. To this day, he doesn't know what he was looking for as a teenager. Maybe love, and that might have been why he wanted to be with Jihoon.

The dream still shook Yoongi to his core, but he quickly forgot exactly what happened in the dream as his eyes grew heavy again. He was lulled to sleep by the thought of Jimin singing Hey There, Delilah.


Yoongi walked into the apartment before the sun broke through the now spread clouds. He had woken up earlier to take Jimin's uniform to the dry cleaners downstairs (they were open 24/7, at least, and worked quick), in order to have him smelling fresh. He also bought him a cheap toothbrush to keep in his apartment, and had tempted to buy a razor, but Jimin didn't look like the type who needed to worry about shaving his smooth mochi cheeks.

Yoongi placed everything on the couch before climbing into bed with Jimin, wrapping his arms around the boy as he slowly stirred to his awakened state. Yoongi placed soft kisses all over his face and neck, causing Jimin to wake up breathless. "Hyung...I don't want to get up..." Jimin groaned gently, pulling his pillow over his face. "Let me sleep..."

"You little shit, I woke up early as hell for you. If you ain't gonna get up, I will smother you." Yoongi straddled Jimin's hips and pried the pillow from his grasp. "And not in the way you think. I will sit on your face."

Jimin rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Stop being so dirty this early in the morning," Jimin yawned widely while rubbing his eyes. "Who says I want to eat your ass anyways?" His cheeks were tinted pink, and if his mind had been in the right place, he would have died of embarrassment.

"Oh, so you would rather want me to eat your ass?" Yoongi grinned and bend down, tracing kisses down Jimin's neck and chest. His hands were already exploring, and Jimin was at a loss as he felt his body give over to Yoongi's skilful tongue and lips. Jimin's eyes widened as he was immediately woken up completely by Yoongi pulling his boxers down and nestling his face between Jimin's thick thighs.

"H-hyung! Why...why! Oh, it feels weird! Gah! It tickles! Stop! Stop... it...oh, Jesus...Wait, no, don't stop...Ah...Ah, hyung...fuckkk...Yoongi..."


"I can't believe you ate my ass," Jimin said with a heavy blush as Yoongi handed him his breakfast burrito. He hid his face in the thick scarf Yoongi had wrapped around his neck when they left the apartment.

"What can I say? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," Yoongi shrugged, shoving his free hand in his pocket, holding his own burrito in the other. Jimin's face turned even redder as he pulled the scarf up over his face completely.

"I'm dating a complete pervert." Jimin mumbled, and Yoongi pulled the scarf down.

"Eat your damned burrito, you vanilla twink." Yoongi mumbled as he held flicked his boyfriend's forehead before taking a bite from his meal.

The two walked in comfortable silence as they treaded the early-morning roads of the interior city. Most shops were still close, or busy opening, and the streets were void of people. The air was crisp and cold, like one warm breath would cause the very atmosphere around them to crystallise and crack. The world still had that wet sheen from the rain, but for the most part the sun was back. The sky was that gorgeous shade of gold again, the same glow that turns Jimin's skin into that honey glazed colour which Yoongi wants to spend hours kissing.

Yoongi took Jimin's hand as they crossed a road, and was happy when Jimin didn't let go. He would have understood if Jimin had, since Jimin wasn't planning on coming out anytime soon and was scared to be seen in public, but -to be fair- Yoongi deserves a bit of affection after the way he had spoiled Jimin last night and this morning (especially this morning).

"I had a weird dream," Jimin mumbled as he chewed the last bit of his breakfast.

"Yeah?" Yoongi wiped some sauce off of the corner of Jimin's mouth. "What about?"

"In the dream, I was blonde. I was under that yellow blanket of mine, looking up at the stars. I was smiling so widely, and I don't know why. I kept singing a line over and over again. Let me love you. No, not the Justin Bieber song, stop cackling! It was weird, the dream, but...the sky was pretty."

Yoongi wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist and pulled him closer. "That actually sounds like a nice dream, little one. I can't even remember my dream. I just remember that something about it had felt unnatural."

