You'll Never Be Alone

By Ziehmer28

13.4K 293 29

"But you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn, Baby... More

Part 1
One Thing After Another
The Girl Who Saved Seth Gecko
The Show
The Hunt
The Labyrinth
A Way Out
Part 2
Getting By
Sober Up
Win The Family, Get The Man
Taking Over
Dinner With The Snakes
Uncle Eddie's Final Case
The Greely Case
Getting What We Deserve
Getting My Revenge


1.6K 32 4
By Ziehmer28


My fingers tapped anxiously on the steering wheel as I looked at an old Motel, it's paint chipping off the sides.

This place had bad written all over it.

I still don't know why I'm here. Oh, yeah, my sister called me in a panic, telling me that dad was drunk and that he was taking them to Mexico. Why? I have no clue, but my family needs me. Even if they don't want me.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I grabbed the backpack I had filled with clothes and bathroom supplies off the passenger seat and stepped out of my car. The warm breeze crushed my bare legs and arms, pushing my hair out of my face.

Quickly pulling out my phone, I double checked Kate's texted which held the address and room number. Sadly, this was the place.

Boy, was dad going to get a wake-up call when he see's me.

Let me touch up on my background with my family. I was all for the "church every Sunday" and "saying a prayer before bed". But what I didn't like was the fact that every time I had a problem, all I was told was to pray about it. I wanted answers, real answers, not just "pray about it and God with answer" crap.

So, after 20 years of it, I finally left. It was this big blow up fight between my dad and me, after my mom's funeral. With just a bag backed, I walked out of my family's life and into another filled with things that I wanted to do.

I've talked to Kate and our adopted brother Scott on the phone every now and then, but dad? He doesn't want to talk.

A sigh left my lips before I kicked my feet into gear, my heart racing with every step. I followed the steps up to the second floor, making my way down the open hallway until I saw the number 206.

My eyes closed as I sucked in a breath, my knuckles knocking on the door so lightly that I wondered if anyone would even hear me. Sure enough, the door opened, revealing my dad.

His hair was gray, longer than before. His eyes were half bloodshot and he looked like he had just gotten over a hangover.

I knew that my dad was a heavy drinker, because I've suffered from it. But, for the benefit of the family, I said nothing.

"Hello, dad," I said, giving him a fake smile that was clear as day. I nodded to the doorway, "Aren't you going to let me in?"

"Katherine," my name slipped off his tongue in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

Kate's voice pipped in behind her father's, causing me to get a good look at the room and Scott who was standing up from the bed with a dropped mouth. "I called her, asked her to come so she could take us back."

My dad's head turned to Kate in shock before turning back to me. He took a step to the side, letting me walk in. Scott hadn't changed much while Kate's hair had grown and she looked to be tired of our dad's crap.

Been there, done that.

The room, like the motel, was a piece of crap with one bed and a bathroom. Even the TV looked like it was missing some buttons and probable wouldn't even turn on.

"I'm sorry that Kate made you drive all this way out here, but we're doing fine," My dad said while rubbing the back of his neck and closing the door.

I scuffed, letting my bag fall to the ground by my feet, "Yeah. I've heard that before."

Kate rolled her eyes, grabbing a towel which revealed that she was wearing a swimsuit. "I'm going to go swimming," She said, starting to head towards the door.

"Good idea, Scott why don't you join your sister," I said, my eyes never leaving our father's. I swear, if looks could kill, I would have dropped dead right that second from his.

"But I don't want to go swimming," Scott said, making my head quickly turn to him. He must have gotten the hint because he let out a sigh, grabbed a bag, and turned to go into the bathroom, "I'll take a shower I guess."


I waited until Kate and Scott were out of earshot before I let out a sigh and sat my butt in one of the seats. Dad, or Jacob, sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me as if waiting for me to make the first move. Knowing he wouldn't, I spoke. "So, want to explain to me why you grabbed my siblings and took them towards Mexico? Or am I just supposed to take this as a hint that you don't want me near you?"

"That's our business. I'm not the one who walked out on this family," Jacob said, getting angry.

"I didn't walk out, you pushed me out," I yelled, pausing to quiet my voice. "I came to you multiple times, crying, begging you to do something and all you ever said to me was "pray to God" and other crap. Well, I did, and you know where it got me? Beat up multiple times in the office. Having no friends, no life, no freedom even after I turned 18. And nothing but a drunk dad to cover for. You did nothing for me but make things worst. You took my childhood away from me and then didn't give two shits when I walked out."

