You'll Never Be Alone

By Ziehmer28

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"But you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn, Baby... More

Part 1
One Thing After Another
The Show
The Hunt
The Labyrinth
A Way Out
Part 2
Getting By
Sober Up
Win The Family, Get The Man
Taking Over
Dinner With The Snakes
Uncle Eddie's Final Case
The Greely Case
Getting What We Deserve
Getting My Revenge

The Girl Who Saved Seth Gecko

888 17 3
By Ziehmer28

The Girl Who Saved Seth Gecko

I don't know what was stranger, The Titty Twister or the man yelling in front of it. By the words he was saying, I was starting to realize that this wasn't no bar anymore.

"Come on in! You heard me, devil dogs and bad bitches! Come on in for the all-you-can-lick buffet of the most beautiful, tastiest delicacies south of the border! We've got only one item on the menu that's true, but we've got every flavor under the Mexican moon!"

We started to head for the entrance, where the cowboy hat man was yelling. Before we made it to the man, Jacob suddenly stops with Scott and Kate, grabbing Richie, Seth, and my's attention.

"I did my part. We got you across the border. I'm not taking my children inside. We're done."

"Fine. You three stay out here with the devil's rejects, have your own little Altamont," Seth says as he waves the RV keys in his fingers.

"That wasn't the deal," Jacob said angrily.

Seth shoved the key into his pocket, "No, the deal was that we stick together until Richie and I finish our deal."

Jacob didn't say another word, seeming to recall that deal.

The cowboy hat guy continued to talk, sickening me slightly. "You heard me, devil dogs and bad bitches! Come on in! We got pan dulce of every flavor for you and any way you like it, with all the fillings Apple, Pumpkin, Strawberry! Come on in and get it!"

I wondered how serious this guy was. What the club shuts down, does he still talk this way or is he just trying to get customers?

Suddenly, the cowboy hat guy notices the six of us stopping near him. His eyes quickly look towards me, licking his lips as he slowly makes his way towards me. "Hold it, now. Hold it. A new item has just been added on the à la carte menu, Sweet, Hot Cherry pie."

My body shifts uncomfortable and I take a step back, putting me behind Seth and next to Richie.

Seth takes a side step, putting himself in between the cowboy hate wearing man and me. "Okay, okay. Easy. She's not gonna be on the menu."

"You leave that up to cherry," The man says, eyeing me like I'm dinner to him.

Okay, if someone doesn't punch this guy, I'm going too.

As if he heard my thoughts, Seth slams a hard punch to the guy's nose, most likely breaking it. The man falls to the side, holding his bloody nose as he glares at Seth. My eyes open wide and my mouth drops as I look at Seth, surprised but grateful by his actions. I couldn't even help the small smile that spread my face.

Seth gestured the rest of the family inside before lightly putting his hand on my back to gesture me and Richie inside as well.

The first thing that I notice is the loud, live music that seems to echo off the walls. It hypnotizes people as much as the half-naked women do, dancing on every corner of a stage. The place is packed with people drinking at the large bar, watching lady's dance, or making themselves at home with bar games. There's an empty VIP section that is just waiting to be sat in; ladies are already waiting there as well.

My eyes are fixed on the captivating and disbelief view that I don't even realize that Richie, Seth, and Jacob have left.

Quickly, I move over to Scott and Kate who are looking around uncomfortable. "Come on," I said, lightly putting my hands on their backs, "Let's find a seat."

As we walk around in hopes of finding an empty table, my eyes drift around to find Richie wandering around himself, as if looking for something. I could care little or less if Richie loses himself in here. All I care about is getting the hell out of this place.

I had only been to a club once when some roommates of mine dragged me out to one. Once I had my butt touched and a guy try to shove his hand down my pants, I was out and so were my roommates.

Finding an empty table, I notice Seth and Jacob arguing at the bar, making me hope that he doesn't make matters worse.

"This place is so cool!" Scott yells over the music with a giant smile. I can't help but smile lightly back, while Kate just glares at him like he's crazy.


