Rejected Love

By MaxWolfe

424 5 21


Chap 1: The First Day
Chap 2: The First Evening and Rejection
Chap 3: Is This a Hint of Love?
Chap 5: The Fight
Chap 6: 7th Year: A Wall Breaking Down?
Chap 7: His Hidden Sadness
Chap 8: An Invitation
Chap 9: A Little Lie for the Best of Friends
Chap 10: The Dance
Chap 11: Morning After *or* How Many Friends are Left
Chapter 12: Cold and Wet and In Love
Chapter 13: Intimate Love
Chapter 14: A Chatty Little Breakfast
Chapter 15: Cheating?
Chapter 16: Why Such Petty Jealousy?
Chapter 17: The Sexy Kitty, the Half-Blood Prince, and the Beautiful Sirius
Chapter 18: Party Time!
Chapter 19: Party = Broken
Chapter 20: Some Much-Needed Making Up

Chap 4: Is it a Lie? Or the Truth?

27 1 3
By MaxWolfe

~okay! I have a sorta idea. Key word-sorta, oh well, hope ya like! ~

"Yes boys, yes. I'm dating him," I say and roll my eyes as Remus looks upset. "NO! You dunderheads! Of course not!" I start to storm out when I almost fall; Severus had been right behind and caught me by putting his hands on my hips. He snakes his arm around the front of my waist to help me back up. I blush lightly and continue my way out. I almost trip a couple of times but don't fall. I rush to the Great Hall and sit at the end of the Gryffindor house table. Severus looks at me a little worriedly now that he can't help me and walks over to his house table.

Ten minutes later, three stunned boys come in and sit by me seeing as the only seats left were next to me. I sigh and stand up, having lost my appetite. The boys look at me and watch as I leave the Great Hall, finally able to walk without falling. I go outside and sit by a tree. I lean my head back against it when I feel a couple of presences sit on each side. A soft hand touches mine and holds mine. I sigh and look over at Remus; he gives me an apologetic smile and nods his head towards the other side of me. I look over to see Sirius and James.

"I'm sorry Kitori. I shouldn't have started anything," James says. I nod in reply as Sirius opens his mouth than closes it. He does that a couple more times, looking like a fish out of water.

"I'm sorry Kit. I shouldn't have said that. And I didn't mean to upset you. I really am sorry," he says, finally able to form words. I smile and nod again.

"Thanks guys," I say, leaning my head on Remus's shoulder. Remus continues to hold my hand as the four of us sit there. "I'm glad it's Saturday." The boys look at me confused, and I look back equally confused. "What?"

"It's Sunday. You were out all day yesterday," James explains. I nod twice and mouth 'oh'. James nods. I shrug and sit up straight so my head isn't on Remus.

"How 'bout we go upstairs and play chess?" I suggest. The boys brighten up at this suggestion. They start to get up when I say, "Wait!" They stop and look at me. "Why don't we use accio and bring the chess here?" They smile and Remus gets his wand out and says "Accio wizard chess set!"

I go to the doors to catch the chess set when it flies over. When it does, I catch it- barley -and see Severus and smile. "Hey, Severus! Wanna play chess with us?" I ask and he smiles at me a little and nods. He walks over, takes the chess set from my hand, and the two of us walk over to the tree. The boys look at Severus but don't say anything as we sit down and he puts the chess set in the middle of, what has turned out to be, our little circle.

"So who's going first?" Sirius asks. James smiles and replies with "Me and Snape!" Severus looks at James.

"Do not think that you can underestimate me. I will kick your butt and you will regret ever thinking about playing against me," Severus says, smirking. James and Sirius shake their heads.

"Do not underestimate me. I will kick your butt and you will regret playing against me," James states. Me and Remus look at each other and I shrug. James looks at us and asks me "Kit! Who do you think will win?" I look at James and shrug.

"I don't know, I haven't seen Severus play before. If he's anything like you, then we will have a pretty heated competition!" I exclaim. My three Marauder friends laugh and James moves his piece first, being the white team.

"You know, Potter, the person who plays with the black pieces almost always wins," Severus says after he moves a piece. James rolls his eyes.

"Yeah whatever. I'm always the white player, and I always win," James says and Severus smirks, taking his pawn.