As if ignoring every other word I said, Jacob said, "Hey! Watch your mouth."

I couldn't help but shake my head and roll my eyes as I leaned back into the chair. This was ridiculous trying to get through this man. All I was called here to do was to get Kate and Scott and bring them back. But, from the way Scott was, he didn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

And Kate would never leave her brother.

As if on cue, the bathroom door opened, revealing an almost dried Scott. He looked slightly nervous, as if he heard every word that had left our mouths. Which I hoped he hadn't.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, making Jacob stand and look over at Scott. "Did you order a pizza?" Scott shook his head, looking confused.

Jacob stood up, making his way over to the door before swinging it opened to reveal a tall man with glasses, dressed in a perfectly pressed suit. He reminded me of someone who would be going to a fancy party at some fancy mansion. One defiantly not found here.

"Hi. You know, we're actually in the room just below you. Do you think you could keep the noise level down a little bit?" The man asked, smiling slightly as if trying to break the news to him without hurting his feelings.

Looking confused, dad asked, "What's that, now?"

Suddenly, there was a hard thud, making my feet immediately pull me up to find Jacob stumbling back onto the bed. Another man, dressed in a suit as well but looking much hotter, stepped in. "The man said shut your mouth."

The man with glasses quickly aimed his gun at Scott, causing me to hold my breath. He must have got me in the corner of his eye because he quickly moved the gun to point at me, seeming to see me as more of a threat.

At first glance, it was hard to tell who these guys could be, but the radio from the car made my mind pick up. I heard about these guys, they're robbers, not usually killers unless you get in their way.

Seth and Richie Gecko.

The one with glasses, Richie, grabbed my dad and yanked him up to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

At the removal of one gun, another one takes it's spot, this ones Seth.

"Why don't you take a seat," Seth motioned to the chair I was sitting in before with a fake smile. I caught sight of Richie pointing the gun at Scott, motioning for him to take the seat next to dad on the bed.

My hands turned to fists and the thought of throwing a punch at this guy came to mind. But I'm not stupid.

I slowly sit back in the chair while Seth moves to close the blinds, leaving it up just a crack to get a good view of the outside world.

Seth must have seen that I wasn't going to do much of anything at the moment and turned to my dad and Scott. He was in front of me but kept me in eye shot of view, seeming to wait for a movement of some sorts.

Already, these two could be red like a book. Richie seemed to be a lot more on edge, most likely the youngest wanting to take charge but always falling behind his brother's shadow. He was one who could probable get trigger happy if you weren't careful.

Seth was defiantly one in charge, seeming to hold the tougher stance and built. He was one that would catch your eye, sleep with you, and then bail the next morning with your money. But, he seemed to be more thoughtful in a sense that he wasn't going to just shoot us and leave with our RV and money. He had something cooking up in his brain and was just waiting for the pieces to fall into place.

Nodding to Scott, Seth asked, "So, what's with the Asian kid? Trick-or-treat for UNICEF?"

"He's my son," Jacob said, sounding hurt by Seth's comment. Even a dumb person would take a lucky guess that this man wasn't some sort of "save the day" hero.

Seth raised an eyebrow, "Really? Well, where's mom?"

"It's just me, the girl, and the boy," Dad said, nodding to me before focusing back on Seth and the gun that was still slightly pointed at him.

Richie seemed to grow board of the conversation and took a step into the bathroom, looking it over as if to see if this was it.

"What about that girl? She was driving the RV, remember?"

Crap. Kate. There's no way I'm going to let her get pulled into this. She was by the pool and mad at dad, meaning there was no way she'd come up anytime soon. If anything, she'd probable swim, hang out by the pool, and maybe roam around just so she didn't have to face her dad.

"That was me," I chirped out, seeming to draw Seth's attention towards me. He seemed to smirk slightly, his body slightly turning towards me. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to call horse shit on that one. I know who I saw, and she wasn't you."

I don't know if I should take that as a compliment, insult, or comment. Either way, my plan of taking the attention away from Kate failed when Richie spoke up from the bathroom.

"Seth." He holds up a small bra, nodding to me as he spoke. "Looks a little small to be her's."

Uncontrollable, my body shifts uncomfortable in my chair, not happy that I was so far away from him.

Turning back to Jacob, Seth asks simple, "Where is she?"

"She went for a grocery run for the motor home. She won't be back for hours."