I almost jump when Jacob takes the empty seat by Scott who is sitting next to Kate, who is sitting next to me. He looks angry, annoyed, and uncomfortable. Seth suddenly appears out of nowhere and takes the seat next to me, sitting down a tall glass of some drink and five shot glasses.

After the shot glasses are poured and slid over to everyone is when Jacob speaks up.

"Not for me, and not for them," He says, pushing all the shot glasses away from us and moving them to Seth.

The action, though was meant to be a protective one, only made the fire in me grow. Once again, my dad was taking things from my life, even in my twenties.

With my eyes fixed on my dad, and his fixed on me, I grabbed one of the shot glasses and tipped it back. The liquid burned my throat, while also relaxing my body slightly. I didn't even taste it as it went down, leaving the alcohol to still be a mystery to me.

I flip the glass upside down on the table as I stare down my dad. Seth looks at me with a wide smile, nodding in approval before downing one himself.

"Dad, can we?" Scott asked our father.

Without even looking at Scott, and keeping eyes with me, Jacob says, "Absolutely not."

"Aw, come on, pops. We're a band of brothers now. Crossed the desert. Didn't even need Omar Sharif," Seth said with a smile as he throws his arm around my chair.

Jacob glares at Seth, "As I recall, he killed a man for drinking out of the wrong well."

"Yep. I love that scene," He said with a wide smile, glancing over at me.

My dad's face didn't change from his glare, seeming to grow more annoyed and frustrated. "We're not your brothers. We're not your family. We're your prisoners."

I watched as Seth's face dropped slightly, looking slightly angry. In a warning voice, I quickly said, "Dad, don't."

"It's all right, Kitty Kat," Seth said with a small smile, glancing over at me before gesturing towards my dad. "You see, papa bears grumble. That's what papa bears do."

"You think you're in control 'cause you got the keys? Think you're on top of the world. But you're not. You're on the bottom. And you're scared," Jacob said, making me sigh and roll my eyes.

This man doesn't know when to shut up.

Seth leaned towards my dad, putting both of his arms on the table, "And you think you're better than me? You too good to have a drink with a common thief? Is that it? Now, like it or not, we are a family A broken, messed up, sad excuse for a family. But, God damn it, we got love for each other, don't we? Love and forgiveness. That's how you get through the day, right?"

Moving his attention from my dad and over to my little sister, Seth said, "So, here goes, sis. I left some bodies on the ground back in Kansas. Now, no doubt they were good men and true, but they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they stood between me and my freedom. So I did what I had to do. I did what anybody would do. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

Kate looked nervous, almost scared as she side glanced over at her dad, me, then Seth.

"Yes," She stuttered.

"Yes, what?" Seth asked her.

"I forgive you," She said, letting out a sigh as if she was relieved for the words to end.

Seth lightly hit the table, "Bingo! Good job." He turned to me, pointing at me as he said, "Now you" like I knew what he meant.

I shrugged, confused, "Now me, what?"

Nodding, Seth gestured to me, "Confess. You must have done something real, real bad, right?" He gestured towards my dad, looking between the both of us. "Something real, real bad that papa bear here never, ever dreamed of, not even in his late-night cable- TV, soft-core dreams, I bet?"

I stared at Seth, searching my mind for the answer he'd want. Finding something, I rolled my eyes and sighed, speaking confidently. "I'm the "walk out daughter", everything I do is a disappointment anyways." My head turned to my dad who had a straight face, his mouth not opening to object or deny.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom," I said as I pushed my chair out, standing up and leaving the table.

My feet carried me around the club as my eyes searched for a bathroom, finding one in the corner of the place. I pushed past the sweaty bodies and talking couples before finally reaching the bathroom.

When I pushed the door open, I was relieved to find it empty. I need some personal space away from my dad... and my family.

I finished going to the bathroom, washing my hands, before taking a deep breath. Once I had composed myself together somewhat and the fuming anger inside of me had subsided, I head back out to the crowd.

Despite there being alcohol at the table, I needed something to drink. I didn't want anything that would get me wasted, just something to relax me some.