"Are you sure your friends aren't letting you win?" Severus asks and James look away from the game board and glares at Severus.

"Why would they ever do that?!" he exclaims. He goes back to the game board when Severus puts his hands up.

"Hey all I'm saying is maybe you're a poor sport who wins because your opponents let you," Severus says, smirking when he takes another piece. "With those mistakes I will win in a heartbeat!" I roll my eyes as I watch the boys continue their game in silence. After a couple of moments and half a dozen moves, I break the silence.

"I'm playin' the winner!" I announce. The boys nod and the game continues until James pieces are all taken except for the king, and Severus has lost all of 4 pieces. James forfeits when he becomes surrounded. Severus chuckles at this and watches as me and James switch places.

"I-I was goin' easy on ya, that's why you-why you won," James says and I roll my eyes.

"Sure it was James, sure it was," Sirius and Remus say at the same time, chuckling afterwards. I move my piece first, starting the game again. It is quiet for the entire time, as both me and Severus are focusing on the game. In the end I am victorious.  Severus looks at me wide-eyed, well they all look at me with wide eyes.

"Me and my dad have serious battles at home, I usually go easy on ya guys," I say to James, Sirius, and Remus. Severus shakes his head a little.

"Well, you're good. I haven't found an opponent who could beat me until today!" Severus says and I grin at him.

"Thanks Severus." I grin some more. "So who am I playin' next?" I ask and Remus smiles.

"I will! And you shall lose!" Remus exclaims and Sirius and James laugh. Severus shakes his head as they switch places. I go first as James and Sirius bet who will win. Severus rolls his eyes, not believing in taking part in such events.

About 15 minutes later I have two playing pieces and Remus has three. I'm struggling to win the game. When I capture another of his pieces he pauses, thinking about his next move. Two minutes later Remus forfeits as neither of us can win with one piece each. But it's a win for me none the less. Sirius punches the air and exclaims "YEAH! Hand over the sickles James! Hand 'em over!" Me and Severus roll our eyes as James takes out five sickles and hands them to Sirius.

"I know you won't win Sirius, if even Remus was beat. So I think we all can agree Kit is our champion," James says. Sirius and Remus nods and Severus looks at me confused.

"When we play, we play till one person has beaten everyone. And they're considered the champion, like in real matches. The champion gets this cool little cup I found in my dad's room. It's silver and really pretty cool. Well it's more of a goblet really. But anyways I put tape on it and wrote 'champion' in pretty letters," I explain and Severus nods.

"Mind if I take part in more of these battles?" Severus asks, more to the boys then to me. They nod hesitantly.

"I guess. I mean, if you want," Sirius says. "Not to be mean, but what for?" Severus shrugs.

"You guys aren't as easy to beat as the idiot Slytherins in the common room. They don't even seem to try to win," Severus says, talking more to himself in the end. But I don't say anything and nod. Sirius seems to suddenly realize something.

"Wait, isn't it Hogsmead weekend this weekend?" he asks and I half-shrug, with my arm in a sling it's a little hard.

"I don't know. I think so," I say. Remus nods.

"Yes it is Sirius. Why? Do you wanna go?" Remus replies. Sirius smiles sheepishly. "I'll take that as a yes." Sirius grins and stands up.

"Let's go then!" he says excitedly. The rest of us stand up, me and Severus the slowest. We walk together as a group, though Severus is far behind us when I look back. I stop and let him catch up. The boys are talking about random things, like Quidditch. Me and Severus walk in silence side-by-side. When the boys go off to Honeydukes, Severus and I go to the Three Broomsticks. We find an empty table and sit after ordering two butterbeers.

"Why were Potter and Black so angry that I was there?" Severus asks suddenly. I look at him slightly confused. "This morning?"

"Oh! They don't like you, at all. I mean like they out right hate you. I'm surprised they even let you play chess with them," I explain and Severus nods afterwards.

"Did you notice how Remus seemed slightly upset?" he asks. I half-shrug.

"I guess. I think he just doesn't want me getting involved with a Slytherin. He may be smart, but he thinks all Slytherins are evil," I say casually. Severus shakes his head.

"I don't think that's what it is. You don't see how he looks at you. I think he fancies you," he says making me blush.