It was strange how even in a situation like this, my dad's voice could still sound more annoying than anything. Part of me was ready just to stand up and say, "Tape his mouth shut before you leave us here so I don't have to hear him".

Of course, I didn't.

"He's lying," Richie said, dropping my sister's bra.

Seth nodded to my dad's pocket, "Call her."

At first, Jacob didn't move, causing Seth to quickly raise his gun at him. Never leaving Seth's eyes, my dad pulled out his phone, dialing my sister's number before calling her.

I pray that she doesn't answer and am surprised when my prayers are answered and she doesn't, causing Jacob to let out a sigh. He closes his phone before looking at Seth, "She's not answering."

So far, so good.

"She put this on before she left," Richie says as he walks out of the bathroom, holding some sun screen.

Damn it Richie!

"That's mine," I quickly said, grabbing both boys attention. "I was going to go swimming." To no surprise, neither one believes me.

Seth turns back towards my dad, "She's probably at the pool. I'll go get her." He turns to go towards the door only to freeze in his tracks, looking slightly out of it for a second before turning to Richie. "Actually, you go get her, Richie. You spent enough time in hotels today."

Richie rolls his eyes, making me wonder what the heck that meant. As he go's to leave, I notice Seth stop his younger brother. "Hey. I need you to just go find her, and you bring her back here, okay? Don't talk to her. Don't touch her. Let's get on the clock. 10:00 on the Timex."

What did he just say? If he touches my little sister...

"I've got this under control," Richie says before opening the Motel room door and leaving.

"I swear to god if your brother touches her, you'll be leaving with a bullet instead of a gun," I comment, my teeth gritting at the thought. That was supposed to stay in my head, but... woops.

Seth turned to me, keeping his gun aimless in his hand. But I could already tell with one wrong move and he'd have it up faster than you could say "crap".

"Oh, would you look at that. Someone's trying to be the hero today," He said with a smirk, seeming to enjoy my little outburst.

"Better than being the villain," I shot back, my body not moving nor my annoyed and angry face.

One thing that I got from my aunt was her wild mouth, making me wonder if it skipped a generation with my dad.

"Katherine," Jacob tried to stop me, but it was too late. I was already coming up with come backs for everything he was about to say, meaning that this would end with me winning or lying on the floor dead.

Seth glances back at Jacob before fully turning to me, smirking as he takes a couple of steps closer to me. "So, your names Katherine. My names-"

I cut him off. "Gecko, Seth and Richie Gecko. The famous brothers that rob banks and run away. I heard about that bank you robbed in Abilene. Must not have gone as plain for you to end up here."

"Katherine! Enough!" My dad yelled, but my eyes didn't even blink his way.

Seth's smirk dropped, seeming less amused and more amazed. But as quickly as his amazed expression landed, it was swiped away with his words. "Well, you just got it all figured out don't you?"

Jacob quickly stands, making Seth quickly turn towards him, his hand already at the ready to raise his gun. "I can see you're moving south, means you're going to Mexico. That's what you need us for, isn't it? You're gonna use us to cross. We're your cover."

Seth smirked with amusement, "You're a smart man. You ever do any acting?"

Jacob seems confused by Seth's question, almost scared to answer it. None the less, he does, finding no way to not answer it, "Once, a long time ago."

"Well, who'd you play?"


"Joseph who?"

I chipped in from my seat behind Seth, "He means from the Bible."

Seth nods, clearly hearing me but never leaving eye contact with my dad. "Joseph. Interesting guy?"

"He could see the future."

Seth nods, "Sounds handy. Now, did they teach you anything about acting?"

Jacob shakes his head, seeming to match us with a confused and uncertain look. "Uh, what's the point?"

As the oldest Gecko talks, he waves the gun around, almost in a dramatic way. "You see, in my line, you're always a performer. You understand? Now, I like actors. I study them. Pacino, McQueen, Brando. They got a way of looking believable."

I almost jump when Seth whips the gun up, pointing it at Jacob with a straight face. "You believe me?" Jacob doesn't respond, but instead slowly nods his head.

Seth continues, "Now, the first rule of good acting is to listen to what the other actors are saying. Are you listening to me? I'm gonna need you to brush up on your drama skills. Because you're gonna have to get better, a lot better, fast. Unless, of course, you wouldn't mind having your daughter play the main role." His head nods over to me, "She seems to know how to act."

I'm slightly surprised that I'm even thought of, let alone mentioned in any of Seth's conversation.

