I Know Your Heart

By wintermocha

17.6K 532 184

Drv3 AU where everyone has there own superpower (may or may not be related to their original talents). There... More

Characters' superpowers
An Early Encounter
Watching You
A Feast
Beginner Chefs
Soft...But Deadly
2nd Semester
Hidden Love (Christmas Special)
First Challenge
Basic Assessments
A Clinic Visit So Soon?!
One Hell of A Training
Games and Punishments
A Genius Strategy
Brains Over Guts
Lose Together, Get Punished Together
Lovers' Conflict
A New Love and A New Training Regimen
Ready For Round Two?

Midterms: Day 1

889 24 2
By wintermocha

After everyone proceeded to their assigned rooms/areas, an announcement from Monokuma came up on the TV screens. "Hello again! Just a few more reminders to add for you guys: If you finish early, you are prohibited from entering other areas of the school except the restrooms and library, only during recess you may enter other areas. Your first test will be about Literature and Grammar and will last for 1 hour. After that, you will have recess for 40 minutes before proceeding to the next test. Now, the Kubs and I will be distributing the test papers to you and you must wait for our signal to start or else you will automatically get a 0 for that test. That's all, I'll be back again for the go signal in a few minutes." the screen then switched off. After around 5 minutes, the screens switched back on. "Wow, that was tiring...! Well, you may begin now." Monokuma said as he ended his announcement.

After 40 minutes, Kiibo and Ouma went out of their classrooms at the same time. "So we even finish at the same time...?" Kiibo awkwardly said. "Huh? Nope, I waited for you to finish. I just wanted to go out at the same time as you." Ouma replied mischievously. "Wh-what...? How did you know when I would leave...?!" Kiibo asked, very confused. "Nishishi! It's nothing! Just think of this as a coincidence." Ouma teased. "Come on, let's go to the library for now." he added as he started walking there. Kiibo, at a loss for words, just quietly followed behind him.

In the library, Iruma, Shirogane, Harukawa, and Saihara were already there. Ouma and Kiibo went to the farthest corner, got the nearest table, and studied there. After a while, the screens switched on for another announcement from Monokuma. "Times up! Pens down! Thank you for all your efforts in preparing for this test! Please leave your rooms or areas immediately, and recess will begin now. Be back at your rooms by the end of recess, oh, and you are now free to enter the other areas of the school. Dismissed!" the announcement ended just like that. "Alright! Let's go to the dining hall, I'm starving." Ouma said as he got up and started to walk out of the library. Kiibo quickly followed behind, while still reviewing his notes. There, Amami and Gokuhara were eating while also studying. Ouma and Kiibo decided to join them. "Hey guys, can we join you here for a while?" Ouma asked with a genuine smile. "Sure. Go ahead." Amami replied kindly. "Yes! We can study together, then!" Gokuhara said enthusiastically. "Heheh! Thanks!" Ouma said as he and Kiibo sat down.

After about 20 minutes of studying together, Ouma and Kiibo excused themselves from Amami and Gokuhara, and proceeded to their classrooms. "Good luck!" Ouma said to Kiibo. "Thanks. Y-you too." Kiibo replied before they parted ways. A few minutes later, Monokuma started to give reminders, like the previous test. "Hello! Are you all ready for the next test? Yes? No? Well, either way, let's just get this started! So you're next test is Math and will take 1 hour and 40 minutes. Same procedures still apply. Oh, but if you finish early, you may also enter your dorms if you want, since this is the last test for today. Entry to everywhere else will still be prohibited though, except the library and the restrooms. Instead of going to your rooms individually, we taped your papers under your table so that we don't waste time. Just be really careful when removing it, though, hehe, because if it rips badly, we'll give you a spare but your own time will be wasted while you wait for us to give it to you. Pupupu...! Good luck. You may begin!" Monokuma said as he ended the announcement.

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