"No he doesn't! Why would he fancy me? There's no way," I say. Severus chuckles.

"He fancies you. You don't see the way he looks at you," he says. He drops his voice to a whisper. "But he'll have to fight me for you." I look up at him to see he has a serious expression as he leans on the table. I look away blushing, taking a sip of my butterbeer. He leans back as if he hadn't said anything. "So who do you fancy Kitten?" he asks casually as James, Sirius, and Remus walk up with a bag of candy in their hands each.

"Why are you blushing so hard Kit?" Remus asks me, sitting down on my right. Sirius squashes me by sitting on my right, James sits next to Severus willingly. I look at Remus and shake my head, shaking away the blush.

"It's nothing," I say. Remus is look at me intently and I look down again. Suddenly Sirius gasps.

"You fancy him Kit! I know it!" he says. I look up shocked and Severus glares at him.

"I do not! There is no way I would fancy Remus! How could you even think that?!" I exclaim. Sirius puts his hands up in defeat, smiling though.

"Okay, okay! No need to get so overworked! But you know he didn't say which "he" he was talking about," James says. But he, too, is smiling. I push my chair back and stand up.

"I hate you three! I hope you know that!" I exclaim and walk outside. Outside I realize that in my anger I forgot to thank Severus for the butterbeer. I sigh, I'll thank him tomorrow.

I hold my arm as I go over to Honeydukes, wanting something to do. Craving something chewy, I grab a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I go to the counter and search my pocket for some money. I sigh again, coming up empty. "Never mind," I say to the cashier, taking the box to put back. When someone puts the money on the counter and I look at them.

"You didn't have to do that Sev," I say as Severus and I walk out, the box of jelly beans in my hand. Severus shrugs.

"So? I wanted to do that," he says. I smile a little and I struggle a little to open the box and take out a couple of jelly beans. Putting them in the palm of my hand I offer them to Severus. He takes one and eats it; I do the same popping it in my mouth. Its lemon flavored.

"Thanks for the butterbeer. And I'll pay ya back for the jelly beans," I say. Severus shakes his head and grabs the box taking another bean.

"No. You don't have to. As long as I get a share of the beans, it's all good," he says. I nod and take a green jelly bean.

"Ewww! Its boogie flavored!" I exclaim and Severus chuckles. I stop and spit it out. "EW ew ew! That was so gross!" I exclaim and Severus chuckles again. He puts an arm around me and steals another bean, its green.

"I'm sorry," he says. After eating the bean he makes a sour face. "Lime. Extra sour lime," he mutters and I giggle. I lean against Severus as we walk, finding myself liking the feeling of Severus next to me. He looks at me and smiles, I smile back.

"I should smile more often. You look nicer with one," I say.  A light blush crosses his cheeks. When we reach the Three Broomsticks Severus takes his arm away and I look down. He takes my hand and I look up at him and smile. Suddenly a gasp comes from in front of us; I look to see Sirius looking positively furious, James looking confused, and Remus, the one to gasp, is looking at me almost longingly. Severus quickly takes his hand back, I stand there stock still.

"You-you two are going out aren't you?" Remus says, in complete and utter shock. I gulp and look at Severus, his Adam-apple bobs a little but he doesn't reply. Remus turns to leave when I exclaim "NO!" The boys all look at me startled by my exclamation.

I clear my throat and shake my head. "I mean, no. We are not going out. Would you please stop suggesting that?" I ask calmly. Severus puts a hand on my shoulder and I look at him confused, he's looking at my friends.

"You shouldn't tell such lies Kitten," Severus says calmly and I look at him surprised. I turn to look at James, Sirius, and Remus individually. Remus looks confused and hurt, James just looks confused, and Sirius looks stunned. Severus puts his arm around and pulls me towards him, he looks down at me. "You should always tell your friends the truth." I blush.

"What are you talking about Snape?" James says, clearly the only one who hasn't caught on. Severus looks over at James and rolls his eyes.

"Are you thick Potter?!" Severus says looking James in the eye. "I'm dating your best friend!" Severus says and I blush.

~Hope ya likie! haha! Could ya do me a fav? Pretty pretty please? Comment? They mean a lot to me! ~

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