My dad answers quickly, almost making me think he really does care for me, "No."

"Well then, we're all booked for a one-time-only performance of "you do whatever the hell I say." I'm the lead, you, your daughters, and your little adopted boy here are supporting. Now, if you kill it..." Seth pulls the gun away, "...We're all gonna get Tonys." He turns his head to look at me, "Now, you want a Tony, don't you?"

I don't answer or nod my head, but somehow my silence seems to be enough for him because he turns back to Jacob.

Jacob, who looks at Seth as if he's grown two heads, says, "Your plan won't work. I won't let you take my children."

"Well, it's not gonna work with one creepy old dude, so guess what, we're bringing the whole clan. So sit down," Seth nods to the bed with his gun, aiming it at him when he doesn't move within three seconds. At first, Jacob doesn't seemed fazed and just stares at Seth. Eventually, he gives in and sits down, looking straight ahead in deep thought.

Seth nods before turning towards the window, peeking out the small opening. His eyes flash left to right multiple times, probable keeping an eye out for his brother.

I can't help but watch Seth like he's some sort of captivating piece of art. Maybe it's his built, his strong attitude, or even his eyes, but whatever it is, it's drawing me in like a moth to a flame.

I only hope I won't end up dead.

"It's judgment," Jacob says, drawing my attention to him. For a minute there, I don't even process what he says. Clearly I'm not the only one because Seth glances over at Jacob and says, "What's that?"

Jacob looks up at Seth, "You're judgment. You're here to bring his judgment down on me."

Letting out a loud sigh and sitting back more into the chair, I can't help my eyes as they close and my head shakes. "Oh, not this shit again."

Seth looks over at me, gesturing with his gun over to Jacob, "What's he talking about?"

Before I can answer, Jacob speaks up, making Scott look at him in a similar way Jacob looked at Seth before. "My children have paid the price for my actions. I'm the one that deserves this, not them. I'll come with you willingly. Please don't make them suffer for what I've done."

My elbow rests on the arm rest as my hand covers my forehead. I can't help the words that slip out, but luckily I'm able to control the volume of it, turning it into a mumble. "That's not what you thought before."

Seth must have heard me, because he glances over at me. I'm sure I'll hear a comment or some other spoke words from my dad, but neither happens. Instead, the door to the Motel room opens, revealing Kate who has her towel wrapped around her.

Immediately, I drop my hand and sit up straight, my attention fully on her. To no surprise, Jacob notices her as well and uses the few seconds he has to yell towards her, "Kate, run!"

Unlike me, she wastes no time listening to her father and turns to run only to bump into the suited chest of Richie. He smiles down at her as she takes one step back, looking up at him surprised. "Was it something I said?" Richie asked, taking a couple of steps forward into the room which causes Kate to stumble back.

The door to the room closes behind Richie and I'm sure that this is it for us.

I'm grateful when Seth let's Kate change in the bathroom, making me relieved that she won't be sitting half-naked in a room full of men. Minus me of course.

"Time's up, princess," Seth says with a knock on the bathroom door.

Quickly, Kate opens the door, giving Seth a small glance before walking past him and over to our dad and brother. She sits next to Jacob, looking nervous as she lays her hands in her lap.

Richie, for whatever reason, must not trust me because as he's standing before all of us, his gun is aimed right at me. I move uncomfortable in my seat, unsure of what could happen next.

Seth begins explaining his plans for us. "Okay, ramblers, let's get ramblin'. Now, we can't all go marching past the lobby all at once. It's gonna be a very guilty-looking parade. So here's how we're gonna do it." He points to Jacob, "You're gonna go first, alone. You're gonna get into the motor home, you're gonna start her up, you're gonna bring her around front, and then you're gonna wait." Seth points to Kate and Scott, "Five minutes after that, Richie and the young boy and girl wonder are gonna go down with our bags." Seth gestures to me. "Five minutes after that, me and Kat here, are gonna go down. Everyone should have their hero switch in the "off" position."

It's no surprise that Seth glances back at me, before facing everyone else again and continuing, "I make the plan. Everybody executes it, or I execute you. Simple as "Sesame Street.""

No one makes a comment or argues with Seth on his plan. Instead, it's like a switch went off and everyone started to get to work. Kate and Scott began packing up everything of theirs while my bag still sat by the chair.

I'm not sure what to do with Richie's gun still aimed at me so I just sit and watch everyone.