"How so?" The mochi asked, but Yoongi only replied with a shrug. Jimin let go of Yoongi's hand when they went to the train station, but at least they didn't wait long for the train. Yoongi paid for their tickets and hopped on with Jimin, settling on a seat where they were comfortably squished together.

The rest of the trip was silent, with Jimin's head on Yoongi's shoulder and the two of them sharing earphones to listen to Jimin's music. They received a few suspicious glares from the two middle aged people, but Yoongi's cold glare quickly sent them a clear message. He even wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder when their judgemental looks became worse. Jimin was too tired to notice, or care about the other passengers. "If anyone asks... Nah, nevermind, don't care," Jimin yawned as he rested his eyes for a moment. Yoongi grinned while chewing on the earphone's cord.

When they finally walked up to the school later, Yoongi handed Jimin his school bag (which he had been carrying, like the gentleman he is). Jimin was tense, and Yoongi noticed. He held Jimin by his shoulders so that Jimin had to look at him. "Hey, why are you so tense?"

Jimin bit his lip for a second before answering. "Just a group of boys who stand by the entrance. Yeah, them. They like making fun of Tae because of him being openly gay, and well, they make fun of me by association. We can handle it, though."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the boys. He knew the type. Even though Yoongi had been through a lot, one thing he never was, was a bully. Yeah, he made a lot of shit, and was in trouble more times than he'd like to share, but he never picked on other kids. "Oh, I'd like to see them try and pick on you today."

Jimin sighed. "Hyung, it's fine. I can handle it. I can fight my own battles." Jimin leaned forward, obviously wanting to hug Yoongi, but quickly retracted when he noticed the boys' eyes on them. He instead smiled widely at Yoongi. "I love you, Yoongi. See you at work."

Yoongi ruffled Jimin's soft pink hair. "Have a great day, little one. I love you too." Yoongi waved Jimin off as he walked past the school gates, but Yoongi stayed to watch the interaction with the other group.

At first, Jimin just kept his head up and didn't even dare to look at them, but when they said something to him, he started looking at the ground. Yoongi bit his lip hard.

Let him fight his own battles, Min Yoongi. You can't protect him forever. Yoongi was about to turn and walk off, when one of the boys grabbed Jimin's back, causing the younger to fall on the ground. This turned Yoongi's blood to fire as he stomped up to the threshold by the gate.

"Oi. Ass-fucks. Leave him alone." Yoongi said calmly, not daring to look into Jimin's eyes. He couldn't go soft now. The boys turned to Yoongi with amused expressions.

"Oh? Are you his sugar daddy or something?" The biggest one, probably the leader, said. He stepped forward, and Yoongi waited patiently. "Fuck off, paedo." He barked with laughter, and the others followed. Yoongi shrugged, tapping his foot as the guy stepped over the threshold. Off of school grounds. Yoongi saw the colour of his tie, which said that he was in the same grade as Jimin. Which would mean he's eighteen.


"Listen here, you homophobic little shit. I'm not his sugardaddy, or whatever the fuck you think I am. I don't give a shit about your opinions anyways, but you don't pick on Jimin. Ever. Nor would I advise it to be wise to pick on Tae, or even Jungkook again. Boy, you aren't ready for me. You think you're all that, because your daddy is rich enough to let you come to this school? You insecure little twat, that doesn't mean shit in the real world. Grow up, and face reality." Yoongi smiled when he saw the elder's hand go up to slap Yoongi, but before the blow could land, he heard an oeff, and the guy was on the ground.

Jimin had tackled him down.



My message to Jimin:

Baby boy you are so beautiful. I know you don't think so, and I know it's hard to change that mindset, but you have millions of ARMY who believe you are the handsomest man alive. Your sense of humour is great, you care so much, you're the light of our, and Bangtan's, lives. You are insanely talented and so strong. Please remain the humble king we all know you are. I hope you get well soon. I hope you can also learn to love yourself one day as much as ARMY loves you. Jimin, you're our serendipity.


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