I pushed back through the crowd of people, towards the open bar. The second I reached it, I sat my hands on the counter and whistled towards the bar tender. It caught his attention instantly and he walked over with a stern expression. Clearly this guy didn't smile a whole lot.

"You whistled?" The bar tender said with an annoyed voice.

"I'd like a beer, any kind works," I said. The bar tender rolled his eyes and he turned, grabbing a bottle of beer out of a small fridge before sliding it over to me. I nodded, taking the bottle and tipping it to my lips.

My body turned, my eyes scanning the crowd to find Seth walking towards the club entrance. He pushed open the door, revealing that it had hit night, before letting it close behind him.

Curiosity gets the better of me, releasing a sigh. I take one last swig of my drink before setting it back on the counter. Quickly, I fast walked through the crowd and through the door. The second the nice, warm air hit my skin my feet paused before slowing down.

My shoes patted against the sand, my eyes looking around for any sign of Seth. I don't know why I was looking for Seth, or why I even decided to come out here, but it was like my body took control before I did.

The way my body seems to be taking over before my mind is starting to really annoy me. It's like I have no control anymore.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a man talking, his voice sounding familiar.

I took a few more steps, rounding a corner to the side of the club to find a sight I never thought I'd see. The guy from back at the entrance was standing in front of at least seven of his men who were circled around a chained up Seth. Chains were wrapped around his arms, some of the men pulling and stretching him some which released a yell of pain. His face was bloody, beat up.

My eyes move quickly, spotting a gun leading against one of the bikes.

"Now, I'm gonna do something for you and give you something that your mama never did, and that's a choice. Gutted like a puerquito or maybe just quick surgery at the joints, huh?"

Quickly, I pointed the gun at the cowboy hat man, speaking up with a determined and confident voice. "How about a bullet to the head?"

The cowboy hat man turned around, smiling wider when he saw who was talking. His eyes moved to the gun for only a second before returning to me. "Oh, cherry pie is a sour one."

"Let him go, right now," I said, nodding to Seth.

"Or what? You gonna shoot me?" The man asked, clearly not believing I'd do it.

Surprising everyone outside, and even myself slightly, I pulled the trigger, hitting the man's shoulder. He yelled out in pain, grabbing his shoulder as he stumbles back, and landing on his knees. A yell of pain leaves him, stopping the men from pulling on Seth's chains.

Quickly I aimed the gun at the cowboy hat wearing man's head. "Next one goes in your head." No one moves, causing my eyes to move towards the group of men. "Let him go or your little friend here gets a wakeup call. Pull him again and you all party together in the afterlife together."

The man glared at me, his hand still holding onto his shoulder. He yells something out in Spanish, causing the guys to let the chains go. They undo the chains, get on their bikes, and race off.

Once everyone was long gone, I sat down the gun and rushed over to a hunched back Seth who was kneeling on the ground in pain. I look his face over, noticing the gash on his forehead. I slip his arm over my shoulder, hoisting him up before we stumbled back inside.

To my surprise, no one seemed to notice a women helping a half-beat-up man towards a table.

I found an empty table towards the side corner, leading us towards it. Seth grabbed the chair, releasing his arm from me as he sat in it. He let out a small groan while I took the seat across from him.

A waitress walks by with a tray full of napkins and a tall bottle of tequila. I quickly swipe the items before the waitress notices, noticing Seth watching my every move.

"Why did you help me back there?" Seth asked as I got to work on his gash. He hissed slightly in pain, pulling away only to return to the napkin.

"Two reasons. One, if your brother found out I let you die, my family and I wouldn't be getting back on that RV again." My eyes never met his, to focused on his gash.

"And the second?" Seth asked, pulling my attention from his gash towards him. I pause, knowing what I wanted to say but also knowing I could never say it out loud. So, I covered it up.

"I really wanted to put a bullet in that guy."

Seth chuckles lightly as my eyes return to the wound. I can feel his eyes on mine, watching as I finished up with his wound. Once done, I sat the bloody napkins down, moving the tall bottle of alcohol to the side, out of my way. Soon, I find my eyes draw their way to Seth's, both of us just staring into each other like it was a familiar place. Like it was safe.

"Who are you?" Seth whispers out.