"Richie, put the dang gun down, will ya. She ain't going anywhere," Seth says, seeming almost annoyed at his brother. I watch as Richie stares at his brother for a few seconds before lowering the gun.

I can't help but let out a breath of relief.

Jacob suddenly stands and takes two steps over to Seth who immediately seems on guard by the action.

"If I'm going first, I want to talk to my kids before I leave."

"That's a lovely sentiment. No dice," Seth says, not taking whatever bait Jacob was trying to offer.

It sounds crazy, but I quickly realized throughout this situation that Seth didn't seem to like my dad. But me? Maybe he's found my smart comment enjoyable enough to let me talk to them.

Without thinking, I stand up, grabbing Richie and Seth's attention. "Let me. You can listen to every word if you want too. Besides, we'll have a greater chance of success if they're calm and focused."

Seth sighs, looking at Scott and Kate for a second before looking back at me, "All right. One minute."

I start to make my way over to the bed where Kate and Scott are packing their bags. They watch me as they pack, but my attention is drawn away when Jacob stops me by grabbing my arm.

"Listen to me Katherine, you need to try-" He starts to whisper, but I cut him off with a harsh whisper bag.

"Don't tell me what to do. You took my childhood away from me, my freedom, remember? Don't think for a second you're taking my life away too." With my dad's dropped mouth in my rearview, I ripped my arm away and continued towards my siblings.

Once I was set in front of them, Scott and Kate's attention turned to me nervously.

"Okay, I need you both to listen to me. You guys are going to do everything that they tell you too. They say jump, you jump, got it?"

Scott's voice comes out low but sharp as he glances at the Gecko brothers talking by the window. "We could take them, it's four against two."

My voice is low as well but sharper, "No, we can't, and don't you dare try anything either. Right now, we need to stick together, as a family. Got it?"

Scott seems almost angry by my comment and glares at me. "You never were a part of this family. Why start now?" Without another word, he turns and finishes packing. My eyes look to Kate who seems almost hurt by her brother's comment towards her big sister.

I'd be lying if I said that comment didn't hurt me.

"Okay. Family meeting's adjourned. Let's go, pops," Seth says, causing me to stand up and face Seth and my dad.

For a split second, as my dad grabs a bag and walks towards the door, I notice his eyes move to me. He seems hopeful yet fearful. I can feel his faith in me slip as he leaves the room, his two youngest kids left to be in the hands of two robbers and an older sister who "walked out".

I'm left standing in the room for a few second before Scott and Kate push by me to set the bags by Richie where a bag of his sits. Deciding that I'll be here for a while, I move back to my chair and grab my bag, laying it on my lap.

Kate and Scott move towards the door, Richie in between them as they wait. Seth moves behind me, watching out the window as the clocks seems to tick by slowly.

Finally, Seth's voice speaks up behind me, his feet carry him away, "Okay, kids. Showtime."

Seth moves towards the door, opening it to release Kate, Scott, and Richie before closing it behind them. My heart skips a beat once the door is closed, my siblings now left to fend for themselves.

The room is quiet as Seth moves back towards the window, this time standing across from me. His eyes watch for a good minute, making me wonder if he's seen something. It's then that I catch his eyes drift over to me, trying to dart away only to return.

I'm ready to yell at him and ask why he was staring, but he seems to answer it with his own question. "Didn't sound like you and your dad get along very well. What? Did he not approve of a boyfriend or something?"

To my surprise, I answer honestly. "No, more like took my childhood away from me." Seth's eyes full land on me, seeming to hold something that I can't read yet. "He messed up a lot, had me there to cover for him. Finally I got tired of his crap and left. This is the first time we've seen each other in over a year." I pause for a second, seeming to find the answer to my own question.

What was in Seth's eyes as he listened? Relate.

I quickly cover up my look with a smart ass comment, "Still think I was your best choice to stay here?" Seth doesn't answer, his eyes still fixed on me.

I lay my crossed arms on my bag as I turn my head to look out the window, no one in sight all this time. It makes me wonder how long has passed since Kate, Scott, and Richie left.

"Okay, it time," Seth says, seeming to hold the gun tighter in his hand. "Hey, look at me," Seth orders, but it comes out softer then I think he planned, making me listen. "You do what I tell you when I tell you, and you'll get out of this without any bumps or scrapes. Simple and easy. Okay?"

My face is straight as I answer with two childish words, "Okie Dokie."

Standing up, I slip my bag over my shoulders before walking over to Seth. He sucks in a breath as he whispers, "All right, here goes nothing," before opening the door. He seems to trust me enough to walk out onto the open hallway alone while he prepares to grab the door to close it.

As I leave the motel room, my head turns to the left, noticing someone standing there. His badge and clothes that say "Ranger Garcia" stand out to me first. The Ranger's eyes move in confusion when he meets my eyes. At first, I'm hoping Seth has noticed before leaving and slipped back into the room.

He didn't.

His body almost bumps into mine as he leaves the Motel room. He catches my stare and looked to his left to see the Ranger as well. In seconds, Ranger Garcia has his gun drawn and ready to aim at Seth.

But Seth moves just as quickly, seeming to wrap his arm around my upper half, just above my boobs. With his gun loaded hand, he's quick to raise it and fire off a few shots. Both his and Ranger Garcia's missing each other.

Ranger Garcia moves behind one of the poles to block Seth's bullets, giving Seth the perfect time to whip us both around to run the other way.

Another fail.

Two more deputies are already at the other end, their guns aimed and firing at us. Seth fires off a few shots, throwing me back towards the door. I quickly open it, slipping in with Seth hot on my tale. The door slams shut behind us and Seth leans against it for a second as we both try to catch our breath.

The gunshots continue, only this time moving from outside to the rooms near us. My eyes meet Seth who looks annoyed and groans. He reaches out, grabs my arm, and pulls me behind him so my body is pressed between his and the main door.

Seth points his gun at the connected door that connected us to the room next to us. We wait, both of us seeming to hold our breaths as the door handle flies off and the door opens.

Before we even fully see the face, Richie's voice speaks up calmly, "You having fun, brother?"

Both Seth and I let out a breath of relief as Seth lowers his gun.

"Jesus Christ, Richie. You know, a little "hey, it's me" before you fling the friggin' door open would go a long way in keeping you alive."

I moved the RV around back," Richie said as Seth and I move out of the small space behind the door. Seth's head whips up to look at Richie, "You what?"

"I told you we had to. Look, we got to get out of here before ranger Ricardo makes his way in," Richie said, sighing slightly as if annoyed of his doubting brother. I mean, I'm all for thinking Richie is crazy but somehow, he seemed to be the smartest one right now.

Suddenly, there's gunshots heard from the other connected room. Our eyes move to the door that is directly in front of us for only a second before our legs move. Seth grabs me the same way he did before as him and Richie slip out the main door. The first thing I spot is the dead two deputies lying on the ground.

Seth keeps his grip tight, but loose enough to run as we race down the open hallway. Ranger Garcia, at some point, must have slipped out of the room and out to the open hallway.

Bullets fly past us as we quickly turn the corner. At the last second, another gunshot is heard and Seth let's go of me. My body stumbles towards Richie, stopping to look back at Seth who is holding his shoulder.

"Go! Go!" Seth yells to Richie and me.

Richie grabs my arm, yanking me away from a firing Seth and over to another open hallway. We race towards the back of the building where the RV is parked perfectly out of sight. In some cases, it almost looks like it's a part of the Motel instead of next to it.

We race down some stairs and over to the RV where Richie swings it open. He roughly pushes me inside, my feet catching me before I land on the couch.

I notice Jacob in the driver seat, ready to drive while Scott and Kate are planted on the couch in front of me. They all meet my eyes, all probable wonder what the heck was going on, but no one saying a word.

Just as Richie closes the door, there's a loud thud on the roof of the RV.

"Drive," Richie ordered, moving towards my dad with a pointed gun. My dad slams on the gas petal, pushing the RV forward in a rough but quick motion.

Before I know what I'm doing, before my brain even tells me what I'm doing, I'm jogging towards the back of the RV. My body moves behind the small table just as quickly as my hands reach the lock on the large back window. I quickly unlock it, pushing it open just as Seth slips in.

The window slams shut, causing both Seth and I to collapse on the large, circle like couch. Seth and I are breathing heavily, both of us looking at each other. I run my fingers through my hair, tossing it out of my face as I say to Seth.

"Simple and easy, huh?"

So, I started watching From Dusk Till Dawn and love it! Seth is defiantly my favorite! I decided to do a Fan Fiction the show. 

Each chapter with be an episode so they will be long. Pay attention to the little things with Seth and Katherine, you'll catch more cute moments.

Hope you like it. Please comment and vote!

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