I pause, unsure of he was really looking for an answer or just making a questionable comment. Either way, I decide to answer it, "Right now? The girl who just saved your life."

Neither one of us had time to make a comment, blink an eye, or even release a breath that we might be holding. A tall man, dressed in a nice suit, walked up to us, causing us to look towards him.

"You're a long way from Kansas City, Mr. Gecko."

Seth looks at the man curiously, clearly not knowing who he was or how he knew his name. Noticing this, I realized that this wasn't my conversation or place to be at the moment. "I'll give you guys a minute," I said, standing up and leaving my chair that was now being taken over by the business man.

I could feel Seth's eyes watch me go, making me hold my breath as I walked. Once I didn't feel it anymore, I released it, seeming to find myself back in reality.

To say things were strange since I've met the Gecko brothers would be an understatement. Not only were things strange but confusing. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, I kept finding myself right next to them.

Plus, my dad is only making everything worst, only adding fuel to the confusing fire that seems to spark up in my body.

As much as I don't want to head back to the table, where Scott, Kate, and my dad are most likely at, I don't want to just stand around here looking like a lost puppy. That, and I can already tell someone stole my drink and spot at the bar.


I start to head in the direction of my table when I spot Kate walking around, looking like a lost puppy. If I've learned anything moving away from my dad, it's that places like these will eat lost puppies up and spit them out.

That was not going to be my sister.

I quickly pushed through the crowd, grabbing my sister's attention with my voice as I walked up to her. "Kate, what are you doing? You're supposed to stay by dad."

"I had to use the bathroom. Besides, it's not like you're staying close by," She said, gesturing towards me with her hand. Her attitude was clear as day since the moment I arrived towards me, making me wonder why she even texted me in the first place.

"Okay, that's enough. Now I don't know what lies dad has told you, but whatever you have to say, you say it. Now."

I stare at Kate who just stares back at me. She's silent, making it clear that she isn't going to say anything towards me. True or not.

Turning around, I shake my head and start to head back into the crowd. But my little sister's voice stops me, seeming to find its words. "You left us. You walked out on me, on our family. And you thought a few calls and texts would fix it?"

I turn around, see the hurt and betrayal in her eyes as she stared at me. She was on the verge of being angry, but was doing her Christian-like ways and holding it in.

"Listen Kate, I didn't just walk out. I didn't just leave you, dad-" I started, trying to calm my voice. She was young, she didn't understand.

"You keep blaming dad and dad keeps blaming you. When does it stop?" Kate almost begged, seeming to grow tired of the continuous cycle.

She wanted and answer, so I gave her one, whether she liked it or not. "When dad apologies for taking my childhood away from me. When he apologies for calling me up, drunk, to bring him home and cover for him. When he apologies for letting me get beat up at school and not doing a thing about it." Kate's face dropped in surprise. "When he apologies for that, then I'll stop blaming him."

Ad if my words were the cut to the rope, everyone started to grow quiet as the music faded. My head looked around, noticing everyone returning to their seats.

"Come on," I said, moving next to Kate who now had dropped her surprised face. I lead her back to our table where Scott and Jacob are still seated.

Kate and I take our regular spots; seconds later Richie and Seth join us. Seth takes the seat next to me while Richie grabs another chair and sits next to him.

A man takes the stage, a light landing right on him. He holds a smile as he holds a microphone to his lips. "Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. Please take your seats. Welcome to the Titty Twister. We have a special performance, for tonight. It's a very, very special night. Please welcome, the mistress of the macabre. The queen of the night, Santanico Pandemonium."

One of the curtains that hung up on stage dropped to the floor, revealing another half-naked women. Only this women was nothing like the others. She seemed to be the definition of beauty. The way her body moved as a snake laid across her shoulders was hypnotizing.

"She's real," Richie said, grabbing Seth and I's attention. He stared at the women with a shocked expression, the words leaving his mouth again. "She's real."

So a bit shorter of a chapter but some awesome moments! My favorite to write was defiantly the scene where Katherine saves Seth. It already foreshadows them and reveals how bad-ass Katherine can be.

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